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13. Октября 2007, 18:33:26
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Bubbles Pbarb2: I dunno, Barb... I am on my old webtv right now and I don't have the castle. But I also don't have the choices to switch styles, here or on my Settings page.

I switched to computer just in time! I don't know how ya deal with the new look on the TV screen. It's SO squished. Everything looks so much better on the computer screen. And I forgot how S L O W this is.. LOL..

Sorry, Barb. You might want to PM Fencer and see if he made some change. My only suggestion right now is to Power off completely and come back and see what happens.

Like I said, on webtv, I'm NOT seeing the castle theme right now. But that could be affected too, by how I have my settings. (Which I can't change all of them right now because with WebTV some settings don't show up since you can't use them)

Time to go back over to the computer! Sorry, I wasn't much help.

13. Октября 2007, 17:44:19
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Vikings: It may not show up on WebTV like that. Give me a few minutes to finish my coffee Barb, and I will hook up my old webtv and see.

13. Октября 2007, 17:43:08
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Bubbles Pbarb2: it's on the same page directly underneath the choices that you mentioned

13. Октября 2007, 17:42:51
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Bubbles Pbarb2:
if you can see them then directly under them is the 3 fonts castle simple no fronts

13. Октября 2007, 17:41:00
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Bubbles Pbarb2: I know Rob knows it all but he is not on.
I can get to the settings page. No problem there.
On top of that page it says this ..
Game filter
Game settings
I have been to all of the and it does not show anything about the layout.

13. Октября 2007, 17:37:16
Субъект: Re:
"Snoopy": you should see towers on either side of your page if you are in the castle layout, snoopys link should take you right to where you need to be, if not, you may have to ask someone that is more experienced in web tv. I know chucz has some experience in web tv

13. Октября 2007, 17:34:09

13. Октября 2007, 17:30:41
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Vikings: I don't even see a castle. I just know I'm on it because in my games it says layout castle. My games are so slow. I can't get half way thru my main page and and it locks up. All I know is I have to get off the castle.

13. Октября 2007, 17:30:05
Субъект: Re:
Bubbles Pbarb2: on every pother page other than your settings page it is in very small fonts

13. Октября 2007, 17:28:30
Субъект: Re:
Bubbles Pbarb2: on the first page of your settings, at the top is says Main Layout and under that it shows you a picture of the three choices that you have, you probable accidentally clicked it on another page by accident while the page was still loading

13. Октября 2007, 17:25:38
Is there something I have checked or unchecked On my settings that shouldn't be?

13. Октября 2007, 17:24:34
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Bubbles Pbarb2: I't possible that web tv cuts off the top of the page, try logging out and looking in the bricks at the top of the castle, click on "no fonts" and then logging back in

13. Октября 2007, 17:22:55
Субъект: Re: Question??????
"Snoopy": All I have is Moderaors.. THen it goes to interviews. Hn there is a Red thing Rss Or R55. That is it.

13. Октября 2007, 17:19:41
Субъект: Re: Question??????
"Snoopy": that's true, in fact, I think it is at the top of every page

13. Октября 2007, 17:17:28
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Bubbles Pbarb2:
its at the very top of most pages on this one its above the brainking.com

13. Октября 2007, 17:15:40
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Bubbles Pbarb2: very top of the page

13. Октября 2007, 17:14:38
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Czuch: Where?? I don't see it.

13. Октября 2007, 17:13:41
it's also on your log in page

13. Октября 2007, 17:12:39
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Bubbles Pbarb2: It has 3 choices, castle simple and no fonts

13. Октября 2007, 17:10:31
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Сделано для Pbarb2 (13. Октября 2007, 17:11:43)
fakar10: I have been there.. but I don't see a place to turn it off. What am I looking for?

13. Октября 2007, 17:04:48
Sylfest Strutle 
Субъект: Re: Question??????
Bubbles Pbarb2: You can choose the layout here: http://brainking.com/en/Settings

13. Октября 2007, 17:03:16
Субъект: Question??????
How can I get off the castle layout? I am on Webtv and can't use it. Somehow I got on it. I need just the regular setting. Thanks

13. Октября 2007, 01:43:45
Сделано для Evásek (13. Октября 2007, 10:40:19)
post redirected to General Chat

12. Октября 2007, 20:46:42
"no question to ridiculous", I'll be the judge of that

12. Октября 2007, 19:52:59
Субъект: Re: thanks Fencer
"Snoopy": When was that ???

12. Октября 2007, 19:43:50
I'll be arranging the questions for Viking's interview this weekend.

So, if you want to ask him anything, just send your questions to me.

No question is too ridiculous, no question will go unused (well, some might but you'll have to send them to me first to know which ones )

Thank you.

12. Октября 2007, 18:41:09
Субъект: Re: thanks Fencer
"Snoopy":  You mean the speed of your connection to the site?

12. Октября 2007, 11:26:57
Субъект: thanks Fencer
speed of site is back to normal

11. Октября 2007, 14:59:20
Субъект: Re: Glitch?
pauloaguia: Good question.. I just checked IE and it doesn't do it in there, it word wraps how it should.. Tho I hate to use that browser
Yes, the 1024 is the very outer edge of the browser with scroll bar.. Must be something that FF cant handle when I force a different width in. Not a huge issue, just wondered if anyone else had experienced it.

11. Октября 2007, 14:44:08
Субъект: Ponds aren't timing out...
I just read an article about how scientists say that time doesn't exist. And now I come to the site and find that time has stopped... just great... makes me wonder if I should be reading any scientific papers before playing my games

11. Октября 2007, 14:41:12
Субъект: Re: Glitch?
Rose: Does it happen in other browsers?
Maybe there's something in the page forcing it to a width over 1024... and when you say 1024, is it the outer size of the window or the size of the inside (that is, including the window frame width and scroll bars or not)

11. Октября 2007, 14:06:01
Субъект: Glitch?
Any one else had this happen?

I have my screen resolution set to 1052x864.. I have my browsers set to 1024x768 ( to view how pages look when I design them)
In my games all my previous messages are missing text off the right edge of the page. If I resize the browser to the full length of the screen the text is all there. I resize it back to 1024 and 4 or 5 words per mine go missing. It doesnt word wrap. Anyone else seen this happen or is it a phenomenon to me only?

11. Октября 2007, 08:25:49
Субъект: Re: Bug?
aaru: Looks like somebody has been trying URL hacks and, of course, BrainKing does not handle all possible situations 100% correctly.

11. Октября 2007, 08:21:22
Субъект: Bug?
Kunoichi's test tournament 1
It's bug?
It's mean that Kunoichi is tournament winner?

11. Октября 2007, 03:07:55
Субъект: Re:
Kunoichi: I know some members alreay do that sort of thing, using test accounts. There is a simple thing to do to avoid the suspect of cheating - only play unrated games.

11. Октября 2007, 02:50:07
Субъект: Re:
Kunoichi:  Seems like these questions should be posed in a private email to Fencer.

11. Октября 2007, 02:48:01
Сделано для Kunoichi (11. Октября 2007, 03:18:43)
---Original post deleted--

Understood. I will ask Fencer then.

10. Октября 2007, 15:32:46
Субъект: Re:
Ronin: Most players who do that have way to many games going for them to handle. So they play only a few every day, usually those that are closer to the deadline.
Seeing that you aggreed on the time limits when you started the game, you really should have no reason to complain.

Nowadays, whenever I create game invitations I set them to 2 or 3 days time per move, so that my opponent will move faster. Some "slower" players will avoid such games, while some others will prefer them to the slower games. Especially if you allow them to take vacation days, which is the default setting anyway. So you really have nothing to loose with trying different time settings.

P.S: try to stick to the board's language. You'll get more replies that way

10. Октября 2007, 15:24:56
pour moi , le seul problème de lenteur que j'ai sur ce site c'est pour les parties..............il ne me reste que des boulets qui jouent leurs parties à raz le temps limite

10. Октября 2007, 14:51:48
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: There are no secretes that Fencer does not know about

Who you write to or what you say to them

10. Октября 2007, 11:30:37
Субъект: Re:
Fencer: I am glad it was you that said that

Hey !! Is that Beastie a friend of yours ???
He just gobbled me up in both our games (someone check the code lol)

10. Октября 2007, 11:23:02
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: Ah, a woman! Why didn't you say it before? It should be working now.

10. Октября 2007, 11:13:38
Субъект: Re:
Fencer: well it may be a secret, like the awesome, pointless, unuseful Cloak Mode we have
BUT............ its not
its only to jessica, its very weird

10. Октября 2007, 11:05:45
Субъект: Re:
MadMonkey: It might be more helpful if you post the user name instead of "a friend".

10. Октября 2007, 10:58:29
Сделано для MadMonkey (10. Октября 2007, 11:00:47)
I am trying to reply to a message from a friend, but when i hit reply i just get a blank screen, with
Write new message

at the top and nothing else.

I have tried going to there profile and sending that way, but get the same.

It only appears to be this one person, any ideas ?

9. Октября 2007, 13:43:36
Could Captains and/or Bosses PLEASE get a warning message if any Team that has been entered in a Tournament has a problem before the Tournament starts.
Its nice to get Teams in early for them, so it gives others players a chance to find another Team if they miss out on one.
We have just had another Tournament start, that has a Pawn in the Team, which would be ok if the player was still here playing games.
Sadly they have not been here in over a month, so all those games are lost, so really the Team match is over before it get going properly, therefore hard on all the other Team members.
Can we at least get a warning to let us know if there may be a problem OR think of a way to swap a player if they have yet to move in a Team Tournament game.

9. Октября 2007, 13:10:51
Gabriel Almeida 
Субъект: Re:
joshi tm: Internacional checkers, Russian checkers and Classic checkers are a very, very popular game in the world. Almost as popular as "parachute checkers" or "One Way checkers" ;) lol
Anyway, Joshitm and Purple... "checkers" it's not a nice subject to talk with Fencer! :)
By the way, this must be off-topic, so... excuse me, mod's! But I hope it can be readen, anyway...

9. Октября 2007, 09:56:19
Субъект: tournaments page update
Fencer: nice split! could the same be done for the pond page as well ? i recently joined a couple of rain ponds but had to go through all fellowships to find them :)

(and another point of interest : what are your thoughts about team tournaments of random game types (of all games) ? :))

8. Октября 2007, 21:11:08
Субъект: Re:
Rose: Odd really, the site has been great for me for a while now, none of the old white pages & page not found, in fact no problems at all really
As you say Rose, today has been bad though, back to its old games
Must be the hardware upgrade Fencer mentioned , can we downgrade again

8. Октября 2007, 20:31:12
Lotta issues with the site this past few days. Lot of white pages ,page not found .. slow icons loading.. 

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