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30. Março 2010, 12:18:31
What do Timithy McVey, Bruce Edwards and the idiot white supremacists all have in common?
None of them have attempted to take down an airplane and therefore are completely irreverent to this conversation.

Remember the original basis for this debate was profiling on airplanes, not internal security.

30. Março 2010, 18:41:44
Assunto: Re:
Vikings: Are you telling me that because your internal terrorists do not (so far) use planes they are not a threat to USA civilians, etc.

Suppose they start using private small planes from small airfields, or start on the 1000's of internal flights instead of just bombing and killing.. will they then score enough points on the 'who will kill a civilian' scale?

No. The FBI will pursue anyone who threatens your people. Whether internal or external terrorists.

30. Março 2010, 23:07:40
Assunto: Re:
(V): no, what I am telling you is that domestic terrorist have an agenda against governments and groups, not to strike fear into people who fly,
for example, Timmothy McVey-The government
Bruce Edwards-The government
The recent suprimist group- their local government to start with

suicide bombers on airplains-the people

30. Março 2010, 23:18:29
Assunto: Re:what I am telling you is that domestic terrorist have an agenda against governments and groups, not to strike fear into people who fly,
Modificado por Mort (30. Março 2010, 23:27:20)
Vikings: The government is made up of people off the USA, these groups are made up by people of the USA. ... I don't get it.. are you saying the terror felt by those targeted was any less real than terror felt by those killed by terrorists on a plane. Those who were targeted by the anthrax bomber(s?) was less real?

I worked in a chemical warehouse, where each chemical had to be hazard rated on a scale of 0-10 ... fatal was 6.2, the real nasty stuff was the mutagens. If there was a fire.. we would run upwind!!

30. Março 2010, 23:42:17
Assunto: Re:what I am telling you is that domestic terrorist have an agenda against governments and groups, not to strike fear into people who fly,
Modificado por Vikings (30. Março 2010, 23:43:33)
(V): Anthrax was sent to Government officials not to grandma's house, Timothy Mc Vey bombed a Federal building, not Joe at the corner grocery store, The white supremacists were going to target a local official, not Bob the accountant whereas terrorist blowing up airplanes want to kill grandma, Bob and Joe, I am not afraid for my wife flying from these people, they have no wish to harm her but I do worry about her flying because of the foriegn/muslim terrorist, because she is exactly who they wish to harm,
as far as being upset about being profiled, I used to get profiled because of my looks, I understood it and I lived with it, as long as I wasn't doing anything wrong I wasn't worried

31. Março 2010, 01:24:20
Assunto: Re:what I am telling you is that domestic terrorist have an agenda against governments and groups, not to strike fear into people who fly,
Vikings: Since when did government officials stop being Americans? Since when did those government officials stop having families with relatives.. Their names might be Joe, Bob, Jim.. they might buy regularly at Joe's corner store. Bob the accountant might have these officials using him for working on the taxes... and in visits to government offices Sue might end up as collateral damage.

They wish to cause terror and death, in that there is no difference between your internal and external terrorist threats.

31. Março 2010, 05:06:05
Assunto: Re:what I am telling you is that domestic terrorist have an agenda against governments and groups, not to strike fear into people who fly,
(V): The point is being completely missed or rather turned off topic, domestic idiots are not targeting the airports, muslim terorist are, period!!!! That is a fact that cannot be disputed and is the subject of this debate. What happens internally has nothing to do with it and any attempt do to so is simply an attempt to skirt the issue.
The topic is PROFILING AT AIRPORTS. If you want to change the subject that is fine but they must not be lumped together like apples and oranges

31. Março 2010, 13:07:20
Assunto: Re:what I am telling you is that domestic terrorist have an agenda against governments and groups, not to strike fear into people who fly,
Modificado por Mort (31. Março 2010, 13:12:15)
Vikings: No.. the topic was aircraft scanners and how someone abused them. It then turned onto terrorism. No-one is skirting the issue that radicals who fly under the Muslim banner hate America..... yet they are not the only ones who are terrorists.

"but they must not be lumped together like apples and oranges"

Our fruit bowl usually has apples, oranges, bananas and other fruits such as pears, plums, etc in it.

Big bowl

That you may choose to focus on just 'Muslim bannered' terrorists is your choice. But us in the UK and in Europe through the various terrorist threats and others committing hate killing cannot and will not.

31. Março 2010, 20:54:17
Ferris Bueller 
Assunto: Big Bowl
(V):   Good point.  Our "bowl" of terrorist is also quite big.  The "right" only chooses to focus only Muslim terrorists which is certainly a PART of things.  This obsession, though, is because they really don't want to acknowledge domestic terrorism that hits close to home for them.  Besides, others brought up profiling of black people in LA.  That subject opened the door to discuss domestic matters in the US.

31. Março 2010, 23:51:53
Assunto: Re: Big Bowl
Ferris Bueller: I'll give you an example.. The IRA was supported by outsiders, mostly through NORAID as well as support from Libya and other groups. Arms shipments came from primarily the USA and Libya as well as deals with arms dealers in Europe.

They even managed to smuggle small arms on the QE2!!

One guy got caught trying to buy SAM's...

Gaddafi gave help as a result of the British support to an attack killing his adopted daughter by the USAF.

30. Março 2010, 18:48:18
Ferris Bueller 
Assunto: Re:
Vikings:  It seems to me profiling for terrorists is both an internal & external matter.

31. Março 2010, 23:34:08
Assunto: Re: Big Bowl
Artful Dodger: Ok.. let me put it this way. Since when were people of middle eastern origin the only ones to blow up or hijack planes. The first one was in 1931, there have been over 600 hijackings. At one time 41 on average per year.

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