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26. Setembro 2009, 00:08:02
Übergeek 바둑이 
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Artful Dodger:

> the race card

I will say this about Glenn Beck. If he is not a racist, why then make comments like this:

"Illegal immigrants are either terrorists, outlaws, or people who can't make a living in their own dirtbag country."


Consider this other video and how he expresses himself about Mexicans:


He might not think he is racist, but his behavior borders on it. When he called Obama a racist, all I can say is "it takes one to know one".

26. Setembro 2009, 00:20:45
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Übergeek 바둑이: can you name one more legitimate reason that doesn't fall under one of those 3 catagories?
Remember the key word is Illegal

26. Setembro 2009, 00:34:06
Pedro Martínez 
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Vikings: The three major causes of illegal immigration are family reunification, poverty and population growth, none of which were mentioned by Beck.

26. Setembro 2009, 00:47:22
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Pedro Martínez: well family reunification wouldn't be illegal, and there is a legal means for population immigration and poverty falls under "can't make a living under their own dirtbag country" so I'll still be waiting for a legitimate reason

26. Setembro 2009, 00:57:44
Pedro Martínez 
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Modificado por Pedro Martínez (26. Setembro 2009, 01:03:04)
Vikings: I am telling you that those three reasons ARE the major causes of illegal immigration. Whether you like it or not. It's a fact. On family reunification, read this, for example:

Or this:

Poverty doesn't fall under "can't make a living under their own dirtbag country," "can't make a living under their own dirtbag country" falls under poverty.

And the fact that there is a legal way to immigrate because of population growth doesn't mean that there are not a number of illegal immigrants who leave their countries for this reason and enter other countries without visas or other permits. So keep waiting, I'll be waiting for yesterday.

26. Setembro 2009, 01:33:37
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Modificado por Vikings (26. Setembro 2009, 01:37:12)
Pedro Martínez: your first point proves my point, the kids come over to reunify with their parents who came here because "they couldn't make a living under their in their own dirtbag country". Call it a tomato or call it a tomato but that is what the story that YOU refer to says, on a side note it proves that even poor people know that they would be better off under a capitalistic society.
as far as your population point, I was referring to it from the viewpoint of the other side than you, I'll have to do some research but I tend to think that it falls into the "can't make a living..." as I believe that I have heard that most countries(with the exception of Asian countries) are not sustainable under their current growth rate.

As far as the gay couples, thats a whole other debate as our immigration laws (even tho they are not followed properly) have reasons for letting or not letting people in. And it is not bigotry

26. Setembro 2009, 01:56:24
Pedro Martínez 
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Vikings: I am not saying that the U.S. immigration laws are wrong or that there are not reasons to have them, I just wanted to point out that there are many illegal immigrants who don't fit Beck's categorization. I agree with that guy on most issues but sometimes he just seems to be too short-sighted. And I think this is exactly the case. Not all illegal immigrants are terrorists, outlaws (this is pure demagoguery) or poor trash from dirtbag countries.

26. Setembro 2009, 02:14:57
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Pedro Martínez: but all illegal immigrants are outlaws by definition, because it is illegal to come here illegally, .
All kidding aside there are exceptions I will concede,as there are with almost any arguement, but overall most of those exceptions will originate from one of those three categories.

I get your point, I used to say that Beck is a little too much of an alarmist, but in time what he says proves to be true

I think the main point is that people attack him to distract from the point that they don't like the facts that he points out. ie argue about Beck and ignore the acorn coruption and maybe it will all go away.
Its the same way with the tea parties, ague that they are a mob and ignore their wishes, even tho it was patriotic when there were demonstrations against Bush's policies

26. Setembro 2009, 02:31:52
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: the main point is that people attack him to distract from the point
Vikings:  Which is exactly the reason Acorn is suing those two journalists.  They want to distract us from the real issue.  Acorn has been caught on numerous occasions engaging in illegal and unethical activities.  All this on the US taxpayer dime. 

26. Setembro 2009, 02:59:21
Assunto: Re: the main point is that people attack him to distract from the point
Artful Dodger: it's the linda trip suit. Basicly (and I am no lawyer) in Maryland, both parties have to be notified in a private conversation that there is an audio recording, the key here is the word "private", and is the reason that acorn will lose if they indeed file, currently no papers have been served, it's just that acorn has "said" that they will sue. Anyway, there were about 20 people in the same room as that conversation and therefore it was not a "private" conversation

26. Setembro 2009, 03:02:55
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Re: the main point is that people attack him to distract from the point
Vikings:  That's exactly right.  I think that there will be more troubles for Acorn in the near future.  The egg currently on their face will still be wet when the next egg splats. 

26. Setembro 2009, 02:28:47
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Pedro Martínez:  I doubt that is Beck's position on illegal aliens.  He sees the system as broken.  He opposes ignoring the problems (like letting illegal criminals go because it's politically correct to support illegals).  He opposes allowing illegals to cross our borders unchecked.  He opposes giving illegals amnesty.  They broke the law.  What does it matter WHY they broke the law.  We operate by the rule of law.  Sob stories are no excuse for breaking the law. 

Among the many truly needy people crossing our borders, there are terrorists, outlaws, and trash (as in trashy people). 

The current system is exploitative.   Politicians exploit the situation for votes and popularity, others for financial reasons.  Meanwhile the problems persist. 

It's not too much to ask of the US government to do their constitutional duty.  

26. Setembro 2009, 13:05:41
Assunto: Re: Remember the key word is Illegal
Vikings: Is it, or is it how they are portrayed? Over here we have many trying to enter into the UK from Afghanistan and other countries.. Some are genuine, some are not. Problem is there are many 'business men' quite happy to make promises that they can get in. But as such, the means to detect entry has gotten better and many end up just waiting on the other side of the channel.

Portraying 'illegal' immigrants as being 'bad' is the same as portraying all school children as bad because a few bad apples (which you get in every barrel ) cause trouble. With respect, Beck's only party prospects over here are such as the BNP. He would not be recognised by our Conservative party or endorsed in any shape or form.

He tries to come across as just "anti - pc".. sure there is merit to that, but he goes beyond that as such using 'illegal' as a sign that they are all bad evil people. It is a subtle change, but one that has been employed for years. The nazi's did it with Jews, Stalin did it over capitalism, McCarthy did it with communists, etc, etc.

I ask you.. does this go for the children as well?

26. Setembro 2009, 01:24:45
Papa Zoom 
Assunto: Re: Glenn Beck
Übergeek 바둑이:  Nonsense.   Out of context quotes are meaningless.  I've listened to him nearly everyday and if he were a true racist, it would be obvious. 

Some illegals are terrorists.  Some are outlaws.  And many can't make money in their own dirtbag country (Mexico). 

But the key word is illegal.  They break the law by crossing the border improperly.   It's the responsibility of the US President to secure our borders.   US citizens have a right to expect that.

26. Setembro 2009, 13:15:36
Assunto: Re: hey break the law by crossing the border improperly.
Artful Dodger: Yes they do, but not directly to kill Americans or like terrorists kill, bomb and maim.

"Some illegals are terrorists. Some are outlaws."

Which nationality are terrorists, as for outlaws.. I hasten to comment that many outlaws (if not most) in the USA (of a dangerous nature) are American citizens. To make out that the illegal immigrants in the USA is if not racist certainly playing on people's anger and fear through commonly associated metaphors generated by the press and other figures.

Feeling good by looking down on a particular personage by a general caricaturisation is a dangerous game.

26. Setembro 2009, 16:46:24
Assunto: Re: hey break the law by crossing the border improperly.
(V): there is nothing racist about not wanting someone breaking into my house and taking what I have worked for and the police saying tough live with it. I don't care what race is breaking in I just don't want to be stolen from, same as I dont care if the president is pink with purple polka dots, I don't want him destroying my childrens lives

26. Setembro 2009, 19:51:16
Assunto: Re: hey break the law by crossing the border improperly.
Vikings: "I don't care what race is breaking in I just don't want to be stolen from"...

Ok.. but why then come across as it's all the illegal immigrants fault, as Beck tries to make out?

That is deemed as racism over here.

It's like me saying that since the KKK was banned at the time the NRA was formed that all NRA founders were KKK, and that all NRA are KKK by such of their association with the KKK.

And how is the President destroying your children's lives, I find that blaming the 'others' for such is just scaremongering.

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