ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: Chaos 

For all Espionage fans

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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10. 4月 2009, 13:20:36
件名: Playing all day long ;)
I`m just a little disapointed! You see them online, but they don`t move (as they have so many other games to play).

Since its a tournament they should prefer OUR SABOTAGE GAME and not wait until the timelimit (3 day`s+VAC) is almost zero before they move.

Soon 2 of 4 tournament games are finished, while the others are on move 3. It`s there a round 2 and 3? Perhaps NEXT YEAR with this speed!

10. 4月 2009, 12:57:00
件名: Re: Slow players
Chaos: Note that this is only an issue if you play with a Fisher clock setting if there's no (or a small) increment on each move. If you gain 24 hours or more on each move, the risk is much smaller (it still can give one player some advantage as one player may build up "spare time" more rapidly than the other though - but even this is a solved problem).

10. 4月 2009, 12:44:28
件名: Re: Slow players
ca119: everyone can play 200 simultaneously

10. 4月 2009, 11:08:19
件名: Re: Slow players
Chaos (10. 4月 2009, 11:11:34)に変更されました。
ca119: Earlier Abigaill expressed my feelings about the Fisher's clock very well: IMO, such a move pace is totally out of place in BK - unless players play at the same times, it's very likely to give one player a huge advantage clock wise. (Say you always play between 12AM and 9PM, dedicating 9 hours a day playing BK. I only play 10 minutes a day, from 10PM till 10:10PM (time adjusted to your timezone). You will then have a serious risk of losing our game on time, while I will not. Simply because there will be 14 hours between my move and your first opportunity to move, and only 10 hours between your move and my move. I will gain 4 hours/move on the clock - even if you are a much more dedicated player than I am).


We shouldn't have people lose tournament games because of timezones or situations as described above!!!

10. 4月 2009, 10:55:38
件名: Slow players
There are at least 2 players who play rather slow/when there close to the timelimit, as they play 200 and more games simultary. Thats pretty sad as others play fast (several moves a day). This will have an affect on the following games. Perhaps Fischer's clock with a timelimit of 2 months for a game would bee the thing?

31. 3月 2009, 14:06:02
件名: Re:
Thank you to Chaos and Bosse for making this big tournament real.
Am I forgetting someone else?

31. 3月 2009, 14:03:44
Wow, it has started!
Everybody have fun!

31. 3月 2009, 13:28:28
You're welcome Bosse, it's thanks to you we've got this tournament in the firts place! It's great to see we've made such a good start straight away Can't wait to get my games started

31. 3月 2009, 12:44:17
件名: Re: Sabotage Leauge's first tournament

So now it has started. 25 players!!!

A big thanks to Chaos for all help with getting players. 
Good luck to all!

22. 3月 2009, 00:44:47
件名: very nice!
Wow thats a lot of people!

18. 3月 2009, 08:09:36
SL-Bosse (19. 3月 2009, 06:16:43)に変更されました。
Already 7 12 16 21 players have signed this tournament

Sabotage Leauge - Small Fast Espionage - #1

17. 3月 2009, 13:00:38
件名: Advertise for the tournament!
SL-Bosse: Yes, it's English now :) Oh, and we should all urge espionage players to join this tourney! notify all your (former) espionage opponents!

17. 3月 2009, 12:33:34
件名: Re: Help!
Chaos: I saw that the "sign-up" time was wrong. So I have deleted the first one, and have set up a new one.

17. 3月 2009, 12:28:12
Is it English now?

17. 3月 2009, 12:15:21
件名: Help!
I joined the tournament, though I had to guess which link to click b/c my Swedish isn't that good. But since that click all content on the site is shown in Swedis to me!!! Are you trying to get us all into learning your language, Bosse? ;)

17. 3月 2009, 12:09:10
SL-Bosse (17. 3月 2009, 12:32:33)に変更されました。

So let us see if we can get a tournament

Sabotage Leauge - Small Fast Espionage - #1

16. 3月 2009, 16:06:38
件名: Re: Tournament?
The Other Me: I like group play as well

16. 3月 2009, 14:45:46
Dry Martini 
件名: Re: Tournament?
SL-Bosse: I would prefer group play. At least I get to play a few games instead of just one. The 3 day limit with vacations seems fair. I am ok with any variant .

15. 3月 2009, 05:39:05
件名: ...
i never could understand that setting either!

15. 3月 2009, 00:29:07
件名: Re:
Tian-Xian: I couldn't agree more!

14. 3月 2009, 16:26:54
件名: Re:
I had lost in a tornament & asked Fencer but got no reply & so am stuck waiting for tournie to finish. I think it should be automatic that if you are out of a tournie you can join another.

10. 3月 2009, 11:06:47
件名: Re: Tournament?
SL-Bosse: small fast please?

10. 3月 2009, 06:54:48
件名: Tournament?
OK so lets start a new tournament with 3-days limit and normal vaccation. Should it be round-robin/groups or elimination? Which type of game should we start with?

9. 3月 2009, 14:04:45
件名: Re:
Nothingness: I agree with you.
I usually make more than 1 move per day, but sometimes it may happen to lose some days or even 1 week.
On IYT you can change your time limit, but only out of a tournament: this is one of the reasons that made the League successful.
I believe a 3-days limit with vacations on may work: the game would be fast enough and you can avoid problems depending on weekend days or holidays.
I think this is a good compromise for the first "gran slam" tournaments.

9. 3月 2009, 06:28:43
Dry Martini 
件名: about time limit
Several months ago I invited to a game all the high rated players I could see. To my suprise all gladly accepeted my challenge!. Many of these turned out to be very educational and I believe will make me a better player. Most of these good games lasted over two months. I currenty have a game , played at what I consider a reasonable pace, that has lasted over 5 months. Good game too. I would hate to have such a game in progress only to have one player time out.
I realize that a tournament may last for a long time, however I prefer completed games instead of games decided on a time limit or deadline for the game.

8. 3月 2009, 22:44:44
The time limit issue was exclusive to IYT. The main reason for changing time limits was to avoid time out when an emergency arrived. For example there are situations in many games where i would move 5-6 times a day then take as many as 6 days for one move. With most fischer clock settings i will have timed out after going 6 days without moving. To optimize peak performance you cannot restrict time limits on moves. so our time limits would go from 3 days ( standard) to 7 days for emergencies. then we would change it back when the week ended or your leave was over!

7. 3月 2009, 03:01:25
件名: Re: Fischer clock
AbigailII: Sounds like it. I wish Fencer would *** *** **** *** ** *** *** and implement something like that here.

7. 3月 2009, 00:47:56
件名: Re: Fischer clock
Thad: Littlegolem has a time pace which I finds the most ideal of all the time paces I've encountered on the various games sites I have played on. Each game you start with 240 hours. After you move, you get 36 hours added to your clock, and if you then exceed 240 hours, the clock is set to 240 hours. You have 20 vacation days a year. If you time out on a game, and you have vacation days left, you get 24 hours added to the clocks on *all* your game, one day is subtracted from your pool of vacation days. You can exceed 240 hours this way, but only until you move. After a move, the time is capped at 240 hours. There are no weekends. No system holidays. No abuse. No buying of more vacation days. Noone is able to drag out a tournament, other than playing long games and moving once every 36 hours. IMO, except for a yearly lump of vacation days (I'd rather see 2 days/month added to the pool, with the pool maxed at 24 days), an ideal pace.

7. 3月 2009, 00:11:56
件名: Re: Fischer clock
AbigailII: 30/2/30 would give you what you want, but then I'd be stuck in a tournament that could take quite a while. I don't think there's a common ground. The suggestion for more than one tournament with different time settings is probably the best solution.

6. 3月 2009, 18:56:21
件名: Re: Fischer clock
Thad: Yes, but I'd lose the game if it's a game from the next round of a tournament that starts 4 days before I return from vacation, wouldn't I? While I can control my own pace to a certain extend, I cannot control the pace of others. Which makes a Fischer clock too dangerous for my liking.

6. 3月 2009, 17:49:37
件名: Re: Fischer clock
AbigailII: Have you tried something like 3/2/30? You'd start with three days to play the game, but every time you made a move, you'd add two days to that total. Assuming you made a move every day for a while, you'd build up extra time up to the max of 30 days. Then you could take a long vacation.

6. 3月 2009, 10:20:36
件名: Re: Fischer clock
Nothingness: I don't think we ever had the ability to change time pace on BK (and certainly not in tournament games). I like Fisher clocks. I used to play on FICS, and I always use the Fisher clock. Little golem uses a Fisher clock as well. Yet, I never play games with the Fisher clock on BK. Because here on BK, Fisher clock implies no vacation days. And I know that during the year I will go on vacation. And there's no garantee at all a game or match doesn't last half a year. Or that a next round of a tournament doesn't start during, or right before my vacation.

Would BK have time pace of Fisher clock with vacation days, I'd never use the regular clock again.

6. 3月 2009, 06:20:00
件名: Fischer clock
This can be problematic and I timed out using this and i was making multiple moves per day and still timed out even though the game was well in hand. If we can tweak the clock that would be great but we used to have the ability to change the time in mid match to avoid unforseen emergencies. So if i was moving fast then i knew i could not make a move for the next 6 days i would not lose my game. Max time for a game NEVER! Many games can last many months making 2-3 moves per person per day. i think we used to have a 3 day limit with the ability to change it to 7days when an emergency arrived then we would change it back when we got back.

5. 3月 2009, 22:49:00
件名: Re: tournaments
Chaos: I can totally understand how you wouldn't want a max time for the whole game, but I feel the exact opposite!

5. 3月 2009, 16:34:53
件名: Re: tournaments
AbigailII: Indeed I don't want a maximum time for the total game, that was exactly what I was afraid of.

5. 3月 2009, 13:22:59
件名: Re: tournaments
AbigailII (5. 3月 2009, 13:23:31)に変更されました。
Chaos: You could create such a maximum by setting the increment field to 0. (Then the Fisher clock reduces to a "normal" chess clock).

IMO, such a move pace is totally out of place in BK - unless players play at the same times, it's very likely to give one player a huge advantage clock wise. (Say you always play between 12AM and 9PM, dedicating 9 hours a day playing BK. I only play 10 minutes a day, from 10PM till 10:10PM (time adjusted to your timezone). You will then have a serious risk of losing our game on time, while I will not. Simply because there will be 14 hours between my move and your first opportunity to move, and only 10 hours between your move and my move. I will gain 4 hours/move on the clock - even if you are a much more dedicated player than I am).

5. 3月 2009, 13:19:47
件名: Re: tournaments
Chaos: You can set Fisher's clock to e.g. 25/0/25 what means no added time, just 25 days for both players, but it means bigger problems wit time zones.

And for pawns I would rather recommended round robin - more games in one tournament

5. 3月 2009, 11:20:30
件名: Re: tournaments
Thad: Isn't there a maximim time for the total game as well with the Fisher's clock?

4. 3月 2009, 20:21:52
件名: Re: tournaments
Friends: You can get past the issues you have with Fischer's clock settings by adjusting the bonus you get for each move. For example, if the settings are 7/1/7, then you get an extra day each time you make a move, so you'll always have at least one day to make your move, regardless of how quickly your opponent moves.

I like the suggestion of some fast and some slow paced tourneys. One size probably won't fit all here and there's no reason to try and force that. ;-)

4. 3月 2009, 14:53:23
件名: Re: tournaments
dAGGER: Maybe we can choose some events with long time limit and some other with short limit.

And if you become a member, you can actually make tournaments yourself.

4. 3月 2009, 13:44:01
件名: Re: tournaments
Please remember what is my aim: recruiting more and more people for espionage tourneys.
Maybe we can choose some events with long time limit and some other with short limit.
We will see which is more successful.

4. 3月 2009, 13:41:35
件名: Re: tournaments
OK, I found the answer myself here:

This is not for me, as I play slowly.
I always support 5 days with vacations on.

4. 3月 2009, 13:34:23
件名: Re: tournaments
what is the fisher clock?

4. 3月 2009, 12:33:17
件名: Re: tournaments
Thad: I'm not at all happy with Fisher's clock. If you're in a different timezone, and you can't avoid a long time after the last move of the other player, you lose b/c of timeouts all the time. Happened to me just too often, and I do play fast!

4. 3月 2009, 09:02:22
件名: T
Please sign up -> 11000 :D & 1700 ;) (single elimination for 8 with immediately start)
Fischer's clock 3/0.8/15

Still available:
# Espionage (4 - open)
# Small Espionage (5 - open)
# Fast Espionage (6 - open)
# Open Fast Espionage (5 - open)
# Espionage (6 - open)
# Small Espionage (6 - open)
# Small Fast Espionage (5 - open)
# Open Fast Espionage (5 - open)

4. 3月 2009, 08:22:52
件名: Re: tournaments
SL-Bosse: I STRONGLY recommend that you use the Fischer clock. It might be a bit more of a challenge to get the right settings for espionage than for other games, but it really hleps keep the tournaments from dragging on and on and on.

3. 3月 2009, 22:11:56
件名: Re: tournaments
dAGGER: My proposal is a first tournamnet in "Small Fast Espionage" with 2 days thinkingtime. Round Robin with 4 players in each group

3. 3月 2009, 19:12:38
件名: Re: tournaments
dAGGER: Good idea :) I'm starting to play more seriously again as well, so let the tourneys begin!

The only downside is that pawns can only enter 1 tourney and have to wait till the whole torueny is over to start a new one...

3. 3月 2009, 13:43:00
件名: tournaments
I propose to choose (or create) one tournament a month as a sort of "Gran Slam Tournament", as it was in IYT.
All people reading this messageboard would like entering these tourneys and it would be easier to advertise them and recruiting more and more players week after week.
I kindly ask your feedback about time limit, kind of tourney (elimination, round robin, etc.), espionage variants.
Our aim should be finding more and more people joining tourneys.

3. 3月 2009, 13:35:58
件名: Re: Tactics
that link contains useful information about the beginning of the game and the importance of general 2 vs spy (or recon).
I believe it may be helpful for new players here in BK.
It would be great to keep this link up, even if the old League does not exist anymore.

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