ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: Foxy Lady , Eriisa , ajtgirl 
 Garden and Winter Chat

Tips on how to care for your garden, flowers, fruit trees, roses, gardenias, how to make and use compost, etc.Winter Chat is allowed until Spring.

Please remember children read this board.

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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4. 5月 2006, 00:45:02
件名: Re:
plaintiger:Most informative, it seems my plant might not be old enough to fruit as it's only 2 years old.

4. 5月 2006, 00:28:25
件名: Re:
plaintiger:It is planted in the open so it might need to be sheltered. I'll look into it thanks

3. 5月 2006, 22:29:31
件名: Re:
plaintiger:Well I get the same satisfaction just walking out my back door and picking straw,black,blue,gooseberries. The only one I haven't had to much success with is cran berries, poor little bush doesn't want to get off the ground.

3. 5月 2006, 21:50:46
件名: Re: A type of bromeliad I think
plaintiger: Try a nursery for thornless blackberry, I've got one growing and the person I got it off just has his growing in a cylindrical 6"wire mesh. It's about 6 feet tall and apart from the birds he does all right. My one grows alond a boundary fench

30. 4月 2006, 05:12:01
件名: Re: Mother's Day!
ajtgirl:Chrysanthemums are a flower that I always associate with Mothers day and you can get some sepctactular colours.

24. 4月 2006, 01:23:29
件名: Re: Peonies
ajtgirl:I agree with it taking a couple of years for perennials to get established. But I've always put it down to the grower raising the plants in the best possible conditions, to have the best plants for sale, and then when you get them home they are shocked into the real world. LOL

19. 4月 2006, 00:59:47
件名: Re: Bad news
ajtgirl:Good luck, I know how hard it is to just kill off normal Ivy.

19. 4月 2006, 00:55:50
件名: Re: Bad news
ajtgirl: Sorry to hear that, can you get the experts who supposedly got rid of it to come back and try again?

19. 4月 2006, 00:40:39
件名: Re: Bad news
ajtgirl: I take it you mean the plant, not a horrible rash.

5. 4月 2006, 09:55:33
件名: Re:
plaintiger:Not that I'm aware of, they are just ornamental as far as I know

5. 4月 2006, 09:46:47
件名: Re:
Foxy Lady:I think I know the plant you mean. It is of the brassica family and they plant both a purple & purple/white one.

5. 4月 2006, 09:18:36
件名: Re:
Foxy Lady: they grow more upright, about a foot tall and not as round as normal cabbage

5. 4月 2006, 08:56:02
件名: Re:
Foxy Lady: A chinese cabbage, very light in flavour

4. 4月 2006, 00:21:36
件名: Re:
nobleheart: tomatillos, are these a cross between tomatoes and pepinoes?

21. 3月 2006, 04:16:36
件名: Re: Spring
Foxy Lady: North Island of New Zealand.

21. 3月 2006, 04:03:18
件名: Re: Spring
Foxy Lady:We're getting mid 20's but we're going into Autumn

2. 3月 2006, 02:24:02
件名: Re:
Eriisa:You're so lucky to have it that warm, better than the cold we're getting.

31. 1月 2006, 09:09:59
件名: Re:
plaintiger: I think you first have to identify which type of bamboo you might. It's a grass so most soils will be ok. It can be very invasive. Though there are some that don't sucker.

23. 1月 2006, 23:35:16
件名: Re: psstt...
skipinnz (28. 1月 2006, 04:20:54)に変更されました。
nobleheart: Here you are talking about the buds coming out and I'm about to collect my hazelnuts. Only 2nd year but we're expecting a couple of dozen hazelnuts.

20. 11月 2005, 22:59:05
件名: Re:
skipinnz (21. 11月 2005, 06:42:37)に変更されました。
Kipling: Try polar bears. Penguins live in the southern hemphispere

25. 10月 2005, 02:14:47
件名: Re: Holidays are right around the corner..
ScarletRose: If they still have their roots attached they can take up water, and then be planted out after the festive season.

16. 10月 2005, 21:00:08
件名: Re: strawberry plants over winter
amandalove:I'd leave the stawberries alone and when they start to flower next spring then place straw around and under them to prevent bugs eating them, thats if the birds leave you any.

12. 10月 2005, 02:34:40
件名: Re:
DanDanDan: I'm not an expert either, but firstly are they the fruiting cheery type not flowering cherries. I haven't had to prune mine but it's only 2 years old. Last year we only got a dozen or so cherries but it's laden this year. Also could be the variety might need a pollinator, Hope this helps.

30. 9月 2005, 01:00:54
件名: Re:
nobleheart: We had a cold front thru last week that dumped snow on the south island to sea level in places and now our temps are just getting into low 20's C.

30. 9月 2005, 00:08:13
件名: summer time
Sorry to hear about all your cold weather and snow, but we've got daylight saving starting this weekend and that means summers on the way yipeeee..

20. 9月 2005, 21:53:02
件名: Re: Giant sunflowers
Rose: I've tied a paper bag over the end and when they have finally died off you can then cut the flower head off and all seeds should have been caught in the bag.

4. 8月 2005, 05:24:18
件名: Re: Hey Rose.. way to go girlie.. :)
Foxy Lady:I know I'm not rose, bulbs usually just put in with sawdust or woodshavings and kept in a cool place is usually good enough. Tulips are the only bulbs I've heard of being put into the fridge

12. 6月 2005, 23:14:05
件名: Re:
nobleheart:That was the reason for my previous post, I believe that chilling the seed will possibily prevent germination

12. 6月 2005, 22:55:30
件名: Re:
BerniceC:I've found previously if you try growing from seed that have been in the fridge, the success rate isn't that good. I suppose a lot depends on how cold your fridge is set

26. 5月 2005, 05:54:44
件名: Re: Howdy Howdy
Foxy Lady: We've got funny conditions at present, plenty of rain and warmth, so the grass needs cutting every couple of days. Don't get much time to sit and enjoy it.

26. 5月 2005, 04:19:26
件名: Re: Howdy Howdy
Foxy Lady:welcome back Foxy hope your garden wasn't to overgrown

27. 4月 2005, 21:26:01
件名: Pawpaws
Bernice, do you cut your pawpaws tops off? I heard that if you do that they branch and won't grow any taller. Oh a tin can is placed on top of the trunk to stop water getting into the trunk.

19. 4月 2005, 03:23:56
件名: Re:
nobleheart:I believe in the olden days quinces were used to help make the apples go further when making jams. All the old orchards [1800's] all have a quince tree in them

19. 4月 2005, 01:16:01
件名: Re: Re:
Foxy Lady:only problem with a warmer climate is that there are more bugs that want to help you eat all that lovelly fruit. Better to stay in a cooler climate, you get to keep a little more fruit.

17. 4月 2005, 22:34:00
件名: Re:
nobleheart:Some varities do but you will find that most don't. I've got 2 varities brown turkey & mrs williams and they don't need the wasp. But you'll find plenty of wasps around if the fruit is left to rippen as they go for the sweet flesh.

9. 4月 2005, 12:45:21
件名: Re: I would love to get some spores for the tasmanian tree fern
Foxy Lady: ah the joys of the southern hemi, I,m growing my banana out side it gets to 8 foot then the frost knocks it back every year. I dream of the frost free year then I might get bananas lol

8. 4月 2005, 22:45:56
件名: Re: Gardens
Foxy Lady: I'm just glad we don't get the snow. Lovely to look at but horrible to live in.

8. 4月 2005, 22:33:04
件名: Re: Gardens
Foxy Lady: I have foxy but unlike you I'm planting the last of my vegies etc before winter. Broad beans will be the last with my bulbs for next spring. Enjoy your fine weather.

5. 4月 2005, 22:44:57
件名: Re: Spring is here
Foxy Lady:In New Zealand, mind you winter isn't quite here yet, but it's getting closer..

5. 4月 2005, 21:44:11
件名: Re: Spring is here
Foxy Lady: I'm not really jealous but our trees are just turning colour and we 're getting nice crisp mornings, but winter will soon be on us..:o(

31. 3月 2005, 22:37:39
件名: Re: Re:
BerniceC: Bernice, the PawPaws that bwildman is talking about are not the same as we know in this part of the world. Check out his link posted on the 31/3/05 in reply to Tuesday.

31. 3月 2005, 05:03:51
件名: Re: Re:
bwildman: Thats a lot different to the paw paw we get in NZ.

24. 3月 2005, 03:02:07
件名: Re: Hydrangea
Rose: As the name suggests they love water and will even grow semi-submerged. Need to be cut back and tidy'd up after flowering, acid soil gives blue flower heads and alkaline gives red flowers or visa versa. lol

5. 11月 2004, 09:12:49
件名: Re:
Thanks Nev Nake & Bwildman, but I don't think it's practical to put fish bones, heads etc into pots. I'm actually trying to get cuttings going in pots to transport to another property

5. 11月 2004, 05:41:06
件名: Re: we use seaweed extract
thanks Dano I'll have a look and see if I can purchase some over here.

2. 11月 2004, 10:25:04
件名: cuttings
I've been told that honey applied to cuttings acts as a rooting horemone. My question is has anybody ever tried this, and if so how successful was it?

9. 9月 2004, 01:13:46
件名: Re: fall--- transplanting trees
Definetly better to wait until leaves have fallen, you can also loosen dirt on 2 sides and then a few days later move the tree, less stress this way.

2. 8月 2004, 03:47:10
件名: Re: Gardenias
Could it be it's been in the pot to long and is now pot bound?

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