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管理人: MadMonkey 

The place to review or just chat about all Music & Videos.

Music Discussion Board

Feel free to talk about ANY Music you are interested in.

Embedding files from YouTube is welcome on this board.

Also any Hyper Links you wish to use.

This is a public board. All members, regardless of membership level (this includes pawns) are welcome to post here.

YOUTUBE has changed the way it codes it's Video Embed's. To make it work now you must right-click on the Video itself, and select 'Copy Embed HTML'. The Embed link under the Video does NOT work at present on BrainKing.

Please note - ANY material posted here deemed offensive or plagiarized will be removed immediately. The posting user(s) will be banned. This is not negotiable. Plagiarism is posting any original writings of another person without proper reference. Such material will be removed to avoid copyright infringements.

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

6. 3月 2008, 02:57:39
件名: Re: For Rose!!
Dolittle: hahahah too funny Do!  How did you get my talking cat to pose for you? LOL thanks very much!

5. 3月 2008, 19:08:29
baddessi: Thanks dessi! Too kool!!!!

2. 7月 2007, 21:33:56
件名: Re: Meatloaf
Jim Dandy: Heck of a job!

2. 7月 2007, 21:27:42
件名: Re: Meatloaf
Jim Dandy: It is great seeing reactions from people who have seen RHPshow for the first time. lol Specially after going to a midnite showing full with TP, and toast! LOL

9. 6月 2007, 16:31:55
Please also note. There will be no warnings given to abusers. If you post an offensive You Tube Video you will not only be banned from the board but your public board posting privelages will be revoked. (permananetly) Everyone should have enough common sense to know not to post anything offensive. IF you do you suffer the consequences.

5. 6月 2007, 02:08:02
件名: Re:
Jim Dandy: I figured you would know the song but its kool u know the guys..

"spadina bus"

4. 6月 2007, 16:05:17
件名: Re: Spadina Bus
Eriisa: A street in Toronto.. I've sung that song to hubby many times and I think he always thought I was making it up! It's early 80s I would imagine as they don't even uses buses anymore but rather street cars on Spadina Ave.

4. 6月 2007, 02:15:44
Anyone from Toronto knows this one! Spadina Bus

13. 5月 2007, 22:39:53
件名: Re: And even more of
Mousetrap: No i doubt I will go in June to see her.
She is headed your way this summer I believe

13. 5月 2007, 20:48:50
件名: Re: And even more of
Mousetrap: Have you seen her life? I did in the early 80's.. Shes coming here in a few weeks actully!

22. 3月 2007, 20:32:16
件名: Re:
Tuesday: IIIII fallll to piecesssssss, each time I hearrrrr yourrr name!!! I love that song!

25. 10月 2006, 21:53:51
件名: Re:
Tuesday: Oh ya!  Soooo 80s music " everyyyy boddddy want to rulllle the worrrrrld!!"

24. 5月 2006, 21:21:17
件名: Re:
Tuesday: I dont buy CD's much, but I do like what I have heard so far from it..Our radio station plays it alot

24. 5月 2006, 21:14:51
件名: Re:
Tuesday: Ya pretty sure it was out may 8. Called "living with war"

22. 5月 2006, 23:11:17
件名: Re:
Tuesday: I wouldn't be surprised!
Lemme go look it up- You were right. It is called "Living with War" Quite an interesting news story on fox.com about it

22. 5月 2006, 22:53:55
件名: Re:
Tuesday: Seems Bush is big in the music scene lately. Neil Young (a Canadian) has the 'Let's Impeach the President' song out now.. catchy tune too! LOL

22. 5月 2006, 22:18:37
件名: Re:
Tuesday: Are the Dixie Chicks still anti-Bush? I recall a big hooplah during his first term I think

20. 5月 2006, 14:53:33
件名: Re: Satriani. Satriani. Satriani.
baddessi: Is that Malmsteen?

5. 4月 2006, 23:01:44
件名: Re:Gene Pitney
Andersp: ? curious women? Its not like we added it.. This new feature was added here today. YOu have to click to disable it to get things back to normal

5. 4月 2006, 22:21:58
件名: Re:Gene Pitney
Andersp: I had to disable the new right click feature that was added here today first.

5. 4月 2006, 21:54:29
件名: Re:Gene Pitney
Andersp: i cant open links in a new window anymore.. If I go to that link I lose the website..

5. 4月 2006, 16:14:46
件名: Re:
harley: I had to go look up the name. I hadn't heard of him before. What type of music genre?

31. 3月 2005, 02:54:02
Kiss fan

31. 3月 2005, 02:49:51
件名: Re:
Tuesday: teacher

14. 3月 2005, 15:27:10
件名: Re:
ANTICHRIST: Not for nothing, but I think your name offends a lot of folks.

26. 12月 2004, 23:39:44
件名: Re: Re:
EIHN: I've no desire what so ever to engage in conversation with you. You bring nothing but negativity to anything said..

Where is that hide button.....

26. 12月 2004, 23:33:20
件名: Re:
kitti: Kill 'em all (being their first) was what put em on the map. Listening to it now tho after all their albums sure shows you how much they learned and grew from their mistakes.

Going back to Saint Anger, one more thought, it is their only album/CD made that they are all sober. Makes you wonder also what their other albums woulda sounded like had they sobered up earlier!

26. 12月 2004, 22:47:34
件名: Re:
kitti: It's great to have an indepth convo on my favo band like this.. Thanks Kitti!
What do you think of Kill 'em all?

26. 12月 2004, 22:20:05
件名: Re:
kitti: I will put in Saint Anger tonite and have a nother listen or two to it. I do think And Justice for all was likely their best works. Only my opinion though!
Do you think Bob Rock has helped the band since he has been with them?

26. 12月 2004, 19:21:31
Hi Kitti. I didn't realize it was that widely disliked. I Dont completely dislike all songs on Saint nNger but it was a definite departure for them.
Bob Rock had a ton of influence on that one (Bob Rock also was the cause of the demise of Sound Garden so in my books he aint so great)

26. 12月 2004, 18:16:16
I know you asked Slam but since its a Tallica topic I gotta jump in. Saint Anger was pretty disappointing really. Any metal head must love Master o Puppets but even Load an Reload are awesome CD's

19. 12月 2004, 15:02:32
Nothing wrong with Metallica. They aren't the top metal band for nuffin.

8. 8月 2004, 21:55:25
Ahhhh yesss, that is natural MM! lol

8. 8月 2004, 15:48:25
件名: Re: Rick James
they call it natural causes. Since when is abusing cocaine so much it gives you a heart attack natural causes? lol

23. 7月 2004, 00:44:12
I'm surprised Stevie was even playing with them. I heard there was still alot of tension with her and Lindsay.
Gotta admit I still get goose bumps when I hear songs from the Rumors album! Mmemoriesssssssss

19. 7月 2004, 18:11:18
So were they removed or did they walk?

19. 7月 2004, 14:34:37
Good day. I see there is a new mod. You got yer hands full now gooner buddy! Good luck!

17. 7月 2004, 03:40:09
件名: Re: You're So Vain - Carly Simon
Not long ago someone bought the rights to 'You're so Vain' annddddd they also bought the rights to know who Carly was talking about BUT they are sworn to secrecy to never divulge who "you're" really is. It is said it is Warren Beaty or Mike Jagor (sp?). What is funny is the hype brought on by this song and the fact that it went up on the auction block a while back to pay considerable moolah to find out just who "you're" is. Last I heard the amount the fellow who won paid to find out who "you're" is was in the major double digits!

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