ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: rod03801 
 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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9. 6月 2005, 05:09:09
It's cool, Reza.. :-)

9. 6月 2005, 05:04:29
It IS interesting, but please, let's try to get back to Feature Requests. It's more of a grammar discussion now. General Chat, or Members Only would be great places to continue this. Thank you very much. :-)

21. 5月 2005, 20:11:50
件名: Re: Pagination on tournament pages.
rod03801 (21. 5月 2005, 20:15:13)に変更されました。
Fencer: not really..

Grenv: I agree.. an option would be best. If I could easilly view the entire tournament, I would not like to see it split up either.

21. 5月 2005, 19:32:16
件名: Pagination on tournament pages.
I would like to see the larger tournaments broken up into mutliple pages.
With WebTV, there are tournaments where I can never view my section. (Specifically, the $50 tournament.) I can't even view the whole thing after turning WebTV off and coming back with an empty cache!

16. 5月 2005, 00:33:30
Danoschek. I am in the middle of removing the more rediculous posts that are off topic. If I have failed to get to one insulting you, feel free to PM me. No further discussion of what is removed and not removed on this board. Thanks.

16. 5月 2005, 00:27:27
They won't be interupting the conversation any more. Please, the conversation was legitimate, continue.

16. 5月 2005, 00:13:33
The next person to go off topic (meaning rude, insulting posts, having NOTHING to do with a feature request will be banned for 24 hours.
That is NOT saying cloak shouldn't be discussed.

Time to clean up, I guess. Grow up.

15. 5月 2005, 18:22:42
Fencer, when you improve the cloak mode feature, would you consider making it such that if you are cloaked, you also can't view what people are doing? Seems only fair!

15. 5月 2005, 04:24:10
And I might add, that no one expects there not to be any discussion at all. Some has always been allowed here. I don't understand the big stink. I only requested the board get back to Feature Requests. I didn't even do anything when legitimate conversation about it continued. The ONLY posts deleted were the personal ones aimed at a certain player, and the typical moderator complaint type posts that are not appropriate here.

It is never expected that this board will be 100% on topic..
Yes, when it strays way off being a feature request, we will step in and request it stop.
I'll never understand why that is a catastrophe to some..

15. 5月 2005, 04:18:45
Well, the lengthier discussions can certainly move to Members Only, or General Chat. And the earlier mentioned fellowship.

15. 5月 2005, 03:29:20
Walter, I honestly understand what you are saying about this board in general. But it is Feature REQUESTS, not Feature discussions. What is the big deal about taking it to another board to further the discussion?

And PLENTY of moderators have voluntarily stepped down. I don't know where you get your information.

This discussion can go on a bit longer, but once it starts getting repetitious, or personal (as it frequently does), then I will need to ask it to stop.
Though I'm not sure it really does qualify as a Feature request, at all..

15. 5月 2005, 00:34:43
Perhaps you didn't see the whole conversation? It was turning into why a certain other person liked the feature so they could hide what they are doing. It was basically bashing that person about their "slow moving". That is what was deleted, that and moderating complaints that don't belong here. Nothing else was deleted.

15. 5月 2005, 00:17:16
It is applied here. And was earlier.

It doesn't need to be applied at that fellowship. It was created for those discussions. It is okay for stuff to get "buried" there.

15. 5月 2005, 00:14:06
It is a fellowship, created for longer, on-going discussions about features could go there, so that this board could remain for the feature requests.. Many of these discussions go on for quite a while, and new requests get buried, or "hidden" ..

14. 5月 2005, 18:33:48
rod03801 (14. 5月 2005, 18:37:40)に変更されました。
General Chat works..

Any further posts about it will be deleted, thanks.

Discussion about changes to the feature are certainly welcome. But it is moving into why such and such a person doesn't like it,.. etc. NOT appropriate. Thanks.

14. 5月 2005, 18:30:10
The cloak mode conversation needs to move to another board, please.
It is already a feature here.

13. 5月 2005, 12:22:59
Back to Feature Requests, please!



7. 5月 2005, 01:24:52
LOL.. back to Feature Requests now, please!

27. 4月 2005, 02:59:34
That's a great idea!! The current big smiley page takes way too long to load with WebTV. I tend to avoid bringing the page up..

24. 4月 2005, 04:56:34
We need to get back to Features Requests, please.

Thank you.

23. 4月 2005, 22:37:29
Fencer does plan to implement something along those lines, at some point.

23. 4月 2005, 18:28:30
grenv: When you say 1 round only, you must also mean only 1 section, also? Correct?
I think ties would still be relatively common, though..
I do think, however, that some sort of "official" championship tournament would be fun..

23. 4月 2005, 10:11:39
件名: Re: game ID
Vikings: The game ID # is right in the URL of the pond.
For example, in this pond:

It is pond #159.

20. 4月 2005, 06:24:20
Yes, the captain chooses who plays.

5. 4月 2005, 04:23:30
LOL.. for many things, Yes, definitely.

5. 4月 2005, 03:44:59
rod03801 (5. 4月 2005, 03:48:26)に変更されました。
Ugh! With WebTV, deleting multiple posts takes long enough without an extra step!

EDIT: ... Not necessarily saying it's a bad idea, though! ... Most often I think we only are deleting one post, so this extra step wouldn't make much difference ...

29. 3月 2005, 13:33:34
件名: Re: show bkr on mainpage
Hrqls: You can already determine how many of your bkrs are shown on your main page.. You can change it under "Settings"

29. 3月 2005, 03:51:28
How about Opt out of the messages of specific fellowships. I wouldn't necesarilly want to opt out completely. But I have a couple who are starting to send out too many... (Doesn't bother me THAT much, but I see it could be developing into a pattern..)
And I wouldn't want people in my fellowship to opt out, just because of certain ones sending out too much..

19. 3月 2005, 18:15:01
While we are changing Enemies to "People blocked", maybe Friends should be changed to "people I'm spying on"

17. 3月 2005, 01:41:56
件名: Re: News in Fellowships
Summertop: The easiest work-around for the time being, is to just copy and paste the news item into the "EDIT" link on the top of the discussion board

13. 3月 2005, 04:31:45
Yeah, when they become a knight/rook! :-D

13. 3月 2005, 03:42:20
Ok... sorry, but further posts on this subject will be deleted.

13. 3月 2005, 02:29:07
Please.. this is

26. 2月 2005, 22:15:12
件名: Re: Feature Request Fencer
SueQ: I believe that is somewhere on Fencer's to-do list. Many of us have asked! :-)

20. 2月 2005, 20:29:23
This conversation doesn't belong here anymore! All further posts on this will be deleted. Thank you for cooperating!

20. 2月 2005, 01:12:12
Please move the program/cheating conversation to a more appropriate board..
Thanks, all..

17. 2月 2005, 20:44:32
Partica is a lovely person.. but I think this is really starting to stray off topic.. :-)

16. 2月 2005, 04:14:02

13. 2月 2005, 04:05:44
Fencer plans on shrinking the jarmo and alquerque boards at some point.

10. 2月 2005, 05:21:01
rod03801 (10. 2月 2005, 05:26:15)に変更されました。
No Purple.. the only thing on the game page that means play later, is "Play Later".
The only place that mentions "default" is as Bwildman described. It is where you can choose something different than "go to main page" as the destination after submitting your move. (You can make the "default" go to next game with online player, everytime you submit, without changing it from go to main page each time..

Definition of default relevent to this:
"Computer Science. A particular setting or value for a variable that is assigned automatically by an operating system and remains in effect unless canceled or overridden by the operator: changed the default for the font in the word processing program.
A situation or condition that obtains in the absence of active intervention.

10. 2月 2005, 05:02:04
I'm sure you are correct, bwildman.

10. 2月 2005, 04:07:53
Default this move? I've never seen that...

10. 2月 2005, 03:00:51
件名: Re:
Purple: I think when you typed "default" you meant "delete"?
Deleting isn't for delaying a move. It gets rid of the game completely. (I guess it's a pretty effective way to delay, LOL) I believe that the delete option is only there for the first 2 moves. It is ideally for getting rid of a game that you got into by mistake. (There are a few examples mentioned lower down..)
This option also doesn't affect your BKR in any way.

4. 2月 2005, 04:24:09
No.. I just got carried away signing up for stuff..

4. 2月 2005, 04:17:11
件名: Re: Go to next game in this tournament.
bwildman: Not really. With 300 games going, I have many games of the same type going on, so, many different tournies of the same game type, too..
It's not something, I'm desperate to have.. :-) I just think it would be a nice addition. And probably would be more frequently used than Move and go to discussion.

3. 2月 2005, 01:25:55
件名: Go to next game in this tournament.
I would like to see "Move and Go to next game in this tournament" added to the drop down menu.. (If it is getting too large, couldn't the "Move and go to discussion" disappear? I can't imagine that is used very much..)
Currently, when I want to play all games in one tournament, I use Move and go to tournament, and then have to click on each "dash", and many times it isn't my turn anyways.. Just would make things a little easier, when playing that way..

22. 1月 2005, 17:58:22
I think it's time to take this to a Chess discussion board... Thanks..

22. 1月 2005, 17:04:07
件名: Re: Notebox
and it needs to be above the game board.. :-)

16. 1月 2005, 16:24:04
I love my webtv, and the virus thing IS a huge advantage. And even if I had a computer, I would probably still surf the internet and play my games with my WebTV, most of the time..

But this is straying off topic.. Let's continue on General Chat, or Members Only please.

16. 1月 2005, 02:58:32
LOL. It is a box that attaches to a television, and used to access the internet.

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