ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: rod03801 
 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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25. 12月 2002, 19:27:24
件名: Re: message box ordering
thx for your help. you see, i'm physically limited (polio in my youth) in my arms & legs. hence, reducing mouse scrolling helps a lot.

25. 12月 2002, 12:12:52
件名: Re: message box ordering
No problem, I'll do it.

25. 12月 2002, 03:05:12
件名: message box ordering
I feel it would be helpful if the messages were ordered with the most recent one(s) appearing at the top of the list, instead of at the bottom, as currently done. Thank you for a nice site.

24. 12月 2002, 11:27:01
件名: greetings
Merry Xmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year to everyone at brainking..

24. 12月 2002, 04:00:15
Mom of 2 brats 
件名: Re: ATAXX
No Problem! I love searching for stuff on the net. If it's on the net I can usually find it. LOL

24. 12月 2002, 01:35:13
件名: Re: ATAXX
Check it out at Allmixedup.com or at the addys mom of 2 brats gave - it's a great game once you get the hang of it! BTW, thanks "mom"! Now Fencer can probably get this game for us!

23. 12月 2002, 22:37:18
件名: Re: ATAXX
What is this game if u don't mind?:)

23. 12月 2002, 04:08:34
件名: Re:
Yes, that would be great! Thanks Fencer! :-)

23. 12月 2002, 00:59:59
Mom of 2 brats 
件名: Re: ATAXX

Hope they help some.

23. 12月 2002, 00:40:47
Does anyone here know of a site other than All Mixed Up where you can play Ataxx? Fencer would like to find clearer rules for the game.

22. 12月 2002, 18:30:23
Kevin: Is it right that you want a small number indicating the number of captured pieces just next to the actual captured pieces? No problem :-)
Mom: This site is for everybody. There is no adult-only material and never will be. Moreover, there are no ad-banners and I hope we will never need them :-)

22. 12月 2002, 18:27:59
I allowed my son to have a few games on GT, but I made sure it was with people I'd played before (I asked them first!!) and I was OK about him playing, and I supervised too, he never went on without me looking over his shoulder!!
I've not heard of any games sites just for kids, but if there were I wouldn't let my kids near them. Its like 'kids' chat rooms, its where half the paedophiles meet kids. Too dangerous. How would you know it was really another kid they were playing? I think the only way to keep them truly safe is full supervision when they are on the net.

22. 12月 2002, 14:56:41
Mom of 2 brats 
件名: Question....
Is this site just for adults? Is there a kids version or their own safe site hiding somewhere? I deal with kids everyday and most of them talk about getting on the net and playing games. The only reason I ask is because my children asked to play and I felt somewhat uneasy because of the fact that you could talk to different ones and with kids they might give out their email addy or some other information. If you don't have anything like this for the kids, have you ever thought about it? They could always have the games part without the message system. They could even have the same options to join with parents permission. Or would this be too confusing? Just a thought.

22. 12月 2002, 13:43:21
件名: Re: Holidays
Thx Fencer :)
I just wanna wish everybody here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)

22. 12月 2002, 05:34:44
I know, i know, i'm not supposed to bombard you with requests while you're sick, but i have to mention it before i forget it!

Would it be possible (in Checkers and Tank Battle mostly) to indicate how many pieces have been taken (most likely beside the picture of the captured pieces) by each player? (It gets kinda annoying counting either remaining or captured pieces to find out how many are left.)

22. 12月 2002, 04:32:38
hope you feel better real soon.

20. 12月 2002, 19:40:20
件名: Re: Holidays
Thanks :-) I'll definitely take a rest because I am sick [a flu or something like that], so I am at my bed, drinking hot tea and programming new features on my notebook ;-))
And Merry Christmas to everybody.

20. 12月 2002, 18:37:30
Back Soon 
件名: Re: Holidays
Yes I completely agree! :o)

20. 12月 2002, 13:58:20
件名: Holidays
Maybe Fencer could use a break over the holidays to be with family instead of being barraged with requestes every day.. Just a thought.. He does soo much for us I think he deserves a vacation as well. Don't you all? Happy Holidays to Fencer and his Family!

20. 12月 2002, 08:51:37
件名: Re: Pente
actually Kevin... I err'd... I meant Go and its variations... lol

20. 12月 2002, 07:19:09
I'll add Pente ASAP :-)

20. 12月 2002, 03:39:47
件名: Re: Pente
Go-moku is Five in a Line, with 2 small changes to the rules.
1) in Go-moku, 6 or more in a row does not count. Here it does.
2) In Go-moku, the 2nd player wins when the board fills up. Here it's a draw.

19. 12月 2002, 23:30:05
件名: Re: Pente
1... Pente
2... Keryo-Pente
3... Go-Moku
4... All Pente & Go Variations

Come on Fencer! :-)

19. 12月 2002, 22:00:10
件名: Pente
Did u forget it Fencer or it comes with Halma??

19. 12月 2002, 19:59:34
Try it now.

19. 12月 2002, 19:31:37
Uh-oh, oh-uh! Everybody but me was right. There is really a bug! I apologize to everyone. I finally know what to fix. It will be okay ASAP.

19. 12月 2002, 12:04:38
件名: Re: Draws
That's not possible. When I play with anyone, draw offers work perfectly. I'll try to offer a draw to you in our game.

19. 12月 2002, 10:57:19
件名: Draws
Hi Fencer, no, Eddies right, I offered a draw 3 times in a game of maharajah, they couldn't accept it, so they offered me a draw and there really isn't anywhere to accept! I resigned in the end too!

19. 12月 2002, 06:26:06
件名: Re: draws..
eddie: It is possible that someone offered a draw to you and then made a move which automatically cancels the draw offer. I'll add more description to the Help page soon.

19. 12月 2002, 01:13:17
eddie spaghetti 
件名: draws..
ok i know ya been thru but but a few times now someone offered me a draw and when i go into show game? theres nothing there...is there anyway that this can be made easier?..i had soemone yellin at me in a checkers game i sent them and they sent me draw offers a few times and there was nothing there to accept it...i ended up resignin that game there was nothing i could do..i know your workin hard oin this site but its hard to figure out this draw thing one time it shows the next it doesnt...

18. 12月 2002, 13:15:13
件名: Re:
Mom: I take seriously each good idea. And the page of features for paying members only is a good idea too. I'll add it ASAP.

18. 12月 2002, 09:37:33
件名: Re: Move later....
Thank you; it's great. Excellent that you have also restricted it to paying members.

18. 12月 2002, 07:50:28
Mom of 2 brats 
Oh wow! I really didn't think you'd take me seriously! I'm glad you did and I'm sure there are
others that will be glad also. You might also think of showing a sample page of what us "non-members" are missing. I'd love to see what you've done! ;-) Pictures speak a thousand words. LOL

18. 12月 2002, 07:28:42
件名: Re: Move later....
Kevin: Ha, that's what I forgot about! I'll fix it for the next update :-)

18. 12月 2002, 03:13:42
件名: Re: Move later....
Yes, it sure is!! Very very nice job Fencer!

By the way, I REALLY REALLY like the indication of which piece was taken with the last move!! :-)
(although, when my opponent double jumped me in Anti-Checkers, it only showed one piece was taken...)

18. 12月 2002, 03:10:10
eddie spaghetti 
件名: Re: Move later....
hey ya know what? rose this fencer guy..i think we need to keep him around what do you think?..we ask for simple things he gives us simple things...hes ok for a full time game site programmer that has a bunch of people throwin ideas at him...hes almost ok....ohh ok...hes ok..haha....if anyone needs that translated into another language...i can not do that for ya sorry but if your readin this you do not need this translated so just rememeber in any langauge this site rocks!!!...es

18. 12月 2002, 03:02:20
件名: Re: Move later....
WOW! what an awesome feature Fencer! thank you sooo much.. I love the option to choose any game in my list to go to next.. thank you!!!!!

18. 12月 2002, 00:42:46
件名: Re: Move later....
thx Fencer & Mom of 2 brats, that is an excellent way to do it! Cheers!

17. 12月 2002, 20:18:00
件名: Re: Move later....
Done! For paying members only ;-)

17. 12月 2002, 16:45:40
件名: flip board feature
It would be a good feature to add.

17. 12月 2002, 13:02:47
件名: Re: Question
Well like , today i logged in and half of the links on the main page were in red :)

17. 12月 2002, 11:36:22
件名: Re: Move later....
Very acceptable to have a drop down feature of waiting games.

17. 12月 2002, 08:50:51
件名: Re: Move later....
Mom: Hey, that's a great idea! Yes, I can do it as you suggest. Thanks :-)
Goonerg: I think it could be acceptable, couldn't it? The "move later" feature would require a change in the database structure which is always risky.

17. 12月 2002, 08:06:01
Mom of 2 brats 
件名: Move later....
Just a suggestion but you might be able to use a drop down box or something like it. It wouldn't take up hardly any space on a page. You could even add extras for those that are members and have more than 20 games. It still would give you plenty of space on the page. This way, instead of hitting "next game" you would hit the drop down box to choose which game you would like to play next. Does this make sense? Not too good at explaining things and you may not be able to use it but I did want to suggest it.

17. 12月 2002, 00:32:12
件名: Move later....
how about a move later option, I find I like to move in all my games before chess & loop chess, but when I hit next game, a chess one can keep comming up, so it is back to the main page, click on a differnet games etc, is there any chance of a button to move games down the list? Cheers!

16. 12月 2002, 22:06:13
件名: Re: Todo List
OMG, there'd be no room on the site for anything else!! LMAO!!

16. 12月 2002, 20:50:18
件名: Todo List
Why don't you add a Todo list that can be seen by all,this might tell everyone that it has been requested and you intend on doing it at some time in the future,elimanate some of the repetion.

16. 12月 2002, 15:38:37
件名: Re: Question.....
Not yet. But it is possible to implement. I'll add it to my TODO list.

16. 12月 2002, 14:12:31
Mom of 2 brats 
件名: Question.....
Do you have a way to send a message to more than one person @ one time? The reason I am asking is because alot of times I am talking with someone on different games and I hate to be rude and just click off the net without telling them I'm signing off for the day or night.

14. 12月 2002, 16:46:50
件名: Re: backgammon
well i didnt c it so i asked...thanks kevin

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