ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: rod03801 
 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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11. 6月 2007, 04:50:40
件名: Re:
jadarite: Well, I suppose the original post of the thread would have been appropriate on the brainking.com discussion board... But it certainly wasn't a feature request.

11. 6月 2007, 02:50:24
件名: Reminder:
This is the FEATURE REQUESTS discussion board, folks.

1. 6月 2007, 16:19:04
件名: Re: Wrong rules for Mancala ?
It seems this Mancala discussion would be better at this point on the Mancala discussion board That way other people playing the game could chime in more easilly. (People looking to discuss this may not look on this board for that) Thanks!

16. 4月 2007, 01:22:59
件名: Reminder
Reminder: This is the Feature Requests Discussion Board...

Back on topic please!

27. 3月 2007, 02:38:30
件名: Re:
Oceans Apart & Pattypoo: Moderation questions do not belong on the discussion board. They belong in PM.

Posts that are clearly off topic will be deleted. This should be assumed. There were no hides or bans in the equation. You would have certainly gotten a message about that. I will not waste time writing PM's every time a post only containing smilies, or just chit-chat back and forth is cleaned up.

This conversation should not need to take place here on this board.

Thanks so much.

10. 3月 2007, 16:26:42
件名: Re: fast player
Please move the fast player debate to another board. This board is really more for the requesting of features, not the debate this is moving towards. The Members Only discussion board could use some action if you want to take it there.

Maybe iron out the details there, and come back here with a final idea of how it would be best?

Thanks so much.

27. 1月 2007, 15:31:22
Back on topic please folks.


20. 1月 2007, 15:56:14
The most recent off topic posts have been removed. Please use this board the way it is intended. Thank you.

18. 1月 2007, 01:45:35
件名: Re: Least Points
mctrivia: Move and go to Next game with most moves, works good for finding Ludo games close to completion. Of course you may run into those Anti-backgammon or other longer games!

The ability to flag certain games, and have a "Move and go to next flagged game" option would also help with this!

31. 12月 2006, 16:07:25
件名: Re: I think its great we can now see how we are doing in a Tournament from within a game itself, just by hovering over the Tournament name.
NewYear is soon: Check in the Javascript area of BrainKing Settings.

19. 12月 2006, 05:46:47
件名: Re: go to same game type
"Snoopy": One thing that would help, would be that when one you find one of these games that keeps coming back to you quickly, click "Play Later". Then, if you have your list sorted in the order you want to play in, just use "Move and go to next game", and it will skip any game you have clicked "Play Later" on. Of course, it is still wherever it would have been on your list, and if you click on the specific game from the drop down menu (the 2nd "Move and go to" drop down menu), it will of course bring up that game. But if you use any of the options from the first drop down menu, it will skip it. I believe it stays that way for your whole current session. (Until you log off, or actually make a move in that game)

You probably already knew this, but I thought I would mention it, just in case.

14. 12月 2006, 03:21:08
件名: Re: Ponds
RagingSeas: Actually, before the pond starts, when it is still in sign ups, it is sorted by rating. Once the pond starts, and it is time for everyone to make their first bid, it is then sorted by player ID#. (So, it's basically ordered by how long you have been on the site). Not sure why it switches to that on Round 1.

21. 11月 2006, 06:07:50
件名: Re: is this a poll?
nobleheart: I love word games too, however, the unique problem is that there are SO many languages here at Brainking!

19. 11月 2006, 06:02:17
件名: Re: Creating a Tournament
Jaak: Oh, and I believe that pawns only need 10 open slots for 2 game per player tournaments, and 5 open slots for 1 game per 2 player tournaments. (Regardless of the size of the sections)

19. 11月 2006, 06:00:26
件名: Re: Creating a Tournament
Jaak: Yes, certain things you can change before the tournament starts, and certain things you can't change.

I think if you send Fencer a message, he will change that for you.

Your other option, if there aren't many people signed up, is to delete it, and create another one, and send messages to those people who had signed up.

29. 10月 2006, 02:35:55
Let's stick to Feature Requests, please.

21. 10月 2006, 16:13:04
Shouldn't cheaters just simply be banned from the site completely, also?

But let's not start a debate like this on this particular board, please.

Awesome new feature Fencer, as usual. :-D

1. 10月 2006, 17:19:34
件名: Re: Sign up for all tournaments of this group
For me, it is rare I would want to sign up for ALL the games in a tournament. But there are times I do want to sign up for a few of them.. How about a check box next to each game listed in the tournament, with a box at the bottom also saying, "Sign up for all checked games"?

LOL.. everytime you add something Fencer, we want something extra!

12. 9月 2006, 02:09:53
件名: Re:
Sarah1980: No, but Fencer can. I'm sure he knows you want more! :-D

12. 9月 2006, 02:01:17
The resigning in backgammon discussion needs to go to the Backgammon discussion board now please. Thanks! :-)

23. 8月 2006, 04:22:44
件名: "move and go to" menu
rod03801 (23. 8月 2006, 04:56:48)に変更されました。
Hey Fencer, while your adding things to the "move and go to" menu, how about move and go to next fischer clock game?? It is "absolutely necessary" too! (I read the blog.. lol)

Actually, another thing I would like to see is for each game to have a check box that you can click, and have that game or those games always come to the top of your list, no matter how you have your list ordered. This is good if you have certain people whose games you always want to move on as soon as you can. Friends... Especially interesting games.. or pawns.. (when I get ahead, I like to try and help my pawn opponents out and move more quickly on their games since they are limited.. though I haven't been "ahead" in a while! lol) ..

It could either be set up as the game automatically going to the top, or as an addition to the move and go to menu as "move and go to next checked (or special, or chosen or whatever term) game."

14. 8月 2006, 12:21:43
This really is at the point that it needs to go to PM or another board. This is NOT a debate board. Thank you.

20. 7月 2006, 12:33:05
This is going off topic, folks.. Please take it to PM or General Chat, or Chess discussion boards. Thanks

6. 7月 2006, 02:25:25

3. 7月 2006, 04:28:11
rod03801 (3. 7月 2006, 04:31:21)に変更されました。
As BBW said, this board needs to get back to Feature Requests!!! Thank you very much!

** Some posts have been removed **

27. 6月 2006, 01:23:40
件名: Re: Move limitations and automatic for removing of tournaments
Ok.. this board is not meant for debating new features! :-D ... Please let's get back to requesting new features.
Feel free to take it to General Chat or Members Only to continue the conversation about "slow" players. Thanks.

21. 6月 2006, 03:55:14
件名: Re: Rules
mctrivia: You already can do that. Scroll to the VERY bottom of the rules pages. Right above "Back to top" is a little printer you can click.

4. 6月 2006, 20:12:55
件名: Re: player pictures
BIG BAD WOLF: No, I don't think you can shut off the players pictures no matter who ya are.

Gogul It was either here or brainking.com db, I think.

4. 6月 2006, 20:01:33
件名: Re: player pictures
SafariGal: Sure! Become a knight or rook!

3. 6月 2006, 17:56:45
件名: Re: new message notification
redfrog: No, there isn't a way.

That would also be a helpful feature for moderators.

23. 5月 2006, 02:48:08
件名: Re: Name Changes
Skyking: Another tip: go to their profile. Click on "Finished Games". Click on "Show games with me only". Sometimes that can remind you of who a person is.
Also, if you are someone who doesn't delete their PM's often, search for the name in your Inbox, and see if they have sent you messages in the past, and that can help remind ya too!

23. 5月 2006, 02:35:58
件名: Re: Name Changes
Skyking: It would be great if there were a "name history" in people's profiles.
There IS something you can do if they are on your "Friends" list, however. Use the "add a description" feature. If you put whatever name you know them best as, it will always be there with their name on your Friends list. Not the best solution, but it's something! :-)

22. 5月 2006, 03:24:55
Back to Feature Requests, Please!

16. 5月 2006, 02:19:16
件名: Re: played games in stairs
Hrqls: The only way I can think of, is to go to that person's "Finished Games" in their profile, and search for games in that set of stairs.
That's not very convenient, but I think, currently, that is the only way to find that information.
It would be a great addition to see that information at a glance, though!

10. 5月 2006, 02:25:03
件名: Re: stairs
redfrog: There doesn't seem to be anyway to do this, yet. Removing the person from the fellowship doesn't even take them out of the stairs in that fellowship.
I'm sure it is something Fencer will add though!

6. 5月 2006, 18:08:58
件名: Re: Mancala ?
rod03801 (6. 5月 2006, 18:17:23)に変更されました。
Baked Alaskan: Yes, it has been mentioned.

In 2003, Fencer's responses were:



4. 5月 2006, 01:33:28
件名: Re: Charts & Graphs
cd power: On your Finished Games page, you will see little clickable graphs. Also in each individual game you are playing, you will see the graph icon beside your name and your opponent's name. (There may even be a few other places. Messages at the end of games comes to mind also. There is a graph icon next to the BKR change.)

25. 4月 2006, 02:07:27
件名: Re:
joshitm: Fencer doesn't really like to do anti variations of variants. (anti hyper, anti nack, anti reversi 6x6, etc...)

I tried a game of anti hyper and found it not to be fun at all.
You can try it yourself by getting a friend to agree to an unrated, uncounted game of hyper, but play it like it's anti.

6. 4月 2006, 04:10:03
Yes, this is getting to the point now that it doesn't belong on this board. The request has been made. Specific features of this request is fine, but further debate about how individuals define "family friendly" and the good/bad points of different religions does not belong here. Members Only and General Chat would be more appropriate for that.

5. 4月 2006, 01:43:24
That's enough. Back on topic please. This is a board for requesting features, NOT for discussing moderation, nor moderators. Thank you.

26. 3月 2006, 05:13:08
件名: Re: Logon help ...
TKR101010: Fencer is the only one who can do this. (And maybe Liquid?). It is 4am or so in Czech Republic, so I'm sure Fencer is sound asleep! But he will probably be on in a few hours.

27. 2月 2006, 03:22:05
Another level of membership would be good! Brain Bishop maybe? 1 level up from rook. One addition could be the ability to create 3 fellowships. I had been wanting to suggest it for a long time... but I hadn't thought of any other extras to give for the higher price.. Maybe there are thoughts?

I for one would consider upgrading.. I'm sure there are probably others out there. The only current level up from rook is golden, which those people might not like because it doesn't give any extra for the money. (And i'm sure most cant afford the black one!)

26. 2月 2006, 18:57:26
件名: Innerfellowship team challenges.
It would be great to have the ability to create sub-teams within teams. That way, not only could teams challenge outside teams, but even teams within the fellowship! There are some fellowships with some pretty big teams where this would work well.
Also, this would be good for if there are people on a larger team who like fast games, and ones who like longer time limits. Then they could be seperated easily on the team.

21. 2月 2006, 01:31:17
件名: Re: Statistics
eagle eye: If you click on the games on that statistics page, it shows you all the games currently running.

12. 2月 2006, 21:31:10
件名: Re: Brain prize tournaments
mctrivia: HUH??? All I am saying is that I am in a brain tournament that is already running, and it would be nice to be able to click on the link to the tourney and be reminded what the pay out is for 1st 2nd and 3rd place.. The information was there before the tourney started, now I don't see it anywhere. Again, it is easy enough for me to multiply the entry fee by the number of people in it and figure out the percentage, but it would be nice to be able to see it at a glance..

12. 2月 2006, 10:35:47
件名: Brain prize tournaments
In the tournaments where brains are the prize, it tells you what each position will win when you are signing up. However, once the tournament starts, this information seems to disappear. (Unless I'm not looking in the right place! lol) Could this information please be on that tournaments page? (Where you see the chart of players) It is certainly not hard to figure out, but it would be nice to be able to see it at a glance..

5. 2月 2006, 19:36:12
件名: Another Random request/question...
I know we can create tournaments that are random, but can we add "random" to multi-game tournaments we create? (In other words, I create a tournament which includes the games Backgammon, Hyperbackgammon, and Random game, then either allowing the creator to define what games would be included in the random pool, or having random be made up of the other games already included in the tournament.) If not, I think that would be a good thing to add...

5. 2月 2006, 19:31:28
件名: Random Stairs
I think a set of Stairs that generates random games would be fun! (Or at least the ability to add "Random" to our stairs in fellowships)

29. 1月 2006, 18:20:21
件名: Team vs. Team
Yes! I agree so much that having the ability for 1 team to challenge another team would be a boon to the whole fellowship concept!
The current "team tournaments" aren't started very often, and when they are, are large and take a long time to complete. With Team vs. Team, they could be created whenever any 2 teams feel like it.
Also, in partnership with this, it would be cool to be able to create multiple teams within fellowships, and be able to have a Team Vs. Team between those teams..

29. 1月 2006, 15:38:20
件名: Re: Fencer
Vikings: Yeah, that too, but I think also being able to set the BKR parameters for the ponds would be cool too!

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