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管理人: alilsassy , rod03801 

BrainKing.com fellowships - questions, answers, discussion.

Join or start a Fellowship that fits your gaming style, friendships, and interests....

Join Fellowship Teams to participate in Team Tournaments

Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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15. 11月 2006, 03:57:25
件名: Re: Fellowship team ideas
MadMonkey (15. 11月 2006, 03:58:11)に変更されました。
BIG BAD WOLF: I like the ideas BBW, even if it will be alot of IF...THEN statements to code LOL

They will be useful if we do get the Team Stairs or League

29. 9月 2006, 23:47:43
件名: Re: adding problems
Nothingness: You have to create a Team for them first

29. 9月 2006, 15:39:12
件名: Monkeys Swinging Madhouse
Are you looking for a Fellowship to join ?
Fancy representing us in a Team, in Tournaments or against other Fellowships ?
Maybe have a break & join in with some Scrabble as well ?
Climb to the top of the Stairs or splash about in a Pond ?
Do you want to be part of a friendly crowd who love playing games and having a chat ?
Maybe you just bored with the Fellowship you are in, and looking for more ?

If you answered yes to any of the above, come along and ask to join:

Monkeys Swinging Madhouse

See you all soon............

10. 8月 2006, 12:46:08
件名: Monkeys Swinging Madhouse
To all BK MEMBERS (Old & New). I have now returned to Madland, after a year of hassles (many thanks to TexasToest & Fiona for looking after it). We seem to have lost quite a few members, which i can understand over the time.
So now its time to start recruiting again. So anyone wishing to join or re-join Monkeys Swinging Madhouse and join the Teams and Tournaments just have a click HERE .

See you all soon

17. 11月 2004, 11:34:17
件名: ! The SCRABBLE Fellowship !
If anyone is interested in playing Scrabble just pop along to ! The SCRABBLE Fellowship ! to join :o)

6. 7月 2004, 11:23:05
So can i lol

Are you on WebTV Lleuwana ?

5. 7月 2004, 14:13:08
I know, BUT at least like a few of us do we dont keep getting the invites to go back to certain fellowships. Mind you, it gives the Boss (Bosses) there something to do i guess :o)

5. 7月 2004, 14:03:38
LJ: (or anyone) If you get a fellowship invite from any person whose fellowship you do not wish to join, just ignore it or delete it, then they can not re-invite you. If you decline the invite, they can :o)

19. 5月 2004, 01:24:48
I must be missing something here, it makes me laugh.
Personal attacks are allowed on the Ground Zero board but no others, well maybe the elite archive one.
I wish people could see The Vault sometime ;o)

12. 5月 2004, 01:16:41
件名: Re: Amazing Amazons
I want a game i can lose at LOL :o)

5. 5月 2004, 11:57:03
件名: ! The Ladder Fellowship !
Thanks to all the hard work Stevie & Aragon have put into designing a web-site dedicated for Ladder games.
So far we have:
All Reversi versions
AND by popular demand, now Backgammon LOL
It also has loads of other things to take part in & use there (Forums, Free Downloads, Games etc...).
All the ladder games will be played here on BrainKing except for the scrabble games (on Bug cafe), so as well as watching your ratings here change, you can try and climb the ladders (or fall off the bottom LOL).

So anyone interested in playing on a Ladder, just come along to ! The Ladder Fellowship !

28. 4月 2004, 12:17:02
件名: ! The Ladder Fellowship !
I have renamed my Scrabble Fellowship to ! The Ladder Fellowship !

This is due to all the hard work Stevie & Aragon have put into designing a web-site dedicated for Ladder games.
It also has loads of other things to take part in & use there (Forums, Free Downloads, Games etc...).
All the ladder games will be played here on BrainKing except for the scrabble games (on Bug cafe), so as well as watching your ratings here change, you can try and climb the ladders (or fall off the bottom LOL).

So anyone interested in playing on a Ladder, just come along to ! The Ladder Fellowship !

13. 4月 2004, 14:37:02
LOL - come on ug, the ONE he is not IN. ROFL
(i know there is more than one lol)

10. 4月 2004, 15:46:53
件名: ! Alphabet Soup !
For those of you in the fellowship, but have not seen the DB there yet, please read A.S.A.P. - Important Notice

30. 3月 2004, 16:27:37
件名: Madhouse & Scrabble Fellowships
To anyone who left the below Fellowships recently and wishes to rejoin or anyone who would like to join, please just follow the links below or send me a PM :o)

MadMonkys Swinging Madhouse

! Alphabet Soup! Scrabble


30. 3月 2004, 14:29:48
件名: Angel Fellowship members & harley
I would like to appologise for any distress caused to members of the 'Angels' Fellowship & harley for what was written in the 'OLD' Cave fellowship.
In no way was it said in the manner in which it has been perceived.


25. 3月 2004, 14:53:45
件名: Cave
I seem to be playing in a fellowship tournament for a fellowship that is not there. If someone did not like anything said in the cave they had a choice to leave.

Can the Ex-members of the Cave have an explanation please Fencer why the Cave was deleted, and why no warning was given.

If it is anything to do with that was talked about in there, it was in a private fellowship and was harmless fun, just like what happens in certain other fellowships, BUT of course that is fine.
I have plenty of things copied/pasted and sent to me from other fellowships that would make VERY interesting reading to alot of other people (including Fencer).

Why are certain fellowships allowed to get away with this and not others ??? (as if we dont know !!).

20. 3月 2004, 10:32:22
件名: Re: ! Alphabet Soup! Scrabble
WOW - what a response in one day, and i wasnt even here LOL. Come on anyone else & i will get the first tournies started :o)

19. 3月 2004, 10:31:27
件名: ! Alphabet Soup! Scrabble
I have started a new Fellowship for anyone intersted in Scrabble. Just pop along and ask to join. We will be holding tournaments and hope to run a ladder system as well. Of course we will also be playing all the normal Brainking games there as well.
So if your interested, just pop along to ! Alphabet Soup! Scrabble and have some fun with the letters :o)

17. 3月 2004, 01:30:14
件名: Re: News boards: Problem?
Lythande: Where abouts do you mean ? In your fellowhsip ?

30. 12月 2003, 23:25:28
件名: Open Invite
To any Member of BrainKing who used to be part of the 'KM' fellowships.
If anyone is looking for a fellowship to join now 'KM' has been disbanded, you will be more than welcome at ◄Monkeys Swinging Madhouse► and of course anyone else as well.

30. 12月 2003, 11:34:02
Yes Lythande - spot on

5. 11月 2003, 11:57:08
件名: Monkeys Swinging Madhouse
To anyone who was a member before the site problems or anyone who would like to join Monkeys Swinging Madhouse just pop along. I tried to remember most people :o)

22. 8月 2003, 11:15:51
件名: Re: Lollipop Guild
Lollipop Guild link: Click Here

25. 6月 2003, 03:10:37
件名: Re: Fellowship Tournaments
unacanta: You need to define a team for that game within the fellowship before you can start a fellowship tournament for that game.
Hope that help you :-)

11. 4月 2003, 11:01:40
件名: Re: Fellowships
Thank you for that dream, but are we on goldtoken or brainking here ?? Fencer is trying to design this site well & for everyone & to make it better. If goldtoken seems to have the perfect idea, maybe we should just all play there instead (i know some of us do anyway). So the question being is do we want a games site just like GT or IYT, or create a better one ???

9. 4月 2003, 12:58:32
件名: Re:
I totaly agree with what you say sharon, but i still think there should be a limit on the ammount of fellowships (maybe 4 is the input i am getting direct from people).
You have to start thinking about all the games that are being played at the moment & ppl keeping up with them.
As the site grows & gets better known i feel it is better to set some restrictions now rather than putting the server under to much pressure. Once the site has grown & fencer can get onto using a more powerful server, i can see no reason why any restrictions should not be lifted. We have to help out Fencer in a way to help ourselves as well.

9. 4月 2003, 12:42:40
件名: Question
As one of the 2 who started this discussion, i am making notes on it all, but have just had a thought......( odd, i know lol )
Does this mean that as at the moment there are 43 different games that we can play, therefore when we get 43 fellowships we can join every one ( so all rooks best start fellowships lol ) & play in a team for every one, seems one hell of alot of games when you multiply all that up. Thats with out all the games Fencer is working on at the moment.

8. 4月 2003, 11:03:55
件名: Morning :)
Hiya, i have been waiting for you to wake up lol, i have read the suggestions here, was just answering the ones in the Madhouse on the subject :-)

8. 4月 2003, 00:20:15
件名: Re:
lovelysharon: thx for clearing a few of those things up, all i will add is that the idea of the team captains is to choose who plays.

19. 3月 2003, 17:28:20
件名: Monkeys Swinging Madhouse
Monkeys Swinging Madhouse has arrived by popular demand LOL - Everyone is welcome to join, just ask.
No matter if you are in other Fellowships like myself as we can still play in house games - give me a shout (limited Membership lol)

MadMonkey ;-)

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