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13. 2月 2012, 22:06:11
件名: Re: But stopping using fossil fuels all at once certainly won't get us there either.
(V):<b> Walmart is rebuilding their store roofs to put solar power on them to operate their stores and sell the excess back to the power companies.

Some people are buying Chevy Volts and putting solar panels on their roofs to recharge them and they can sell the excess to the power companies except in California. They have a law against selling excess energy to power companies.

13. 2月 2012, 22:01:05
件名: Re: But stopping using fossil fuels all at once certainly won't get us there either.
(V): True but we are in the process of creating a constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood as well as stop insider trading with congress and the supreme court.

These career politicians have all become pigs feeding at the troth.

The supreme court needs to be put under our conflict of interest laws.

13. 2月 2012, 21:57:49
件名: Re:
(V): lol, yes Newt is all for slave labor.
Newt wants to go to the moon to, maybe we can send him there without an environment suit.

13. 2月 2012, 21:15:02
件名: Re: But stopping using fossil fuels all at once certainly won't get us there either.
(V): The answer is using more green technology that will ween us off the oil glut. Also not listening to corporate lobby groups that support nothing but propaganda on climate change for their own personal profits.

13. 2月 2012, 14:47:42
件名: Re: Even France that depends almost entirely on nuclear power is starting to convert to other sources of energy.
(V):Yes radiation recovery continues but the effects on child birth defects and radiation caused cancers continue to rise. Their is no such thing ad acceptable radiation levers it is just another corporate backed scam. GE has already proven how unreliable their nuclear technology is and what lengths they will go to to buy off nuclear inspectors and then  their is also the long lasting effects on ground water when nuclear waste leaks into the ground.

Oil only creates dead zones like we have now in the Gulf because of the way energy cons like Hayward buys off politicians so they do not have to be responsible for the environmental damage they cause.

Green energy is the only cure for the environmental damage and climate change we are causing.

With the winter disaster being suffered by Europe this year I would think green technology would be a #1 issue.

13. 2月 2012, 11:34:26
件名: Re: That grass isn't always greener on the other side of the energy source....
How suck up it is when wing nuts and racists support criminal propaganda for their corporate masters.

11. 2月 2012, 13:54:44
Übergeek 바둑이: The mumbo-jumbo is people that support these vile Koch Nazis and continually make excuses for them. Nothing you can tell me about the Koch or Bush Nazi ties. And Koch joined the communist party in Russia before slimming his way to America.

As far as the tar sands go it is the greatest scam devised by corporate energy cons. Their is no such thing as clean oil or coal or nuclear energy.
If Canada wants to support China with this tar sand sludge and blight on the world let them ship it from their own ports.

11. 2月 2012, 00:29:29
(V):"It's a disaster, just like with a plane crashing, oil tanker/field leak.
Compared to Chernobyl, or the 'accidents' elsewhere it's no way near
the scale."

This is not true radiation is nothing like these things. Radiation cannot be recovered and is just a disaster waiting to happen. You cannot bury nuclear wast underground permanently it's only out of sight until the containers deteriorate. Even France that depends almost entirely on nuclear power is starting to convert to other sources of energy.
Getting rid of nuclear waste is also a corporate scam that the taxpayers have to spend their money on to get rid of what these energy cons produce.

Your right V about American potential for green energy we have several good sources and need to start using then to their fullest.

10. 2月 2012, 13:27:04
(V):Yes we have to use other sources but nuclear is not one of them V. Their is to much corruption between the nuclear watchdogs and corporations and then like I said we cannot even handle the nuclear waste we have built up so far and we want to create more. I think that is very poor idea. I would like to see anyone prove the Japanese nuclear disaster does not have a negative impact on the world and it's food supply as well as the near future deaths it has and will cause as well as many birth defects. It's always the innocent people that get the bullet in the head.

10. 2月 2012, 00:20:21
(V):<b> Their is no such thing as good exposure to radiation it all builds up in your body over time.

Our NRC just approved more nuclear power plants to be designed by GE one of the biggest corporate scam companies ever devised. We can't dispose of the nuclear waste we have now and they want to create more.

The world needs green energy not more corporate scams.

9. 2月 2012, 21:12:18
Jack (9. 2月 2012, 21:13:35)に変更されました。
(V): I have little faith in governments that declare areas to be safe after they have created these disaster zones.

Even with radiation like the recent release in Japan the agencies responsible for putting out warnings just up the safe levels of radiation people can stand which is nothing but more support for corporations paying off government officials to keep their products moving.

Worldwide people have to stand up to corrupt officials and stop listening to mental cases like Beck, Limbaugh and Murdock.

8. 2月 2012, 22:51:45
(V): Our motives are not always filled with good intentions But we should know better today. America used captured Nazi war criminals to develop it's jet engines as well as it's rocket motors. We uses Japanese war criminals to develop our bacterial and chemical weapons.
Our politicians glorify these actions instead of being ashamed of them.

Our methods are seldom filled with the good intentions we propagandize. It seems like we are doomed to keep making the same mistakes over and over at the high cost of innocent lives.

8. 2月 2012, 19:26:10

Beck was never anything but comedy central material. FOX used him and
dumped him. The Marxist nonsense these wing nuts keep harking on is a
fantasy dreamed up by Koch lobbies and supported by Murdock.

people outright support communism. Their support for union busting and
attacks on organized labor has it's roots in the old communist Russia
government. It has been proven that the Koch tea party corporate lobby
has it's roots in Communist Russia which the Koch family was a charter

Some interesting information about the Koch and Bush Nazi ties.


Report: The Koch's, A Nazi Past, Oil & The Foundation of The Right

Ilse, the grand mother to these Koch billionaires was the only female Nazi to be tried and convicted of war crimes.

 Note: This article's author,
John Loftus, is a former U.S. Department of Justice Nazi War Crimes prosecutor,
the President of the Florida Holocaust Museum and the highly respected author of
numerous books on the CIA-Nazi connection including The Belarus Secret and The
Secret War Against the Jews, both of which have extensive material on the
Bush-Rockefeller-Nazi connection.


Koch was also a member of the Russian communist party before he immigrated to America.

The Koch and Bush families are the most vile traitors to ever cross the Atlantic.

The biggest problem with free speech is that scam artists like Beck and Murdock get to abuse it and become millionaires off it.

4. 2月 2012, 23:30:53
件名: Re: The constant bickering in support for corrupt corporations
(V): Yes our supreme court ruling on corporate personhood was just conflict of interest that the justices are allowed to get away with and created an outlet to allow super PACs to buy votes and elections.

4. 2月 2012, 16:11:15
件名: Uninformed
V the American public is the most uninformed people on the planet when it comes to politics. People look to the corporate media for information on politicians  that is readily available to them through their political history support and votes they take. The politically correct are always ready to cover up the digressions of their favored party. It's the straw man creations created by the hate mongers that give American politics a bad name. The constant bickering in support for corrupt corporations and fascism that is over taking the government. The support for corporate war where no threat exists.

Obama is not a good leader but is much better than what the republicans have put up to run against him. The hate mongers can't stand it because the president has a good solid family life and pays his taxes instead of off shoring his money to hide it. McConnell said in a public speech the only goal the republicans have is to get rid of Obama and republican politically correct think this is good leadership.

If American voters become any more uninformed about what they are supporting we won't have to bother about any recovery because their will not be anything left to recover.

3. 2月 2012, 22:58:10
件名: Re:
(V): PBS is the last news service in America that is not sucking up to big money. Their ratings skyrocketed when Bill Moyers came back out of retirement. He gives good honest commentary.

Republicans in America are known for their religious bigotry using religion to support their phony agenda.

3. 2月 2012, 10:25:09
件名: jobs
Austan Goolsbee says current recovery beats job creation record of George W. Bush recovery


3. 2月 2012, 10:20:32
件名: Re:
Bernice: You need to put up some figures FOX didn't spin off from Bush to Obama.

2. 2月 2012, 19:07:41
件名: Re:No one beats Fox overall. Period.
(V): FOX in America is a registered entertainment service not a media outlet.

2. 2月 2012, 14:44:27
件名: Re:No one beats Fox overall. Period.

The centre of <span>Rupert Murdoch's
British newspaper clean-up operation is an unimposing set of offices in
a corner of the company's campus in Wapping, east London.

It is here that the
scarred reputation and the future of Murdoch's UK newspaper titles may
be rescued or broken for good. The chairman and chief executive of <span>News Corp says he has entrusted the operation, known as the Management and Standards Committee (<span>MSC),
to investigate the details of phone-hacking and alleged police bribery
by his London tabloids and prevent such events from happening again.


1. 2月 2012, 21:30:27
件名: Re:I understand the police problem and shouldn't they be prosecuted as well.
(V): Of course they are trying to cover their buts but shouldn't they be subject to the same laws as the citizens?

1. 2月 2012, 15:14:10
件名: Re:I feel these people all knew what they were doing and shouldn't be shown any sympathy for hacking into peoples personal grieving.
(V): I understand the police problem and shouldn't they be prosecuted as well.

We have a big problem with racist police and police that willingly take bribes here and the most punishment they receive is to be taken off the street and give a nice deck job or they are fired but never prosecuted.

This Murdock thing is going to have far reaching consequences and that's why I feel we need to give the investigation a chance to gather the evidence to put these criminal where they belong.

1. 2月 2012, 13:30:48
件名: Re:I feel these people all knew what they were doing and shouldn't be shown any sympathy for hacking into peoples personal grieving.
(V):<b>(V)</b>:  so maybe the press room printers are not guilty of anything but how do you keep a business operating as crooked as Murdock is. Maybe force him out all together and allow a responsible media outlet to take over? Even then the criminals that steal other peoples lives through hacking need to be punished.

I guess we should just allow the justice departments of both countries to go ahead and finish their investigations to collect all the evidence they can. 

31. 1月 2012, 23:43:32
件名: Re:FOX will continue it's criminal activities until the American investigation is complete and then it will fade from history I hope.
(V): I feel these people all knew what they were doing and shouldn't be shown any sympathy for hacking into peoples personal grieving. They also know what Murdock is and will always be when they hired on.

These people are the lowest life on the planet as far as I am concerned. In America they create great harm to our political system that goes beyond political leanings. The media has no right to produce false information just to support corporate profits for their boss.

Murdock should suffer the most but he will get away free because someone will be paid off to take his fall.

31. 1月 2012, 19:51:46
件名: Re:
(V): Murdock is responsible for his company and what it does. FOX will continue it's criminal activities until the American investigation is complete and then it will fade from history I hope. ABC is a FOX affiliate now and look at how the FOX supporters slam them. They are truly uninformed people.

30. 1月 2012, 13:16:05
件名: Re: are you talking 20 years ago?
(V):<b> V FOX is being watch now by the justice department and I am sure Murdock will screw up here just like he did in Britain. These people have no shame and no loyalty to anyone or any thing. FOX has been found guilty of creating fake headlines to support corrupt republican scam artists and the only way they get away with these fake headlines is because they are registered as an entertainment service and not a media outlet.

FOX makes tabloid news like Enquirer look good.

29. 1月 2012, 16:55:58
件名: Re: are you talking 20 years ago?
(V): Murdock is something else. His FOX Media is a joke here, if they don't have a real headline to support political corruption they just make one up.

Politicians here are not supposed to take gifts either but it's never prosecuted. Somehow we need to get our justice department to enforce the rule of law again.

29. 1月 2012, 15:31:41
件名: Re: are you talking 20 years ago?
(V): V, I don't know to much about British politics but I read one time that politicians were not allowed to take gifts from anyone because they were paid to be on the job not on the golf course. Is that true?

29. 1月 2012, 11:23:32
件名: Re: Newt Gingrich
Übergeek 바둑이:<b>Übergeek 바둑이</b>: You have it pretty much right. Romney is their best chance but it's a very slim chance. Romney supports nothing but the rich. Romney off shores millions to hide it from the tax man.

Romney and the rest of the republicans campaigning have one agenda. Destroy Social Security, Medicare, stop funding education, end all the safety nets created to keep people in their homes. The republicans support more free tax rides for the wealthy and huge subsidies to energy companies while the public drowns in poverty.

Romney may win the republican nomination but the majority of republican voters nationwide are religious hypocrites and Romney is a Mormon and that will keep many republicans home on election day.

The bankers support Obama because of the huge bailouts he continued with the Bush program and they know they can get more if they need them.

The republicans have been obstructionists since the 2010 tea party wins and have shown for two years their only agenda is to get rid of Obama at any cost including destroying the country.

The economy is really not getting better it just looks a little better for now because of temp jobs created for the holidays and those jobs are being taken away fast now and the next quarter will show a loss.

People are still losing their homes to crooked bankers and inflation is rising fast. Food here is getting very expensive and gasoline continue to rise in price due to Wall Street speculation. Jobs are still being outsourced to China. The government only uses people collecting unemployment figures with people collection compensation not people that have  used up their benefits and have no income and they do not use figures for the people that are under employed so the public has no real information to use when making decisions on the economy.

The American media is just a corporation now and does not give any real news they show whatever politician pays the most to say and show.

28. 1月 2012, 20:59:27
件名: Re: perfect example
Jack (28. 1月 2012, 20:59:48)に変更されました。
Artful Dodger: The bigots on the right took Gingrich out of the house under guard. Gingrich is a wing nut not a democrat they don't allow that caliber of scum in the party.

27. 1月 2012, 23:01:32
件名: Re: SOPA and PIPA
(V): They should support copyright laws that cover all countries.

I can understand companies wanting to protect their creations but I don't believe taking over the internet is the way to support existing copyright laws.

Übergeek has some very good comments on this issue.

27. 1月 2012, 19:45:14
件名: Re: SOPA and PIPA
Übergeek 바둑이: SOPA and PIPA are dead in America for now but I see Britain has just wrote up legislation that is just as bad.
I am sure our corporate interests will come up with legislation similar to SOPA and PIPA and just try to color it over. Your right about violence and pornography on the internet and even TV is being allowed to use disgusting language now.

27. 1月 2012, 19:41:05
件名: Re:
(V): The entire republican party supports nothing but big business and communist union busting. It was the republican party that deregulated Wall Street and allowed outsourcing jobs.

27. 1月 2012, 11:52:51
件名: Re:The laws being created today are targeted to give complete control of the public to corporations.
(V): Yes Cuba was a horrible case of the rich and shameless gone mad. It was the same with Iran. People are taught to hate these people and call them terrorists because they are tired of seeing their children starved and and murdered for no reason.

It was a sad day when the American public decided it could trust Hollywood actors to represent them and today all politicians seem to take acting lessons to win elections. Most of our politicians don't have enough eduction to even write a simple speech and only have to suck up to corporations to buy elections.

My own people just whine about things they don't like but keep supporting them.

Look at our TSA at airports. The harassment is nothing but sexual harassment and it is allowed to continue. People will not stop flying for a few weeks to stop this criminal all they do is take the abuse and keep running.

We don't even have a two party system any more it's the same fascism with business regardless who we elect. This endless neocon war profiteering has to stop and it would help if our allies would stop supporting it.

26. 1月 2012, 19:07:43
件名: Re:Besides their are already copyright laws in place to protect all countries from theft and all we need to do is get together and start supporting the rule of law.
(V): It seems now all I can do legally is buy copyright material for my own personal use and I am breaking some law if I decide to just give it away.
The laws being created today are targeted to give complete control of the public to corporations. When I pay for something shouldn't I have a right to use it as I will and not be dictated to as long as I don't use it in a harmful way?

Corporate personhood http://john101b.ipage.com/politics/citizensunited.html is a good example of what America has degenerated to. Our ruling bodies have become so deep in conflicts of interest and insider trading they are no longer able to function as a body that supports the public will or the public good.

You are right about Reagan and the harm he did but since Reagan all presidents regardless of party have continued on his path to destruction. Bush was placed in the white house by the supreme court instead of allowing the election process to be carried out and then we go worldwide claiming rogue governments are destroying democracy.

It was hard to believe people do not know about WWII and what created it but now it is easy as I watch my fellow citizens continue to cheer on their own destruction.

Not so long ago our schools taught civics as a mandatory subject but today civic classes are unheard of unless people study political science in college and then they are getting a healthy does of fake history.
The media has a lot to do with this takeover to. Since corporations bought up all the media outlets their is no more news just the version that pays the highest profits.
I find foreign news services more reliable than our own media outlets.

26. 1月 2012, 11:49:04
件名: Re:
gogul: Their is no capitalism anywhere now it's all fascism. Corporate control of the world by pigs feeding at the troth.

26. 1月 2012, 03:21:15
件名: Re:

25. 1月 2012, 18:50:56
件名: Re:
gogul: Henry Ford was one of the greatest robber barons of all. He paid his workers $5.00 a day when his cars finally started selling.

25. 1月 2012, 18:48:10
件名: Re:
Übergeek 바둑이: Their are no capitalist governments they have all become fascist sucking up to corporate money and creating poverty in what was once called the free world.

24. 1月 2012, 20:23:16
件名: Re:
(V): Besides their are already copyright laws in place to protect all countries from theft and all we need to do is get together and start supporting the rule of law.

24. 1月 2012, 20:21:54
件名: Re:
(V): Unfotunately America is becoming more fascist all the time. The supreme court with their citizens united rul of corporate personhood has really put American politics into buying elections instead of electing good leadership. I just wish Free Europe would stand up to American corporate war profiteering and stop supporting it.

23. 1月 2012, 13:17:43
件名: Re:
(V): It was a good protest to stop corporate government takeover of the internet.

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