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4. Octobre 2009, 19:45:37
Sujet: Re: rude behavior
1926: That just means they have put you on ignore so that you can never converse with them again. Lucky you!!

17. Août 2009, 03:06:06
slower n molasses going up hill in January...

27. Juillet 2009, 01:13:56
Sujet: Re:
ughaibu: Try Google Chrome. Works better and faster for this site. Doesn't work great for all sites but for this one it is very fast and works for me all the time even when FF won't

25. Juillet 2009, 03:51:56
Sujet: Re:
Bernice: as long as there is money to be made, there is never a true ban.

19. Juin 2009, 21:42:07
I resign a game that I too know Im going to lose so I don't waste time.. Isn't it still an achievement for the winner if I resign? I thought it was. it is still a win for them

3. Février 2009, 21:42:15
Sujet: Re:
"GERRY": LOL the secret is out...............

3. Février 2009, 03:08:37
Sujet: Re: Chips
Mousetrap: scroll down about 10 posts......

22. Janvier 2009, 23:03:38
I think most of the site got that love spam today. The person was 'hitting' on men and women

19. Janvier 2009, 23:32:10
I stopped using FF for the same reason. even when I disabled all the add ons this site lagged horribly.. I have used chrome for 3 weeks with out a single bit of down time, white page lag or any issue. (except the smilies and rich text issue which I can easily over look) no more sitting watching ludo boards to load one image at a time!

19. Janvier 2009, 22:40:13
Sujet: Re:
Artful Dodger: VERRRRy fast.. For here. Pages load faster on Chrome than any other browser so I don't mind giving up my text editor (miss being able to do fast links tho) and the smilies

19. Janvier 2009, 18:58:22
my lack of smilies is a browser issue. I use Chrome and found that not only do I not have the option to add smilies any more but no longer have rich text editor. A small price to pay as using chrome here really speeds up the page loads. Games are faster than any other browser I have tried.

2. Janvier 2009, 23:39:57
I don't know what the fuss is.. I have my game page open all day long while I work and I never ever see the dragon anymore.. I never go to the sign in page so no dragon.

30. Septembre 2008, 02:05:43

I may have missed a notice but does anyone know why we are now


24. Septembre 2008, 03:00:47

18. Juin 2008, 01:22:02
Sujet: Re:
Snoopy: Ya i don't get why its so fast.. maybe its the lack of add ons. FF has sooo many scripts, add ons etc.. Maybe thats why its sooo darn laggy lately.
All I know is safari is simple, basic, not pretty but WOW she's fast!

17. Juin 2008, 22:54:41
Sujet: Re:
Bernice: Unreal how fast the site is using safari. Pretty weird since being told that this is a firefox preferred site. I don't get it. Using any version of firefox just took ages to get through one single turn.. Ive been down to 40 games for months due to not being able to play many games .... unreal

17. Juin 2008, 21:16:37
Sujet: Re:
Bernice: Ya it was to the point that I was ready to stop playing due to the slow speed. Today is the first day in weeks that i can literally zip thru my turns. Unbelievable. I think the last firefox update was when everything started to lag for me.. I even got the latest beta 5 and still slow as molasses in January. This safari has actually made a huge improvement in playing.

17. Juin 2008, 14:12:52
Bernice try safari.. I installed it today after getting the latest firefox beta 5 which was slower than my old firefox. I can actually play my games in a reasonable time now. Can't hurt to try it. Go to apple.com and download it.

13. Juin 2008, 14:17:32
Sujet: Re:
ScarletRose: There are no bugs, there is nothing to fix, if it is slow it is our fault not the site or where the site is. Havent you been reading any of the messages? Its all in our minds that it is soo slow and laggy for us and that we cant get pages to load. Has nothing what so ever to do with the website or that every other site we go to works fine. NOOO it's our fault and our fault alone. Please read the past messages to learn that.  

8. Juin 2008, 22:18:56
Well at least it's not just ME experiencing this.. It is so laggy and slow to load anything for a few days, well since the latest update  I would think.
But you all know we will be told to stop griping about it, that is it our fault not the sites.

14. Mai 2008, 16:55:58
Sujet: Re:
MadMonkey:I'm impressed with its loading speed. Also pdf's open much, much faster with the new FF. Also less wait time for pages to open from email ( clicking links in email used to take quite a few seconds, now they are nearly instant)
So far I like the latest version.

14. Mars 2008, 22:15:18
Sujet: Re: messages disappearing
Binabik: In the past few days I have had it happen.. Go to any game that you lost your message in.. at or near the bottom is show message archive.. i had to click it to get mine back

8. Février 2008, 20:35:51
Sujet: Re: Slow
Jim Dandy:Have to agree. Its pointless for anyone to complain though. Why arent all other sites slow? Why only this one? WHY is it our fault? I will never understand that as long as it keeps being repeated. When I first thought it was my machine months ago I replaced just about everything. Then realized it was HERE not ME and I gave up. It isnt just a few people that are going through this. It is a very large number of paying members, most wont speak up openly about it after reading so many negative replies ( who wants to be called a troll by a site owner? I dont!)
 Doesnt matter how many ppl try to explain how slow it is for them or complain it seems it will always be our fault because it works GREAT for some.  (I dont think youll find it working GREAT for a large majority of folks in North America though, maybe in Europe or Czech )
Someone was nice enough to tell me if I didnt like it to leave. My analogy is if you buy a car and it doesnt work right do you leave it by the side of the road? No you ask for it to be fixed.

28. Janvier 2008, 17:27:39
Sujet: Re: VAT on User Fees?
alanback: That makes sense. Any one visiting Canada that buys something with our tax can get that tax refunded back to them by filling out a form. I wondered about that VAT as well.

15. Janvier 2008, 14:18:37
What a lot of people here are missing is those of us that are finding the site very slow ARENT ALL on old machines. Mine is brand new, top of the line with 2 GB of ram, 3.4GHz dual core processor. 256MB PCI Express vid card, plus on a 15megabit highspeed provider (highest available on cable)
I found this site great for the last 5  years.. Now in the last few months it is slow. SO those of you telling us to leave and it is all our fault just dont get our side of it. (If you bought a car and it didnt work right would you really just walk away from it and get a new one? I would think you would ask the manufacturer to make it work right - Also not fair of you to tell the lifetime supportes to just leave after they plunked down over $400)
I am on line 12 to 14 hours a day with my job and logged in to BK from 8am to 10pm at nite. This is the only site that lags and gives white pages, takes 30 seconds to load, red dots for game pieces for us to 30 seconds, cant play logik as there are too many moves an it takes 5 minutes to play one turn. etc etc.. And there are not a handful of us. There are lots of us who will not write on this board for fear of being lashed out at.
Those of you that do not know and are not experiences this issue, Please stop telling us it is our PC or our ISP. I have run a speed test with my ISP and it was flying so fast that the ISP tech was amazed at how fast it went.

Sure you few lot are frusterated reading these posts over an over. JUST IMAGINE how frusterated people who pay to use this site are feeling when they cant play their games properly day to day to day!!!!!

13. Janvier 2008, 22:25:41
Sujet: Re: Moderator missing
Andersp:She found it too hard to moderate boards when her pages wouldnt load properly, let alone try to play her games. 

13. Janvier 2008, 22:05:22
Sujet: Re: Moderator missing
Andersp: not missing,, quit

7. Janvier 2008, 04:12:42
I guess what it all boils down to is the fact as long as it works for certain people and they keep paying then there is no problem. Albeit the 400 (guesstimate) or so on this side of the pond who were the first loyal yearly supporters of the site 5 or so years ago before there were more than a handful of European supporters have an issue with slowness now, that we never had before. wel that is just our tuff luck. Or am I reading this wrong? Too damn bad is how I see/read it.  (Yes, i am customer #156 who joined here when the majority of payments came from North America.)

I do think being nasty to customers is any way to deal with it. If I did that in my business I wouldn't be in business for very long.

BUT like any thing else in life. If a person isn't satisfied with the service the option is to stop paying for the service and get better service elsewhere. It is what makes or breaks businesses.

20. Décembre 2007, 20:25:13
Sujet: Re: Xmas Holidays
alanback:  I dont think that  would be fair to the many hundreds of people here that dont celebrate that Christian Holiday. I didnt see any one ask for time controls shut off during the start of Channukah.. 

8. Novembre 2007, 01:31:23
I'm having issues with archived messages.. I scroll  down to reread
what I had written and only half the message is there.. the 'rest' is sort of
cut off to the far right... Wonder if anyone else has had that happen?

28. Octobre 2007, 01:23:26
Sujet: Re: getting fed up
ruby2shoes: I understand your anger. Its as frusterating as anything to have he site as bad as it has been and every one daily asking what is wrong and met with complete silence.  You are not the only person wondering what is going on. We are all in the dark here.

15. Octobre 2007, 17:34:00
Sujet: Re: Slow Response
rod03801: I turned off all smiley's.. so they don't load at all .. no change..

15. Octobre 2007, 16:16:20
Sujet: Re: Slow Response
Purple: Oh I know.. Im avoiding most public boards due to the long load time.. Every page takes up to 55 seconds to load.. then youre in purgatory if you get doubles in gammon. That is a 5 min turn for sure.. Im just glad to hear Im not alone. I thought I was going mad.
But what does a person do when told there is nothing wrong with the site, the server that it is on or the connection speeds?

15. Octobre 2007, 16:05:48
Sujet: Re: Slow Response
tonyh: Same for me for the last two weeks. I play very few games due to the long wait for pages to load. I keep getting the same message when I ask, there is nothing wrong with the site. I dont get why it works great for some and horrible for others. NO matter where they are located in the world!
Frusterating to say the least.
I thought it was my machine but other sites work great. I checked my net connection, my router, my modem, different browsers, this and that.. All other sites I go to work ok.. Why BK works sooo bad for me but not for others stumps the heck outta me..

11. Octobre 2007, 14:59:20
Sujet: Re: Glitch?
pauloaguia: Good question.. I just checked IE and it doesn't do it in there, it word wraps how it should.. Tho I hate to use that browser
Yes, the 1024 is the very outer edge of the browser with scroll bar.. Must be something that FF cant handle when I force a different width in. Not a huge issue, just wondered if anyone else had experienced it.

11. Octobre 2007, 14:06:01
Sujet: Glitch?
Any one else had this happen?

I have my screen resolution set to 1052x864.. I have my browsers set to 1024x768 ( to view how pages look when I design them)
In my games all my previous messages are missing text off the right edge of the page. If I resize the browser to the full length of the screen the text is all there. I resize it back to 1024 and 4 or 5 words per mine go missing. It doesnt word wrap. Anyone else seen this happen or is it a phenomenon to me only?

8. Octobre 2007, 20:31:12
Lotta issues with the site this past few days. Lot of white pages ,page not found .. slow icons loading.. 

20. Septembre 2007, 15:17:53
I really like that you have set a date. Much better than being in the dark on when to stop sending questions and when the interviewee will receive them.. very good idea!

18. Septembre 2007, 22:38:44
Sujet: Re:
Vikings: Perfectly.. From what I understand some people in the US don't have maps...

* That poor beauty contestant wont ever live that one down.

18. Septembre 2007, 17:00:15
Sujet: Re:
Tuesday: OH WOW what a really awesome idea! That my dear is a wonderful suggestion!

18. Septembre 2007, 16:15:46
Sujet: Re:
Purple: Thanks but no thanks.. I have enough responsibilties here.. Might be nice for someone who hasnt had much involvement here before to volunteer the job..

18. Septembre 2007, 16:07:33
Sujet: Re:
Ewe:  I dont think it was done on purpose.. I find lately the way the pges load things shift over as the page fully loads.. It was a perectly acceptable Question.

I too think anyone interested should put their name forward. We need to appoint an interviewer first though I think.

Is there anyone else other than Pauloaguia who is interested in conducting the interviews?

17. Septembre 2007, 20:41:33
Sujet: Re: Interview
coan.net: Dont forget to add: Take votes on who people would like to be interviewed.. To make it fair so that not just your favourite friends are interviewed first..

17. Septembre 2007, 01:57:12
Youre right B... He asked and Fencer said ok.

So anyone who is interested in helping to keep them going please speak up. It would be great to have them back on track again. They have been lacking for months..

27. Août 2007, 14:04:28
Sujet: Re:
MadMonkey: I've had it happen once as well!

21. Août 2007, 14:11:02
Sujet: Re: Autopass?
wetware: FYI - Autopass is ONLY available in gammon games for now tho.. No others

14. Août 2007, 22:41:22
To quote Hrqls: "messages after this which dont belong on this board will be removed"

8. Août 2007, 15:21:11
Sujet: Re: 22 times in the last hour :o(
Eriisa: So since we all are suffering it is our problem? Doesn't make sense to me. Every country is having the issue but it is our problem?

27. Juillet 2007, 21:24:03
Sujet: Re: Payment Methods
alanback: Hehe Yup czech's checks only!

24. Juillet 2007, 13:51:22
Anyone had this happen to them?
When you go to your dice poker game the green background area indicating what you need to roll is no longer green but is now a white background like the rest of the board. Don't know if there is something that has to be checked to make this feature work or if its a glitch. Any help would be appreciated.

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