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12. Mai 2006, 18:08:21
Radiant2008 :-) 
Sujet: My Testimony from Missionary Trip Nigeria 2006
From the beginning I knew the Lord wanted to sent me on this trip, I asked myself: How could HE use ME in Nigeria?
My Faith came under attacked since I knew the LORD sent me on this trip.
This became clear during the Alpha course and we discussed why did Jesus die.... Agony and much sorrow came over me when thinking of Jesus being cut off from His Father; while He carried all the sins from us. I tried to imagine how He must have felt at that moment just before He died. There were many emotions and I started questioning my own Faith.

During that particular time, I was preparing myself to go to Nigeria and I had asked myself how the LORD could use me there. I even doubted and got discouraged.

After watching session 2 the Alpha Course: I saw WHY He died for us: so that we don't have to be cut off from the Father!! So, that we always will have a relationship with Him!
That was so hopeful for me and I gradually grew in Faith in His Goodness. Knowing that He wanted me to go to Nigeria, to encourage and strengthen these brothers and sisters to His Glory.

And yes, He used me for His Glory!!

He worked through me... by giving me back a part of my Art Ministry. Art: a medium to share the Gospel.
Little did I realise that through all that we share: we also will be encouraged!
The first experience of His Love for His children He showed me when He worked through me helping the children to create Art in the Kings School in Gana Ropp. I found myself sharing the Gospel by teaching them how to create a cross, a tomb and His Ressurrection by the use of simple materials. Their eagerness; enthousiastme to learn; their shining faces; their gratefulness shown to us; and by Gods Guiding helping us to create even more: crowns for them: for they are Princes and Princesses of the King! And: fishes for them. These children filled by His Spirit, being set a fire and filled with Joy, they gave me so many blessings! I thank the Lord for this chance to share the Gospel through Art and to encourage many! I thank the Lord for this medium that they themselves can use to share the Gospel with those unreached in their lives. I know, He will use them for His mighty work.

He worked through me...
By praying with brothers and sisters and the Lords fast answers.
Also little did I knew when praying with a sister, how her request instantly was answered! After returning home I received an email from her. One of her requests was to receive a husband. She wrote me that that very night that I prayed with her, the man whom God put on her heart to be her husband asked her to marry her!! I would like to underline, that many prayers the team prayed with brothers and sisters were answered instantly! Praise the Lord! He has been so good to all of us!

He worked through me... On our various travels:
Very little did I realise how the Lord gradually put a burden in my heart for Nigeria during our travels. Although it would have been interesting for us to spend the night in some of the villages we visited; I realise this was the reason for us to travel every day forth and back to the hotel in Kaduna.
We saw its beauty. And the Joy and courage of the people being a Missionary. We also saw its poverty, the drought, the traffic situation, the circumstances in which people are living. And we felt the heat: I enjoyed the sun every day. Me, being a white woman, I thought I couldn't handle the heat, but I felt His Hand on me every day to be useful, watchful & prayerful. I also enjoyed the food; especcially that prepared for us at homes and during our fieldtrips.

He worked through me... and laid a burden on my heart to return to Nigeria as a Missionary:
Little could I know that the Lord gradually would put a burden in my heart to return to Nigeria as a Missionary! He will work out the details: to mold and refine me.

I could hear Him talking to me when interviewing Ruth who teaches women sewing at the Women development Center in Angwankanawa. A perfect way to share with them the Gospel!
I could feel His Holy Spirit touching me when I saw yet unreached and illiterate Muslim children curiously looking at our cars, in the area north of Zaria on our way back. During that same drive I was touched by a lost child, about age 3, who was crossing the road in front of our cars and appearently had nobody that looked after her!! They need Jesus and I pray for them every day!

I have seen there is so much still to do by our Heavenly Father, that it took me efforts to listen to Him and to come home with the team. I would have loved to stay and start doing His work. This trip has made a lasting impression on me! He has used me every day. And I know that He will use me again in His time in Nigeria. And I am convinced that He can us each one of you too in Nigeria! Pray about it and let Him talk to you. You will be blessed! Very little do I know what He has in store for me with regards to the burdens He laid on my heart; but by Faith and Prayer I know that He will show me in His Time, what His Purpose is for me in Nigeria. In Jesus Name - AMEN

Radiant Aunt - The Hague - April 2006

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