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27. Janvier 2008, 00:10:02
Sujet: Alternative (faster) Logik turn entry
I've just started playing Logik, and I've noticed that it takes an awfully long time to play each move, since it takes 10 full page refreshes (click on peg color, click empty space, repeat for all 5 spaces). It takes me about 30-40 seconds to enter a complete move.

I'd love to see a text-entry field that would allow me to enter my turn all at once, by typing it. After submitting that, I'd be taken to a page with all those pegs placed, where I could finalize my move or play around with it like normal. (It shouldn't replace the current method, just be there as an option.)

The text format could either be full color names (e.g., "red blue green yellow white") or individual letters (RBGYW). (Since we have three colors starting with B, you could use K for black and N for brown.) I realize this might be hard to localize, though. If so, perhaps numbers could be associated with each color and shown underneath them, and we could just enter the numbers.

Honestly, the details aren't that important to me. Whatever the format, I'm sure I could get used to it, and I'm sure it would make things much speedier.

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