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29. Octubre 2012, 00:24:10
Iamon lyme 
Asunto: Re: IF you're a gay conservative, be prepared for some serious gay bashing from your friends on the LEFT. Liberals only like gays who conform.
Artful Dodger: [ show me where there is such wide spread abuses from the Right. ]

Maybe later. He's studying past history at the moment and can't be bothered by irrelevant distractions. There is a time for discussion, and a time for study...

Uh oh ... Sensing fits of laughter surfacing within meself, so I shall be excusing meself as well.

29. Octubre 2012, 00:18:18
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: No but it does seem like you are making excuses for the bad behavior of those on the Left.
(V): Well what I am doing is pointing out the VERY BAD behavior of the Left that is being IGNORED by the MSM because they are in the Left's pockets. AND since there is no one pointing out any CURRENT happenings by the Right that parallel the vile acts of the Left, I guess we're ONLY talking about the Left. If you want to drag the Right into this, let's see some hard CURRENT evidence.

I'll be waiting.

28. Octubre 2012, 23:38:12
Asunto: Re: If it's not "less bad", then you should have no trouble finding examples to match what AD has shown.
Iamon lyme: True.. I wouldn't if could be bothered to google them. TYT usually has plenty of such cases. But hey... I don't need to, for only a complete lunatic would actually argue that there are those on the right who don't do the same thing..

... when everyone who seriously looks at politics knows it does.

I'm more interested in looking at some older history at the moment. How the French helping the American revolution bankrupted the French and led to the French revolution...

40,000 died by the guillotine, one lot of revolutionaries denouncing the last lot and so on...eventually leading to the military taking over via Napoleon.

.. how the man who invented the small pox vaccine has saved more lives than any other person in history.

28. Octubre 2012, 22:39:39
Iamon lyme 
Asunto: Re: No but it does seem like you are making excuses for the bad behavior of those on the Left.
(V): If it's not "less bad", then you should have no trouble finding examples to match what AD has shown.

By the way, I saw a newscast about how yard signs supporting Obama were being defaced in a nearby city, and also a report about someone seeing a man urinating on an Obama sign in the same neighborhood. What the news station did NOT report later in the week is that some of those men were caught doing this, and they all lived in the same neighborhood where this was happening.

But here's the kicker... those men were registered Democrats, and one of them was seen in his own front yard defacing his own sign.

28. Octubre 2012, 21:58:06
Asunto: Re: No but it does seem like you are making excuses for the bad behavior of those on the Left.
Artful Dodger: Nope.

But it does seem you are using bad behaviour by the left, to make out the bad behaviour by the right is less bad.

It's all bs. They should be sent back to school!!

28. Octubre 2012, 21:46:35
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: show me where there is such wide spread abuses from the Right.
(V): No but it does seem like you are making excuses for the bad behavior of those on the Left.

28. Octubre 2012, 21:07:45
Asunto: Re: show me where there is such wide spread abuses from the Right.
Artful Dodger: I didn't say it was wide spread. N' I not going around showing you what you already know exists in some shape or form.

28. Octubre 2012, 20:37:52
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: IF you're a gay conservative, be prepared for some serious gay bashing from your friends on the LEFT. Liberals only like gays who conform.
(V): show me where there is such wide spread abuses from the Right.

28. Octubre 2012, 20:31:30
Asunto: Re: IF you're a gay conservative, be prepared for some serious gay bashing from your friends on the LEFT. Liberals only like gays who conform.
Artful Dodger: In ANY ideology there is gonna be a fraud, or someone who will drop supposed PC behaviour in an moment. It doesn't really matter who champions what!

Your side does it, the other side in America does it, and other get caught in between.

.... On the brighter side... (sarcastic brighter side) the Jimmy Saville (paedophile) business is about to bust wide open. Garry Glitter has been arrested and many more are to come. A dozen plus big name stars are said to be on the verge of being arrested for abusing kids over many years before children got a voice.

The BBC, police, MP's, Prime ministers (Maggie Thatcher) and many other figures and organisations are being looked into over who covered up it all. Many rumours were abound, but Jimmy had friends in high places.

300 plus kids.....

But, it looks like some people who should be jailed never will be.. Time has been bought by those who can assert pressure on the police to delay investigations that date back 4 or 5 years.

28. Octubre 2012, 20:15:19
Papa Zoom 


Are voting fraud, intimidation, smear tactics, and violence how the Left operates now?, <span>page 1

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<span>ATS Members have flagged this thread 15 times

<span>Topic started on 25-10-2012 @ 07:35 PM by <span>LadyGreenEyes

This is a collection of several stories that I have read recently,
showing just how desperate the Left is over the election, and to what
lows some
people will stoop to win. It's a historical fact that no incumbent with
poll numbers as low as Obama's has ever won, and even a computer with a
perfect track record predicts a Romney win:

Computer predicts Romney win

So, from all indications, looks like the rules are out the window.

First we have unknown persons from Seattle sending bogus letters to
Florida voters, in what looks like an attempt to smear the GOP down

FBI joins

Then there is the polling place in North Carolina that was logging
Romney votes for Obama (and I was under the impression they calibrtated
before voting started...):

Machine gave Romney votes to

Next, we have the son of a Wisconsin state senator beaten by thugs who were trying to steal his Romney/Ryan sign:

from the left

Moving on, there is the son of a Democratic congressman in Virginia, being investigated for voter fraud:

a family

There was the case of the DNC delegate stating she wanted to kill Romney, prompting a Secret Service investigation:

....and she's a

We also have some New York residents, with Florida addresses, that
attempted to vote twice. Considering the political makeup of most of
those people,
it's a pretty safe bet they were Democrats:

NY snowbirds breaking the rules

There were, of course, the two media instances of Democratic stations
calling the election for Obama, "accidentally", that have already been
discussed here:


Ohio station

(Kinda hard to miss that one of these is is a seriously important swing state...)

...and there was the Arkansas Democrat that wanted to buy votes:

Votes for vodka

Of course, there are always the ineligible people the Dems like to register:

non-citizens voting in Colorado

...and yes, it's happened

Finally, there is the very biased film being released on NatGeo right
before the election, that even the national Geographic people refused to
certain editing for:

SEALS for political gain

I guess when you have done all you can to destroy the economy, tossed
our diplomats to the wolves, and can't debate on anything more important
Big Bird, binders, and bayonets (and someone please inform the clown
that the Marines have those as standard issue...), you have to cheat.

28. Octubre 2012, 20:07:44
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: IF you're a gay conservative, be prepared for some serious gay bashing from your friends on the LEFT. Liberals only like gays who conform.
(V): But the Left pretends to champion gay causes but in reality there is a catch.

28. Octubre 2012, 20:02:27
Asunto: Re: IF you're a gay conservative, be prepared for some serious gay bashing from your friends on the LEFT. Liberals only like gays who conform.
Artful Dodger: So do many a conservative "people of the book". Stating that being Gay is against God.

Whoopee ... people like to find words that hurt when angry.. you ain't discovered anything new. .... Such politics that you have no in America that such is bound to happen in a country made into an "us and them" nation.

28. Octubre 2012, 20:01:09
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: All the while...
pretending to be the victim. It's a standard tactic of some on the Left. Bottom feeders.

28. Octubre 2012, 19:59:33
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: A dangerous tactic of the Left
CNN’s Don Lemon Questions Erick Erickson About ‘Swatting’ Attacks On Conservative Bloggers
by Alex Alvarez | 4:28 pm, June 8th, 2012

On Friday, CNN’s Don Lemon spoke with conservative blogger Erick Erickson about “swatting,” or making it appear as if another, targeted person is making fraudulent 911 calls. And, as Lemon warned viewers, the results could be fatal.


Erickson told Lemon he is targeted all the time, but this marks the first time his wife and child are included in someone’s attack. “It’s surreal to hear someone calmly pretend to be me saying they’ve shot my wife and they’re going to shoot someone else,” he shared. Lemon agreed, adding that the call upset him, too.

As it turns out, Erickson continued, one of the officers who arrived at the scene that night recognized him from CNN, and inquired about an “accidental shooting.” Another officer kept his distance, holding his hand over his gun while Erickson’s three-year-old stood nearby. Other officers had the house surrounded.

Swatting is an attempt to trick an emergency service (such as a 9-1-1 dispatcher) into dispatching an emergency response team. The name is derived from SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics), one type of such team. Such actions are criminal actions.

The Left LOVES to use intimidation tactics to silence those on the Right.

28. Octubre 2012, 18:38:37
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: FYI

28. Octubre 2012, 18:30:20
Papa Zoom 
Vandals Key "Obama" Into Cars

From CBS Los Angeles:

Someone keyed the word “Obama” into two cars and slashed seats in another outside a residence that had Mitt Romney campaign signs.

CBS2 and KCAL9 reporter Rob Schmitt spoke to Ken Slown, owner of one of the keyed vehicles.

Before you feel too outraged by this immature, stupid political hate crime, it gets better:

Slown actually supports President Obama!

He explained to Schmitt that he and his wife — both currently unemployed — are staying with her parents and it’s her parents who support Romney.

Lol! Now, I'm not suggesting the Slowns, both Obama supporters, deserve to have their vehicle vandalized. They don't. But as one who enjoys ironic humor, it is priceless that pro-Obama vandals would damage two vehicles in an anti-Romney attack and both happen to belong to Obama supporters!

Another delicious irony - the only two Obama supporters at the residence happen to be unemployed and living with their mother. So, I guess that "Hope & Change" isn't working out so well for them. One has to wonder why they would continue to support Obama, given their circumstances.

Video report here:

28. Octubre 2012, 18:25:26
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: And IF you're a black conservative
Look out. For the left has ZERO tolerance for blacks who side with conservative causes. A visit to a black conservative's twitter feed is so very revealing.

These examples of intolerance aren't isolated examples but the Left provides plenty of examples of their bigotry and hate.

All the while blaming others for their own faults.

You know, just like their Messiah, Obama.

28. Octubre 2012, 18:22:41
Papa Zoom 
And Dan Savage, you know, the darling of the Left who is on an anti-bullying campaign, can't resist calling gays names IF they side with conservative causes.

28. Octubre 2012, 18:20:54
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: And this gem from the Left

28. Octubre 2012, 18:20:13
Papa Zoom 
IF you're a gay conservative, be prepared for some serious gay bashing from your friends on the LEFT. Liberals only like gays who conform.

Where's The Outrage?

From The Daily Caller via Breitbart:

“I was getting ready for work and there was a knock at the door,” Wood emailed The Daily Caller late Wednesday. “I opened it, and a guy wrapped a ligature around my neck, slammed my head into the doorway, and smashed my face into a mirror, telling me ‘You should have kept your [f*******] mouth shut.’”

“He then kidney-punched me, while at the same time saying I was ‘warned,’ and continued to beat me,” he added.

Wood told The Daily Caller that vandalism preceding the assault, along with his attacker’s statements during the incident, suggested his sexual orientation and his politics each played a role.

Wood said his attacker’s reference to a warning likely pointed to graffiti he found painted on his car last week. The vandalism included the phrases “house trained republican faggot,” “traitor,” and “ur like a jew 4 hitler.”

It seems a hate crime is only a hate crime if perpetrated by a conservative against a liberal. The hypocrisy of the left is astounding.

28. Octubre 2012, 18:19:05
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Because Obama has succeeded in vilifying the Right and dividing
Will the MSM focus on this? No. They are too busy looking for ghosts.

Via Mount Pleasant Patch:

The Tea Party faithful gathered Saturday for a loud and enthusiastic rally aimed at to getting out the vote on Nov. 6 and putting Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in the White House.

A crowd of around 1,000 grew to about 2,500 at the rally, which took place inside the old Sam's Club on Regency West Drive[...]

Before the event could get under way, though, organizers say a truck affixed with "Obama" stickers drove through the parking lot and dumped quantities of nails.

"We went outside and picked up what we could," said Lou D'Abbraccio, holding a cup filled with nails. "But this was just wrong."

Lora Halberstadt, a Tea party member, said the group did call the Racine Police Department to file a report.

28. Octubre 2012, 04:17:34
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: Again, adoption.
rod03801: the guy is a minister so it didn't surprise me the he included the sinner part. But maybe he did that after getting a sense of her receptiveness. But I actually agree with you. I have argued with other Christians and told them moral arguments can stand on their own without mention of God. Proof of this is the site atheists for life.

28. Octubre 2012, 01:46:20
Asunto: Re: Again, adoption.
Modificado por rod03801 (28. Octubre 2012, 01:47:51)
Artful Dodger: I did take the time to watch that whole thing. Very moving. And I think it cleared up my ambiguity towards abortion. (Never something I supported, but at the same time I thought there might be times when it is ok for certain people. Never a choice I would make, but didn't feel I could make the moral decision for someone else) I would say that I would absolutely support getting rid of roe v wade.

However, I would NOT have watched the whole thing if about 7 minutes of the last 10 minutes had been at the beginning. (The whole heaven/hell bible "stuff" that I find abhorrent, personally) Glad it was at the end, because I would turned it off right away because that stuff annoys me.

Just me, and don't bother trying to say I'm wrong in my non bible stance, because it won't matter. LOL.

But thank you for posting that. Most of it was very thought provoking.

27. Octubre 2012, 22:47:27
Papa Zoom 
Way to go Democratic party. You're so relevant.

27. Octubre 2012, 19:32:25
Iamon lyme 
Asunto: Re: Are you saying (or implying) you beat the "real devil"? I don't know if that is what you mean because you are still talking about an imaginary devil... and are blaming your fake devil on people you think are trying to scare others.
(V): LoL

I will continue to read and post messages, but I leave the soap opera part for others to enjoy.

27. Octubre 2012, 19:02:32
Asunto: Re: Are you saying (or implying) you beat the "real devil"? I don't know if that is what you mean because you are still talking about an imaginary devil... and are blaming your fake devil on people you think are trying to scare others.
Iamon lyme: No.

"Pulling fake arguments out of the air and telling people what they think (instead of listening) is what it is."

You do that alot.

27. Octubre 2012, 18:35:14
Iamon lyme 
Asunto: Re: Really? Wow. You beat up what you believe to be an imaginary being years ago... I must admit I am impressed.
(V): Are you saying (or implying) you beat the "real devil"? I don't know if that is what you mean because you are still talking about an imaginary devil... and are blaming your fake devil on people you think are trying to scare others.

I see you have much to say about what you say I and some others say, but don't have much to say about anything actually said. If that's your game then sure, I can bs along with you and make stuff up if it amuses you. I can play along for as long as it amuses me... but truth be told, it doesn't. Pulling fake arguments out of the air and telling people what they think (instead of listening) is what it is.

27. Octubre 2012, 17:17:00
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Biden Stupid nuff said

27. Octubre 2012, 13:01:46
Asunto: Re: Really? Wow. You beat up what you believe to be an imaginary being years ago... I must admit I am impressed.
Iamon lyme: I don't believe the devil is a fake, I just know the rightful context.. rather than some easy fall guy that you can blame for whenever you are bad, or as a bogey man to frighten people into being good.

Like that preacher who blamed the devil for making him sleep with prostitutes some years back. Or more recently a preacher saying the world is gonna end and needing all his flocks assets to spread the word... ...

... as one scholar on the Bible said.. The date of the end of the world was in 2005. It didn't happen.

Anyway... can't one joke. Lordi made a nice song called "It's snows in Hell" .. it's a play on how men take the Lords name in vain in overusing the Bible... Saying "the devil is gonna get you, you're gonna burn" and all that crap.

"I beat up Mike Tyson and Rocky Balboa"

I beat up Diablo.. the prime eViL

27. Octubre 2012, 06:18:04
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re:
Iamon lyme: I was bringing in 350 dollars a month LESS than I needed just to pay my basic bills. So, I went to the electronics store, bought a big screen tv (on credit) a new stereo system (borrowed the money from the bank) and a new computer (borrowed the money from my work.

Then I went to the car dealership and bought both a new truck and a new car with all the extras. I took out a loan with their creditor. High interest rate but I'm a bit of a risk.

Then I went to the bank, depleted my savings, gave the money away to a failing company (I know a very bad investment but I had to spend the money somehow) and waited for my indebtedness to change. It didn't.

So I spent more money thinking I must have failed to spend enough. So I doubled my expenditures to record highs. And just to be sure that I had spent enough, I sighed up for about a dozen charities where they take the money right out of your checking account. I figured what the heck and signed up for 100 dollars for each of them per month.

So NOW instead of being 350 dollars per month behind every paycheck, I"m $2700.67 behind every month.

I must be doing something wrong.

Maybe Biden was wrong?

27. Octubre 2012, 06:10:20
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re:

27. Octubre 2012, 05:33:56
Iamon lyme 
Asunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: "do you know who said that first?"

You have to go into debt to get out of debt?... I want to say Obama, because that's probably where that liberal first heard it, but I think some "economist" came up with that theory a few years back. Might have been around the time of FDR, or even before that.

27. Octubre 2012, 04:44:18
Papa Zoom 
Did you know that to get out of debt, you need to get into MORE debt.

Seriously, do you know who said that first? In the last video I posted, a liberal actually said that. Where did she learn that?

27. Octubre 2012, 04:40:53
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Here's more stupid.

27. Octubre 2012, 04:34:48
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: unbelievably stupid people

27. Octubre 2012, 03:53:54
Iamon lyme 
Asunto: Re: So now you are saying God is on your side in the war against babies... and free will is evidence He approves your cause?
(V): "I beat up the devil years ago."

Really? Wow. You beat up what you believe to be an imaginary being years ago... I must admit I am impressed.

By the way, I beat up Mike Tyson and Rocky Balboa at the same time and with both my hands tied behind my back.

27. Octubre 2012, 00:37:13
Asunto: Re: So now you are saying God is on your side in the war against babies... and free will is evidence He approves your cause?
Iamon lyme: No.

btw... Hell, it's a myth. A German word used by lazy translators, not at all present in the original texts.

anyway.. I beat up the devil years ago. Lordi made a song about it!!

27. Octubre 2012, 00:16:56
Iamon lyme 
Asunto: Re: because???
(V): So now you are saying God is on your side in the war against babies... and free will is evidence He approves your cause?

I don't think you need God's permission or help with this, because babies put up very little resistance. Babies can't fight back... well, not enough for it to become a problem for you. Some of them have survived the ongoing holocaust, but their numbers are very small and you are still the victors in this battle. So pat yourselves on the back and praise one another for victories in an ongoing battle against the enemy.

You know who your enemy is, but they are very small and defenseless, so you will undoubtedly win and the god of your war will reward you with hundreds of virgins.
FYI, not all of them will be pretty, and not all of them will be female.. so prepare yourself for a few surprises when you get there.

26. Octubre 2012, 16:07:13
Asunto: Re: because???
Artful Dodger: Doesn't make any difference.

There are instances of God killing Children in the OT.

26. Octubre 2012, 16:03:18
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: because???
(V): They aren't just dying, they are being killed.

26. Octubre 2012, 16:01:03
Asunto: Re: because???
Artful Dodger: Well, try free will for a start. It seems if a divine creator objected to babies dying... they wouldn't. It seems in the scheme of things... it happens.

That is.. by you and lamons version of how things work.

26. Octubre 2012, 15:57:21
Asunto: Re: Our Conservative party (which I support) would ban abortion if they could , but they know it would never get the required support, so it is a non starter.
The Col: A recent attempt was made by one of our Conservative MP's to change the date rules. It failed. Using religion as a 'standard' can't be done here, there are so many different religions, let alone Christian styles.. it would be a nightmare.

Plus, we are well aware of the danger of 'A God' driven system. Our country's history is laden with examples of what happens when a religious or ideological style goes of the deep end.. never again!! I hope

26. Octubre 2012, 06:43:15
The Col 
Asunto: Re:
Iamon lyme: If no men were involved I would of course let her deal with it herself .People will generally push as far as they feel they have license to though.

26. Octubre 2012, 06:11:37
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: Again, adoption.
Modificado por Papa Zoom (26. Octubre 2012, 06:22:34)
Iamon lyme: Most people won't take the time to watch this.

26. Octubre 2012, 05:31:57
Iamon lyme 
Asunto: Re: Again, adoption.
Artful Dodger: I can't watch actual abortion pictures or clips, it's too disturbing. I clicked on a link you put up showing an abortion but I had to stop watching it. I think for some people if they see that it will drive the point home, but for others it doesn't seem to mean anything. And listening to an actual survivor of abortion would I think make it clear just "what" (or who) it is that is being aborted. But again, for some people it seems to mean nothing.

I thought people who became outraged over animal abuse, but didn't bat an eye over babies being tormented and killed, I used to think they were shameless hypocrites. But now I have a different take on that, because even a hypocrite is able to know the difference between what he says and what he does. Anyone who thinks it's okay to kill babies but is outraged over animal abuse has actually gone a step or two beyond hypocrisy... feeling empathy towards animals but no empathy towards people (especially baby people) borders on the pathological. When I see this kind of disconnect among otherwise normally well ballanced people, I know something has gone terribly wrong in our society. Normal has been re-defined to mean something else... the distinction between normal and seriously abnormal behaviour has become blurred.

26. Octubre 2012, 04:31:56
Iamon lyme 
Asunto: Re:
The Col: Those other neighbors were women, and they obviously didn't want to speak to me. They would quickly leave if they were there when I got home. I saw that behaviour as evidence my wife was not exaggerating or being oversensitive.

Gallantly rushing to their homes to tell them off wouldn't have accomplished anything. They undoubtedly would have lied to my face and claimed I was being a bully. As it turned out there was no need to intervene, because my wife was able to deal with it. And I was proud of her for standing up to them... but I guess that's just me.

By the way, I did get a chance to meet their husbands sometime afterwards. The subject never came up. Either they were unaware of what their wives had been doing, or they didn't care. NIce enough guys, but probably didn't know what was happening on the homefront. I only knew about it because my wife told me.

26. Octubre 2012, 00:26:48
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: Again, adoption.
Iamon lyme: Interesting how those who favor abortion don't make the connection vis-a-vis abortion survior and the human being. If a human being can talk about being an abortion survivor, then it's clear that human beings are being killed in abortions.

26. Octubre 2012, 00:22:55
Papa Zoom 
Asunto: Re: Again, adoption.
(V): "you can't dictate by law if someone can or cannot have an abortion."


25. Octubre 2012, 23:11:38
The Col 
Asunto: Re:
Iamon lyme: Personally speaking , I would have confronted the " few neighbors" the moment I heard they were giving my wife a hard time , but that's just me

25. Octubre 2012, 22:45:11
Iamon lyme 
To whom it may concern: or anyone with an opinion as to how US citizens should behave, or who we should vote for.

This was a long time ago, but I often came home from work to an upset wife because a few neighbors were giving her a hard time. Apparently they were telling her what we were doing wrong and how we should raise our children. I tried comforting her but that never helped. So finally I told her not to wait until I come home to tell me about it... just tell those clowns to piss off and mind their own business. She didn't want to confront anyone, so then I told her if you saw them walking into your backyard and pissing all over your flowers, what would you do then? Never heard stories about problem neighbors after that.

A few years before that she went ballistic when she saw a young teenager taking a dump on our welcome mat. So I knew there was warrior spirit hiding somewhere in that cute little package.

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