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 BrainKing design

Learn how to customize BrainKing's view layer and share your CSS experiences.

Useful links
Wikipedia - for general information on what CSS is, why it is useful, and a short introduction on how to use it.
W3Schools - for a tutorial and a reference on CSS.
W3C - for detailed and advanced information for those who are interested.
CSS Zen Garden - for some trickery and demonstration of what is possible with CSS

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8. Noviembre 2007, 15:14:48
Asunto: Re:
rod03801: what is IE6, please? Something changed (the Castle thing in the top-left)

8. Noviembre 2007, 14:51:56
Asunto: Re:
Czuch: Also, the dice in Dice Poker don't come above the game; I still have to scroll down.

8. Noviembre 2007, 14:29:27
Asunto: Re:
Czuch: ok, have tried it again; it's there in Settings and the box alongside is ticked.
The only change I can see is that 'Castle-Simple-No fonts' is now vertical on the top-left corner, whereas it used to be horizontal!!!

8. Noviembre 2007, 08:33:13
Asunto: Re: I added your coannet3 but it doesn't seem to have made any difference.

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