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30. ноември 2012, 21:41:57
The Col 
Относно: Re: Mark Carney
(V): I hear he's a sucker for good Yorkshire pudding

30. ноември 2012, 21:18:28
Относно: Re: Mark Carney
The Col: If he's good.. they might make him an offer.. .. .

30. ноември 2012, 21:18:03
Относно: Re: Mark Carney
Übergeek 바둑이: As long as it doesn't turn into "who's the daddy!" .. ... well maybe when it comes to certain stubborn bankers.

.. quote from Ray Winstone, in the film "Scum".. old brit film on borstals.

30. ноември 2012, 18:34:46
The Col 
Относно: Re: Mark Carney
(V): He has stated he's returning to Canada after 5 years

30. ноември 2012, 17:36:16
Übergeek 바둑이 
Относно: Re: Mark Carney
The Col:

More like: 'morning Guv'

30. ноември 2012, 17:31:32
Относно: Re: Palestine has obtained OBSERVER status...
ketchuplover: Good news, they now as others do have to operate more above the table. More transparency.

30. ноември 2012, 17:30:29
Относно: Re: Mark Carney
The Col: If he's not turned into a lamb for the BBQ ... longer.

30. ноември 2012, 17:28:02
Относно: Re:The real problem for him is that the UK is an entirely different economic beast. The UK is deeply exposed to bad debt across Europe (think Ireland, Iceland), and the regulatory framework is very different from what it is here in Canada.
Übergeek 바둑이: Very true.

"The UK does not benefit from high demand for raw commodities (this is what has saved Canada's economy.) "

Ours is more of a service based country now, but we still build many items used globally, but more on the electronics side.

"If Carney fails to deliver, he will be torn to pieces by the British banking establishment that traditionally has looked down on "colonnials." "

No. Our press is quite good at highlighting blame, and the banking establishment is at it's lowest reputation for a long time.

It's our politicians that are at risk of being torn to pieces.

30. ноември 2012, 00:45:32
The Col 
Относно: Re: Mark Carney
(V): I guess he'll be hearing 'G'morning Guv'nor!' for the next 5 years

30. ноември 2012, 00:27:50
Относно: Palestine has obtained OBSERVER status...
This is very good news or very bad news or somewhere between.

29. ноември 2012, 19:48:36
Übergeek 바둑이 
Относно: Re:

> Any Canadians got a view on Mr Mark Carney...

I think there is a lot of hype about him just because he was appointed to the Bank of England. However, I am not entirely sure as to whether he is as good as the hype makes him to be.

Carney spent 13 years at Goldman-Sachs prior to going into public office. About his role there I found the following:

"He worked on South Africa's post-apartheid venture into international bond markets, and was involved in Goldman's work with the 1998 Russian financial crisis ... Goldman's role in the Russian crisis was criticized at the time because while the company was advising Russia it was simultaneously betting against the country's ability to repay its debt."

That makes Carney like most other bankers at the end of the Cold War. They all profitted from the destruction of the Soviet Union and throught the speculation on Russian currency. Nothing new there. It just makes Carney a banker in the same vein as George Soros. It is not surprising since studied at Harvard and Oxford, and the economics that people learn in these places are cutthroat capitalist economics.

From 2004 to 2007 Carney worked for the Department of Finance. "Carney was also the "point man" in the government's profitable sale of its 19 percent stake in Petro-Canada.[" This is in line with his right-wing conservative background, which is also evident in his good relationship with Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Carney was appointed Governor of the Bank of Canada in February of 2008, several months before the Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis in the USA. Carney built his reputation because he acted quickly to privide liquidity to the Canadian financial markets as the crisis unfolded.

However, Canada was not exposed to the same degree of risk that other countries were exposed. Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien had refused to follow the American lead and de-regulate the sub-prime mortgage market in the way that George W. Bush did. As a result, the USA put itself in an untenable situation while Canada did not really have a crisis of its own. Carney rpovide liquidity to the market, but that liquidity was probably not needed because Canadian banks were not up to their neck in bad debt.

The Col:
> Nobody has a bad word to say about him

Most Canadians know little about him. I think that he was lucky to be the central banker of Canada. Had he been anywhere else, I am not sure that he would have survived unscathed. Canada has also benefitted from high demand for oil and natural gas. I am not entirely sure that the economic recovery here is the result of his policies or rather from Canada's economy being driven by commodity production.

Carney just attended the 60th Bilderberg Group meeting this year, and shortly thereafter he was named to the Bank of England. That shows Carney to be deeply entrenched on the world's financial elite. His appointment does not come as a surprise.

The real problem for him is that the UK is an entirely different economic beast. The UK is deeply exposed to bad debt across Europe (think Ireland, Iceland), and the regulatory framework is very different from what it is here in Canada. The UK does not benefit from high demand for raw commodities (this is what has saved Canada's economy.) If Carney fails to deliver, he will be torn to pieces by the British banking establishment that traditionally has looked down on "colonnials." If he succeeds he will be a big hero, if he fails he will be torn to pieces. The stakes are very high for him..

29. ноември 2012, 18:12:02
Относно: Re: Mark Carney
The Col: Good. As he's taking over (as you probably know) the Bank of England gov'nor job.

28. ноември 2012, 22:00:51
The Col 
Относно: Re: Mark Carney
(V): He has a great reputation here in Canada
Nobody has a bad word to say about him

28. ноември 2012, 19:02:28
Относно: Re: Well I think that just goes to illustrate just how hopeless the situation is.
Artful Dodger: I didn't say they did.

"You don't know radical Islam."

Is it any different from any other radical terrorist group that's been around for the last 100 years? I still get confused over reasoning on such things, especially considering how fluent reality seems to be regarding if they are freedom fighters or terrorists.

Raygun loved supporting terrorists!!

28. ноември 2012, 04:49:12
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: Well I think that just goes to illustrate just how hopeless the situation is.
(V): I'm a realist.  It's Pollyanna to think that the terrorists care about a bridge.  You don't know radical Islam.

27. ноември 2012, 23:27:58
Any Canadians got a view on Mr Mark Carney... re the Bank of Canada. It is reputed he ain't bad and can think outside the box... Hence Canada having less of a problem than the USA or UK now.

Truth or Manure?

27. ноември 2012, 23:25:42
Относно: Re: Well I think that just goes to illustrate just how hopeless the situation is.
Artful Dodger: nooooooooo.... really?!?!

But.... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/20/Peace_Bridge_Derry.jpg/800px-Peace_Bridge_Derry.jpg

.... This giving up by everyone... Do you think this bridge (see pic) could or would have been built if everyone kept giving up?

The Troubles were brought to an uneasy end by a peace process which included the declaration of ceasefires by most paramilitary organisations and the complete decommissioning of their weapons, the reform of the police, and the corresponding withdrawal of army troops from the streets and from sensitive border areas such as South Armagh and Fermanagh, as agreed by the signatories to the Belfast Agreement (commonly known as the "Good Friday Agreement"). This reiterated the long-held British position, which had never before been fully acknowledged by successive Irish governments, that Northern Ireland will remain within the United Kingdom until a majority votes otherwise. The Constitution of Ireland was amended in 1999 to remove a claim of the "Irish nation" to sovereignty over the whole of Ireland (in Article 2), a claim qualified by an acknowledgement that Ireland could only exercise legal control over the territory formerly known as the Irish Free State. The new Articles 2 and 3, added to the Constitution to replace the earlier articles, implicitly acknowledge that the status of Northern Ireland, and its relationships within the rest of the United Kingdom and with Ireland, would only be changed with the agreement of a majority of voters in both jurisdictions (Ireland voting separately). This aspect was also central to the Belfast Agreement which was signed in 1998 and ratified by referendums held simultaneously in both Northern Ireland and the Republic. At the same time, the British Government recognised for the first time, as part of the prospective, the so-called "Irish dimension": the principle that the people of the island of Ireland as a whole have the right, without any outside interference, to solve the issues between North and South by mutual consent.[27] The latter statement was key to winning support for the agreement from nationalists and republicans. It also established a devolved power-sharing government within Northern Ireland, which must consist of both unionist and nationalist parties.

These institutions were suspended by the British Government in 2002 after Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) allegations of spying by people working for Sinn Féin at the Assembly (Stormontgate). The resulting case against the accused Sinn Féin member collapsed.

On 28 July 2005, the Provisional IRA declared an end to its campaign and has since decommissioned what is thought to be all of its arsenal. This final act of decommissioning was performed in accordance with the Belfast Agreement of 1998, and under the watch of the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning and two external church witnesses. Many unionists, however, remain sceptical. This IRA decommissioning is in contrast to Loyalist paramilitaries who have so far refused to decommission many weapons. It is not thought that this will have a major effect on further political progress

It has been tried before, it was a hard process, it did work.

27. ноември 2012, 16:19:58
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: Well I think that just goes to illustrate just how hopeless the situation is.
(V): It's been tried b4.

27. ноември 2012, 14:56:08
Относно: Re: Unbelievable
Artful Dodger: Just twelve..

Uganda is looking to extend it's laws on homosexuality. From being illegal and a punishable by upto 14 years, to being illegal and punishable by life imprisonment.... the death penalty clause dropped .. just. Some in the Ugandan parliament are still seeking the death penalty.

Three US evangelical groups have been named as spreading anti homosexual views based on the Bible that have led to this stage. And are still working to spread homophobia as harshly as possible.

The bill is still to be passed, and it's looks like the President of Uganda is the only one to stop it passing.

27. ноември 2012, 14:25:59
Относно: Re: Well I think that just goes to illustrate just how hopeless the situation is.
Artful Dodger: Nahhhhh, just how hard it is. 'Quick fixes' are unlikely to do any good. Step by step, compromise and respect that basically... they all just want to live normal lives without the violence.

27. ноември 2012, 03:08:42
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Unbelievable

27. ноември 2012, 02:40:43
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: killing works...
(V): Well I think that just goes to illustrate just how hopeless the situation is.

26. ноември 2012, 15:15:20
Относно: Re: killing works...
Artful Dodger: And the only real way to kill Hamas ... all of them I mean, is to go in street by street.

No force likes cleaning streets out. With over 1.7 million people in Gaza ... .. it's a MAD decision to make.

... The kids and his father were not Hamas btw.

26. ноември 2012, 00:06:40
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: killing works...
(V): Appeals to emotion are nonsense.  Hamas has to stop attacking first.  If they keep it up, they will be hunted down like the dogs they are and killed. 

25. ноември 2012, 21:20:01
Относно: killing works...
My friend and colleague Jehad Mashhrawi is usually the last to leave our Gaza bureau. Hard-working but softly spoken, he often stays late, beavering away on a laptop that is rarely out of arm's reach. He has a cool head - unflappable, when others like me are flapping around him. He is a video editor and just one of our local BBC Arabic Service staff who make the office tick.

But on the Wednesday before last - only an hour or so after Gaza's latest war erupted with Israel's killing of Hamas military commander Ahmed al-Jabari - Jehad burst out of the editing suite screaming.

He sprinted down the stairs, his head in his hands, his face ripped with anguish. He had just had a call from a friend to tell him the Israeli military had bombed his house and that his 11-month-old baby boy Omar was dead.

Most fathers will tell you their children are beautiful. Omar was a picture-book baby.

Standing in what is left of his burnt-out home this week, Jehad showed me a photo on his mobile phone. It was of a cheeky, chunky, round-faced little boy in denim dungarees, chuckling in a pushchair, dark-eyed with a fringe of fine brown hair pushed across his brow.

"He only knew how to smile," Jehad told me, as we both struggled to hold back the tears. "He could say just two words - Baba and Mama," his father went on.

Also on Jehad's phone is another photo. A hideous tiny corpse. Omar's smiling face virtually burnt off, that fine hair appearing to be melted on to his scalp.

Jehad's sister-in-law Heba was also killed. "We still haven't found her head," Jehad said.

And his brother is critically ill in hospital with massive burns. His chances are not good.

Jehad has another son Ali, four years old, who was slightly injured. He keeps asking where his baby brother has gone.

Eleven members of the Mashhrawi family lived in the tiny breezeblock house in the Sabra district of Gaza City. Five people slept in one room. The beds are now only good for charcoal. The cupboards are full of heaps of burnt children's clothes.

On the kitchen shelves, there are rows of melted plastic jars full of Palestinian herbs and spices, their shapes distorted as if reflected from a fairground mirror. And in the entrance hall, a two-foot-wide hole in the flimsy metal ceiling where the missile ripped through.

Despite the evidence pointing towards an Israeli air strike, some bloggers have suggested it might have been a misfired Hamas rocket. But at that time, so soon after the launch of Israel's operation, the Israeli military says mortars had been launched from Gaza but very few rockets.

Mortar fire would not cause the fireball that appears to have engulfed Jehad's house.

Other bloggers have said that the damage to Jehad's home was not consistent with powerful Israeli attacks but the BBC visited other bombsites this week with very similar fire damage, where Israel acknowledged carrying out what it called "surgical strikes".

As at Jehad's home, there was very little structural damage but the victims were brought out with massive and fatal burns. Most likely is that Omar died in the one of the more than 20 bombings across Gaza that the Israeli military says made up its initial wave of attacks.

Omar was not a terrorist.

Of course every civilian death on either side - not just Omar's - is tragic. The United Nations says its preliminary investigation shows that 103 of the 158 people killed in Gaza were civilians. Of those, 30 were children - 12 of whom were under the age of 10. More than 1,000 people were injured.

The Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said every non-combatant death or injury was tragic and an "operational failure".

In Israel, too, there were fatalities: four civilians and two soldiers. There were also many injuries. But the fact the Israeli Ambulance Service was also reporting those suffering from anxiety and bruises is an indication of the asymmetric nature of the conflict.

Jehad's baby Omar was probably the first child to die in this latest round of violence. Among the last was a six-year-old boy, Abdul Rahman Naeem, who was killed by an Israeli attack just hours before the ceasefire was announced.

Abdul Rahman's father, Dr Majdi, is one of the leading specialist doctors at Gaza City's Shifa Hospital. The first he knew of his son's death was when he went to treat a patient, only to find it was his own boy.

Apparently, Dr Majdi had not seen Abdul Rahman for days. He had been too busy dealing with the wounded.

25. ноември 2012, 21:01:35
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:
(V):Actually in this case, yes.

25. ноември 2012, 20:46:18
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: Yes.. killing always solves the problem.

25. ноември 2012, 20:40:49
Papa Zoom 
Of course, we could just kill every Israeli and then the Muslims could just change their target to another group.  Eventually, when every people group is killed, then the Muslims would just start killing themselves (as they already do).  

25. ноември 2012, 20:38:32
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:
(V): But it has nothing to do with Hamas bombing Israel.  Israel reacts to protects its citizens.  I say kill all of Hamas.   That will end the problem.  The if another group pops up, kill them all.

25. ноември 2012, 20:34:16
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger:


"Yeah well what about when the US kicked the Indians out of their native land and killed them indiscriminately?"

It's a parody on a peaceful nation..

25. ноември 2012, 20:30:01
Papa Zoom 
Legitimate On Topic Poster:  But the Palestinian terrorists are dropping bombs on women and children in Israel and then hiding in homes and hospitals!

Red Herring Poster:  Yeah well what about when the US kicked the Indians out of their native land and killed them indiscriminately? 

25. ноември 2012, 20:27:39
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:
(V): well what you consider spam I consider a legitimate response when someone tries to drag a red herring across the trail.

25. ноември 2012, 20:19:50
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: You might need help then..


It's the only right thing to do

25. ноември 2012, 19:55:55
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re:
(V): Nope.  On the fence. 

25. ноември 2012, 19:53:22
Относно: Re:
Artful Dodger: So.. you are three lefts?

25. ноември 2012, 19:50:54
Papa Zoom 

25. ноември 2012, 19:40:28
Относно: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission
Artful Dodger: Not graphically. You are slipping or it's Sunday!!

25. ноември 2012, 19:39:38
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission
(V): The other was red too

25. ноември 2012, 19:38:18
Относно: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission
Artful Dodger: At least that one IS red!!

Any spam picks... Monty Python style??

25. ноември 2012, 19:37:10
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission

25. ноември 2012, 19:34:48
Относно: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission
Artful Dodger: Is it? That the abuse levels in the US are high is of no importance to you? It's much better just to complain about how Muslims.. sorry Soviets.. sorry Vietcong.. sorry Americans.. sorry Indians... sorry Mexicans... Spanish are?

25. ноември 2012, 19:34:26
Papa Zoom 

25. ноември 2012, 19:32:54
Относно: Re: But then again
Artful Dodger: Current history. The Taliban got their training from whom??

.. go on say it... it won't hurt to

25. ноември 2012, 19:31:37
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission
(V):  red herring

25. ноември 2012, 19:30:44
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: Not their land? Says who? The UN? They are a disgrace.
(V):red herring

25. ноември 2012, 19:30:16
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: But then again
(V):red herring

25. ноември 2012, 19:29:34
Относно: Re: Not their land? Says who? The UN? They are a disgrace.
Artful Dodger: Compared to the CIA?

25. ноември 2012, 19:27:43
Относно: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission
Променен от Mort (25. ноември 2012, 19:28:23)
Artful Dodger: Like Egypt? We were told until the uprising it was a great democracy. They were wonderful people!!

Anyways.. be careful. Some men in the US might get jealous and want the old days back when women were chained to the kitchen sink!!

.. it says in the Bible men rule.

25. ноември 2012, 19:24:47
Относно: Re: But then again
Artful Dodger: what about the Muslims being killed in Burma?


25. ноември 2012, 19:23:10
Papa Zoom 
Относно: Re: Peace will never happen between muslims and Israel. It's delusional to think otherwise. As if what you have suggested hasn't happened. You couldn't get three weeks of genuine peace. You can't change hearts.
(V): Not their land?  Says who?  The UN?  They are a disgrace. 

Now here's something to celebrate: 

Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission

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