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26. Februarie 2012, 22:51:31
Subiectul: Re:
Artful Dodger:

26. Februarie 2012, 23:13:56
Subiectul: Re:obsession with Murdoc
Artful Dodger: have you ever thought it could have something to do with the fact that Murdoch was born an Australian??

27. Februarie 2012, 12:42:08
Subiectul: Re:
Artful Dodger: Are you then upset by the phone hacking Dan?

As to Murdoch.. he's been interfering with British politics for years and many people in the UK have seen that. The use of his papers and media to support his 'friends' is not new news. Maybe to you though.

As to the kids being branded as racist... the Daily mail as you posted stated "effectively classed, rather than actually classed. Can you prove (as the onus is on you) they were, or are you just going to go by the Daily Mails word?

"The rapes were covered up. And now there are many in the OWS movement (supporters and participants) that are denying that rapes occurred even though there are police records to show differently."

Right.. from what I've read this is the case...

""These protests have a history of welcoming everyone and just assuming they're on your side," said David Meyer, a professor of sociology at the University of California at Irvine, who studies protest movements.

The recent reports of assaults have created a problem the "Occupy" movement is being challenged to address head-on.

"We always encourage victims to go through the proper channels and contact police," said Brendan Burke, 41, who helps run the security team in Zuccotti Park.

But that's not always the case. Burke admitted there have been times when members of the community have taken it upon themselves to chase off men who exposed themselves in the park.

"If there is a consensus that someone is bothering another person, the community will take care of it," he said. "Still, we always notify victims to contact police.""

Now.. It sounds like you are trying to say the protesters are rapists. I could then say as it has happened that Christians and Conservatives are rapists, as a number have been found to be rapists.

But that is not the case in either matter.

27. Februarie 2012, 19:32:43
Subiectul: Re: I think it's despicable what they've done. But I can't say I'm "upset" over it. I certainly can understand however why some people are.
Artful Dodger: Good.

Charlotte Church and her family agreed to a £600,000 settlement today. The NI group started hacking her phone when she turned 16. 33 stories published were through her and her families phones being hacked. They even went after her mother.

"At her lowest moment, the NoW issued her with an ultimatum and coerced her into giving them an in-depth interview about her self-harming and attempted suicide. She felt she had no choice but to give the interview and was deeply traumatised by the publication of the story in the News of the World. "The NoW targeted Charlotte and her voicemail messages repeatedly, and in doing so unlawfully obtained her private medical information and details of her personal relationships with her family and friends. Even her first teenage boyfriend. They then ran stories about Charlotte using this information.

Their solicitors words.

Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers gave evidence at the Leveson Inquiry today...

""Emails indicate that payments to sources were openly referred to at the Sun," DAC Akers said.

In her written statement, DAC Akers said there was recognition that this behaviour was illegal, with reference made to staff "risking losing their pensions or job", to the need for "care" and to the need for "cash payments"".

"Some OWS protesters raped"

One rapist turned out to be a convicted sex offender. As to others.. you'll always get some who will take advantage of such groupings. It doesn't mean they became OWS protesters and that made them start raping does it.

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