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10. Mai 2010, 14:38:13
I hope that is not true.... the current vacation system works the best for me....and the major reason I am a black rook...

10. Februarie 2007, 19:41:08
a small straight is one using 4 die.. 1-2-3-4 or 2-3-4-5 or 3-4-5-6 a large straight is one using all 5 die.. 1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6

21. Ianuarie 2007, 02:39:15
Subiectul: Re:
Czuch Czuckers: don't you mean "Yahtze"!!.. :)

21. Ianuarie 2007, 02:34:25
Subiectul: Re:
danheg: a small straight uses 4 of the 5 die while a long straight uses all 5

20. Ianuarie 2007, 19:44:18
Subiectul: Re: Dice Poker
WellyWales: 3 of a kind , 4 of a kind and chance are total of all the dice..

15. Iulie 2006, 16:04:54
Subiectul: Re: Question???
Pbarb2: it is their option to turn it off... whether you agree with it or not... I know that if i received a great number of said messages about tournaments I'm not ready to join... i would probly feel frustrated from looking at all those messages and leave the fellowship... there is something wrong if you feel you have to beg people to join... or guilt them into it...

15. Iulie 2006, 15:29:24
Subiectul: Re: Question???
Pbarb2: it just seems to me that you are non-accepting of people to have this option to receive group messages turned off... If you are having trouble to get people to join your tournaments perhaps it's the parameters you set them at or other reasons... I don't know as I am not a member of your fellowships..

15. Iulie 2006, 11:43:22
Subiectul: Re: Question???
Pbarb2: what fun is it to play games that you are forced to join???>.. I am sure that those members of fellowships that have the group messages turned off will visit the fellowships when they are looking for a tournament to join.. and those that join regularly will have no problem leaving the group messages turned on... why dictate to people what they do ??.. There only games... and we are here for our own enjoyment... Maybe there are too many fellowships and too many tournaments... can't join them all...

17. Decembrie 2005, 12:57:43
Subiectul: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: that maybe easy for you as regards to the clock... I have several time zones to deal with .. my kids live 3 hours going the other way and I work graveyard shift.. .so I never know wheither it's day or night even when I look out the window.. lol..

16. Decembrie 2005, 15:11:23
Subiectul: Re: complainers about this great site
emmett: if anyone has taken my post as complaining..sorry you are mistaken.. I was supporting a feature the is important to me and why I thought it should not be changed.. .. I have seen changes happen here with the mere mention of it by one or two people.. just thought i would speak my view ... I'll be quiet now..

16. Decembrie 2005, 15:03:40
Subiectul: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: now that I think of it BBW.. I must have had this happen to me twice in 2 days and lost like 4 days in 2... I know that when I do go away and set my vacation days I've learned to set the day before I leave as well as the day after I get back just to cover the time zone differences..

15. Decembrie 2005, 18:24:48
Subiectul: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: I could be wrong but I thought I lost 3 days in used up all the time i had left.. doesn't matter now.. I just have to wait out the last couple of weeks then get more in Jan.. I'll be visiting the kids last week of the year and first week of next.. so if i time out .. I apologize way ahead of time..

15. Decembrie 2005, 17:48:03
Subiectul: Re:
alanback: if you read the FAQ it states that it uses the day to prevent the game from timing out.. it does not state that it adds another 24 hrs to all your games

15. Decembrie 2005, 17:39:55
Subiectul: Re:
alanback: I can't be positive.. maybe Fencer can clarify.. but that is what I thought happened to me.. as you know I am online at least twice a day and playing all my games thru at both sites.. I eased up a little when I was having that trouble with myy hands and poof my vacation time disappeared

15. Decembrie 2005, 17:27:49
the problem I found with auto vacation is one game may time out .. ok the system takes a vacation day to cover it.. a few hours later another game times out.. the system takes another vacation day to cover that... another few hours game times out another auto vacation day.. so I've used up 3 days to cover one.. I think if you use a lot of vacation time like I do.. it's best not to set auto vacation..

15. Decembrie 2005, 15:09:21
Subiectul: Re: Vacation days mismatch.
tonyh: other sites can have really bad policies too... at iyt I timed out everytime I traveled.. that is why I am no longer a paying member there and joined here..

15. Decembrie 2005, 15:00:42
I currently go away to visit my kids in dec/jan... feb vacation is with a girlfrind.. back to visit the kids in april for my grandsons birthday.. I take a small vacation in the summer for myself .. now with new grandbaby there's another birthday in october for a visit then.. and back again in dec for holidays.. do you think i can accumulate enough days in between??.. last summer i had an off chance of a holiday in Hawaii with 4 days notice.. I jumped on that.. lol.. .. I say keep the allotment the way it is..

15. Decembrie 2005, 14:13:36
Subiectul: Re: Vacation days
Vikings: as far as the self discipline.. I get 5 weeks vacation each year from work... I'm not sitting home all that time worrying about my backgammon games... I go when the mood strikes... lol..most time it's to my son's house where i do have access but rather spend time with my grandson..

the major reason I joined this site was the current vacation policy.. I just have to remember to keep that auto vacation turned off... lost too many days to it this year..

15. Decembrie 2005, 14:06:17
Subiectul: Re: Vacation days mismatch.
playBunny: there was more than one person talking on this subject and I guess I was asking the group ... hypotheically if the vacation time was alloted a few days per month one person could not take a two week vacation in early months of the year...

15. Decembrie 2005, 01:38:47
what would happen if someone were to take a two week vacation in February with only 3 vacation days??.

21. Mai 2004, 15:11:28
Subiectul: Re: Just to make sure
the dice here do not support one of the basic rules in backgammon about use of the dice when only one can be moved... some people consider it cheating.. others consider it legal because this site supports it... i try to play according to the rules...

21. Mai 2004, 14:28:03
Subiectul: Re: Just to make sure
if you were able to move the 6 and moved the 3 instead .. than that move would be in poor taste.... but since there was no move available for the 6 then only thing you could do is move the 3 .. which is a legal move...

30. Aprilie 2004, 05:06:12
Subiectul: cheating in backgammon..
there can be illegal moves in bacvkgammon here... where the problem with the dice not enforcing one of the rules of backgammon.. where if you can move both dice you must and if only one.. then the larger die must be played if it can..

11. Iulie 2003, 00:32:09
Subiectul: Re: Question
I am glad to hear that they aren't restricted from moving the tournament along... but it also sounds like another incentive to remain a pawn...

my suggestion to try to encourage non-members into buying a membership and to free the server for the paid members .... (and I know no one will like it) .... is too limit the number of moves per day for pawns... that way they still have all the features they have now.. and perhaps there would be a more positive response to a message saying you have reached your limit of moves for today .. instead of the server has reached capacity check back later...

14. Mai 2003, 17:00:46
Subiectul: Re: membership
as i remember it chattytea ... you follow through as if purchasing for yourself and then somewhere there was a place for notes.. and that is where you would write a note as to whom the membership is for...

7. Mai 2003, 16:40:53
Subiectul: Re: new email
if you got to my profile and right at the top there is an edit link.. does that not work?...

2. Mai 2003, 16:26:28
<if we can't log on .. how can it auto-refresh??.. lol.. and what is the difference if have auto-refresh on or we manually do it?.. do you really think that is what is slowing things down?>..

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