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16. 八月 2010, 04:41:49
题目: Re:
Bernice: in the UK its alot worse unless you can go private and you get seen the same day


this is just one part of the UK

16. 八月 2010, 04:54:03
题目: Re:Tooth Decay
Bernice修改(16. 八月 2010, 04:54:25)
Snoopy and AD: Tooth Decay is a curse...some of our towns/cities have flouridation and some dont unfortunately....Only the people with money can afford to go private here, all the others there is a might waiting list...CHildren seem to have the worst teeth from sucking soft drinks (soda pops) thru straws....not enough water is drunk by the majority of the population, but then the flouridated water tastes foul anyway LOL...My tap water isnt nice if you drink it from the tap so I filter all water for cooking, and drinking. Makes it somewhat better to drink anyway :)

16. 八月 2010, 04:55:44
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Tooth Decay
Bernice: True. And Tuesday is wrong, people living in middle class homes practice better dental care than do those in poor homes. It's a statistical fact.

16. 八月 2010, 05:03:32
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Tooth Decay
Tuesday: Black and Hispanic children and those living in families with lower incomes have more decay.


16. 八月 2010, 05:07:27
题目: Re:Tooth Decay
Bernice修改(16. 八月 2010, 05:08:21)
Artful Dodger: yes and that is the same here.....lower class/lower income people have poorer health....to buy toothpaste/brushes only comes second to a cask of wine/grog...personal hygiene isnt something that a lot of the above have access to when they either live on the streets or in lower class housing where most essentials either aren't connected because they can't afford to connect them, again because the cask of wine/grog/beer comes first.

16. 八月 2010, 05:10:15
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:Tooth Decay
Bernice: I don't know but think it's likely also lack of understanding that contributes to tooth decay. Mother's milk won't promote decay but when the baby gets to solid foods, that's where the problem starts. Heck, we brush our dog's teeth.

16. 八月 2010, 05:13:22
题目: Re:Tooth Decay
Artful Dodger: hehehehe and I brush Bears teeth as well....he is 8 today, I bought him a squeeky toy LOL....just to add to the million others he has hahahahaha

16. 八月 2010, 05:46:01
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:clarify this first
Tuesday: So Tuesday

You say that you're "against taking of life under any circumstance."

Like rape and incest?

16. 八月 2010, 05:49:00
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:clarify this first
Tuesday: You have a way of dodging all questions. I want to know if our view on abortion is consistent (mine is). If you are against abortion in all circumstances, then you MUST also be against abortion in situations of rape and incest.

16. 八月 2010, 05:59:11
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:clarify this first
Tuesday: No, actually I'm not dodging. You're just being dishonest. My view is simple and consistent.

Taking the life of an innocent human being is morally wrong.
Abortion takes the life of an innocent human being.
Therefore, abortion is morally wrong.
I oppose abortion on those grounds. ALL abortion save one. When the life of the mother is truly in danger, and an abortion is deemed medically necessary (to save the mother's life) then preforming an abortion would be morally justifiable. Mind you, a human life is still lost. It's still a sad occasion. But it's the only circumstance where abortion would be morally justified.

16. 八月 2010, 06:03:03
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:ok so you are against abortion in the case of rape and incest.
Tuesday: I already said that. And so are you. Or so you said.

16. 八月 2010, 06:07:27
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:ok so you are against abortion in the case of rape and incest.
Tuesday: Oh I'm being consistent. I'm about the only one in here that is. Ferris is clueless on this subject as is Dandy. In fact, there is not one proponent of abortion that can make a logical argument on their position without violating some law of logic. In the case of Ferris, his own arguments refutes itself. I love spotting those.

16. 八月 2010, 06:16:30
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:every one is entitled to their opinion
Tuesday: Really? So you respect the opinion of others?

16. 八月 2010, 06:21:45
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:every one is entitled to their opinion
Tuesday: So you respect the view that killing the unborn is morally justified.

16. 八月 2010, 06:26:40
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:every one is entitled to their opinion
Tuesday: We're talking about abortion at the moment. Stay on point.

16. 八月 2010, 06:37:40
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:every one is entitled to their opinion
Tuesday: it's NOT the same point.

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