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For all Espionage fans

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Durum: Herkes yazabilir
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26. Eylül 2005, 22:01:22
Konu: Another variant
How about a version where you can move as many (or as few) pieces as you want on any turn. Comments?

21. Ağustos 2005, 21:03:04
Konu: Volcano-free variants
I made a request for Espionage variants without volcanoes on the feature request board, and in explaining why I was sent to this board.

Espionage isn't like any of the other games. Someone compared it to chinese chess; which doesn't resemble espionage at all. At espionage the pieces are hidden at the start and you can discover them with your recons. That's unlike any other game, that's what makes it special, what makes it espionage. Some people do like the volcanoes, they like a longer, defensive game. The best strategy at espionage is to hide behind the volcanoes and wait for the other to attack.

Without the volcanoes the game has more opportunities. It's more dynamic and you can develop an offensive playing style or a defensive one, but you're not forced into defense like with the volcanoes. I know this because I play the game at IYT, where the versions without the volcanoes are much more popular than the ones with. It's good to offer both options, I think.

5. Ağustos 2005, 15:36:27
Konu: well...
Nothingness (6. Ağustos 2005, 14:49:37) tarafından düzenlendi
this situation is a toughie to call. If your base is surrounded by bombs as well you can get/trap him... there are many variables to look at though.. 1. Does he know which piece is your 5? 2. Does he know that your sweepers are all gone? 3. is your base protected as well? If he does not know which piece is your 5 than you can trick him, also if he still thinks you ahve sweepers then he may run from your "?" pieces. id jsut put all my pieces as clsoe together and attack him. or split up to try and trick him. But basically if your opponent kept good notes he should be able to force the draw unless he blunders badly. just by running in circles. sweepers are too valueable to give away. I will always try to keep one even if it means giving up material advantage. Being Without one makes his bombs and 5s nearly invincible.

5. Ağustos 2005, 11:35:56
Konu: Re: Draw?
Ah, yes, I forgot about the vulcano's for a moment: he can just keep circling them.

5. Ağustos 2005, 11:14:58
Konu: Re: Draw?
AbigailII: I don't think I can, if he knows which piece is my 5 and that the others are no threat to him.

The player & I have already drawn that game, so there is no harm in speaking of it now.

5. Ağustos 2005, 11:08:15
Konu: Re: Draw?
I think you should be able to corner him - but it would be unfair to discuss an ongoing game.

5. Ağustos 2005, 10:49:11
Konu: Re: Draw?
pauloaguia: I know that. The question is, can that position be forced upon him?

5. Ağustos 2005, 10:28:55
Konu: Re: Draw?
Thad: If your opponent can't move he'll loose. It says so in the rules...

5. Ağustos 2005, 08:12:50
Konu: Draw?
I have a game where my opponent has only a 5 left. His castle is surrounded by bombs. I have a 5, a 4, & a 3, but no minesweepers. Is it a draw? Or is there some way for me to corner him?

27. Mayıs 2005, 09:45:42
Konu: Lesson trade
Hi. I would like to trade lessons in Small Espionage, which I don't understand, for lessons in chess - where I am an old master despite my stats here - or lessons in Tank Battle, where only Fencer and Whisper are able to beat me.
Also, I may have figured out at why women are better than us at Battleboats, something that's
puzzled me since the third grade.
Be good.

9. Mayıs 2005, 08:33:41
Konu: Re: Name of this DB
Thanks, Fencer.

6. Mayıs 2005, 19:11:40
Konu: Name of this DB
Fencer, could you change the name of this DB to Espionage instead of Espionage, Small Espionage and Fast Espionage? Since the merger of several game DBs, the others (Pente for example) are now named after only the main game. I would like to see this one done that was too. ;-)

4. Mayıs 2005, 11:42:15

25. Nisan 2005, 21:38:43
Konu: starting screen

On the set-up screen of each Espionage (and small & fast) board could the Load Position radio button be turned on by default, please.

16. Mart 2005, 16:44:22
Konu: problem fixed!!!!!
awesome thanks....

16. Mart 2005, 16:03:27
Konu: yes it is...
and there is another one that im still waiting to get send back that has 2 pieces missing.

16. Mart 2005, 14:46:50
Pedro Martínez 

15. Mart 2005, 22:36:17
I don't know what the game is... but you can always post a bug for Fencer to take a look at it.

15. Mart 2005, 21:58:07
Konu: hmmm
well it let me submit a gmae whre two different pieces were not placed. and there were 6 empty spots instead of 4... ill find out once i get the return from my opponent.

15. Mart 2005, 15:21:59
Maybe you're just having picture problems. It seems there have been some problems lately. If on the place where they should be, your cursor turns into the hand, then there's something on that square even if it seems empty and you're not submiting a board with less pieces but a board where not all pieces are showing. A refresh may reveal those...

15. Mart 2005, 14:37:31
Konu: something stranage...?
im trying to set up my pieces and they seem sto be missing. first i was missing a bomb(mine) then im missing my 3 and sapper. what is going on . it let me submit the gmae without having them on the board.

14. Mart 2005, 16:46:06
Konu: reminder
BDilly (14. Mart 2005, 19:48:25) tarafından düzenlendi
Today (3/14) is the last day to sign up for the March Madness Espionage Tournament. The tournament will start 3/15/05. Good Luck to all of the participants!

14. Mart 2005, 14:35:31
Konu: i hope its working...
i currently have two games in teh waiting rooms now done like this. hopefully it worked.

14. Mart 2005, 00:14:50
Konu: Re: criteria....question
Click "New game"
Click "Other"
Click "Espionage"
Change the drop down box set with "100," to "1900"
Uncheck the "Include unrated players" box
Click "Continue."
Click "Send"

13. Mart 2005, 23:34:46
Konu: criteria....question
Nothingness (13. Mart 2005, 23:36:00) tarafından düzenlendi
Im trying to set up espionage games. where i only want to face people of certain ratings. but it does not work for me. what am I doing wrong. for example i want to play a game of espionage against poeple with ratings of 1900 or higher. HOW EXACTLY DO I DO THIS!!!!? Ive tried it before and Unrated players still are able to challenge me. Could anyone give me a step by step tutorial of how this is done. I need to know each button click exactly how it is done. Dont just say go to this and click this... i need a thorough explaination.

2. Mart 2005, 21:15:55
Konu: review game
reviewing the game is the only way to clarify the situation.

2. Mart 2005, 03:52:37
Pedro Martínez 
Konu: Re: confused
Backgammonfan28: This never happened to me...are you sure you attacked the 5 with your sapper and not a spy?

1. Mart 2005, 23:16:54
Konu: Re: confused
Backgammonfan28: yes the Sapper takes out mines and 5 generals. When the Sapper is the one who attacks the 5 general. If the 5 general attacks the Sapper then the 5 general wins. If you did attack a 5 general with a Sapper and lost the Sapper this is incorrect and you might wish to bring it to Fencers attention to be corrected.

1. Mart 2005, 23:09:16
Konu: Re: confused
I don't believe so. Sappers are also the only piece able to destroy mines correct?

1. Mart 2005, 22:48:04
Konu: Re: confused
Backgammonfan28: In a five-vs-sapper attack, the attacker wins. Are you getting sappers mixed up with spies? Just a guess.

1. Mart 2005, 22:45:56
Konu: confused
I am confused about one area of this game. It says in the rules that a sapper if attacking a general the sapper wins, and if the general attacks the general wins, well I attacked a 5 with a sapper and my sapper was removed from the board. Isn't this an error? What does beat a 5 other than another 5?

1. Mart 2005, 20:50:58
Konu: Re: March Madness Espionage Tournament
BDilly (1. Mart 2005, 20:52:13) tarafından düzenlendi
Don't forget to sign up if you want to participate... So far we don't have the turnout I had expected. If there is a problem with the format of the tournament please feel free to express your concerns and I will do my best to accomodate everyone... Is the time limit too short? too long? etc. I am trying to get some friendly competition going aside from regular games. I think people try harder and the games are better when there is something on the line. We have 2 weeks to get this thing going let me know your thoughts...


28. Şubat 2005, 17:03:03
Pedro Martínez 
Hercules - yes, 2700 is the maximum BKR.

28. Şubat 2005, 17:02:30
Pedro Martínez 
BuilderQ is correct. That is the formula used here for computing BKRs. I translated it into Czech for Fencer so I know.

25. Şubat 2005, 08:20:28
i think the max of bkr is 2700 ? (as i saw 4? players with a bkr for a five in line or line four)

25. Şubat 2005, 00:41:24
I think BrainKing uses a less transparent rating system than that: http://math.bu.edu/people/mg/ratings/approx/approx.html

24. Şubat 2005, 21:47:25
its not exactly zero ... but less than a whole point .. so you cant see it as the bkr you see is shown in whole points

in the FAQ section you can find an explanation of bkr

Here you can find more about the formula used

24. Şubat 2005, 21:24:33
Konu: wow
BUT ZERO !!! goodness.

24. Şubat 2005, 21:13:30
Konu: Re: not what i meant....
Nothingness: thats because your rated so far above those players, tehrefore your obvisouly quite a good player, and so you don't take as many points or in your case none.

24. Şubat 2005, 20:49:58
Konu: not what i meant....
i meant for example.... i was rated 2100 in say espionage. i played 3 guys who were rated about 1500, 1200 and Unrated. after each of those wins i got ZEro ratings points. why is this?

24. Şubat 2005, 12:46:02
Konu: Re: 3 games...=zero rating pts.
Nothingness: play 1 more and you will have a rating

24. Şubat 2005, 01:35:37
Konu: 3 games...=zero rating pts.
i jstu played 3 games and got nothing for my trouble! grrr.i shouldve gotten something. 2 of them were rated palyers/

24. Şubat 2005, 01:30:19
Konu: Pedro...
Who's you Daddy???

Sorry! Couldn't resist...

24. Şubat 2005, 01:28:34
Konu: not quite
money money money MONEY money!!!!

24. Şubat 2005, 01:27:18
Konu: Re:
Pedro Martínez: ????

24. Şubat 2005, 01:18:17
Pedro Martínez 

22. Şubat 2005, 18:55:30
Konu: currently
im in an elspionage tourney which is still in the process of be completed and looks like it is in no way going to be completed by march. bu ti will gladly enter the others.

22. Şubat 2005, 15:41:38
Konu: Re: March Madness Espionage Tournament

22. Şubat 2005, 03:08:50
Konu: March Madness Espionage Tournament
Who is the best of the best??

I have created an Espionage tournament set to begin March 15 2005. It will consist of each Espionage variant and it will have a 3 day per move time limit. The goal is to get as many people to sign up as possible. If we can get enough people to play I am hoping we can guage who the better players are and crown a champ in each variant. If anyone wants to give any feedback please send me a message. May the best player win!!!

3. Şubat 2005, 23:43:57
Konu: oops ...
my bad thats what i meant....getting stratego mixed up with espionage/sabotage

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