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 Thoughts and Prayers

A sacred place for remembrance, prayer, support, love, affirming eachother, honor and praise.

For people from this site, but also for people in your life all around this globe; whom you would like to keep them in our thoughts and prayers.
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23. Ocak 2007, 20:29:22
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: Thats alot for them to go thru.We still have them in our prayers.
I'm glad to see you up and about,don't rush it.

19. Ocak 2007, 09:10:26
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
Foxy Lady: he broke his fever.. and they were able to reconstruct his chin.. he is still comatosed.. and I am sure they only put him under for so long due to that.. my daughter for the most part is holding out.. although, she sounds as though she could a great big hug.. She lives in Dallas.. TX.. I know there would have to be some sort of support groups similar to what she is going through.. I have told her to start reading scripture again.. and to take a bubble bath.. or do a facial masque for herself.. I told her she shouldn't feel badly for taking time out for herself.. even renting some comedy's and popping popcorn one night.. I hope she can find a group she can be part of .. she beats herself up so badly.. I most likely will be visiting her after I am a bit more stable.. I went through my surgery.. and am recovering just fine.. just want to keep sending prayers out for Bree and John.. Thanks..

13. Ocak 2007, 18:35:14
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: Keep us posted on how John is doing.He's in our prayers.

13. Ocak 2007, 09:12:54
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..

Pedro Martínez: Not sure about the other peeps involved.. although, from the sound of it.. I don't think any of them were injured.. I could be wrong.. will have to ask.

He has been rubbing my daughters arm and even playfully patted her thigh .. he opened his eyes up a bit yesterday. So my daughter believes he is awake.. I told her.. it sounded as though his face and especially his eyes were too swollen to really open before.. she is really sounding much better this week. This is where I wish I didn't have to live so far away.. she is much more positive..

They still haven't done surgery on his face.. he is running a fever.. the nurse told her. They won't do the surgery till he goes two days in a row without fever or infection..

I think things are going to be A okay for them.. I believe this was to make the couple stronger in their relationship.. Thanks for those prayers.. and I will let you know if anyone else was hurt..

12. Ocak 2007, 17:48:21
Pedro Martínez 
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: I hope your daughter's boyfriend recovers as soon as possible with no permanent consequences...

BTW, do you have any info on the other people involved in the accident? Are they all doing OK?

11. Ocak 2007, 20:11:30
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: It's wonderful that your daughter can see the positive side of things. Blessings on all of you through this difficult time. His infection will heal and so will his body.

11. Ocak 2007, 20:04:37
Lisa G 
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: So sorry to hear such news,he's in my prayers.

10. Ocak 2007, 13:57:48
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose:Thanks again for the report! I will continue to pray for John and Bree.

10. Ocak 2007, 08:17:09
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: Keep us posted lots of prayers going his way.

10. Ocak 2007, 08:11:06
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..

ScarletRose: John has an infection on his forehead.. so they postphoned the surgery..

My daughter is getting stronger day by day.. she is more positive which is great.. she needs to be strong to get through these months ahead.. Oh.. she mentioned that he still has his teeth.. and they still look really great.. She had worn braces and so she notices that stuff.. imagine that.. his teeth lasted through it.. LOL

Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming.. not sure when they will reschedule..

9. Ocak 2007, 22:45:43
Radiant2008 :-) 
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: Praise be to God for this positive news!! Yes, I will keep praying :-) Let HIM do the battle though!! AMEN

Many blessings for John during and after the surgery - Let the LORD heal him! Exodus 15:26

God can do anything! Absolutely Anything!! AMEN

I am glad to hear that the docs had such positive news for Bree.. I pray she will remain strong - let her remember that the JOY of the LORD is her strength! Nehemiah 8:10

Love in Him, Radiant

9. Ocak 2007, 16:39:58
Konu: Re: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..
ScarletRose: Thanks for the report MsScarlet. John is in my prayers especially today and I pray for Bree. Know it is very hard for her not knowing the outcome. May God give her comfort during these trying days!

9. Ocak 2007, 05:31:46
Konu: Update for John.. my daughter Brees Beau..

He had a tracheotomy today to prepare for the surgery he will be undergoing tomorrow. He broke multiple bones in his face and they will be reconstructing it tomorrow.. So we need some prayers to help him through surgery tomorrow..

The doctor also mentioned to my daughter that they don't feel John will have any major brain trauma.. which to me says he should recognize her when he wakes up fully..

She was a bit more positive also since he was squeezing her hand most of yesterday when she was by his bedside..

So your prayers are helping.. but, we need more.. Thankyou!

8. Ocak 2007, 09:06:55
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re: My husband Jon
Pbarb2: He's in our prayers Barb.

8. Ocak 2007, 09:05:25
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re: Indigo cat and funky bee
mybirthdaysoon: There in my prayers.

7. Ocak 2007, 16:03:07
Konu: Re: My husband Jon
Pbarb2: thanks for keeping us posted Barb, we've been worried...you take care of Jon and yourself and will be in my prayers.

7. Ocak 2007, 15:20:05
Adaptable Ali 
Konu: Re: My husband Jon
Pbarb2: Is this for his prostate . Keep positive, he will be fine

7. Ocak 2007, 15:19:33
Adaptable Ali 
Konu: Re: Indigo cat and funky bee
~Patty~: Thank you Patty

7. Ocak 2007, 14:56:23
Konu: My husband Jon
Jon needs your prayers. He is going to be treated for cancer next week. They don't think it has spread much,by the looks of the tests. He will be going to a special Dr. next week to see what treatment he suggests. He did get a shot, yesterday. Thank You for your Thoughts and Prayers in this.

7. Ocak 2007, 14:46:20
Konu: Re: Indigo cat and funky bee
mybirthdaysoon: I will say a special prayer for Indigo cat and funky bee and their new baby boy Joseph.

6. Ocak 2007, 23:57:54
Adaptable Ali 
Konu: Indigo cat and funky bee
I recently put a post in here, about the wonderufl news of the above proud parents new baby boy Joseph. Please can you say a special prayer for them as baby Joseph is still in the Special Care Baby Unit. Thank you

6. Ocak 2007, 20:29:13
Konu: Re: My daughters (Bree) boyfriend
~Patty~ (6. Ocak 2007, 20:30:18) tarafından düzenlendi
ScarletRose: I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for a speedy recovery.

6. Ocak 2007, 17:34:58
Konu: Re: My daughters (Bree) boyfriend

mybirthdaysoon: Hey you.. don't you ever think your troubles or your condition is anything to shake off.. although, I hope your doing way better now.. but, you are just as important..

Thanks for all the prayers.. I will keep you all updated..

6. Ocak 2007, 15:04:43
Adaptable Ali 
Konu: Re: My daughters (Bree) boyfriend
ScarletRose: Oh god, and there was me sitting here feeling sorry for myself. I truely hope he makes a speedy recovery. You and your family are in my thoughts.

6. Ocak 2007, 14:49:15
Konu: Re: My daughters (Bree) boyfriend
ScarletRose:So sorry to hear that, my thoughts and prayers will be with your family during this time of healing for him. I pray also for strength for Bree!

6. Ocak 2007, 09:20:58
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re: My daughters (Bree) boyfriend
ScarletRose: Oh wow thats a miracle he's alive.He's in our prayers.

6. Ocak 2007, 07:52:11
Konu: Re: My daughters (Bree) boyfriend
ScarletRose: I'm sorry to hear this, friend. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

6. Ocak 2007, 07:04:01
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: My daughters (Bree) boyfriend
ScarletRose:  Ouch, that is so sad.  We will keep you in our prayers.  Keep us posted on how he is doing. 

6. Ocak 2007, 06:50:16
Konu: My daughters (Bree) boyfriend
ScarletRose (6. Ocak 2007, 06:52:12) tarafından düzenlendi

was in a motorcycle accident on Dec. 30th, 2006..

He went through a red light hitting two paralell cars.. he rushed past the grill and bumper on the first car and was flung into the second to where he was thrown into the air.. he is being sedated so they can monitor him yet let his body heal.

His right upper lung collasped although they have tended to his lung.. he had 4 fairly good lacerations on his leg and he lacerated his liver. His arm had several fractures. He also broke his femar, pelvis, skull, and several areas of his face. They also were draining fluid from his skull.. and he did something to the collateral artery.

I ask for prayers for his strength in healing.. and getting through everything he will have to face in the future.. as well as prayers for my daughter Bree. She has been facing all this on her own.. her father who she lives close to doesn't know how to be a father.. she has been suffering from panic attacks and I can't even imagine the inner pain she is having to go through. Nor can I get down to her at this time to help her. For anyone who has had to go through something like this.. please feel free to offer suggestions privately.. I can always pass them along to her.

She learned today what they will have to do to his face to repair the fractures.. she said you really can't even recognize him. Any way.. I ask for prayers for her strength as well.. and to help her use her energies in a positive helpful way.

3. Ocak 2007, 07:14:29
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re:
Tuesday: Your nephew is in our prayers and thoughts.

3. Ocak 2007, 05:35:07
Konu: Re:
Tuesday: Stephan and family are in my prayers. May the Lord be with you all at this time.

3. Ocak 2007, 05:06:09
Konu: Re:
Tuesday: Stephan will surely be in my thoughts and prayers! God Bless You All!!

1. Ocak 2007, 13:37:01
May the whole world enjoy
good health,
long life,
happiness and peace.
Om, shanti, shanti, shanti.

kundalini yoga master - vethathiri maharishi

31. Aralık 2006, 20:53:39
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re: 3 1/2 weeks to go
NewYear is soon: I won't make it to the end of the month,i'm trying tho.

31. Aralık 2006, 15:21:18
Adaptable Ali 
Konu: Re: 3 1/2 weeks to go
Foxy Lady:

31. Aralık 2006, 06:56:50
Foxy Lady 
Konu: A Prayer For Iraq
Now may you all find peace,happiness,health and the sorrow in your hearts be healed.May God look down on you and bless you all.
I know this is a Holy time for Iraq and i'm not sure of the right words but bless you all.

31. Aralık 2006, 06:50:40
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re: Beloved of God,
Gr☺uch☺: Thank you we still have about 3 1/2 weeks to go.So far so good no problems at all.I thank God everyday for my children it's been a long and tough road.

31. Aralık 2006, 05:07:26
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Beloved of God,
Foxy Lady: We'll have to be sending up prayers for your very soon.  Hoping you are well and all that. ;)

Prayers for a blessed New Year to all! ;)

31. Aralık 2006, 04:46:27
Konu: A Prayer For Saddam Hussein
Tho I am an American, tho I am a Christian, I am Pro-Life, ALL life, and I feel sadness on the day of the death of Saddam Hussein.....Dear Lord, may Saddam find the comfort in Your Love that we all hope for, no matter what we've done or haven't done in this lifetime...Please let him be at peace now that he is gone from this world, and please give comfort to the loved ones that he left behind, as we are all loved by someone...Amen

24. Aralık 2006, 06:41:08
Foxy Lady 
Konu: Re: Beloved of God,
RoseOfSharon: Whoooooo hooooooo so glad to see you,hope you'll stay around.You sure were missed around here.

24. Aralık 2006, 03:25:09
Konu: Re: Merry Christmas
RoseOfSharon:Welcome back Josetta, sure good to see you. Thoughts and prayers go with you friend!!

24. Aralık 2006, 02:33:05
Papa Zoom 
Opps, I'm 

but hey!



24. Aralık 2006, 02:32:13
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Beloved of God,
RoseOfSharon:  Look at what Fencer put up  :) 

I have a few more to send his way  :)  not of Groucho but other one's I'm sure people will surely like ;)

24. Aralık 2006, 00:29:40
Radiant2008 :-) 
Konu: Re: Beloved of God,
Gr☺uch☺: HaHaHAAAA :-) (these are the ones i remembered!)

*changed my settings

dear friend!! ;)

24. Aralık 2006, 00:20:16
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Beloved of God,
RoseOfSharon Click here and check "show smilies"  ;)

24. Aralık 2006, 00:19:12
Radiant2008 :-) 
Konu: Merry Christmas


24. Aralık 2006, 00:13:57
Radiant2008 :-) 
Konu: Re: Beloved of God,
Gr☺uch☺: What means ? As a Bishop I cannot see the smileys.. ;(

24. Aralık 2006, 00:12:37
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Beloved of God,


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