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27. Ekim 2012, 22:47:27
Papa Zoom 
Way to go Democratic party. You're so relevant.


27. Ekim 2012, 17:17:00
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Biden Stupid nuff said

27. Ekim 2012, 06:18:04
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
Iamon lyme: I was bringing in 350 dollars a month LESS than I needed just to pay my basic bills. So, I went to the electronics store, bought a big screen tv (on credit) a new stereo system (borrowed the money from the bank) and a new computer (borrowed the money from my work.

Then I went to the car dealership and bought both a new truck and a new car with all the extras. I took out a loan with their creditor. High interest rate but I'm a bit of a risk.

Then I went to the bank, depleted my savings, gave the money away to a failing company (I know a very bad investment but I had to spend the money somehow) and waited for my indebtedness to change. It didn't.

So I spent more money thinking I must have failed to spend enough. So I doubled my expenditures to record highs. And just to be sure that I had spent enough, I sighed up for about a dozen charities where they take the money right out of your checking account. I figured what the heck and signed up for 100 dollars for each of them per month.

So NOW instead of being 350 dollars per month behind every paycheck, I"m $2700.67 behind every month.

I must be doing something wrong.

Maybe Biden was wrong?

27. Ekim 2012, 06:10:20
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:

27. Ekim 2012, 04:44:18
Papa Zoom 
Did you know that to get out of debt, you need to get into MORE debt.

Seriously, do you know who said that first? In the last video I posted, a liberal actually said that. Where did she learn that?

27. Ekim 2012, 04:40:53
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Here's more stupid.

27. Ekim 2012, 04:34:48
Papa Zoom 
Konu: unbelievably stupid people

26. Ekim 2012, 16:03:18
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: because???
(V): They aren't just dying, they are being killed.

26. Ekim 2012, 06:11:37
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Again, adoption.
Papa Zoom (26. Ekim 2012, 06:22:34) tarafından düzenlendi
Iamon lyme: Most people won't take the time to watch this.


26. Ekim 2012, 00:26:48
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Again, adoption.
Iamon lyme: Interesting how those who favor abortion don't make the connection vis-a-vis abortion survior and the human being. If a human being can talk about being an abortion survivor, then it's clear that human beings are being killed in abortions.

26. Ekim 2012, 00:22:55
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Again, adoption.
(V): "you can't dictate by law if someone can or cannot have an abortion."


25. Ekim 2012, 16:47:40
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Again, adoption.
(V): Killing the unborn is not the answer. There is no question about the fact that a human being, innocent of any wrong doing, is being killed simply for the convenience of another. Arguments for abortion run from the simplistic to the complex but in every case, they attempt to justify the killing of a vulnerable, innocent, human being.

25. Ekim 2012, 16:02:30
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: I...

25. Ekim 2012, 07:27:27
Papa Zoom 

25. Ekim 2012, 02:19:32
Papa Zoom 

25. Ekim 2012, 01:45:50
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
Iamon lyme: Hillary is such an idiot. She says that the reasons for such attacks are complicated matters and one shouldn't cherry pick at reasons (yeah, like she cherry picked that it was all about a stupid video). What an incompetent fool.

25. Ekim 2012, 01:44:15
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: I never said I'd let the mom die.
(V): The life of the mother is the only exception I'd make.

And to the baby being killed, I suspect they'd feel the mother's reasons are trivial. What possible reason could a woman have to abort a human being (killing it) other than trivial reasons?

The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman’s education, work
or ability to care for dependents (74%); -- this is a trivial reason for killing a human being. Give the child up for adoption. It's a human life for God's sake!

that she could not afford a baby now (73%); -- trivial-this is no reason to kill an innocent human being. And that 73% can find plenty of financial help for pre and postnatal care AND adoption is always an option. We don't kill our children because they are costly.

and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). -- Apparently these women haven't heard of adoption...another trivial selfish reason.

Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, --trivial - it's too late once you're pregnant. Have the baby and give it up for adoption. The alternative is to kill it.

and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. -- then don't have sex duh. Again, adoption. Killing the unborn is NOT the answer for ANY reason except for the life of the mother. And then it's the mother's decision. But aborting your child because you'll miss a year of school? Trivial, shameful, and barbaric.

25. Ekim 2012, 01:33:52
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:Fetal pain is not bs. Doesn't matter in the larger picture because it's morally wrong to take the life of an innocent human being without just cause.
The Col: Well you're welcome. Nice of you to notice.

24. Ekim 2012, 16:36:55
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:Fetal pain is not bs. Doesn't matter in the larger picture because it's morally wrong to take the life of an innocent human being without just cause.
(V): I never said I'd let the mom die. That would violate the principle I just laid out. The vast majority of abortions are done for trivial reasons.

24. Ekim 2012, 16:35:29
Papa Zoom 

24. Ekim 2012, 15:57:04
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:Fetal pain is not bs. Doesn't matter in the larger picture because it's morally wrong to take the life of an innocent human being without just cause.
(V): It's morally wrong to kill an innocent human being.
The unborn are innocent human beings.
It's immoral to kill them.
Abortion kills them.
Therefore, abortion is morally wrong.

24. Ekim 2012, 07:45:55
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
Iamon lyme: I think the video was bush's fault.

24. Ekim 2012, 05:51:00
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
rod03801: we are pawns!

24. Ekim 2012, 05:40:07
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
rod03801: It's funny how the battle for President really comes down to just a few states. Like I told a friend today, it won't matter who you vote for for President. I'll probably write myself in or maybe donald duck.

24. Ekim 2012, 03:17:23
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
rod03801: well so far in his life, everything he's touched has turned to gold. I suspect he'll do great things for the US - after he fixes the mess Obama has made. What a terrible experiment he's been!

24. Ekim 2012, 02:59:24
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
Iamon lyme: hmmmm, maybe more will leave again! lol

24. Ekim 2012, 02:51:48
Papa Zoom 
Konu: and then there is this

24. Ekim 2012, 02:49:41
Papa Zoom 

24. Ekim 2012, 02:46:42
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
Iamon lyme: I'll be so glad when it's over. If Obama wins, I'm going underground. cuz the USA will go quickly down the

24. Ekim 2012, 02:45:08
Papa Zoom 

ahahah they still use bayonets in combat. AND horses too!

BIG Obama blunder

24. Ekim 2012, 02:43:51
Papa Zoom 

24. Ekim 2012, 02:37:50
Papa Zoom 

24. Ekim 2012, 02:37:11
Papa Zoom 
Konu: hahahah MSNBC even

24. Ekim 2012, 02:35:59
Papa Zoom 
Konu: case ya want more

24. Ekim 2012, 02:35:23
Papa Zoom 
England’s Take On Final Debate – Romney won the presidential debate by looking presidential
Obama And Romney Spar In Final Debate Before Presidential Election
October 23, 2012 2012 Presidental Debates, Barack Obama, Election 2012, Mitt Romney

Romney won the third presidential debate – and how he did it was encapsulated in a single exchange. The candidates were discussing military spending and Romney had just accused Obama of making harmful cutbacks. The President wheeled out what must have seemed like a great, pre-planned zinger: “I think Governor Romney maybe hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works. You mentioned the navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military’s changed.” The audience laughed, Obama laughed, I laughed. It was funny.


But here’s why it was also a vote loser. For a start, Twitter immediately lit up with examples of how the US Army does still use horses and bayonets (horses were used during the invasion of Afghanistan). More importantly, this was one example of many in which the President insulted, patronised and mocked his opponent rather than put across a constructive argument. His performance was rude and unpresidential. Obama seemed to have a touch of the Bidens, wriggling about in his chair, waving his hands dismissively and always – always – smirking in Romney’s direction. By contrast, Romney sucked up the abuse and retained a rigid poker face all night. He looked like a Commander in Chief; Obama looked like a lawyer.

24. Ekim 2012, 02:33:38
Papa Zoom 

24. Ekim 2012, 02:31:00
Papa Zoom 
According to the official U.S. Marine Corps website, every Marine is STILL required to complete a bayonet training program … because “the weapon becomes just as effective [as a rifle] in close combat situations.”

We spoke with Dan Riker from Bayonet Inc. — a leading military surplus outlet that specializes in bayonets — who tells us he believes Obama’s comment was “ignorant … because our soldiers still use bayonets.”

He adds, “[Bayonets] are still distributed to the military all the time — he should get educated on it”

24. Ekim 2012, 02:29:07
Papa Zoom 
Gee, the Rasmussen poll has Romney up 4 points.

24. Ekim 2012, 02:00:28
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
Iamon lyme: Washington usually votes towards the Democrats in national elections. Same with Minnesota and Wisconsin. But Wisconsin has a conservative governor so who knows. Minnesota is a strange bird. They lover their liberals. Washington loves the liberals except for those on the eastern side who are mostly conservative and independents. But not enough of them to matter.

I'm voting yes for charter schools this year. Competition is good.

24. Ekim 2012, 01:32:58
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
Iamon lyme: Mitt will continue to surge in the polls. ;)

24. Ekim 2012, 01:31:10
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
The Col: Anyone can vote in those polls. They are basically meaningless. That was an online poll.

Here's a poll that has Mitt winning: http://www.therightscoop.com/poll-who-won-the-3rd-and-final-presidential-debate-tonight-between-mitt-romney-and-president-obama/

24. Ekim 2012, 01:21:44
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
Bwild:You're right: Obummer lied and then lied some more. He has no shame.

24. Ekim 2012, 01:20:42
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Debate
The Col: Dick Morris, a superb political strategist, gives the win to Romney. Romney was very effective in the debate despite being sick. Obama had several very bad moments. BTW, we still use bayonets. Duh.

24. Ekim 2012, 01:05:01
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:feels nothing about killing their child?
(V): Fetal pain is not bs. Doesn't matter in the larger picture because it's morally wrong to take the life of an innocent human being without just cause.

23. Ekim 2012, 16:31:04
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:feels nothing about killing their child?
(V): killing the unborn has nothing to do with real life?

23. Ekim 2012, 16:09:42
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:But the vast majority of abortion are only horror stories to the unborn.
(V): feels nothing about killing their child?

And the baby feels tremendous pain in an abortion.

23. Ekim 2012, 16:08:24
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Iamon lyme: They definitely want to suppress the truth about the ONE. Even the ONE wants to do that. Hence all the stonewalling etc.

23. Ekim 2012, 07:15:55
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Iamon lyme: Obama is such a liar. I wonder if he believes his own nonsense.

23. Ekim 2012, 06:40:01
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Iamon lyme: Obama was a jerk at the debates tonight. What a lying scum bag of a prez.

23. Ekim 2012, 02:12:40
Papa Zoom 

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