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25. Kasım 2012, 20:38:32
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V): But it has nothing to do with Hamas bombing Israel.  Israel reacts to protects its citizens.  I say kill all of Hamas.   That will end the problem.  The if another group pops up, kill them all.

25. Kasım 2012, 20:30:01
Papa Zoom 
Legitimate On Topic Poster:  But the Palestinian terrorists are dropping bombs on women and children in Israel and then hiding in homes and hospitals!

Red Herring Poster:  Yeah well what about when the US kicked the Indians out of their native land and killed them indiscriminately? 

25. Kasım 2012, 20:27:39
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V): well what you consider spam I consider a legitimate response when someone tries to drag a red herring across the trail.

25. Kasım 2012, 19:55:55
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V): Nope.  On the fence. 

25. Kasım 2012, 19:50:54
Papa Zoom 

25. Kasım 2012, 19:39:38
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission
(V): The other was red too

25. Kasım 2012, 19:37:10
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission

25. Kasım 2012, 19:34:26
Papa Zoom 

25. Kasım 2012, 19:31:37
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission
(V):  red herring

25. Kasım 2012, 19:30:44
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Not their land? Says who? The UN? They are a disgrace.
(V):red herring

25. Kasım 2012, 19:30:16
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: But then again
(V):red herring

25. Kasım 2012, 19:23:10
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Peace will never happen between muslims and Israel. It's delusional to think otherwise. As if what you have suggested hasn't happened. You couldn't get three weeks of genuine peace. You can't change hearts.
(V): Not their land?  Says who?  The UN?  They are a disgrace. 

Now here's something to celebrate: 

Saudi Government To Provide Electric Shock Collars So Men Can Keep Wives From Leaving Home Without Permission

25. Kasım 2012, 19:19:55
Papa Zoom 
Konu: The proper methodology for negotiating with terrorists

25. Kasım 2012, 19:15:04
Papa Zoom 
Konu: But then again
Papa Zoom (25. Kasım 2012, 19:15:36) tarafından düzenlendi

25. Kasım 2012, 19:14:42
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Peace will never happen between muslims and Israel. It's delusional to think otherwise. As if what you have suggested hasn't happened. You couldn't get three weeks of genuine peace. You can't change hearts.
(V): Pressure on Israel? For what? They aren't lobbing bombs indiscriminately into neighborhoods and blowing up planes and blowing up buses. Are you nuts?

25. Kasım 2012, 18:54:21
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: First, the British Empire made a big cokup of the whole thing. They used to control Palestine and Israel after WW II. They just granted Israel statehood wihtout even considering that there were other people living there too.
(V): Peace will never happen between muslims and Israel. It's delusional to think otherwise. As if what you have suggested hasn't happened. You couldn't get three weeks of genuine peace. You can't change hearts.

22. Kasım 2012, 18:24:02
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: There has never been a Palestinian state ever. They've never owned the land.
(V): I never said anything about planes. I said bombs from Gaza. Israel should never have given up Gaza or ANY territory. Israel has never shed blood without just cause. It's the terrorists that always start things by killing innocent people. Did you miss the recent bus being blown up? And Hamas celebrated. Hamas needs to be wiped out completely.

22. Kasım 2012, 17:45:21
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: The fault is not with Israel. Not even an ounce.
(V): There has never been a Palestinian state ever. They've never owned the land. And when Israel gave up Gaza, that's when the bombs started. You don't bomb civilians. Stop making excuses for the terrorists.

22. Kasım 2012, 03:01:23
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: comparing Gaza to the Warsaw ghetto is ignorant V , and ignorant you are not.
The Col: My thoughts exactly. I'm thinking it will never change.

22. Kasım 2012, 01:04:43
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: comparing Gaza to the Warsaw ghetto is ignorant V , and ignorant you are not.
The Col: And they celebrated their success openly.

21. Kasım 2012, 23:22:06
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Obama's war.
Washington Times:

...Frantic efforts under way at the moment by assorted diplomats aimed at containing hostilities between Israel and the terrorist enclave known as the Gaza Strip (primarily by blocking Israel’s decisive retaliation) cannot obscure a dismal reality: The crescendo of rockets and missiles unleashed by the Palestinians on Israeli civilians are a predictable repercussion of President Obama’s reckless defense and foreign policies.

Consider how such attacks — and the danger to Israel and to us that is growing by the day — have been aided and abetted by an Obama doctrine that can be described in nine words: Embolden our enemies, undermine our friends, diminish our country.

21. Kasım 2012, 22:44:15
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: However, the only real solution the Palestinians will accept is not the destruction of Israel but the complete destruction of the Jews. They, the Palestinians are the real problem.
(V): The fault is not with Israel. Not even an ounce.

21. Kasım 2012, 15:54:09
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: However, the only real solution the Palestinians will accept is not the destruction of Israel but the complete destruction of the Jews. They, the Palestinians are the real problem.
(V): a small group can't shoot 100 rockets a day into Israel. And far more than a small group of people put Hamas in power.

21. Kasım 2012, 03:39:19
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: The bottom line
The Col: I couldn't agree more.

20. Kasım 2012, 23:44:40
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:they should be bombing Iran,not Palestine or the Gaza strip.
(V): True. However, the only real solution the Palestinians will accept is not the destruction of Israel but the complete destruction of the Jews. They, the Palestinians are the real problem.

20. Kasım 2012, 16:56:47
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:they should be bombing Iran,not Palestine or the Gaza strip.
(V): I don't know about that. We bombed the hell out of Germany and destroyed their military and their ability to continue their aggression. You speak English as a result.

20. Kasım 2012, 16:55:12
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
Iamon lyme: To many in the media, Israel can do no right and the terrorists can do no wrong.

Even some in America (and the world) have suggested that the USA try to "understand" why the terrorists are trying to kill us etc. Why are they so mad at us? If we try to see things from their point of view, maybe they'll stop trying to blow us up.

How about this: We just keep killing as many of them as we can until they are all dead. That sounds like a better plan to me. I couldn't care less why they hate the US. I don't like my neighbors. They have too many animals and they crap in my yard (they animals, not the neighbors). They play loud music and their kids have late night noisy backyard parties when I'm trying to sleep.

But I just ignore them because they have the right to do those things. It's not against the law to own animals and you can play loud music up to a certain time at night. And what would one expect teens to do at night in the summer? Go to bed early? So instead of bombing my neighbor's house I live and let live. I can't tell other people how to live and I have no right to harm them just because they piss me off.

The UN should get that message to the terrorists and put the Arab nations on notice that the world will no longer tolerate their terrorist ways. Oh wait, the Arab nations are in the UN so that won't work will it.

Guess we'll just have to keep killing them back.

20. Kasım 2012, 16:47:28
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:I don't know. I wouldn't want the UN telling the US what to do.
(V): Yes but the terrorists need to stop initiating and sustaining the conflict. Israel is responding and the terrorists are the aggressors. Perhaps the UN could tell the Arab world to knock it off and leave Israel alone. That will never happen. Too many people hate Israel. Just like the Bible said they would in these end days.

20. Kasım 2012, 02:57:32
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
Bwild: Well likely Iran is behind the bombings in Israel so you're right about bombing Iran. The terrorists want Israel to stop killing its leaders but its leaders are coordinating bombing of Israeli citizens. So Israel assassinates the bad guys and they get ticked because then they have to train a new top terrorist leader.

20. Kasım 2012, 02:30:21
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V): I don't know. I wouldn't want the UN telling the US what to do.

19. Kasım 2012, 16:06:40
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V): What would you do if you were Israel?

18. Kasım 2012, 22:00:49
Papa Zoom 
And while I'm at it, what is the matter with Israel? Why are they shooting bombs into Gaza??? Are in insane? inhumane?!!! Don't they know that the terrorists of Gaza hide behind women and children?

So what that the terrorists in Gaza are shooting rockets at civilians living in Israel! Big deal!!! That's what terrorists do! duh!!! Get a clue Israel! Those guys in Gaza are terrorists and it's OKAY for terrorists to bomb and kill (Just ask the New York Times). But Israel is NOT made up of terrorists. They are peaceful and peaceful people don't bomb other people not even when they are trying to kill you.

So Israel, stop bombing the terrorists and trying to protect your people and your land. Just built more shelters and hope for the best. Maybe you should give the terrorists what they want and just all drown yourselves into the sea. Or move to Minnesota or something. Maybe Alaska. Or better yet, California.

Then the terrorists will stop killing you in Israel.

(they'll then start killing you in your new land but at least they won't complain about the land of Israel anymore!)

18. Kasım 2012, 21:50:11
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Not that liberals will care but
in light of Obama's claims to the contrary, this should matter. It won't matter to most liberals. Sad.


You mean you weren't told it was a video Mr. President?

14. Kasım 2012, 01:40:35
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V): an 18th century drinking song is very much American as long as the drink is dark beer.

13. Kasım 2012, 21:13:33
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V): Texas is not alone lol

13. Kasım 2012, 16:37:23
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Lamon...
(V): If it were Bush, you'd see plenty.

13. Kasım 2012, 06:17:26
Papa Zoom 
Three more states rejected Obamacare last week. Alabama, Montana, and Wyoming rejected the President’s health care law at the polls.

By an overwhelming majority, Montanans rejected Obamacare via the Montana Health Care Amendment. It reads:

The trio join Missouri, Ohio, Arizona, and Oklahoma as states whose citizens have voted to protect themselves from Obamacare implementation. Other states such as Texas and Louisiana have governors who refuse to implement Obamacare in their states. So far 14 governors have refused to compromise their state’s sovereignties by implementing the ever-unpopular law. The fight against Obamacare is still very much alive.

13. Kasım 2012, 04:46:56
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Eureka, that's it! I know what to do now! I'll get a job working for peanuts... dry roasted peanuts
Iamon lyme: Everybody who worked on Carter's farm worked for peanuts. Sort of.

13. Kasım 2012, 03:09:26
Papa Zoom 
Konu: I love this guy

13. Kasım 2012, 00:37:50
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Eureka, that's it! I know what to do now! I'll get a job working for peanuts... dry roasted peanuts
Iamon lyme: ???? You gonna join the circus and be an elephant?

12. Kasım 2012, 05:27:34
Papa Zoom 
Konu: persistence

11. Kasım 2012, 20:01:18
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:I am the undisputed Champ though.

11. Kasım 2012, 19:31:13
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:Why would they say that to you?
Papa Zoom (11. Kasım 2012, 19:31:33) tarafından düzenlendi
The Col:even you and Jules have used the word idiot.  I am the undisputed Champ though.  

11. Kasım 2012, 03:33:32
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
Übergeek 바둑이:  It comes as news to me too but I never score 100% conservative on any of those tests.  I'm definitely in the camp of those on the Right, but not the far right.  I lean left on a few issues but not too far left.  Maybe I just end up closer to the center on some views. 

10. Kasım 2012, 23:14:31
Papa Zoom 

10. Kasım 2012, 23:14:02
Papa Zoom 

10. Kasım 2012, 23:10:14
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: My wife carries a leather strap. If I'm good she lets me chew on it. If I'm bad she whacks me with it.

10. Kasım 2012, 17:36:27
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: My wife carries a leather strap. If I'm good she lets me chew on it. If I'm bad she whacks me with it.
(V): No worries. I kinda like the leather look. 

10. Kasım 2012, 07:07:48
Papa Zoom 

10. Kasım 2012, 07:07:30
Papa Zoom 
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