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5. Şubat 2013, 04:58:01
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: They are not legal for cops to use either.
Bwild: Yeah but guns are not the problem. People are. Take away the guns and the killings will continue.

5. Şubat 2013, 02:25:26
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: An interesting opinion
SL-Mark: Wow. That puts a perspective into the mix that's a bit scary. I wonder if the military would actually shoot at it's own?

5. Şubat 2013, 02:12:59
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: They are not legal for cops to use either.
(V): Pastors who predict the end are nut heads IMO. We can't know when the end will come. At least that's what the Bible tells us. I love the way they say the end will be such and such a date and then when it comes, they change the date. They need to be stoned for being false prophets!

4. Şubat 2013, 21:55:01
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: They are not legal for cops to use either.
(V): it's a conspiracy

4. Şubat 2013, 16:24:10
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: They are not legal for cops to use either.
(V): And the social security needs it because?

3. Şubat 2013, 22:02:06
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: 1000's of rounds at one time
(V): Hollow point bullets are against the Geneva convention. They are not legal for cops to use either. And US government agencies are stockpiling these bullets. Even the social security department order nearly 200,000 rounds. Law enforcement is one thing but the SS agency? No. And who needs 1.4 billion rounds of hollow point bullets? Why Homeland Security does. Who they gonna shoot? And why is it ok for the Feds to buy guns and ammo "for protection" but they are complaining that their citizens are exercising their Constitutional rights!

2. Şubat 2013, 18:18:29
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: He appears to be talking about an eternal universe in which the unmoved mover is able to overcome the problem of an infinite number of past events.
Iamon lyme: ru napping?

2. Şubat 2013, 04:12:55
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: 1000's of rounds at one time
(V): Well the US government just purchased millions of rounds of hollow point bullets and one department that purchased these is the Treasury Dept! When asked why they needed so much ammo they answered "target practice." Sure

1. Şubat 2013, 03:54:58
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: They envisioned the freedom to possess arms. It's the concept they stood for. The type of gun is immaterial.
Übergeek 바둑이: lol and I was just kidding about Google.

I think reasonable gun control measures are what we need BUT we already have over 20,000 gun laws (which includes local laws). It's doubtful that any new laws will have significant effect. I see politicians using the gun issue as a political tool. I don't even own a gun and probably never will. And I've been held up by two morons, each with a gun pointed at my head. But I'm still not opposed to gun ownership AND I favor concealed carry. In my case, the guys that robbed me got off. THAT'S the problem. Our laws are meaningless if they have no teeth. AND an underage kid carrying an illegal firearm gets NO TIME! He has to get caught 5 times before the law kicks in. How stupid is that? Anyway, there are things we can and should do but likely we will never agree as the Repubs and the Dumocrats LOVE to play politics.

1. Şubat 2013, 03:42:42
Papa Zoom 
Konu: 1000's of rounds at one time
(V): target shooting ;)

31. Ocak 2013, 15:42:14
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: They envisioned the freedom to possess arms. It's the concept they stood for. The type of gun is immaterial.
(V): There are many gun types that are legal and many other that are not. Military type assault (automatic) are not. The Government did some studies (back in the Clinton days) and found that the gun bans (instituted by Clinton and Janet Reno) had no noticeable effect on crime/murder/killings. Guns aren't the problem. It's the heart of man that's the problem.

It is scary that youtube has things like recipes for massive destruction of human life! But I'll bet the posters and the subscribers are being watched by the CIA. Likely the CIA has an insider working for Google. Or Google is a CIA front.

31. Ocak 2013, 07:07:08
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Guys, stop cleaning up the house. Leave that to the wife!!!

31. Ocak 2013, 01:28:07
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: They envisioned the freedom to possess arms. It's the concept they stood for. The type of gun is immaterial.
(V): most peeps couldn't afford one let alone know how to use it.

30. Ocak 2013, 07:06:28
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Those muskets are still around but they're not that effective unless you're a fast reloader and you're faithful at keeping your powder dry
rod03801: Gun laws are basically meaningless. And gun free zones a joke. Like the mass murderer sees the "gun free zone" sign and says, "Crap! I can't bring my guns in there!"

30. Ocak 2013, 02:10:37
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: he refused to sell his network to Glen Beck but was ok with an organization that favors the terrorists
(V): Well the CIA only favors terrorists that are less bad than the really bad terrorists. I think they hope the not-so-bad terrorists will kill the really-bad terrorists (and then the CIA will go after the no-so-bad terrorists). Or something like that.

30. Ocak 2013, 02:08:20
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Those muskets are still around but they're not that effective unless you're a fast reloader and you're faithful at keeping your powder dry
(V): I don't think they envisioned any gun type. They envisioned the freedom to possess arms. It's the concept they stood for. The type of gun is immaterial. (also bats and nunchucks)

29. Ocak 2013, 02:31:20
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: If we had reliable green energy that was cost efficient (so far we don't) then we can move in that direction. Until then we need to use the technology we do have.
Übergeek 바둑이: Fine, he probably did. But Al Gore was the darling of the Global Warming movement and in the end, he refused to sell his network to Glen Beck but was ok with an organization that favors the terrorists AND is hugely connected to oil money. So much for Al Gore's sincerity. It's his own Halliburton.

29. Ocak 2013, 02:27:37
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Whatever happened to global warming?
The Col: The political elite, on both sides, are worthless and need to be thrown out. Career politicians are bums and don't look out for the folks first.

29. Ocak 2013, 02:26:10
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: If we had reliable green energy that was cost efficient (so far we don't) then we can move in that direction. Until then we need to use the technology we do have.
(V): Those muskets are still around but they're not that effective unless you're a fast reloader and you're faithful at keeping your powder dry.

28. Ocak 2013, 07:31:27
Papa Zoom 

28. Ocak 2013, 03:42:22
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Whatever happened to global warming?
Übergeek 바둑이: Ha! I actually agree with you. But the models that scientists used to predict the "effects of global warming" haven't come true. My position is that we have no global warming and certainly it's not man made. We do have climate change but we can call that climate fluctuations or climate cycles and be just as accurate.

Pollution is another matter all together. We should be good stewards of the earth. But we shouldn't go over board and stop using fossil fuels altogether. We need to use fuels responsibly. If we had reliable green energy that was cost efficient (so far we don't) then we can move in that direction. Until then we need to use the technology we do have.

It's a huge red flag when there is money to be made for energy policy changes. Carbon credits, green dollar spending, and global warming research, not to mention the green energy investments, all stand to make a bundle if global warming policies move forward. See Al Gore. He's made millions on his lies. And in the end, he sold out to big oil anyway.

There is nothing wrong with responsible use of coal, oil, or gas. And there is no green energy technology that can supply a huge community with all their energy needs. Until there is, we have to continue to use what is available (and there is lots of it).

27. Ocak 2013, 20:12:33
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Whatever happened to global warming?
Are you freezing? Join the crowd. Arctic air is sweeping across Canada. Snow and ice are wreaking havoc on Britain. Russians are dying from the cold. And Germans are sneaking into forests to cut down trees because their fuel bills are so high.

Hey! Whatever happened to global warming?

That’s a naive question, of course. Everybody knows there’s little or no connection between daily weather events and climate change (except when there’s a heat wave, a hurricane or some other natural disaster, in which case global warming is invariably to blame). Experts will tell you that our bitter winter weather proves nothing about climate change – that the world is still warming up at an alarming rate.

Well, maybe not so alarming. Global temperatures have now held steady for 16 years. They levelled off around 1997........

read more: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/commentary/whatever-happened-to-global-warming/article7725145/

23. Ocak 2013, 02:54:25
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:

21. Ocak 2013, 17:59:12
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:Burger King stock would rise. Unless they used some of the Old Grey Mare too.
(V): I'll be there in 30 hours. Save me some!

20. Ocak 2013, 21:36:45
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:Yeah, I like chicken. Besides they poop everywhere and deserve to be eaten. For that matter, I should eat my dogs then.
(V): I would not love it if my Big Mac was named after some horse! If McDs served horse meat and it was discovered, Burger King stock would rise. Unless they used some of the Old Grey Mare too.

I suppose if I were hungry enough though I'd even eat a Rocky Mountain oyster!

20. Ocak 2013, 21:33:56
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:I'm sorry to hear your god is disinterested in this problem. Or too wimpy to do anything about it.
Iamon lyme: All I know is I hope I don't experience infinite regression. But I think I'm on my way to a finite one.

19. Ocak 2013, 21:55:02
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:I'm sorry to hear your god is disinterested in this problem. Or too wimpy to do anything about it.
Iamon lyme: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.


there, that was easy. I could have saved Ari a lot of time and though energy!

19. Ocak 2013, 17:39:40
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:Horse meat! I would not like that. Horses are pets (well sort of - maybe more like family).
(V): Yeah, I like chicken. Besides they poop everywhere and deserve to be eaten. For that matter, I should eat my dogs then.

19. Ocak 2013, 07:02:25
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:I'm sorry to hear your god is disinterested in this problem. Or too wimpy to do anything about it.
Iamon lyme: and I wonder who geared it?

19. Ocak 2013, 03:38:11
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Soylent Green.
(V): with dark beer

19. Ocak 2013, 03:37:26
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V): Horse meat! I would not like that. Horses are pets (well sort of - maybe more like family). It's like eating one's dog. IMHO

5. Ocak 2013, 06:23:41
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: He should have realized that with just 3% of the vote he was not going to make it in politics and leave it at that.
(V): Most politicians seem to suffer from that malady.

5. Ocak 2013, 06:20:57
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: to what extent do we have free will and in what cases do we not ( if any)?
Iamon lyme: Odd. It's a youtube link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC1AOtznXsI Not sure why it gave that message.

As for smoking, I smoked for 13 plus years and finally was able to quit but it wasn't "will" power. I got too sick from the smoke and had to quit or put up with feeling ill every morning. I developed a plan that worked for me. I think God jumped in and removed the cravings because I quit one day and never craved another smoke. I went from smoking over a pack a day to smoking zero. My farting increased but there was no longer a nicotine ring on my undies

5. Ocak 2013, 06:12:30
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: to what extent do we have free will and in what cases do we not ( if any)?
Iamon lyme: Holy Crap Batman!!!  Politics (30 new)

4. Ocak 2013, 06:27:47
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: to what extent do we have free will and in what cases do we not ( if any)?
Iamon lyme:<b>Iamon lyme</b>:  Well here's the cure for that:

Worth listening to:


4. Ocak 2013, 01:50:22
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Is this guy and idiot or what?
(V): He should have realized that with just 3% of the vote he was not going to make it in politics and leave it at that. Then after he popped a few tires, he should have left it there. He's never have been caught. He proved he is dumb, dumber, and dumbest! He continues to pop tires! Did he think he could do that without being seen? He has no tech sense.

And yes, Judge Judy rocks.

3. Ocak 2013, 16:41:56
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Is this guy and idiot or what?

3. Ocak 2013, 02:21:10
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: to what extent do we have free will and in what cases do we not ( if any)?
(V): Like most things I'm exploring, it answers one question and raises three more.

I've not heard of Yetzer Hatoz before so I'll have to "Bing" it ;)

2. Ocak 2013, 07:32:31
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Free Will
(V): to what extent do we have free will and in what cases do we not ( if any)?

2. Ocak 2013, 07:31:15
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Free Will
Iamon lyme: interesting. I wonder what the atheists think of this question? Theists would probably answer in the affirmative but not all atheists would. Hmmmmm

1. Ocak 2013, 06:55:39
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Free Will
This is more a philosophical question but I'm interested in the responses.

Does man have free will or do you believe it's an illusion. Expand on your answer if you want. ;)

1. Ocak 2013, 06:54:26
Papa Zoom 
Taxes will go up this year for everyone anyway. The Republicans are sissies. Watch them give on the debt ceiling too. I'm gonna be a libertarian.

1. Ocak 2013, 06:49:44
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V): They don't want taxes raised on anyone. And taxing the wealthiest only runs the government for 8 days. Better to cut spending.

28. Kasım 2012, 04:49:12
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Well I think that just goes to illustrate just how hopeless the situation is.
(V): I'm a realist.  It's Pollyanna to think that the terrorists care about a bridge.  You don't know radical Islam.

27. Kasım 2012, 16:19:58
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: Well I think that just goes to illustrate just how hopeless the situation is.
(V): It's been tried b4.

27. Kasım 2012, 03:08:42
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Unbelievable

27. Kasım 2012, 02:40:43
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: killing works...
(V): Well I think that just goes to illustrate just how hopeless the situation is.

26. Kasım 2012, 00:06:40
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re: killing works...
(V): Appeals to emotion are nonsense.  Hamas has to stop attacking first.  If they keep it up, they will be hunted down like the dogs they are and killed. 

25. Kasım 2012, 21:01:35
Papa Zoom 
Konu: Re:
(V):Actually in this case, yes.

25. Kasım 2012, 20:40:49
Papa Zoom 
Of course, we could just kill every Israeli and then the Muslims could just change their target to another group.  Eventually, when every people group is killed, then the Muslims would just start killing themselves (as they already do).  

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