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18. Aralık 2008, 01:04:34
Konu: Re: Bush in Iraq
Czuch: maybe if Bush hadn't wanked off the entire time he was in office and made a mess with,well EVERYTHING HE TOUCHED,people would care...but he did,and they don't

18. Aralık 2008, 00:30:23
Konu: Re: (do liberals even have any values and ideals?)
Czuch: forever!!?? ohhh,you are such a tease,you bad boy...I have my opinions on things,unfortunatly,I have 2 people,just like you to choose from when it comes time to vote...NOW,if everyone here would vote for ME next election,I shall run and become President so that I can get a nice blend of real idea into the country..I HATE that people say...Dems are THIS way...or Rep are THAT way...there were a few Rep's that got voted out this past election...not because they were doing a bad job,they weren't,BUT because your precious Bush dicked things up so bad...it was like a hunt just to get ANYONE with the title of Rep out of office...it's politics..it's nasty,I don't agree with the way things are done,but untill you vote me in,there isn't to much I can really do about it

18. Aralık 2008, 00:13:20
Konu: Re: (do liberals even have any values and ideals?)
Czuch: "except that you all tend to"..."but I never heard any of you" so,now you are generalizing ME into that catagory as well???

18. Aralık 2008, 00:08:06
Konu: Re: (do liberals even have any values and ideals?)
Jim Dandy: LMAO!!

18. Aralık 2008, 00:06:08
Konu: Re: (do liberals even have any values and ideals?)
Czuch: Liberal/democrats I dont know how that one works... thats why I tend to argue more against liberals than democrats....
But it seems,at least to me from what you post that you attack Democrats and Liberals in the same breath,it seems,again,to me anywho,that you DO label them as one in the same.

17. Aralık 2008, 23:55:51
Konu: Re: (do liberals even have any values and ideals?)
Artful Dodger: lookie!! I am not the only one that uses "whaa!!" hehehee

17. Aralık 2008, 23:46:55
Konu: Re: (do liberals even have any values and ideals?)
Czuch: so...in your opionion...are all democrats liberal?? and ALL rep. conservative??

17. Aralık 2008, 05:57:25
Konu: Re: For those interested
Artful Dodger: well,it's a nice change from always hearing about that hillbilly that is still sitting in office now

17. Aralık 2008, 05:56:20
Konu: Re: For those interested
Artful Dodger: I told ya I was creative ;) I have oddles of them!! some I can't post tho,hehehe

17. Aralık 2008, 05:55:26
Konu: Re: For those interested
Bernice: well my GAWD ,I mean,no offense but he is acting like this is such a NEWS FLASH that the news reports one side of things....YA THINK!?
The news is biased...WOW...I never saw THAT one coming.They report crap things all the time.....

17. Aralık 2008, 05:50:27
Konu: Re: For those interested
Artful Dodger: OMG did you complain this much when they were all foo-fooing over Bush? probably not

16. Aralık 2008, 14:48:18
Konu: Re: shoe throw
(V): wish someone would throw a nice pair a heeled oxfords MY way...been wanting those shoes for a while now :)

16. Aralık 2008, 00:44:00
Konu: Re: shoe throw
Artful Dodger: I am creative that way,hehehe

16. Aralık 2008, 00:34:47
Konu: Re: shoe throw
Artful Dodger: When has the news ever been unbiased?? I mean really?? The press shows what it wants to show..period.We don't know half of ANYTHING because they only report one side (most of the time)
Examples.....when the stock market dropped 777 points one day...OMG we are going into a depressio..OMG,OMG,OMG.....the VERY next day it rebounded over 500 points...and yet we still only heard about the 777 point drop the day before....Was talking to someone today who has a friend that was in Iraq for 2 tours...all the time we heard of the helicopters coming down,the guys dying...honestly,for awile the news was so bad that I thought...WTH...why do we even USE those kinds if they keep crashing so much!!?? Truth of the matter.....97% of them didn't crash,but we never heard of THOSE stories....point I am making is that the press only tells us what it wants to...is it fair,nope,but to sit there and whaa-whaa about the ONLY reason they are not reporting it well is because he is a dem is just BS

16. Aralık 2008, 00:14:38
Konu: Re: shoe throw
Czuch: I find it hard to believe it would be the same for Bush, the press would be crawling under every rock looking for even the most vague connection!
He's a bigger idiot

16. Aralık 2008, 00:13:54
Konu: Re: shoe throw
Artful Dodger: wha...poor republicans,nobody loves the republicans,all the republicans should go out and eat worms cuz nobody loves them and always picks on them....kk,got that out of my system....I saw on the news that thye said they have had this Blagojevich under consideration for a year for considering impeachment of him.Dem OR Rep,he is an idiot

15. Aralık 2008, 19:12:31
Konu: Re: shoe throw
Artful Dodger: all the news I have seen on it they have been ripping him up pretty good...bullcrap on.."If Blagojevich was a Republican, the press and other liberals would be all over it."That is such crap the press in my area has covered the story quite well.....maybe your news sux?

15. Aralık 2008, 00:30:42
Konu: Re: "The White House said a disorderly bankruptcy in the motor industry would be a huge blow which the US economy could not withstand."
Jim Dandy: yep...I agree yet again with ya :)

15. Aralık 2008, 00:04:30
Konu: Re: "The White House said a disorderly bankruptcy in the motor industry would be a huge blow which the US economy could not withstand."
Jim Dandy: I agree...I think Bush should have been impeached,actually..instead he was permitted to run this country into the ground....way to go!!

15. Aralık 2008, 00:03:27
Konu: Re: "The White House said a disorderly bankruptcy in the motor industry would be a huge blow which the US economy could not withstand."
Jim Dandy: I'm sorry,but THAT is funny!

14. Aralık 2008, 04:24:23
Konu: Re:
Charles Martel: don't alot of them ALREADY do that??

14. Aralık 2008, 04:19:01
Konu: Re: New topic, if there is interest.
Czuch: yep,it is our money and boy how they love to spend it on stuff,huh??!!

14. Aralık 2008, 04:17:58
Konu: Re: New topic, if there is interest.
(V): yes to what you are saying....what is it called...Pork Barrel Spending??
What the government spends money on is just obsurd.....I once saw a report...no kidding,I couldn't make this one up...they were spending money to study the flow rate of ketchup......OMG,what can even be said to THAT one!?

13. Aralık 2008, 21:15:41
Konu: Re: New topic, if there is interest.
Czuch: I think congress should give back some of the pay raises THEY also always vote in favor of for themselves too :)
I love how THEY vote on if they should get a pay raise...let us the voters vote on that one and see what WE say

13. Aralık 2008, 04:08:35
Konu: Re: New topic, if there is interest.
coan.net: I'm pretty much on ya with everthing you said...that is what our news is also reporting to us as of 6 pm today..
I agree unions are pretty pointless today,I know alot of people would string me up for that one,but I laso worked for one up till about 1 year ago and all they did was take my dues every week.
Upper management SHOULD give back....why the people for these compnaies make MILLIONS of dollars a year is beyond me

13. Aralık 2008, 01:24:58
Konu: Re: New topic, if there is interest.
rod03801: the banks were bailed out...the auto will be given a loan they are saying (saying) they will pay back.
Why are the banks (AIG) not being held accountable that after the big bail out they sent their CIO's on vacations,not once but twice...and the banks used the money to buy out other banks....why is nobody raising hell about that??

11. Aralık 2008, 03:17:19
Konu: Re: good debate
Artful Dodger: ohhhh!! good topic!!!!

11. Aralık 2008, 02:44:41
Konu: Re: good debate
Artful Dodger: HA! NEVER!! honestly,I didn't see that you had changed the topic on the board,hehehe...you have your work cut out for you keeping up with changing that!!

11. Aralık 2008, 01:32:46
Konu: good debate
that was a good debate you guys!! Now what topic will we argue about!!??? lol!!

10. Aralık 2008, 17:16:37
Konu: Re: Old Meds
Snoopy: I THOUGHT we should eb able to take them back to the pharmacy here too,but someone once told me no...I should double check that tho...wonder how they get rid of them?? lol

10. Aralık 2008, 15:40:49
Konu: Re: Old Meds
Foxy Lady: my sister in law use to dump her old paint down the sewers...OMG!
any clue on how to dispose of old meds???

10. Aralık 2008, 14:09:55
Konu: Re: Gov Blagojevich
Eriisa: aww,ya don't like Vince..I mean"come on,we can't do this all day" lol

10. Aralık 2008, 02:01:04
Konu: Re: IMO
Vikings: we already have some here in the house..I do like the light they give,but really...how DO you get rid of them when the burn out?? recycle I would assume...but if they recyle them the way they are recycling on that story Nirvana posted then it is kind of a moot point....(I have been waiting to use that word,hehe..lil things make me happy :)

10. Aralık 2008, 01:37:42
Konu: Re: IMO
Pedro Martínez: maybe they will say...working with the knowledge that the people had then (meaning US right now) they tried doing what they thought was right.
You guys HAVE to use certain light bulbs?? I am not 100% sold on the new ones here,sure they save energy and help reduce energy costs to the people using them...BUT what alot of people don't know,I never knew till the news report is that if one breaks,say in my kitchen I drop it,I have to have speacial haz mat stuff to clean it (I'm sure EVERYONE has some of that in the pantries,right?)
because the lights contain mercury and everyone knows what murcuery does

10. Aralık 2008, 01:15:37
Konu: Re: IMO
Czuch: I do believe in global warming...I do know that the earht goes through it's natural cycles....I'm REALLY ok with people having different opinions as I do...I amvery glad to hear that even tho alot of you don;t agree there is a global warming problem you still recylce,and try to reduce what you throw away...and I know about all the posts,I added this one to my favorites list so that I never get to far behind on the posts,lol!!!

10. Aralık 2008, 01:06:06
Konu: Re: IMO
Czuch: lordy...have you read nothing I posted?? I agree,earth has always gone through the heating/cooling cyles...I AGREE.....what I said was that we are adding more then the earth can process right now.

10. Aralık 2008, 00:04:34
Konu: Re: one possible solution for Greenhouse effect....
Eriisa: That was a really interesting article!! Thanks for posting it!

9. Aralık 2008, 19:10:40
wow! what the heck happened there,LMAO!!! I guess I REALLY REALLY agree,huh!!

9. Aralık 2008, 19:09:51
Konu: Re:
Artful Dodger: I agree with everything you say :)
I'm not down on you guys that don't think global warming is real,honestly I'm not...I think this is a really awesome debate we have going,and for the most part,been very friendly and both sides of the issue is getting out there!!
Glad to hear that you recycle anf are doing your part to help things out!!!

9. Aralık 2008, 19:09:37
Konu: Re:
Artful Dodger: I agree with everything you say :)
I'm not down on you guys that don't think global warming is real,honestly I'm not...I think this is a really awesome debate we have going,and for the most part,been very friendly and both sides of the issue is getting out there!!
Glad to hear that you recycle anf are doing your part to help things out!!!

9. Aralık 2008, 19:09:15
Konu: Re:
Artful Dodger: I agree with everything you say :)
I'm not down on you guys that don't think global warming is real,honestly I'm not...I think this is a really awesome debate we have going,and for the most part,been very friendly and both sides of the issue is getting out there!!
Glad to hear that you recycle anf are doing your part to help things out!!!

9. Aralık 2008, 16:42:50
Konu: Re:
Charles Martel: I wonder about that myself...you say global warming,stop this,stop that..and then get into a jet and fly to all your speaking engagements...weird stuff,ehh?

9. Aralık 2008, 16:41:35
Konu: Re: IMO
Pedro Martínez: I never said move back to caves and stop using pollutants altho cutting back on polutats would be bad...why???...I did however say,if we cut a tree,plant a tree,preserve what we have...No need to aploigize for your opinion,however why I am I the threat? Because I want to make this planet a better place? To not pollute it so much??..hang me up,I want to plant a tree and save an owl..OMG run for the hills!! Hide your kids!!!

9. Aralık 2008, 16:06:12
Konu: Re: IMO
Pedro Martínez: her...Earth is always referred to in the feminan manner ;)
I think man can stop the climate changes from going any further by reducing polution and other greenhouse gasses into the air.....plant more trees,preserve what we have

9. Aralık 2008, 15:36:57
Konu: Re:or that we are destroying the ozone layer.
(V): I also remember when they were banned...my Dad was glad of it too

9. Aralık 2008, 15:36:10
Konu: Re: IMO
Czuch: I would say no,lol...BUT if we don't change things NOW,then what??

9. Aralık 2008, 14:48:11
Konu: Re:or that we are destroying the ozone layer.
(V): you have to dipose of them that way in the staes too...Before my Dad died,he was a heating/cooling/general contractor and I remember when he had to go to school to learn how to reclaim the freeon (sp,sorry) and he had to buy a reclaimer also,which was a VERY shiney penney or 2,lol.But yeah,you have to be a licensed tech to do that.

9. Aralık 2008, 14:45:49
Konu: Re:I think the fear of global warming is being used by the left as a club againt the right.
Nirvana: wow,I just watched that,unreal!! Thank you for finding that for me :)

9. Aralık 2008, 14:31:59
Konu: Re: IMO
Vikings: IMO it is absolute arrogance to think that man can cause global warming

And in MY opinion...it is absolute ignorance to think that we play no part in it

9. Aralık 2008, 14:30:57
Konu: Re: IMO
Universal Eyes: We should follow the example of the Native Americans...they respect the earth as a being and SHOW her the respect she deserves.
And good point to bring up about taking a tree,planting a tree...tress do after all,help provide us with oxygen...you cut down to many,and never replace them,because as you point out,WHERE would you plant them? We are taking all the land to build stuff on...so less trees,less "filtering" the trees can do...It goes back to my example of the exaust fan in the room.

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