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Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.

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12. december 2006, 23:42:50
Lets all play with each other instead of being big headed

4. december 2006, 23:36:42
Ämne: Re:
Andre Faria: Hmmmmmmmmmm

12. november 2006, 02:08:46
Ämne: Re:
Gabriel Almeida: Maybe your face wont fit !! ;)

8. november 2006, 00:35:51
Ämne: Re:
Andre Faria: Ustica! Good at checkers? Hmmmmm!!

29. september 2006, 21:26:19
Gabriel Almeida: Whats GST??

27. september 2006, 21:11:17
Purple: I thought the internet may have produced more "Keen" players who want to step further rather than just on the internet and play in real tournaments. The game needs it, yet recently at the English Championship only seven people showed up. The game needs to be promoted better and should start here on the internet.

27. september 2006, 19:54:49
Purple: You have the monopoly though!! On the internet maybe yes!!

31. augusti 2006, 19:52:39
Ämne: Re: Biggest Comeback Ever
Purple: Standard white win after move ten I think, there are better people out there to disagree with me

26. juli 2006, 22:10:40
Ämne: Re: QT Stonehaven
sobek: We are checker players!! So?

23. juli 2006, 21:33:04
Ämne: British Championship
A big congratulation to the winner of the seniors section in Stonehaven Scotland last week. A regular on bk and a deserved winner after years of dedication to the game. Its not all doom and gloom here after all.

20. juli 2006, 21:23:18
I find it a total joke that you persist in trying to convince others you are "so great". Like I have said before real genuine players don't boast try just play face to face..........

Why don't you answer the question about you playing in proper tournaments? You are adament you are good and that is the sure fire and easy way to prove people wrong, yet you don't.

Stop digging this hole for yourself,as soon you won't be able to get out of it.

19. juli 2006, 23:04:42

18. juli 2006, 08:20:36
Ämne: Re:
Purple: We can only compare ability here of real life players which to me is ironic considering we have this discussion in a forum on the internet. Computer checkers started to ruin actual tounaments aswell when the EDA decided to allow them in. One player I know actually walked out of a tourney after being drawn against computers in the first two rounds and he has been playing checkers all his life. The man who turns up with his laptop and a disk takes second prize when winning the tournament. Something is badly wrong there.

16. juli 2006, 02:30:12
Ämne: Here's is Kaprov's signature on the contract:
The top line says it isn't a contract????????

16. juli 2006, 02:25:48
Ämne: Re: Hi
Socrates: That was my point all along

15. juli 2006, 01:26:56
Ämne: On a real checker related subject
Good luck to all playing in the British championship in Scotland (For personal reasons) and to the competitors in the 3 move play off. Should be a classic.

15. juli 2006, 01:10:44
Ämne: Re:
DMatt: I cant dispute or agree with your statement about your play unfortunately, so I think that is the end of it as far as I am concerned. I will repeat myself again though when I say playing in tournaments will be the only bench mark any player can aspire to.

On your other subject, (If true) just finished reading "Bobby Fischer Goes To War" and would look forward to that event if it ever takes place.

15. juli 2006, 00:52:56
Ämne: Re:
DMatt: As always you miss the positives and always concentrate on the negatives. When a player like Alex makes that opinion you listen as he knows more than any of us. So when will we see you in a tourney? You seem so adament to defend your corner, yet the obvious way to finish off the critics is to play in tourney conditions, which seeing your personality would be something you should do and I would be the first to hold my hand up and apologise. The choice is yours but I can guess the answer.

btw...Grim Reaper or DMatt? Do you really need both?

15. juli 2006, 00:36:17
Grim Reaper 15. March 2003, 15:33:49 14. July 2006, 23:34:36

Multiple nicks being used.. nothing changes

15. juli 2006, 00:09:06
Ämne: Re: Hi
DMatt: To your final question my answer is WCC!

You seem to have a short memory aswell, let me refresh it... I have actually complimented you on this board aswell or don't you actually want to discuss that? Is it just negative behaviour you react to?

I know what I wrote in messages to you as you at first claimed it would be a waste of time me playing you because of your so called ability but the difference is, I would always prefer to play stronger players to further my game as I would learn more from losing those games as winning against lesser opponents.

btw... I met Ron King once!! What does that mean?

14. juli 2006, 23:45:01
Ämne: Re: Hi
DMatt: Thanks for the excuse Ed, but if you want me to go into details I can. You have shown yourself up on checker discussion boards for a very long time now and are always trying to convince others (or maybe yourself) that you are a good checker player. Maybe you are or not who cares but why keep persisting in name dropping and boasting. Great players I have met have one thing in common and that is the art of not trying to convince others they are great they just show on the board at real tournaments face to face thats the difference.

As far as this so called meeting and giving you dates is concerned, proof would be nice as I find that statement very funny as my (girlfriend) as you put it would duly back me up.

14. juli 2006, 23:12:15
Ämne: Re: Hi
DMatt: By all means. He said to my father during a meeting while at a tournament that you were know more than a good novice player. Its amazing what computers can do. On the other subject a meeting was never arranged you seem to live in a world of fantasy. End of discussion.

14. juli 2006, 22:42:47
Ämne: Re: Hi
DMatt: Nice try lol! Both points are true but going into detail will just bore me. 10 out of 10 for effort though.

25. maj 2006, 21:54:10
Ämne: Re:
Socrates: I was in Philly the other year and offered tp play Ed while I was there, he was reluctant, so it never came off.

19. maj 2006, 14:59:23
Ämne: Re:
PT_Gabriel: I try not to get involved in that arguement.

19. maj 2006, 14:56:26
Ämne: Re:
PT_Gabriel: Whether people use them or not depends on who you talk to. WCC, nemisis, sage, nexsus and chinnook to name but a few.

19. maj 2006, 14:50:27
Ämne: Re:
PT_Gabriel: There are numerious programs available for checkers for all different levels.

19. maj 2006, 14:41:17
what program?

7. maj 2006, 22:16:57
Ämne: Re: Recommended By Purple
Purple km: A great site purple :o)

21. april 2006, 21:52:22
Ämne: Re: Keep in mind...
Purple: Point taken

21. april 2006, 21:40:31
Ämne: Re: Keep in mind...
Purple: That wasn't a hint. lol

21. april 2006, 21:36:03
Ämne: Re: Keep in mind...
The Usurper: Save one for me :o)

Being rated 2000+ dosen't always mean the best though purple

18. april 2006, 19:12:20
Ämne: Re: Keep in mind...
The Usurper: Except if you change it :o)

16. april 2006, 17:44:43
Ämne: Re: Colours
Ferjo: Am I missing something here red or black always moves first.

15. mars 2006, 19:50:05
Ämne: Re:
Socrates: Thanks I will

13. mars 2006, 21:55:57
Ämne: Re:
sobek: Any idea what has happened to checker solutions? your comments on there were always worth reading. If your the same person I am thinking of.

12. mars 2006, 15:01:46
Ämne: Re:
sobek: It's an interesting site.

12. mars 2006, 12:21:53
Ämne: Re:
Socrates: Its not a good thing no if "Proved" but it can't, so we may aswell get on with it.

11. mars 2006, 22:06:22
Ämne: Re:
Nomad: I don't have a problem either and will accept invites from anyone. For it is and always will be fun for me, besides whether your playing a good human player or a computer you can only learn more and aspire to a greater level.

11. mars 2006, 16:43:20
Its a subject that rears its ugly head all to often but can never be 100% prooved. So any doubts, people should not play opponents who they think are cheating.

10. mars 2006, 19:41:20
The proper ratings are available for viewing all though not quite finished yet of proper players who play year in and year out in tournaments face to face.

19. september 2005, 19:45:59
Ämne: Re: This Is The CHECKERS Board
Purple: My fault for bringing it up.

17. september 2005, 15:04:20
Ämne: Re: Hey... I almost forgot.. since
ScarletRose: Its going to tough in that chess game against Alex! A great achievement though.

10. september 2005, 16:19:19
Ämne: Re: Laird and Lady Shot
Pretty run of the mill

21. augusti 2005, 19:21:51
Ämne: Re:
bwildman: Its good to here from you butch

19. augusti 2005, 19:44:30
This forum has never been more lively. Just a couple of points as my two cents worth. There seems to be to many people obsessed with what the other person is or isn't using in order to play a good game of draughts, without trying to state the obvious if you feel people are cheating don't play them or get involved which is what I have done. I have played everyone involved in this arguement and personally can't tell a cheater from a proper player, both Ed and Ustica have beaten me but I have also managed draws against them which I know I wouldn't have got against computers as I am not good enough. So lets take people for there word as seeing as this is the internet we don't really have much else to go on. BTW..Ed also offered to play me in Philly last year when I visited which suggests to me he can back up his words. The second point is we should all work together in order to improve our game rather than turn yet another board into a slanging match.

Just my point of view. :o)

12. augusti 2005, 20:46:07
Ämne: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Not everyone has the money though

10. augusti 2005, 19:09:14
Ämne: Re: 24 Kings Game
Socrates: I have one set of checker pieces

9. augusti 2005, 22:47:18
What's the most in published play Ed?

7. augusti 2005, 14:20:18
and we miss all the juicy chat lol

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