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11. Septembrie 2003, 18:42:47
Subiectul: Carlos Crushes Chinook
CaoZ of the Killing machine has just posted two amazing wins over the Chinook Computor Program. This is NOT easy. Try it yourself. LOL. Congrats CaoZ. If anyone else does this feel free to post it here and, if possible, a list of the moves you made.

14. Septembrie 2003, 03:10:06
Nick Saintless 
Subiectul: Re: Carlos Crushes Chinook
Re' your message about someone beating a Chinook computer program, I'm not into computer programs of any type for any reason, but I just forced a draw with an 11 year old middle school student from Crankhandle, Montana. Is that good enough for some comment ?

14. Septembrie 2003, 03:24:19
Subiectul: Re: Carlos Crushes Chinook
Congrats. Some 11 yr olds are tough. Do you remember Bobby Fisher beating Big Blue (IBM) in chess a few decades back? This is the same thing. Man over machine. Quite an accomplishment.

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