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13. Iulie 2005, 22:12:57 
Subiectul: Re: Sonneborn-Berger points system
playBunny: Actually it was the tournament board. It was this (In case Fencer is interested in adding it to the help):

First, I picked a tournament as an example: THIS TOURNAMENT

Now first, the points are figured. You get 1 point for each win. So:
  • (1)arpa - 3 wins, 3 points
  • (2)zockerdotcom - 3 wins, 3 points
  • (3)SMART ALX - 0 wins, 0 points
  • (4)Ladybird68 - 2 wins, 2 points
  • (5)Merrily Watkins - 2 wins, 2 points.

    Now once all the games and points are figured, this is where the S-B is figured.

    The S-B is the SUM of the points of your oppenets that you won against. So:

  • (1)arpa(3 points) - had win against player 3, 4, and 5. Player 3 had 0 points. Player 4 had 2 points. Player 5 had 2 points. So 0+2+2=4 [4 S-B]
  • (2)zockerdotcom(3 points) - wins agains 1,3,5. So 3+0+2=5 [5 S-B]
  • (3)SMART ALX(0 points) - [0 S-B]
  • (4)Ladybird68(2 points) - wins against 2,3. So 3+0=3 [3 S-B]
  • (5)Merrily Watkins(2 points) - wins against 3,4. So 0+2=2 [2 S-B]

    So first the person with the most points win. In this example, both arpa & zockerdotcom have 3 points each. At this point we look at the S-B. zockerdotcom has 5 S-B, while arpa only has 4 S-B, so zockerdotcom gets the win for this tournament!

    IMPORTANT NOTE: The winner of a tournament is the one with the most points. In some cases, the person with the highest S-B will not have the most points, so does not win. Only time S-B comes into play is if there is a tie in points.

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