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24. Aprilie 2013, 00:51:31
Subiectul: Re: Fencer should remove him.
speachless: My initial post pointed out that (an un-named player) had played and won 15 of his or her 30 games with the same player. The games were all marked as "private" so it was impossible to confrim that they were genuine games. The game in question was Hyper Backgammon.

24. Aprilie 2013, 09:57:48
Subiectul: Re: Fencer should remove him.
pgt: I think your initial post mentioned the wrong player, so might confuse people if it were still visible.  I think you posted the name of the opponent in those 15 games you mentioned.

24. Aprilie 2013, 10:20:00
Subiectul: Re: Fencer should remove him.
Resher: I can confirm that pgt didn't write any name down. But since he mentioned so many details about the user people could figure it out more as easily...

24. Aprilie 2013, 11:39:15
Subiectul: Re: Fencer should remove him.
speachless: I don't think I did, but in any event, I suspect it was the same person, so it matters not which name was (not) mentioned! This was not meant to be a witch hunt - just an observation.

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