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Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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6. Decembrie 2007, 06:37:16
Subiectul: how do I pay for a prize for a tournie....
I created? I have a tournie slated to start on December 14, 2007 and am having trouble figuring out how to pay for it and have it become the prize for the tournie. Can anyone help me with figuring this out?

6. Decembrie 2007, 06:47:03
Subiectul: Re: how do I pay for a prize for a tournie....
TheONLYPegasus: Did you marked it as a PRIZE Tournament when you set it up ?

When i asked for mine, Fencer said, just goto the Support us page, and donate the ammount that coresponds to the Prize, then let Fencer know

6. Decembrie 2007, 07:24:39
Subiectul: Re: how do I pay for a prize for a tournie....

Yes, it is marked as a prize tournament - since I am taking part in it, I stipulated what will happen in the unlikely event I win the tournie ;-D

6. Decembrie 2007, 07:29:12
Subiectul: Re: how do I pay for a prize for a tournie....
TheONLYPegasus: Then just goto the Support Us page and let Fencer know the Tournament name and what the Prize is

6. Decembrie 2007, 07:34:10
Subiectul: Re: how do I pay for a prize for a tournie....

I have done that - just wish there had been a way to message fencer at the time I made the payment, I used the "paypal donate" button and did not notice a way to message during the process of paying. Might have been there and just did not notice - anything is possible with my brain LOL

6. Decembrie 2007, 14:04:44
Subiectul: Re: how do I pay for a prize for a tournie....
TheONLYPegasus: Yes, there is a place to have it processed manually and to add a note as well, where you can tell them to do what you want done.

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