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Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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2. Noiembrie 2007, 14:20:49 
Subiectul: Team Tournaments
There are 6 new team tournaments that will be starting at the first of the year.

  • Backgammon Race - Hasn't been a team tournament since a LONG time ago.
  • Halma 10x10 - 30th most active game, and never had a TT before
  • Ludo - One of the more popular games - a bigger 10 player team
  • Cloning Backgammon - had a few requests for a non-cubed TT
  • Triple Dice Poker - Another more popular game, and a bigger 10 player team
  • Atomic Chess - Been a long time since one for this game.

    So run to your favourite fellowship and get ready your teams. Set to start at the first of the year, after all the fun holidays.

  • 2. Noiembrie 2007, 14:26:31
    Subiectul: Re: Team Tournaments
    no battleboat included again

    2. Noiembrie 2007, 14:32:02 
    Subiectul: Re: Team Tournaments
    Snoopy: Dark Battleboat just started - and Battleboats Plus start in the batch before that. What we need are more Battleboat Variants to rotate between!

    Oh, and for everyone - feel free to send me suggestions for team tournaments at any time. Me and Tanein take turns creating them each month, and I try to keep track of the suggestions made to me - and try to mix it up between the more popular games, and some of the not-so popular games.

    2. Noiembrie 2007, 14:33:48
    joshi tm 
    Subiectul: Re: Team Tournaments I suggest again :

    Sphere Froglet
    Small Espionage

    2. Noiembrie 2007, 14:36:09
    joshi tm 
    Subiectul: Re: Team Tournaments Yup, who will think about a very revolutional new Battle Boats variant?

    2. Noiembrie 2007, 14:39:05 
    Subiectul: Re: Team Tournaments
    joshi tm: I will have to find the game suggestion - think I posted it on the battleboat board before, but would love to see a variant where the player gets to choose their game set before the start. That is instead of each player getting (1) 5 boat, (1) 4 boat, (2) 3 boats, and (1) 2 boat - they can choose different things, like a 4 square platform piece, and other possible odd-shaped pieces. Each player will have the same total amount of spaces being used, but each player does not know what type of pieces they are looking for.

    2. Noiembrie 2007, 14:46:53
    joshi tm 
    Subiectul: Re: Team Tournaments Sounds cool. Think about a name (...-Battleboats) and suggest that to Fencer. (I think he'll listen to you). Multiple shote of course, say 3. Also suggest the Dark version (muliple shots, say 3) (Chaos!) to him.

    2. Noiembrie 2007, 14:36:43
    Subiectul: Re: Team Tournaments
    both Dark and Plus have had other team tournaments but normal battleboats hasnt had one still
    shame we had our team all ready to go

    3. Noiembrie 2007, 10:46:19
    Subiectul: Re: Team Tournaments & Snoopy: I was reading through THIS PAGE the other day

    Every boat variant (well most lol) you can think of

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