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10. Ianuarie 2009, 21:07:19
Subiectul: Translation help
Hi! I'm playing games with Japajka, and I just used the Firefox translation add-on and it works well for me. I forwarded the link to Japajka, but she doesn't understand what it is.... I can't explain without her being able to use the translator.. could someone please ask her if she has Firefox and if she can use the translator? Thank you very much!

10. Ianuarie 2009, 23:11:24
Pedro Martínez 
Subiectul: Re: Translation help
Binabik: Please don't want anybody to use these "translators". Unless you want to have your hovercraft full of eels.

11. Ianuarie 2009, 01:33:55
Subiectul: Re: Translation help
Pedro Martínez: Would these be virus eels?

11. Ianuarie 2009, 18:51:45
Pedro Martínez 
Subiectul: Re: Translation help
Binabik: Virus eels in a hovercraft? LOL... Now that would be weird, wouldn't it? Even weirder than those regular eels.

11. Ianuarie 2009, 11:38:31
Subiectul: Re: Translation help

11. Ianuarie 2009, 12:00:02
Subiectul: Re: Translation help
krata: Skvělá ukázka překladu :-) Co že Firefox nepotřebuje? Japajku?

11. Ianuarie 2009, 18:41:50
Subiectul: Re: Translation help
krata: Thank you!

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