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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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9. Ianuarie 2007, 08:53:30
Adaptable Ali 
Subiectul: Re:
heavenlyemma:Unfortunately and it is very sad, alot of peope have to have pets put to sleep for various reasons. I did i had a cocker spaniel since the age of 6, and had to put him to sleep through pure  kindness to him, because he was having convulsions constantly, the question i would like to ask you, is why does having a familypet put to sleep, make one nasty to peeps, as you put it.

9. Ianuarie 2007, 15:59:41
Subiectul: Re:
mybirthdaysoon: A question that can't be answered on this board.

9. Ianuarie 2007, 16:47:17
Subiectul: Re:
heavenlyemma:Why not answer it here if we are talking about your dog? Emma, if your Sammy lived a good life and loved you over 14 years, then you are one of the lucky pet owners. A lot of us had beloved pets that don't live such a long life!

9. Ianuarie 2007, 17:28:20
Subiectul: Re:
Dolittle: No we are talking about me.

So I wont answer, sorry.

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