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 Checkers variants (8x8)

Checkers variants (8x8).

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8. Martie 2010, 00:45:23
Subiectul: Turkish Checkers
I was playing a game of turkish checkers and happened this situation: Turkish Checkers (nickchanger vs. Mysterio619)

Is the capture of my opponent allowed? Before i have played, i read the rules and this isn't related, so not must be possible, i guess.

Seeing the rules, that type of situation will only be possible in russian checkers: "If pawn jumps to last row, it promotes and continues jumping immediately".

Turkish Checkers (nickchanger vs. Mysterio619)

Can someone help me?

Fencer isn't sure about this, too.

Thank you!

8. Martie 2010, 22:58:46
Pedro Martínez 
Subiectul: Re: Turkish Checkers
Mysterio619: The rules do not say anything specific about this situation, so the rules of Czech Checkers will apply analogously. Since the rules of Czech Checkers do not allow an umpromoted piece to continue jumping after promotion, the situation in your game has to be considered a bug.

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