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Board for everybody who is interested in BrainKing itself, its structure, features and future.

If you experience connection or speed problems with BrainKing, please visit Host Tracker and check "" accessibility from various sites around the world. It may answer whether an issue is caused by BrainKing itself or your local network (or ISP provider).

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15. Ianuarie 2008, 00:02:09
Subiectul: Re:
Hrqls: i know some people who dont have connection problems, and some who do .. if thats the case then it cant be the brainking server

That's way too simplistic. That's like saying since it takes some people more than an hour to drive from The Hague to Amsterdam, but it takes some people less, there cannot be traffic jams - they must have slow cars. You're discounting the fact that traffic jams don't occur all the time. It's the same with the connection to Brainking. The fact that some people consider everything to be fine doesn't mean that there isn't a problem. It maybe that those people play at different times than the people complaining. It maybe that the people who consider everything to be fine have low expectations. It maybe that the people who have no problems happen to have a provider that has good peering with Brainkings provider, and the people that have problems have providers with bad peering agreements. Or maybe the Check Republic has just one lousy connection to the USA, and an excellent connection to Italy, so people from the USA will complain, and people from Italy will say it's fine. (And yes, Brainking *can* do something about that (relocate for instance), if it were the case - but 'can' is something else than 'should').

Now, I've my own ideas about whether or not there are problems, and if there are whether or not it's something BK can or should address. Fencer has made it quite clear what his viewpoint is. Expressing your disagreement in a public folder doesn't do anyone any good. Play here as long as you can tolerate it - and if it become to slow for you, vote with your feet.

But I will speak up if someone expresses himself naively.

15. Ianuarie 2008, 02:24:22
Subiectul: Re:
AbigailII: thats an excellent expression, your post nailed it exactly. i know there are times when it literally flies (referring to the speed of the pages loading) and there are times when no site loads fast.. then its pretty much a no brainer, the cause is the ISP. when one site consistently is slow, and for days and days, and all other sites are going consistently at a fast speed, the conclusion is also simple.. isnt it?? it is so painfully slow, and im a patient person, to make 2 moves in a minute is terrible. i used to be able to make many many more moves each day then i am able to now. is there a way we can track that with all the statistical info available. can the site be evaluated in such a way that a person logging on and staying on the site makes X amount of moves this day. the next day the number changes, and consistenty every one from a certain country is making considerably less moves/time online... there will be variables of course, people surfing the boards and writing messages, etc, but there should be a way to track this, isnt there?

15. Ianuarie 2008, 03:18:22
Subiectul: Re:

Antje: I know last year.. when we were all getting our life timers ($400 US) we were pretty much satisfied with the speed of the site.. now, a year later we are told to leave if we don't like it.. hmm..

Sorry if this is boring to some of you newbies out there.. I shall have to remember some of your comments when you have the same experiences..

15. Ianuarie 2008, 05:32:12
Subiectul: Re:
Modificat de Gammonator (15. Ianuarie 2008, 05:34:03)
Antje: Yes,,,your internet provider can even help you. It can run internal tests as to the speed of uploading and downloading from sites you visit often. My wife is russian and I have a 3 year old girl . We down cartoons from russia. The site opens at 7;00PM every nite here in the midwest. When we download cartoons from this site,,we can only get a maximum of 17KB. That is the most that is allowed to overseas customers when the site is not paying for traffic outside its own country, I ran this test about a week ago. Would you believe I was not quite getting 17KB from this site??? Amazing isnt it. Other sites are coming in at 384KB. Be it here or abroad, I dont know what Fencer is doing . I am not a computer nut either. I do have a rather new computer. Dual core 5800 AMD with 2 gigs and an 8800GTX Geo Force card. Works marvelous except here, I just dont think that anyone posting here will get this to Fencer. Only messaging Fencer direct will help. If he sees enough of the peoples reaction,,,maybe he will look into this,,,but for me,,,I should never of renewed,,,and when my time is up,,I doubt I will unless this site makes some changes. IYT is fast but ,,,geez,,,,who wants to be a member there anymore,,,,,lol This is the place place to play,,,Seems the only fair thing to do is start your own site up and make a go of it..

Peace all

15. Ianuarie 2008, 09:57:29
Subiectul: Re:
AbigailII: true relocating might solve something. but is it worth the cost and trouble ? the same as the other type of line which fencer mentioned in a previous post .. is it worth the money .. it would mean that the membership fees would have to increase even more

if you have an idea to solve things its always best to send a message directly to the person who can do something about it .. if you want a discussion about it (which has been going on for quite some time now and getting stalled) then you use a public board

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