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7. Ianuarie 2008, 04:12:42
I guess what it all boils down to is the fact as long as it works for certain people and they keep paying then there is no problem. Albeit the 400 (guesstimate) or so on this side of the pond who were the first loyal yearly supporters of the site 5 or so years ago before there were more than a handful of European supporters have an issue with slowness now, that we never had before. wel that is just our tuff luck. Or am I reading this wrong? Too damn bad is how I see/read it.  (Yes, i am customer #156 who joined here when the majority of payments came from North America.)

I do think being nasty to customers is any way to deal with it. If I did that in my business I wouldn't be in business for very long.

BUT like any thing else in life. If a person isn't satisfied with the service the option is to stop paying for the service and get better service elsewhere. It is what makes or breaks businesses.

7. Ianuarie 2008, 04:19:24
Subiectul: Re:
Rose: If it is not a Brainking problem, what is supposed to be done about it??? (And if it IS a Brainking problem, I'd still like to know why it doesn't affect everyone. other than a little minor slowness at times, the site is working ok for me, and I'm on THIS side of the pond too)

7. Ianuarie 2008, 04:46:55
NOT a floosie 
Subiectul: Re:
I'm not sure that the speed of the site is the bigger issue here. My guess is that it is absolute rudeness to the people that have supported this site through the years so that it could grow and become the place that it is.

And, I'd like to give a big thank you to Fencer for finally acknowledging in his blog, the fact that the Globals and Moderators are, and have been a big part of making this site what it is. It's nice to finally be recognized.

7. Ianuarie 2008, 06:45:56
Subiectul: Re:

rod03801: I have to agree with Floosie and Rose here..

it isn't too much the slowness.. but, it is his way of communicating to his consumers.. he talks to those who have mentioned it in a belittling way.. all he would have to do is simply say..

I realize you are frustrated with the lack of speed you are experiencing.. and since it has been an ongoing problem I have been monitoring the downloads from our side over here. It seems that the problem is not coming from Brainking itself; but, from other sources. Could it possibly be your ISP or internet provider? Maybe your individual computer could stand for an upgrade??

Just something that actually shows that he is concerned would be more comforting than his responce..

"Well look here dipweed. It isn't coming from BrainKing you twit!! It is your carrier. It has'ta be. We are too perfect on this end..

Signed.. The Master of the Gamesite Web builder himself

Although, funny as it seems.. that IS how he is coming accross to others. Almost Danochek like..

I came on this board earlier tonight and was amazed at the way he was speaking (typing) to his customers. Is this the way people do business where he lives? If so, I pity the residents of his country. How sad it must be to live in a world where sarcasm is used daily towards people who financially support a business only to be treated as a dog.  If I am wrong to assume this we can blame Fencer for the image he is portraying of the people in Praque.

7. Ianuarie 2008, 08:08:13
Subiectul: Re:
ScarletRose: Danoschek? Wow, I am impressed. It doesn't happen every day to be compared with someone who had called me "fascist" several times in the past. And I thought that nothing new could surprise me here.
Well, smart people know. The others will always find an excuse to criticize anything what seems to be a good topic to them.
And, actually, if someone has been told at least 10 times "I realize you are frustrated, please kindly check your computer and ISP ... blah blah" and it has no effect, there is really nothing left except "Look here dipweed, it's only your problem you twit! Start to think and give me a break." I am always glad to learn new words, it can be useful in the future.

7. Ianuarie 2008, 08:23:19
Subiectul: Re:
Modificat de ScarletRose (7. Ianuarie 2008, 08:25:57)

Fencer: I see what it is now.. it's not that you are an immature twit.. nor will I discredit your country.. for it is you individually who is rash..

You probably should be more proficient in the English tongue before you continue speaking as though you are a Master in it...

I didn't ask for Ridicule.. I asked for respect.. you know not how to give it.. so to honor you.. I won't give it to you in return..



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