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9. Martie 2007, 21:06:52
Subiectul: Well you know what...GUYS...
ok, first timer here.........

Not everyone that comes to these discussion boards have to leave their thouhts behind, like some, some people like to cover up their intelligence... or lack of it sometimes. I have come here several times but have never put anything in writing, does that mean that I don't use it? Or that I don't even exist at BK? I don't think so. & I'm sure there are others that read these & will agree with me. Some people say more is better...... The point is.... it's here, use it if you want to use it... & if you don't want to use it... IGNORE IT!!! ...... Is that simple enough for all of you or does someone need to draw you a color picture? I'm sorry if I offended some of you "girls" (I won't use the word I want to use) but whats the point of all this bickering about something that you can't control.... it is going to change whether you want it to or not, Fencer & his friends are the ones that make the decisions as to what to add & what not to add, and from what I have seen, he likes adding a lot, and as far as I am concerned, its ok, even though I can't or won't use everything he adds...... because I am one of the "0.5%" ..... AND a non-paying member at present. (some of you know what the "0.5%" refers to).

And what is wrong with the "virtual empire"? Seems to me he already has it here in his sites now since his sites are the biggest game related sites that I know of (not biggest in members but in playable games & discussion boards, etc). So whats wrong with the lights, bells and whistles... the new things people are asking to add.... nothing that I can see, if it can be put into a workable computer program, and if it doesn't slow the site down any more than it already is for us "0.5%" ...... I say go for it...... Sorry this is so long

Soooooooooo Longggggggg..... byebye

9. Martie 2007, 21:56:26
Adaptable Ali 
Subiectul: The point is.... it's here, use it if you want to use it... & if you don't want to use it... IGNORE IT!!! ......

9. Martie 2007, 21:59:18
Herlock Sholmes 
Subiectul: Re: The point is.... it's here, use it if you want to use it... & if you don't want to use it... IGNORE IT!!! ......

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