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5. Noiembrie 2003, 14:50:47
Subiectul: Not sure why so much negativity
Computers are man made.. Men arent perfect (Sorry Steve-O and Aragon but it's true, men arent perfect! :-)) Why ppl are so upset and so angry over this makes no sense. Everyones home computer has gone.. scuse the expression "tits-up" at one time or another.. Did you blame your self over that? Highly unlikely. This site is so much better run then any other turn based site right now. The feed back you get from the site owner is second to none. Crap happens

5. Noiembrie 2003, 15:01:12
Subiectul: Re: Not sure why so much negativity
Not perfect huh LOL :oÞ

And you are dead right Rose, it (with an sh) happens. I have at several times in the last 5 years lost data permanently, and I DO HAVE all the things that Filip would like to have in place on my system in work. Hot Swap SCSI drives, RAID 5, resilient back-up nightly and I still lost data, if its gonna go, you can not (will not) prevent it :o( it is the nature of the beast im afraid. And 6 weeks is nothing on the grand scheme of things LOL I lost 8 months once (try explaining that to the boss LMAO)

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