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26. Fevereiro 2006, 16:55:59
Assunto: Team challenge Januschess
"Caissas Traumland" http://brainking.com/de/ShowFellowship?fid=303
We are looking for a teamcompetition with another fellowship in januschess,two games each player and four days timecontrol. If you have a team with at least four players and an bkr-average above 1500 please send me an pm in the next days .Thanks.

31. Dezembro 2004, 15:44:14
starts on 01.01.2005.Last chance to join in!

18. Dezembro 2004, 13:19:11
I have created the New Year Janus Chess Open for all players!
The best games of this tournement will be published in the German chess journal "Rochade Europa"!

9. Julho 2004, 16:13:10
Assunto: Re: Re:
Thanks Stevie.

9. Julho 2004, 16:08:45
Sometimes I see in the tournementarea some tournements with a (red) minus time. I thought the tournements are starting now automatically if the deadline is reached. How is this possible?

6. Julho 2004, 13:20:41
Assunto: Three Checks Chess Championship - expert players
Three Checks Chess Championship - expert players
is a tournement for strong players only (above 1700)! Deadline is 16.July 2004 19.00

10. Junho 2004, 10:38:05
Assunto: Re: BK World Championship Chess Tournament
Walter,the offered prizes are mostly memberships.
The prize tournements donated by members are one of the great features of BK.But we need rules for it.Okay,if the promised prize will not handed over,you can say it is a matter of the donor.
But the donor uses the Bk server for his promises,that`s why it is a matter also of BK!
I suggest the following: If a prize tournement is offered by the tournement creator,he has to give the prize within 10 days to Fencer,otherwise the tournement will be deleted as not seriously.With this measure can be ensured that the winner gets indeed the promised prize,if the tournement is finished perhaps 6 or 12 months later.

9. Junho 2004, 20:41:11
Assunto: Re: BK World Championship Chess Tournament
It is not okay to offer a prize tournement and than to delete the tournement and to withdraw the prize!We have had it in the past several times and the players always are the fools then!

And in addition it is my impression you don`t know what you speak about:
Don`t you know that in correspondence chess (and turn-based chess with his asynchron playing is nothing else than correspondence chess,beside cards,fax and e-mail) using chesssoftware is not cheating?. Read the rules of the International Correspondence Chess Federation (ICCF).Do you find there any prohibitions? Read the rules of Brainking! Are there any prohibitions? No there aren`t.
The reason is :You cannot control ist really! And prohibitions make sense only if you have a real control!But as far as there are no prohibitions, it is allowed and it is not cheating!
The truth is: 70-80% of the world`s correspondence chess players everywhere are playing with all helps they can have : books,databases,common analysis a n d chesssoftware. And in Brainking it is the same.The truth is also that they/we all play zentaurchess (human-machine) but this is not a reason to complain,because the chances are equal for all players.
If those,who say "cheating!",want avoid this,they can play "live" at one of the great live -chesservers (ICC,USCL or playchess.com) like a "man" and show their abilities.There - at "Livechess" with his synchron playing,only one game in 5,10 or 15 minutes for the whole game - computers are forbidden and at playchess.com for instance your account will deleted automatically if you are using software(They can control it really).

I am very disappointed now,you should have considered these facts before:The prize was advertised by :"Sponsored by the chessclub"!
But we here in BK will continue to play correspondence chess tournements,every player with his own technique,but within the rules and without "cheating"!

6. Maio 2004, 13:07:46
Assunto: Tournement finales
with two players only:It must be played a 3-wins match.
But I think it takes a too long time,until the finale is completed.
A 2-wins match should be enough!

27. Fevereiro 2004, 22:27:54
Assunto: Re: ughaibu

27. Fevereiro 2004, 17:20:26
BBW`s new "All-games-tournement" is nearly full :).Even so we need one more player for the section "Extinction chess"!

23. Fevereiro 2004, 17:37:01
Assunto: Re:
Harley,normally you create a tournement if you want play yourself.How do you think would the tournement site look like,if every rook would create so many tournements (for others)? And how many players would join in these many tournements?

23. Fevereiro 2004, 17:18:53
Assunto: Re:
Hi folks,you all are rooks and can create your own "fast start tournement",in which you want play.You must not wait on BBW`s endavours. Perhaps I should start too to create a series of tournements, someting like " much faster start,..." for chess, antichess, hordechess, januschess, ...,...,:)

23. Fevereiro 2004, 15:36:35
Assunto: Re:
BBW,at the moment we have six all-games tournements in the tournement list, most of them have only few players.There is no need that you creates so many tournements especially if you don`t play in your own tournements.
A tournement should be a special event and sometimes less is more.Perhaps makes a limitation sense, for instance two tournements per rook per month?

8. Fevereiro 2004, 20:40:33
Assunto: Re: LongJohn's suggestion
Why so complicated? I think the tournement creator should can set a global time frame, we say four months or so, after which he has the possibility to estimate and to finish the last running games and start the next round. This procedure can protect us from too long games.

8. Fevereiro 2004, 18:13:16
Assunto: Re: Solution
It is not complicated but standard in correspondece chess since a long time (ICCF-Rules).
And it`s more variable too.

8. Fevereiro 2004, 18:02:44
Assunto: Re: Solution
Good suggestion LongJohn, although I would prefer at 1) : x moves in y days ,for instance 10 moves/ 20 days each.
And what happens with the unfinished games at 2. ? Estimation and start the next round?

7. Fevereiro 2004, 23:26:09
If we would speak about real-time we would speak about timelimits with 2,5,10 or 30 minutes for the whole game.
And to say " Don`t join the tourney" is not the solution.

7. Fevereiro 2004, 20:06:53
Assunto: Re: time limits
But it is a fact, that we have the problems mostly with people who have hundreds of games at the same time. And it is not the theme to move always one move in one day, but continuously in the regular time frame and not every move at the end of the time limit. But the suggestion to play without weekend days seems to be an improvement.

7. Fevereiro 2004, 17:30:40
Assunto: Re:
A time limit is a time limit ,ughaibu you are right,but a little bit I have to agree with IMchucKing.
It is annoying if the tournement doesn`t go on. It has to do with the fact of unlimited games, some players have 500 and more!
Additionally I think timecontrols with more than 7 days per move should removed and are not necessary, because the games take a too long time.
And additionally I suggest a timeframe for the whole tournement ,six or nine months for instance, after which the tournement creator can estimate the unfinished games and close the tournementor or can start the next round.

18. Dezembro 2003, 07:56:43
Assunto: Chess tournement
New Year Topplayer`s Chess Invitational

20 players have joined and we have four groups now.All have a rating above 2000 BKR and 16 of them above 2100.If all agree I will start this tournement now ealier,on Monday,22.12.2003.If everybody disagrees please send me a private message.

14. Dezembro 2003, 09:23:16
New Year Topplayer`s Chess Invitational

Invited players please join ,we start after christmas!

13. Novembro 2003, 08:07:25
Assunto: Re: gothic world championship
36 Grandmasters in the USA and 55 Grandmasters in in the much smaller Germany shows the difference.
After new hard- and software is installed I will try to bring one of them to play here a simultan event,perhaps in Janus or Gothic.

12. Novembro 2003, 22:20:04
Assunto: Re: I'm not speculating
I found only one vote on the Gothic Board, it was Chesscarpenter

12. Novembro 2003, 21:32:37
Assunto: Re: gothic world championship
Yes Fencer,it was not his fault that the tournement disappeared.But he had offered and promised a $ 3000 prize to us.Nobody has asked him for it.He had the prize offered voluntarily.And now he withdraws only because of the crash? We can repeat and continue the tournement. This is not okay!

12. Novembro 2003, 20:03:18
Assunto: Re: to BBW
As you most players here are thinking BBW,the most players here are funplayers and not profiplayers,who want earn money with their games.If you want to see a professional site -with professional players too- look at www.playchess.com (client available),where sometimes 2000 players are online ( 100000 registered users- only chess) and Kramnik ,Judith Polgar and others are live playing.
Once again:For a big event you need famous names from the chessworld, and these players play for free and than many standard players are signing in (with fee) because they want play against the masters.

12. Novembro 2003, 19:49:59
Assunto: Re: gothic world championship
Okay may be 1998, but now which events are now,this year and where can I now these players see playing GC? Here in Europe nobody knows this game.In Germany we have the strongest first league of the world with many grand- and international masters from everywhere. But they play chess and only chess and they play for money in the tournements.(The only event is the JanusChess Championchips in Saarbrücken one time in the year, Kortschnoi was here and others).We have also here many newspapers of chess and correspondence chess and there are many good websites.And nowhere was mentioned Gothic Chess except your own site.I like this game, I like some other variants too, but it will be always a small minority of the chessplayers who are playing something other than chess.That`s the fact! What is the future of chess (I have heard here often)It is only ...chess.

Our last event has had only fifty participants without entrance fee.
But okay,try to organize a big tournement with 500 players and entrance fee,if you have success certainly you are right!
But better would it be first to restart and to finish our last championships! We all have waited and played here and now... nothing?

12. Novembro 2003, 18:51:56
Assunto: Re: gothic world championship
Seven players.... call their names, they have played one time Gothic Chess, or two times?
Where do they play now and where is it published?
The young generation? Okay perhaps in the future,perhaps not.It is fact if you want to organize a big tournement you need sponsors and sponsors need famous names.Look at your invitation, no one wanted to sign in for $ 50,- except four persons, most here are funplayers.And you speak about 500 players...?
Let us finish the interrupted event and look if somebody receives something and than we go to the next step.

12. Novembro 2003, 18:27:23
Assunto: Re: gothic world championship
Perhaps you should first repeat the interrupted event and disburse the promised money before you are planing a new,much bigger event.Btw you cannot compare Gothic Chess with big chessevents,if no one famous grandmaster plays this game.

12. Novembro 2003, 07:30:22
Assunto: Re: Question about World Championship
I am for a $ 50.000,- prize tournement!

8. Novembro 2003, 20:22:16
Assunto: Re: re: First start - first 5
I for myself think that the turn limit with 5-7 days for a move is much to long and I don`t play such tournements.Games with long turn limits will take an endless time until they are ready.
Why don`t you play a little bit fewer games, then you can play games with a shorter timelimit and it would be also good for the capicity problems of the server.
Btw I think as a rook you can define your own tournement.

8. Novembro 2003, 16:28:50
Assunto: Re: re: First start - first 5
More than 500 games ,o I understand : you are creating your many tournements only for the other users....This is very respectful :)

8. Novembro 2003, 07:18:47
Assunto: First start- first 5 ......
Fast start - first 5 to sign up... So many tournements again ? Hey BBW I miss your own sign in ,or don`t you play in your own tournements?

11. Setembro 2003, 16:28:51
Assunto: Re: 141 games
Correction tonyh we speak about 414 not about 141 games!

11. Setembro 2003, 12:20:54
Assunto: Re:
It is for me mysterious how you can play 414 games at the same time?
It must be your full-time job or you are moving without thinking!

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