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Team Tournaments

September 2024 - Dice Chess 10x10 3 - Starts 27th Sept

October 2024 - Battleboats Plus 5 - Starts 11th Oct

October 2024 - Dice Poker 6 - Starts 25th Oct

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23. Outubro 2004, 04:09:37
Assunto: Re: BTW
up your pimple purple head

23. Outubro 2004, 04:04:51
Anyway LJ
This was only a heated discusion. Nothing more, two sides getting their opinions across.
Until you came on

23. Outubro 2004, 03:44:37
Modificado por Stevie (23. Outubro 2004, 03:51:50)
I modified it to add flaming LMAO
I couldnt give two hoots if you are getting tired of me whinging. The only problem i have is I say what others think and dont say. So looks like its just me. But it isnt. Whereas the likes of you, you say what you think the boss man wants you to say. cant get much lower can you

23. Outubro 2004, 03:33:55
Modificado por Stevie (23. Outubro 2004, 03:35:38)
and you were not flaming nor stirring?

23. Outubro 2004, 03:32:11
Once more LJ shows his true self. nose covered in the brown stuff etc. Whats wrong?? you want rid of someone who shows you for what you are???

I see you signed on with both accounts LJ you should shut up and play both sets of games. ooopps sorry, you said its your wife momentarily didnt you before deleting the commenet LOL I guess your post below wont stay long either.

23. Outubro 2004, 02:27:09
Thanks Loup :o)
The diference is BBW to set it manually means they have to go out of their way to do it.
Whereas its easy to sit back and let an auto thing kick in

23. Outubro 2004, 01:51:53
LMAO your loss ;oÞ

23. Outubro 2004, 01:44:42
Scooby, Im sure youll be told..."get a membership" so you can have more games etc. But thats not the answer is it ;o)LOL

23. Outubro 2004, 01:16:59
hence..the words abused upchuck

but i dont think its worth mentioning anymore cos obviously the managements minds are made up

22. Outubro 2004, 20:22:26
and of course you are right ;o)
nice when goal posts allways move isnt it :o(

22. Outubro 2004, 20:18:10
I doubt it

22. Outubro 2004, 20:15:50
nope, i remember the suggestions made on feature board

22. Outubro 2004, 20:12:32
Assunto: Nobody is dictating to you. The rules have been set, you have to learn to live with them.
no one dictating???
So were we all asked if we wanted this addition? or did just a chosen couple want it, so hey presto

22. Outubro 2004, 20:08:10
most rules are ok though. game time is a rule. why have it now? no one is answering that

22. Outubro 2004, 20:03:19
ditto. why take on more games. then struggle to keep up, or spend all day on here?
Some of it is due to players taking on more than they can handle too

22. Outubro 2004, 19:59:42
I pay to enjoy the site, not have dictators.
Thats what is happening. Im being dictated to by morons/ awkward buggers etc etc how my games go.

22. Outubro 2004, 19:54:36
stop the crap BBW.

22. Outubro 2004, 19:52:20
BBW its hurting us

22. Outubro 2004, 19:47:13
no Harley, they are hurting me and others

22. Outubro 2004, 19:46:42
I know this, but setting a vacation is at least doing things properly and obviously.
Why should I wait 30 days on a 2 day game, just cos someone hasnt come back for a while? I still say, cos its an emergency thing, there should be a limit of 2 auto extensions at most.

22. Outubro 2004, 19:41:09
To avoid these players means you lose out though. You have to pick and choose tournies etc.
If it is set to auto, then they will just move when they feel like it, not within times. Its just another nail if you ask me

22. Outubro 2004, 19:21:19
I mean in those circumstances, who cares if games time out??
Its bad enough waiting for the likes of yourself and kevin amoungst many, who wait till last day to move...just because you can...just for the auto thing to act also. What is tghe use for having game time limits now??? what a crock

22. Outubro 2004, 18:11:20
But then in those circumnstances I would say "to hell with the internet..family is important"

21. Outubro 2004, 11:18:25
Sometimes new members will not be able to figure how to sign up, due to the player/s explaining it to them can't type in a manner that is readable anyways LOL

Thats what typing has to do with it

19. Outubro 2004, 14:52:17

16. Outubro 2004, 22:31:31
uh? LMAO

9. Outubro 2004, 19:36:49
Assunto: Re: IMCK
You are jealous because all you can boast of Upchuck is a dip[loma in BS LOL

9. Outubro 2004, 17:45:51
LMAO I thought summerdays were bright though LOL

9. Outubro 2004, 17:38:44
he probably wanted a chance to win another membership for one of his feminine side pawns LOL

9. Outubro 2004, 17:30:18
ditto Jason :o)

9. Outubro 2004, 10:01:38
well done MrLoup :o)

28. Setembro 2004, 13:56:34
Assunto: Hopefully
once the froglet tourny is underway, Fencer may get an anti one going...cos I gotta team of 6 waiting willing and able for it LOL

26. Setembro 2004, 13:36:35
Assunto: I love Anti games
So here is a tourny for our latest one :o)
Stevie's Aunties froglets (Anti)

have fun and enjoy the games :o)

24. Setembro 2004, 23:34:44
cheers mate :o)

24. Setembro 2004, 06:46:57
Assunto: Re: Gothic checkers
While on the subject
KEVIN:any chance of speeding up your game please, so we can get round 2 started without it taking longer than a year for just the first...started December 03
Stevie's Gheckers

23. Setembro 2004, 05:44:03
Assunto: Gothic checkers
Tourny ready for sign ups :o)
Stevie's Gheckers #4

Have fun and enjoy the games :o)

20. Setembro 2004, 02:44:04
Assunto: I need 2 players
to join my reversi 8x8 team in SCRL fellowship

20. Setembro 2004, 02:13:16
ewwwwwwwwwww errrrrrrrrr pewwwkkkk
no comment LOL

20. Setembro 2004, 02:08:06
did it hurt ? ;oÞ LOL

20. Setembro 2004, 01:59:02
there was a red 1 here just now

19. Setembro 2004, 20:59:08
Assunto: Re:
maybe just maybe, its because youve pissed them off LJ that they are only popping on here to check their messages
have you thought of that?

19. Setembro 2004, 00:07:01
hence fewer team members needed, fewer knights tied up in each tourny

19. Setembro 2004, 00:01:06
I have 6 towards my team (SCRL) keep asking for more.
I do feel anything above 5 or 6 team members is a bit much mind you, especially when tournies also have 2 games even when only 1 needed (backgammon ones).

I feel all tournies really only need 4 team members, and also means 1 person doesnt need to get bogged down with games by joining lots of tournies just so a team can join

18. Setembro 2004, 23:54:06
actually thats a sensible comment, because I feel it is happening

18. Setembro 2004, 23:50:34
you had lots of chance to join mine ;o) but didnt LOL

18. Setembro 2004, 23:38:12
Assunto: Re: Turkish checkers tourny
I think Czech checkers would have been a better variant to have picked to fill it up

18. Setembro 2004, 22:46:26
Assunto: Turkish checkers tourny
Fencer what will happen if you dont get 4 teams?
will you make an exception this time and just let it go ahead with 2 or 3, or will you just leave it to be deleted automatically?
Unfortunately there are not many paid members who play it.
I have a team signed up, i guess HOME will too due to you and Harley play it, but I just hope 2 more fellowships will get a team together even if all unrated :o) would be a fun way for them to learn it :o)

15. Setembro 2004, 10:26:17
Im up for grabs if anyone needs a pente team player :o)

13. Setembro 2004, 21:00:22
<sarcasm>on bended knees</sarcasm>

"pleeeease fencer, just so more players get a chance to join in the fun"

13. Setembro 2004, 20:51:51
Assunto: The backgammon race team tourny
Can this not be changed to 1 game each pair?
two games isnt necesary in backgammon due to the die deciding who goes firts.
And 8 teams per section means 16 games each, this is reducing the amount of players who can join cos of limits on knights who are paying members/ contributors. And rooks who already have many games due to large team members numbers needed on the other tournies

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