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7. Novembro 2012, 01:52:28
The Col 
Assunto: 2012 Voting Machines Altering Votes

7. Novembro 2012, 01:08:00
The Col 
Assunto: Re: What America needs.....
(V): re: Limits on campaign funds."

And donate 10% of every dollar spent on the campaign to paying down the deficit.It won't make much of an impact, but at least it would be money well spent

7. Novembro 2012, 00:14:07
The Col 
Assunto: Re: What America needs.....
(V): The influence on these politiciens by lobbyists is a MAJOR issue, toss them all out along with the nameless SUPERPACS

7. Novembro 2012, 00:02:08
The Col 
Assunto: Re: they gave their lives for the right to vote
(V): Well, Americans have surrendered the right to walk the high road in regards to voters rights IMO.The fraud excuse is a joke, as the video where the Republican stating the id laws will give Romney Ohio points out.

6. Novembro 2012, 23:28:42
The Col 
Assunto: Re: well at least until the republicans get off work! lol
Bwild: I agree with you to a degree.How Obama was expected to turn things around in 4 after an unprecedented collapse is unreasonable, but understandably seized upon by the Republicans for political purposes.Many of the issues you mention are under state administration, Presidents have less control than people think.Is Obama the answer? I am less sure of that now than I was last election , but frankly my support of Obama is based more on my dislike of Romney than it is support of Obama.I don't like people(or candidates) who will say whatever suits the audience, that shows a lack of character, and character matters.I also see who Romney is in bed with politically, and it scares the maple syrup out of me.I could see myself supporting a Republican one day, if they come back from the cliff of extremism, hell, I vote conservative in Canada, but this is not the Republican party of years gone by, they cheer against the country in hopes of re election, and that stinks like treason.

6. Novembro 2012, 22:28:12
The Col 
Assunto: Re: well at least until the republicans get off work! lol
Bwild: I bet I am more informed of what's going on in the USA than half the voters, at least.Very few pay attention, I do.So what is "really happening" in the USA?

6. Novembro 2012, 21:53:28
The Col 
Assunto: Re: well at least until the republicans get off work! lol
(V): Soldiers are rolling in their graves , they gave their lives for the right to vote

6. Novembro 2012, 21:31:28
The Col 
Assunto: Re: well at least until the republicans get off work! lol
(V): I wonder if other countries should send people to the USA to monitor voter suppression

sad, but true

5. Novembro 2012, 19:45:52
The Col 
Assunto: An important messege

3. Novembro 2012, 06:52:37
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: On November 11, 2008, Barone said journalists trashed Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the Republicans' vice presidential nominee, because "she did not abort her Down syndrome baby." Barone was speaking at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago to the 121st annual meeting of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges

2. Novembro 2012, 20:35:41
The Col 
Assunto: It's one thing to lie about Obama .........
Modificado por The Col (2. Novembro 2012, 20:38:23)
By Bernie Woodall

DETROIT, Nov 1 (Reuters) - A Chrysler executive told Donald Trump in a Tweet on Thursday that the real estate executive and television personality was "full of ****" for repeating a notion that Chrysler is shipping U.S. Jeep production to China, which the automaker refutes.

Ralph Gilles, the head of product design for Chrysler, became the second top Chrysler executive in three days to strongly deny the claim, which was first made by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney last week to a crowd in Ohio.

Trump, from his Twitter account, said, "Obama is a terrible negotiator. He bails out Chrysler and now Chrysler wants to send all Jeep manufacturing to China--and will!"

To which Gilles, from his Twitter account, responded to Trump: "You are full of ****!"

In a second Tweet, Gilles added: "I apologize for my language, but lies are just that, lies."

On Tuesday, Chrysler Group LLC Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne, in an e-mail to employees, also flatly denied Romney's claim.

"I feel obliged to unambiguously restate our position: Jeep production will not be moved from the United States to China," Marchionne wrote.

Romney, speaking a week ago to a crowd in Defiance, Ohio, said that he had read a news article that said Chrysler's Jeep brand is considering moving "all production to China."

Jeep, Chrysler's global brand, has three U.S. assembly plants, including one in Toledo, Ohio. The others are in Illinois and in Detroit.

1. Novembro 2012, 22:59:07
The Col 
As the East Coast and parts of Ohio struggled to regroup in the devastating wake of “Superstorm” Sandy, the Romney campaign hastily transformed a scheduled victory rally in Dayton, Ohio into a non-political “storm relief event” on Tuesday. According to BuzzFeed, the campaign encouraged supporters to bring hurricane relief supplies and “deliver the bags of canned goods, packages of diapers, and cases of water bottles to the candidate, who would be perched behind a table along with a slew of volunteers and his Ohio right-hand man, Senator Rob Portman.”
Just to be safe, campaign aides reportedly spent $5,000 at a local Wal-Mart on supplies that could be put on display. When supporters arrived at the rally-turned-relief event, they were treated to the 10-minute video about Romney’s life, which was first unveiled at the RNC. The event ended with supporters lined up to hand over supplies and meet Romney. But according to BuzzFeed, this donation process was also staged:
Empty-handed supporters pled for entrance, with one woman asking, “What if we dropped off our donations up front?”
The volunteer gestured toward a pile of groceries conveniently stacked near the candidate. “Just grab something,” he said.
Two teenage boys retrieved a jar of peanut butter each, and got in line. When it was their turn, they handed their “donations” to Romney. He took them, smiled, and offered an earnest “Thank you.”
The Red Cross, meanwhile, said they were grateful for the supplies but encouraged people to donate money or blood as a more efficient way to help the relief effort

1. Novembro 2012, 19:13:02
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Less than a week to go, but there is still time for the president to pull one more boneheaded stunt before the election.
(V): i don't see how the term "flip flopper" can ever be used again after he transformed it into an artistic form of expression.I don't know who is going to win the election, but the precedent he has set for changing his positions will change how future candidates run in the future.Clearly he has little respect for the intelligence of the voters

1. Novembro 2012, 18:47:07
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Less than a week to go, but there is still time for the president to pull one more boneheaded stunt before the election.
(V): "I'm not familiar precisely with what I said, but I'll stand by what I said, whatever it was." —Mitt Romney (May 17, 2012)

1. Novembro 2012, 10:07:10
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Less than a week to go, but there is still time for the president to pull one more boneheaded stunt before the election.
(V): It backfired on him, the car companies are calling him out, he would have been better off keeping his mouth shut

31. Outubro 2012, 23:08:54
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Less than a week to go, but there is still time for the president to pull one more boneheaded stunt before the election.
(V): The Toledo Blade reports on the latest turn of the screw in the auto-related debate that has overshadowed the final week of the race in Ohio:

Chrysler Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne circulated an email to Chrysler Group LLC employees today strongly restating the automaker's promise that it will not move existing U.S. production of Jeeps to China.

In the email, Mr. Marchionne said he felt obligated to again address the company's production plans over continuing "public debate."

The note did not directly reference politics or the presidential election, but Chrysler's plans for Jeep have become a major political talking point over the past week, especially in Ohio. Speaking in Defiance last week, Republican candidate Mitt Romney seized on a misrepresentation of a Bloomberg story, suggesting that Chrysler was considering moving existing Jeep production to China.

Romney has stuck with the Jeep-related line of attack against Obama, though in a modified form that only implies — rather than stating explicitly — that Chrysler might move jobs from Ohio to China. It's a decision that has puzzled Republicans both in and outside Ohio: after letting Obama dominate the auto-bailout debate on the airwaves for months, Romney has re-engaged the auto fight at the last minute on less-than-firm footing, with an attack that now has Chrysler weighing in against him.

30. Outubro 2012, 23:01:03
The Col 
Assunto: Zomney

26. Outubro 2012, 06:43:15
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Iamon lyme: If no men were involved I would of course let her deal with it herself .People will generally push as far as they feel they have license to though.

25. Outubro 2012, 23:11:38
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Iamon lyme: Personally speaking , I would have confronted the " few neighbors" the moment I heard they were giving my wife a hard time , but that's just me

25. Outubro 2012, 22:03:59
The Col 
Assunto: Re: God speaks
(V): I do think it is fair to say , other than some theocratic hotbeds , no major countries in the world would allow a party as closely tied , and willfully adhering to religion in their party policy to get anywhere near to control of their country.In Canada you would be dead in the water .Our Conservative party (which I support) would ban abortion if they could , but they know it would never get the required support, so it is a non starter.So they get my support for their fiscal policy, their social policy is held in check by the knowledge they would be finished if they tried to ram it down our throats

25. Outubro 2012, 20:26:39
The Col 
Assunto: God speaks
THE HEAVENS—Responding to inflammatory remarks made by Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock during a debate Tuesday night, Our Lord God the Almighty Father sought today to distance Himself from both Mourdock and the entire right-wing fundamentalist Christian movement, sources confirmed.

“I want to make one thing absolutely clear: Mr. Mourdock’s comments from last night in no way reflect my position on this or any other issue,” said the Divine Creator, speaking at a press conference this afternoon to address Mourdock’s remarks that rape-induced pregnancies were God’s intent. “And furthermore, I would like to take this opportunity to say definitively that I, God, do not officially sanction or condone the words or actions of anyone involved in the fanatical, conservative Christian faction that Mr. Mourdock represents.”

“Many people hear my name in connection with the Christian Right and start to assume we are aligned in some capacity, and I’m here to say, for the record, that we are not,” God continued. “So let me just be clear: I don’t want women to get raped—not ever. I don’t think their resulting pregnancies are my divine will. And if a woman is raped, then she has the right to get an abortion, period. I do not agree with Mourdock. I do not agree with the Christian Right. End of story.”

24. Outubro 2012, 20:29:08
The Col 
Assunto: Re:Fetal pain is not bs. Doesn't matter in the larger picture because it's morally wrong to take the life of an innocent human being without just cause.
Artful Dodger: re: " The vast majority of abortions are done for trivial reasons"

We are so privileged to have an expert on the subject

23. Outubro 2012, 21:20:20
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Debate
Modificado por The Col (23. Outubro 2012, 21:24:27)
Iamon lyme: "interrupting" ? I don't care which candidate you support, if you think Obama is the one most guilty of interrupting during the 3 debates you're either not paying attention or so much in the bag you have lost all objectivity

for example


23. Outubro 2012, 20:01:12
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Debate
Modificado por The Col (23. Outubro 2012, 20:10:51)
Bwild: Don't take my word for it, all the polls say he won fairly big.I find it interesting that both Democrats and Republicans agreed Romney won the 1st debate, but for some reason Republicans can not stomach the admission Romney might lose a debate, regardless of the polls overwhelming results pointing that way.

Fox News poll on who won last nights debate

Obama 53.19%

Mitt Romney 46.81%

23. Outubro 2012, 19:12:47
The Col 
Assunto: Debate
Big debate win for Obama, better to finish the debate schedule on a high note.

19. Outubro 2012, 22:37:50
The Col 
Assunto: Re: It's not my place to be throwing cold water on anyone's rape fantasies
Iamon lyme: As Obama said to Romney "continue"

19. Outubro 2012, 22:20:11
The Col 
Assunto: Re: It's not my place to be throwing cold water on anyone's rape fantasies
Iamon lyme: You think you're funny don't you.You clearly have a higher opinion of this intruders intentions than I do.

19. Outubro 2012, 21:48:19
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Modificado por The Col (19. Outubro 2012, 21:50:16)
(V): Yes, they would fight tooth and nail for her to keep the rapists baby, it kinda blows your mind actually. Literally it goes from "shoot that SOB " to
" you must keep his baby"

19. Outubro 2012, 20:58:10
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Thank God for guns
Artful Dodger: Yeah, it's lucky that 12 year old had a gun, cuz if that guy got in and raped her, many would want her to keep the rapists baby

17. Outubro 2012, 15:03:37
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Cuban missile crises
(V): That was a great example of bipartisan politics.Kennedy consulted with Eisenhower and Truman.The conversations are available online

17. Outubro 2012, 08:19:45
The Col 
Assunto: Romney channels Porky Pig near the end of this clip

13. Outubro 2012, 20:16:58
The Col 
Assunto: Re: ahhh the 'ex liberal'.. just like ex smokers
(V): You buy that? I don't, just a strawman he created.

12. Outubro 2012, 22:01:08
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: It really is a shame you have turned what could be a respectful forum for political discussion into a spam filled propaganda board

12. Outubro 2012, 21:49:34
The Col 
Assunto: ReShe also goaded him, and not Biden
Modificado por The Col (12. Outubro 2012, 21:58:51)
rod03801: You missed where she questioned Biden's statement regarding the withdrawal of troops during the "fighting season" she stated she was skeptical that the generals were down with it, Biden had to clarify the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff supported the timetable......I suppose the debate can be viewed differently depending which horse you have in the race, but that and the Libya issue were examples of the mod hold the VP's feet to the fire IMO

Joe Biden
The military reason was bringing -- by the way, when the president announced the surge, you'll remember, Martha, he said the surge will be out by the end of the summer. The military said the surge will be out. Nothing political about this.

Before the surge occurred -- so you be a little straight with me here, too -- before the surge occurred, we said they'll be out by the end of the summer. That's what the military said. The reason for that is...

RADDATZ: The military follows orders. I mean, there -- trust me. There are people who were concerned about pulling out on the fighting season.

BIDEN: Sure. There are people that are concerned, but not the Joint Chiefs. That was their recommendation in the Oval Office to the president of the United States of America. I sat there. I'm sure you'll find someone who disagrees with the Pentagon. I'm positive you'll find that within the military. But that's not the case here.

And, secondly, the reason why the military said that is, you cannot wait and have a cliff. It takes -- you know -- months and months and months to draw down forces

12. Outubro 2012, 18:28:22
The Col 
Assunto: Re: I think Biden won the debate though
mckinley: Biden soothed the base by tossing ample red meat.Ryan actually came across as a fairly nice guy, unlike his used car salesman running mate who will say anything to get elected.If Biden amped down the laughing and smirks, and was able to corner Ryan on the details of their policies, it would have been a blood bath

11. Outubro 2012, 21:48:45
The Col 
Assunto: The story of two men trapped in one body

10. Outubro 2012, 00:04:02
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
(V): The public are foolish if they think the top campaign donators aren't paid back through being awarded contracts and such, it happens on both sides.The new law where PACs don't need to disclose contributions is insane.I work in a business that requires sponsors,while I try and ignore it,the interests of these sponsors are not totally out of mind in reqards to issues that arise.

9. Outubro 2012, 23:34:59
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Romney debates himself
(V): Outlaw lobbying(as we know it) entirely, elected officials with voting power should be beyond reproach.

9. Outubro 2012, 22:46:47
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Romney debates himself
(V): It doesn't work here in Canada either, but that's not to say we are any smarter in who we vote into office.Just less glitz and glam during elections.I still say 10% of each dollar spent on Federal election advertising should go towards the deficit.

9. Outubro 2012, 22:35:14
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Romney debates himself
(V): Whatever it takes to seal the deal.He is dependant on most voters not paying attention, and most don't keep track of his constant contradictions, so he has a helluva chance to pull this off

9. Outubro 2012, 22:21:12
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Romney debates himself
(V): Used car salesmen display more honesty than Romney.If he pulls this off, the press should be ashamed for not fact checking this guy enough, but their too consumed with Obama's terrible performance in the 1st debate, actually, most incumbent Presidents have historically lost the 1st debate 1-5 was a score I saw recently, but the election score is 3-3

9. Outubro 2012, 22:00:44
The Col 
Assunto: Romney debates himself

8. Outubro 2012, 22:26:22
The Col 
Assunto: Re:"biggest cannabis plant

6. Outubro 2012, 15:08:10
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Volunteer Busted Only Registering Romney Voters
(V): The ole "do as I say, not as I do"

4. Outubro 2012, 20:35:50
The Col 
Assunto: Re: so why can't you respect my intelligence by answering one simple question?
(V): Sometimes you have to just let it go.I never got a response from "uber" when I asked him if he still felt our Prime Minister was an idiot for closing the embassy in Iran shortly before the American embassy attack in Libya.

3. Outubro 2012, 01:21:25
The Col 
Assunto: Re: quote of the day
Modificado por The Col (3. Outubro 2012, 01:24:10)
Iamon lyme: The dark ages just called , they want your tude regarding sex education back
We're not living in the 70's anymore bud, you can't just go to a Doc for a shot if you get a sexually transmitted disease, and women actually expect pleasure during a sexual union, the old "in and out" doesn't cut it anymore.Passing your own sexual hang ups onto future adults does them no service both in making educated decisions and having a sexually fulfilling life.I'm very aware that SOME conservatives like to dump on the value of education these days,dumbing down the population does make them more open to propoganda

3. Outubro 2012, 00:53:54
The Col 
Assunto: Re: quote of the day
Iamon lyme: Nazis? WTF?

2. Outubro 2012, 23:36:41
The Col 
Assunto: Re: quote of the day
Iamon lyme: Re : You know what sex education actually does? It encourages kids who are already thinking about sex to go do it, and how many horny teenage boys do you think have the self restraint to stop and put on a condom?"

Words can not describe how ignorant a statement that is on so many levels.I suppose you never attended any sexual education classes, do you think it's spent going over the Kama Sutra?
Sex education saves lives by discussing birth control and STD's as well as boring stuff like the human reproductive system.I can only hope that you haven't discouraged a child from this education only to have them experience an avoidable event that alters their life (in a bad way) forever.

1. Outubro 2012, 07:43:08
The Col 
Assunto: Re: quote of the day
Übergeek 바둑이: Romney protested the anti Vietnam war protests , but chose to go to Paris instead of Vietnam.That takes stones

29. Setembro 2012, 07:49:35
The Col 
Assunto: Re: quote of the day
Iamon lyme:re : Being an adult sucks, doesn't it? "

Actually , "being an adult" is ever elusive for some .Children think they have all the answers don't they

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