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4. Novembro 2010, 07:22:48
The Col 
Quotes should be attributed to a source, I only noticed it cuz I've never seen it not done before..........the anti intellectual fad that has been in vogue on the right is a head shaker.It's almost like a Harvard degee is to be mocked, and politicians with zero experience, or little education are in.I've done ok without a degree, but I respect education. If I'm boarding a plane,I want a qualified pilot.............Palin has appeal to a very small segment of the voting public, her bark is bigger than her bite country wide.

3. Novembro 2010, 20:17:42
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Win and lose
Übergeek 바둑이: Who stated the quotes?
I think O'Donnell being blissfully unaware of the contents of the First Amendment, and the video of here exposing that gaffe, cost her.........Angle was a gift to Reid..........the fun is about to begin, as Tea Party and Republican winners try and co exist, not to mention the Republican primary debates with Palin.Up until now Republicans have shyed away from challanging her, just wait till they face her in debates

1. Novembro 2010, 20:11:50
The Col 
Assunto: Hi, I'm a Tea Partier

31. Outubro 2010, 06:38:53
The Col 
Assunto: soul food

28. Outubro 2010, 08:28:16
The Col 
Assunto: 'Obama unlikely to last his first term'

28. Outubro 2010, 08:24:44
The Col 
Assunto: 'White House seeks to remove Obama'

27. Outubro 2010, 06:46:54
The Col 
Assunto: Re: I'm sure there is a valid excuse for these men attacking this woman
Artful Dodger: now go get me a beer sugar

27. Outubro 2010, 06:41:36
The Col 
Assunto: Re: I'm sure there is a valid excuse for these men attacking this woman
Artful Dodger: you're cute when you get all freedom of speechy

27. Outubro 2010, 06:29:14
The Col 
Assunto: Re: I'm sure there is a valid excuse for these men attacking this woman
Bernice: The heat has been turned up on both sides by commentators on cable news, in my opinion.You have me stumped regarding the last part of your response.The incident sickens me,the headline of the post was intended to be sarcastic

27. Outubro 2010, 01:07:53
The Col 
Assunto: Re: I'm sure there is a valid excuse for these men attacking this woman
Bernice: Another good example of why news commentators need to tone down the discourse a few notches

26. Outubro 2010, 23:00:40
The Col 
Assunto: I'm sure there is a valid excuse for these men attacking this woman

26. Outubro 2010, 22:40:46
The Col 
Assunto: Re:they meant it as gay bashing
Artful Dodger: What are you talking about

26. Outubro 2010, 13:41:16
The Col 
Identified? Right Nation Protester?
Andrew Breitbart ‘Gay’? finally a redeeming quality

25. Outubro 2010, 23:05:38
The Col 
Assunto: Re:who's words?
Artful Dodger: P. J. O'Rourke, the person you quoted.Are these questions too complicated for you?

25. Outubro 2010, 01:57:37
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: Well, are you using his words as an expression of your feelings? or just tossing his words out there to stand on their own

24. Outubro 2010, 22:11:11
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: Are you taking ownership of his quote? I'm not taking ownership of the one I posted

24. Outubro 2010, 22:05:55
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: In our brief national history we have shot four of our presidents, worried five of them to death, impeached one and hounded another out of office. And when all else fails, we hold an election and assassinate their character.

P. J. O'Rourke

19. Outubro 2010, 22:55:55
The Col 
Pennsylvania voters can't afford cap and trade legislation, says Sarah Palin. And that's why they need to send Republican John Raese to the Senate.

Except that John Raese is the Republican nominee in West Virginia.

19. Outubro 2010, 22:42:15
The Col 
Assunto: Re: and he is currently destroying the US economy.
SL-Mark: I know, my comments were rhetorical

19. Outubro 2010, 22:19:05
The Col 
Assunto: Re: and he is currently destroying the US economy.
SL-Mark: Realistically thinking, do you really think multi billion dollar corporations are going to hand the keys to a private citizen who just happens to capture the imagination of slightly more than 50% of those who bother to vote?

I mean really, think about it

19. Outubro 2010, 03:10:34
The Col 
Assunto: Re: DEFCON3 approaches
SL-Mark: BOC? don't fear the reaper

19. Outubro 2010, 02:52:32
The Col 
Assunto: Re: DEFCON3 approaches

19. Outubro 2010, 02:48:52
The Col 
Assunto: Re: DEFCON3 approaches
SL-Mark: that's just garbage

19. Outubro 2010, 02:39:38
The Col 
Assunto: Re: DEFCON3 approaches
SL-Mark: Bubbles: Ben Bernanke

We're still hovering around par,I'm still holding a grand US cash that I have yet to exchange from my trip to Vegas a month back.........I think our strong dollar is more a reflection of the very weak US buck

19. Outubro 2010, 01:55:45
The Col 
Assunto: Re: DEFCON3 approaches
SL-Mark: by The Illuminati of course

19. Outubro 2010, 01:11:20
The Col 
Assunto: Re: DEFCON3 approaches
SL-Mark: Bilderberg controls everything, it's nice to see someone enlightened

19. Outubro 2010, 00:57:51
The Col 
Assunto: Re:and I thought POTUS referred to Presidents not a President!!
(V): If I had a dollar for every Christine O'Donnell and Palin I dated back in the day........

18. Outubro 2010, 00:46:51
The Col 
Assunto: Re:and I thought POTUS referred to Presidents not a President!!
Artful Dodger: I watch Fox News, and my appraisal is that anyone right of mind can see they are in the tank for the right, and MSNBC is even more in the tank for the left,both channels make my head explode, though I'm not sure if NBC has actually donated a million bucks to the DNC, like Fox donated to the RNC

16. Outubro 2010, 05:04:20
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: You don't know, because you know Dobbs was fired, and is now bitter.

16. Outubro 2010, 04:58:16
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: How are Dobbs tv ratings these days?

16. Outubro 2010, 04:51:04
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: Dobbs was fired..........Olbermann wins

16. Outubro 2010, 03:33:58
The Col 
Assunto: Re:

15. Outubro 2010, 02:18:30
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Tuesday: I think it was intended to be like when sane countries get up and leave the UN when Ahmadinejad starts spreading his garbage

15. Outubro 2010, 02:05:43
The Col 
Assunto: I can't find the Reid / Angle debate on any major networks
but it will be streamed here live


15. Outubro 2010, 01:51:53
The Col 
Assunto: Re:The last time Israel invaded Lebanon
Artful Dodger: I state what I believe, others can sort out what the classification is, I couldn't care less

14. Outubro 2010, 23:53:12
The Col 
Assunto: Some much needed background regarding middle east tensions

14. Outubro 2010, 21:37:55
The Col 
Assunto: Re:The last time Israel invaded Lebanon
Übergeek 바둑이: Again, you fail to state the provocation that began the military action, not to mention the human shields that were used in an effort to up casulties and thusly feed the propoganda value.Firing rockets from within homes and villages will provoke retaliation to the source, a very cowerdly form of warfare................do you have any idea how many rockets were fired towards Israel before any action was taken? how long do you think the USA would put up with rockets being fired at them before taking action? Israel has shown amazing restraint in that respect.

Nobody has their hands clean in the issue of a Palestinian solution.I know a solution will one day arrive, and be agreed upon, but if you insist on painting a one sided picture, there is more than enough paint left to complete the other side.The peace process will begin when both sides begin to look to the future, and plant the seeds for trust and respect.

14. Outubro 2010, 06:14:39
The Col 
Assunto: Re:I am well aware of the PLO, suicide bombings, home-made rockets, etc
Übergeek 바둑이: In many regards we are known by the company we keep.The Palestinians hitched their boat to terrorists, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

14. Outubro 2010, 06:00:00
The Col 
Assunto: Re: One sided game
Übergeek 바둑이: What I do find disgusting, is how the Palestinian people, the regular guy on the street, who just wants the love of his family, and a roof over his head, has been used as a pawn by so many Arab countries(and terrorist groups) who couldn't give a damn if they lived or died, but sure like using them.Are you aware of how looked down upon the Palestinians are by their Arab brothers? or a good number of them.Palestinians and Israelis actually don't get along badly in Israel generally speaking, and many Palestinians have attained pretty high standing within Israeli society........but that's not the juicy stuff is it

14. Outubro 2010, 05:48:39
The Col 
Assunto: Re:I am well aware of the PLO, suicide bombings, home-made rockets, etc
Übergeek 바둑이:yet totally dismissive of its impact on the entire situation, nor the distrust many countries have of the Palestinians recieving financial aid, and then funneling it to their close buddies Hezbollah and Hamas.You can't erase decades of terrorism my friend. regardless of how well it frames the argument.Israel is far from perfect, that I have acknowledged, but you can not give a full account of the present situation without presenting both sides, and some history.

13. Outubro 2010, 22:17:37
The Col 
Assunto: Re: the Palestinians do not recognise Israel.. yet they have since 1993
lizrising: It is very complicated,and the emotion on both sides makes it even more so.Strategically speaking though, if peace ever does come between both sides it will really mess with the haters in the middle east, as I heard a Jordanian diplomat explain a few weeks ago.

13. Outubro 2010, 21:19:02
The Col 
Assunto: Re: the Palestinians do not recognise Israel.. yet they have since 1993
(V): The Holy See is considered an independant state by some,wiki it

13. Outubro 2010, 21:14:53
The Col 
Assunto: Re: One sided game
Übergeek 바둑이: Historically,Israel has had to fight wars against(instigated most often by) multiple countries all at once, vastly outnumbered.I'm pretty sure that is the root of the military aid they recieve.If they did not have top notch military equipment Israel would not exist today.Personally I'm torn on the preservation of a Jewish State issue, while I am atheist,I have strong cultural ties to Judaism, and know that atheist or not, if Jews ever became another target,I would not be spared due to my atheism, the name on my birth certificate would be enough to put me in harms way.I think you need to understand the Jewish mentality, regardless of where Jews live in the world,Israel is considered their only safe haven if the unthinkable ever happened again.You are dealing with a very fragile insecurity in regards to the Jewish relationship to Israel, and that is something that cannot be seperated from the discussion.I do not condone much of Israeli policy in relation to the Palestinians, but to not acknowledge even once in your post the many years of terrorism towards Israel by the PLO, and the environment of distrust that has created towards peace displays an incomplete side of the story, and resolution.

13. Outubro 2010, 17:16:32
The Col 
Assunto: Re: the Palestinians do not recognise Israel.. yet they have since 1993
(V): It's political posturing, but recognising Israel without its Jewish identity, is like recognising The Holy See without acknowledging its Catholic culture.Israel was created to be a Jewish state,(rightly or wrongly) to delete that from the recognition, is to not fully recoginise.The Palestinians have done their share of walking away, or sabotaging agreements, it's a shame former Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin are not still around to lend their wisdom to the process.

13. Outubro 2010, 03:13:48
The Col 
Assunto: Re: And lest we get confused
Artful Dodger: I couldn't agree more

12. Outubro 2010, 20:16:53
The Col 
Assunto: Re: the Palestinians do not recognise Israel.. yet they have since 1993
(V): Can you provide me the actual statement?

At least Fox News doesn't provide a free propoganda pulpit for the terrorist wing of the Palestinians, as CNN and MSNBC seem very happy to do.........Israel has handled the situation badly in many respects, no argument on that count, but they also have enough past history that warrents very careful movement on the issues before them.

12. Outubro 2010, 09:50:51
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Yet it's all the Palestinians fault!!
(V): If you had the track record of the Palestinians, I would hold back on granting you sainthood, unlike most of the world press so gleefully have.Both sides have much to do before real peace can ever be achieved.Maybe tossing bombs in school buses and night clubs is a noble deed to some, but I'm not quite ready to grant them the martyrdom so many do.

12. Outubro 2010, 00:32:42
The Col 
Assunto: Byron Williams
According to a police investigation, Williams opened fire on California Highway Patrol officers who had stopped him on an Oakland freeway for driving erratically. For 12 frantic minutes, Williams traded shots with the police, employing three firearms and a small arsenal of ammunition, including armor-piercing rounds fired from a .308-caliber rifle.

"I would have never started watching Fox News if it wasn't for the fact that Beck was on there. And it was the things that he did, it was the things he exposed that blew my mind." - Byron Williams


8. Outubro 2010, 23:09:36
The Col 
Assunto: Re: 29 January 2008.
(V): I love when a plan comes together
I had better brush up on my Bahasa Indonesia

8. Outubro 2010, 22:38:12
The Col 
Assunto: Re: 29 January 2008.
(V): Does he have a single daughter?

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