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2. Agosto 2012, 22:28:31
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Modificado por The Col (3. Agosto 2012, 01:02:57)
Artful Dodger: If you keep this up, you will be left talking to yourself exclusively , not just half the time

2. Agosto 2012, 16:31:08
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: ahh, the alter ego raises his head

2. Agosto 2012, 01:12:27
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Actually, Dubya was deemed to be the guy most would like to have a beer with, remember?
(V): I'm sure the munchies were part of the reason for her weight gain, not that I'd know first hand

2. Agosto 2012, 01:06:20
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Actually, Dubya was deemed to be the guy most would like to have a beer with, remember?
(V): Queen Victoria smoked hash from a hookah brought from the colonies?..........I knew it!

2. Agosto 2012, 00:43:28
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Actually, Dubya was deemed to be the guy most would like to have a beer with, remember?
(V): I would vote for the H & K Dubya, twice!

2. Agosto 2012, 00:37:29
The Col 
Assunto: Re: The democrats thought Dubya was charismatic?
Iamon lyme: Actually, Dubya was deemed to be the guy most would like to have a beer with, remember? That is a charismatic trait

2. Agosto 2012, 00:35:15
The Col 
Assunto: Re:Many members of the Judeo/Christian groups don't consider Mormon to be a classic "religion"
(V): When you consider the microscope that is placed on politicians these days, the pool is pretty limited to egomaniacs and narcissists.Frankly I would rather vote for a flawed genius instead of an empty suit without a soul

1. Agosto 2012, 23:50:46
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Rethere's nothing robotic about Obama
Modificado por The Col (2. Agosto 2012, 00:03:24)
Iamon lyme: you forgot Ronny, oops, St Ronny, and Dubya

1. Agosto 2012, 23:44:19
The Col 
Assunto: Re:I have never seen a candidate who is as pre programmed, but we get what we deserve
(V): Many members of the Judeo/Christian groups don't consider Mormon to be a classic "religion" , but will support Romney anyway.That either describes the depth of hate they have for Obama, or an openmindedness rarely on disply otherwise

1. Agosto 2012, 23:25:38
The Col 
Assunto: Rethere's nothing robotic about Obama
Iamon lyme: I think Obama can rightfully be called out for a number of things, but not being robotic.The man has charisma to burn, it's one of his main assets

1. Agosto 2012, 22:45:11
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
(V): Has an original thought ever escaped Romney's lips? He is the manifestation of a system that has become critical of every aspect of a candidate. to the point of creating a virtual robot.I don't think anyone knows what Romney really thinks or believes, he will basically say whatever that specific audience wants, or what is politically in his best interests.I have never seen a candidate who is as pre programmed, but we get what we deserve

1. Agosto 2012, 08:11:05
The Col 
Assunto: Re: gospel means good news
Iamon lyme: It was intended as the phrase "taken as gospel" usually is, but i can understand the confusion , considering the Republican party was included in the comment.

31. Julho 2012, 23:43:38
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Iamon lyme: The only question I want to ask about this is, when did it become a standard practice of science that politics is able to confirm or disprove anything?

Excellent question,because if the Democrats weren't so terrible messeging, and the Republicans weren't so good, the overwhelming scientific belief in climate change wouldn't even be an argument.

31. Julho 2012, 23:13:42
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Modificado por The Col (31. Julho 2012, 23:15:16)
Iamon lyme:" Nope. It would recieve the same attention Democrats give to "birthers".

But you are right about it being a political game. Too bad we will never know what the reaction would be, because that is something I would bet on... easy money."

I prefer to frame it as "I'll bet" I guess you know the future
My comment of it being considered "gospel" was from the Republican perspective, not Democratic

31. Julho 2012, 20:56:48
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Iamon lyme: It's pretty silly that the climate has become a political thing.I'll bet if a Republican rang the alarm on global warming it would considered gospel

31. Julho 2012, 13:14:48
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Govt within the Govt
Modificado por The Col (31. Julho 2012, 13:15:53)
(V): The small percentage controlling most of the wealth in this world are no more likely to allow the simple voters to control decisions , than Gordon Ramsay is going to allow some reality show winner dictate his menu(and chances of success) at one of his restaurants

28. Julho 2012, 00:04:51
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Iamon lyme: His full name is Artful "half page" Dodger

27. Julho 2012, 22:43:53
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Silvery Moon: If Romney is elected you're basically getting Bush's economic policies anyway, actually it would be Bush on steroids, economically speaking.The same policies that brought about the economic crash of 2008 revisited

27. Julho 2012, 21:17:34
The Col 
Assunto: new poll
WASHINGTON—According to a newly released USA Today/Gallup poll, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's favorability has surged to 64 percent since he left the country Wednesday for a three-nation overseas trip. "Once Gov. Romney was no longer within the borders of the United States and was instead many thousands of miles away from American voters, his popularity immediately spiked across almost all demographics," said political analyst Mark Halperin, noting that the electorate has been invigorated by Romney's complete absence from campaign events, rallies, and town hall meetings. "It seems that the farther away Romney travels, the more people like him. By the time his plane touches down in Israel, I wouldn't be surprised if his favorability rating isn't somewhere in the high 70s." Experts were quick to note the number remains well below Romney’s historical high of 89 percent, reached in February 2008 when the former Massachusetts governor announced his withdrawal from that year's presidential race

27. Julho 2012, 20:17:21
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
(V): In his interview with Brian Williams the other day , He apparently doesn't know any of his wife's trainers' names, isn't going to the Olympics, and DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHEN OR WHAT his OWN WIFE'S EVENTS ARE.

27. Julho 2012, 19:48:44
The Col 
Assunto: The Tour de farce
The conservative Telegraph said, in a commentary:

“Mitt Romney is perhaps the only politician who could start a trip that was supposed to be a charm offensive by being utterly devoid of charm and mildly offensive.”

27. Julho 2012, 17:10:52
The Col 
Assunto: Re: "Mitt the twit"
(V): I was shocked watching the report on all the errors he committed so far.The press is all over him.Mentioning his meeting with MI6 was considered a gaffe of epic proportions.Some say he has come across even more amateurish than Palin.Watching him gives the impression of a man not comfortable in his own skin.

26. Julho 2012, 22:19:10
The Col 
Assunto: Re: drugs can be stimulating for a brief moment too
Modificado por The Col (26. Julho 2012, 22:19:53)
Iamon lyme: It sounds like you're being ripped off, find a new supplier

24. Julho 2012, 21:15:16
The Col 
Assunto: Re: Re And when he did, it was a proven forgery
Artful Dodger: It's a gamble Democrats would happily take, cuz the more often it comes up, the more it helps them amongst undecided voters.The "birthers" are the Republican answer to tree huggers and other fringe liberal groups.

24. Julho 2012, 19:04:13
The Col 
Assunto: Re And when he did, it was a proven forgery
Artful Dodger: That is exactly the fringe conspiracy stuff that will eventually regulate the Republican party to the sidelines.It may play well to a certain few, but mainstream voters not only laugh, but are turned off by it

24. Julho 2012, 00:14:57
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: Imagine if you a a good friend named Hussein

24. Julho 2012, 00:03:42
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: Ben was basically Willard 2

23. Julho 2012, 23:19:38
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: An evil Rat, actually

23. Julho 2012, 22:03:40
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
(V): If he was a Democrat, Republicans would be calling him Willard Mitt Romney.They seem to have a thing for including full names

23. Julho 2012, 21:50:20
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: Better "mittens" than his real name Willard

20. Julho 2012, 00:11:16
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Artful Dodger: I'm not sure if that was a compliment or an insult , lol

19. Julho 2012, 23:55:07
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
Modificado por The Col (20. Julho 2012, 00:01:21)
MissDelish: So you're the on who told the teacher which kids were bad when the teacher came back into the room there's one in every crowd.....politically speaking of course

19. Julho 2012, 22:49:41
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
(V): Elvis Costello wrote a song about it

19. Julho 2012, 22:30:45
The Col 
Assunto: Re: You posted these facts, not me.
Artful Dodger: she dropped the camera in shame

19. Julho 2012, 22:00:09
The Col 
Assunto: Re: You posted these facts, not me.
Modificado por The Col (19. Julho 2012, 22:08:53)
Artful Dodger: Dad , the family wants to stage an intervention.When mom caught you alternately laughing and crying while poking your Obama voodoo doll up in the attic, she called everyone in tears

19. Julho 2012, 19:15:08
The Col 
Assunto: Re: You posted these facts, not me.
Artful Dodger: you're paranoid man oh man, you're answers to straight forward question should be a textbook study in paranoia

18. Julho 2012, 23:28:53
The Col 
Assunto: Re: You posted these facts, not me.
Modificado por The Col (18. Julho 2012, 23:37:43)
Artful Dodger: non confrontational discussions are awkward for you it seems.You seem to always be looking for an argument

and btw, use your own material re :"thanks for playing"

18. Julho 2012, 19:52:44
The Col 
Assunto: Re: You posted these facts, not me.
Artful Dodger: I don't think I commented one way or the other on your response

18. Julho 2012, 18:15:01
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
(V): good cop bad cop?

18. Julho 2012, 07:59:04
The Col 
Assunto: Re: You posted these facts, not me.
Artful Dodger: thanks for playing

18. Julho 2012, 02:00:11
The Col 
Assunto: Re: You posted these facts, not me.
Artful Dodger: I meant the right wing equivilant
of my original question

18. Julho 2012, 01:52:56
The Col 
Assunto: Re: You posted these facts, not me.
Artful Dodger: How about on the reverse side, the right wing extremists?

18. Julho 2012, 00:08:55
The Col 
Assunto: Re: You posted these facts, not me.
Artful Dodger: You don't think Liberals love their country, and want what they think is best for it?

15. Julho 2012, 23:22:41
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
MissDelish: women......

1. Julho 2012, 01:49:27
The Col 
Assunto: Re:
(V): IMO, a single payer system wouldn't work in the USA, too large a population of middle to lower income people, the tax burden would be huge and eventually crumble.While the tax burden is fairly large in Canada, we have a 10th the population, and less poverty.

27. Junho 2012, 23:19:33
The Col 
Assunto: Re His actions are no reflection on Fox News
Artful Dodger:

thanks, I needed a good laugh

25. Junho 2012, 22:48:08
The Col 
Assunto: Re: disprove what I said about logic?
Artful Dodger: I think the main question is, other than a small handful of people, does anyone care?
This is kids stuff, If you had pm'd this post it might make sense, the fact you posted it on a message board looks like whoever thinks you and lyman are the same may have a point.

25. Junho 2012, 00:05:19
The Col 
Assunto: Re: So far you've only said one think I can disagree with.. sort of
Iamon lyme: shhhhhhh

25. Junho 2012, 00:05:05
The Col 
Assunto: Re: So far you've only said one think I can disagree with.. sort of
Artful Dodger: Hitchens , I could listen to him all night, huge loss

24. Junho 2012, 22:54:58
The Col 
Assunto: Re: So far you've only said one think I can disagree with.. sort of
Artful Dodger: I think they're called Agnostics, but I could be wrong

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