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9. Junho 2007, 14:38:29
Linda J 
Assunto: Help
How do I change the format to rows instead of columns on my main page? I have looked in settings to no avail. I'm on webtv. Thanks

2. Setembro 2004, 12:42:21
Linda J 
Assunto: Interview with Kevin
I just finished reading the interview with Kevin. For the record I DIDN'T ask one question.
And how stupid is this?

Question:What is your real name?
Submitted by:Linda J
Reply:My name really is Kevin.

Question:Where did the nickname Kevin come from?
Submitted by:Linda J
Reply:It's really my first name :-)

Kevin, nothing to do with you. I think you're a wonderful young man, but you know that I've told you myself. Just like I knew your name was Kevin.

Fencer and Harley DO NOT attach my name to any more interviews.

8. Junho 2004, 12:30:43
Linda J 
Buy me one Fencer. Something is going on. Not all of a sudden 50 people are more webtv users have bad browsers.

8. Junho 2004, 12:18:35
Linda J 
I've done all of that. It still says to busy to use.

8. Junho 2004, 12:10:52
Linda J 
Hi everyone. After days of trying I am finally able to get here. I don't think it's a webtv problem. Something is going on here. I've been getting the to busy to use notice. It's 5:00am now and probably the only reason it let me in, less traffic. Deleting cookies didn't help either.

30. Maio 2004, 08:44:11
Linda J 
The only thing I have seen as obvious lately is the banning of a few from the boards while others get away with worse.

30. Maio 2004, 07:31:21
Linda J 
Assunto: Fencer
I very seldom comment on how things are run here. I used to love this place. Fun fun fun.....
People made suggestions and you were always polite in your answers.
Something changed. I don't know if it was money related or what. But people will speculate.
You change user agreements and wonder why people question?
It's like making a post. If you don't want comments on it, save it until you do.
A lot of unfair things have been going on at this site IMO and it's wrong. This is your site, run it anyway you want but keep in mind word of mouth goes a long way. Keep the ones you have and strive for more don't run them off.
If someone that plays here pays $1 or $100 they should be treated them same. Not I like you better or you give more.
A prime example is Wal-mart stores they're booming because a dollar is just that a dollar. A customer should be a customer.
I'm glad they feel that way, I have stock.
Cheating is rampant here among other things but MY biggest problem is with customer service. NEVER and I mean never would I tolerate one of my CS people being rude to a customer.
I know there maybe a language barrier on a few things but the majority of people here would help.
If someone here has a problem with something it ought to be addressed with out the risk of being banned for stating an opinion becaused someone didn't like you. You have a good thing going, don't let others blow what you have worked so hard to build.

30. Maio 2004, 07:05:23
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: Payments to Backoff
Backoff has been my bookkeeper for awhile. Please make checks payable to Linda @ fair play for everyone.us

26. Maio 2004, 12:40:22
Linda J 
ROFL There's you an odd saying Bernice. I've never heard sicker then a dog in heat. Get well Bill.

17. Maio 2004, 13:30:46
Linda J 
I agree. It sends a message to the rest that anything goes here.

14. Maio 2004, 09:38:04
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: new poll

3. Abril 2004, 07:47:39
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: Membership Competition
WOW!!! Good job Kevin

23. Março 2004, 19:04:53
Linda J 
Great choice harley. Amazing young man, some will be shocked at his age.

23. Março 2004, 04:18:13
Linda J 
Assunto: Bk Fund Raiser Prize Tournament

16. Março 2004, 19:45:52
Linda J 
Assunto: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
If you would like to be in a Prize Tournament where the only games being played are backgammon and prizes are guaranteed
You still have time to enter this tournament. There is a $5 donation which will go to brainking to enter. Prizes are $50 to the overall tournament winner and a 6 month brain knight membership to each section winner(s).
You can enter the BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament and make your donation HERE
Thanks to all that enter and lots "O" luck.

9. Março 2004, 15:24:58
Linda J 
Assunto: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
Hi everyone,When using the pay-pal link to pay the $5 entry fee could you please send a pm to me or Harley letting us know the e-mail you used when paying.
We need this info to match with who has paid. Your e-mail will be kept private. Thanks for all your help with this and again on entering.

8. Março 2004, 14:30:32
Linda J 
Assunto: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
We have reached our goal of 100 people. We will now begin to collect the $5 entry fee.
A link has been provided for pay-pal at the tournament. You can donate any amount you would like but minimum is $5 to enter.
You can make your payment or enter this tournament
A great big thank-you to all that entered and lots of luck.

*note* You do not have to be in this tournament to make a donation.
If you do not use pay-pal and want to send a check or money order please contact me, a mailing address will be provided.

3. Março 2004, 21:37:36
Linda J 
Assunto: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
You're invited.....
Hi, We have a BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament going on right now. Winner will recieve $50
Each section winner will get a 6 month brain knight membership for the pawn of your choice.
Entry fee is $5 with all proceeds going to Brain king. Please enter the site needs a new server.
Thank you ;•)
You can enter HERE

Please read Server News click on more info link to learn more. If you are a pawn or knight and you would like to enter you need to send me a pm with your Id# so you can be added manually. We will get you in even if you are already in a tournament and want to play.
Kevin is doing a word competition with prizes of one or more 1 year Rook membership (s) For more info contact Kevin or find out more info on server news board.HERE

Steve R is having a Reversi tournament where he will donate $1 for everyone that enters.
Let's help him spend a little money and help BK out at the same time. You can enter Stevies Dollar Donation per player Reversi

This is a perfect opportunity to win a free membership for pawns. ;•)

24. Fevereiro 2004, 03:07:40
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: ??????????????
It happens to me too Wanda. I shut my off and restart it works for me. ;•)

23. Fevereiro 2004, 19:20:54
Linda J 
Good point Fencer.
Pawns have a lot of chances to play here for free.
Members have been quite generous where they are concerned.
We have the boost a pawn program and now a prize tournament where they are almost guaranteed a membership for almost nothing only 3 have taken advantage of it. Very sad I think.

22. Fevereiro 2004, 22:31:51
Linda J 
Assunto: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
I have some great news. MORE PRIZES
Each section winner will receive a 6 month brain knight membership. This applies only to pawns.
Your chances to win are great. Please enter.;•)
As we say in my area the pot just got sweeter.

*Note* If you are a pawn or a knight you can still enter this tournament even if you are already in a tournament.

20. Fevereiro 2004, 04:09:43
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: BK Fund raiser prize tournament
Brian thank you for your kind words I was touched.;•) I love this place and spend a lot of time here. When you extend a helping hand it comes full circle. Thanks it's not just me that does this. I have some great people behind me helping every step of the way. I 2nd it. GO BRAINKING.

19. Fevereiro 2004, 23:59:08
Linda J 
Assunto: BK Fund raiser prize tournament
If you are a knight or a pawn and do not have room to enter this tournament and would like to pm me with your nic & Id # We will get you in. Thanks ;•)

18. Fevereiro 2004, 23:53:35
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: Membership Competition
That sounds like a fun idea. Good luck with it Kevin. :•)

17. Fevereiro 2004, 21:44:28
Linda J 
Assunto: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
Instead of talking about it all day, we're doing something to raise money. We are trying to set up a prize tournament to raise money for BK. The tournament will be backgammon with an entrance fee of $5 with all proceeds going to BK. The prize will be $50 to the winner. Get a chance at $50 and help BK all in one. You will be asked to pay the fee of $5 once we know we have enough interested players. All entrance fees will have to be collected before the tournament can begin.
In order for this to work well we are hoping for at least 100 entrants which would be $500
$450 would go to BK and $50 to the winner. Please only serious entrees please. If you sign up for this tournament we will take it that you will be willing to pay the fee.

You can sign up for this tournament

If you do not play backgammon and would like to donate please send me a pm. Thanks :•)

30. Janeiro 2004, 00:21:18
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: harley Interview
Great job Harley and Noholds from the nosey one that asked the most questions. hehe

29. Janeiro 2004, 08:04:27
Linda J 
Assunto: Birthday List
The birthday list is on the debate club news board.
Birthday list

If your name is not on this list please get it to me thanks. :•)
To view this list you must be a member of the debate club. If you are not a member and would like to be, you can request membership here.
Debate Club

29. Janeiro 2004, 00:02:40
Linda J 
Fencer's post orangengreen

Btw, I've temporarily disabled the Top BKR table on Main Page. It was one of the sources of the database overload.

24. Janeiro 2004, 02:56:12
Linda J 
Hello everyone....
I'm compiling a list of birthdays of players on this site.
You can see my list of those I already have on the debate club news board.
My goal is to get everyones birthday put on that list.
You do NOT have to tell the year if you'd rather not.
Please give me your special birthday so I can add it to the list. You can give it on here or send me a PM. Thanks..... If you know of anyone else's b-day I don't have, give me those too please thanks.
Be sure to visit Debate club news board to view the list and to see who shares your special day.
Then add birthday DB to your favorites board to watch for yours.

If you do not help by sending in your birthday, I will be visiting a profile near you.
So be a dear please and help. :•)

21. Janeiro 2004, 22:29:28
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: Interview with.....
Any idea on when the interview with harley will be done, have the questions been sent in yet?

14. Janeiro 2004, 19:02:24
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: Interview with bumble
Thanks Bumble for taking the time to write your new book. :•)
It was fun and quite interesting.
I await your trip to the states. They would never be the same. Love, Patty

6. Janeiro 2004, 04:48:28
Linda J 
Assunto: Boost "A" Pawn Program
We have been looking for a worthy pawn and think that we have found one that truly needs some help. This lady is the single mom of a small child and a membership would be a luxury that she really can't justify at this time with her fixed income. We are looking for someone who would be willing to help bring a little happiness into this lady's life.

She has played here since November 2002.
Has completed 281 games
Has 16 current games
1 tournament

If you are interested in participating in this program and sponsoring this lady please send me a personal message. Thank-you

4. Janeiro 2004, 21:28:04
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: Invites to clubs...
You can't chuck.You have t be a member.

4. Janeiro 2004, 20:28:56
Linda J 
Please, whether you are for or against this program posting about it here is doing no more then covering it up and the very reason I reposted.
I answered quesions about this at the debate club yesterday and will do it again today if anyone has any. You can also send me a pm with questions although I would rather do it at the debate club to avoid answering over & over. If you are not a member of the debate club and want to learn more about this program request an invitation to the debate club..Thanks.

4. Janeiro 2004, 16:49:50
Linda J 
Assunto: Boost "A Pawn
There is a program here at brainking where a needy pawn can get an upgrade to member status for 6 months free of charge.
Pawns must play here regularly. Be at or near their game limit and cannot afford to pay for membership. If you are a pawn or know of a pawn that fits into this category please message me for more information to be considered into this program. Membership is for 6 months only.

Please only those that qualify should apply.Thanks.

3. Janeiro 2004, 15:41:24
Linda J 
Assunto: Debate Club
If you have any questions,concerns or problems with this (pawns membership) idea I will be glad to discuss it with you at length at the debate club rather then clog this board.

31. Dezembro 2003, 08:30:37
Linda J 
Assunto: Happy New Year
Thank you Fencer Stastny Novy rok

31. Dezembro 2003, 07:33:46
Linda J 
Fencer how do I say Happy New Year in Czech

28. Dezembro 2003, 01:38:38
Linda J 
I liked the Bull dog err...brain LOL

28. Dezembro 2003, 01:32:34
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: Screen Layout Options
I have Webtv column layout doesn't work well.It's row layout for me and because of glare grey background and I still need glasses to read when I get off.

22. Dezembro 2003, 14:09:03
Linda J 
Who cut the lights out.My background is very dark.I'm having trouble moving around.hehe

19. Dezembro 2003, 05:04:21
Linda J 
That's great Brian,you'll enjoy all the fellowships and tourneys you can enter now.

18. Dezembro 2003, 23:52:39
Linda J 
Assunto: Re: Payment question
Yes you can,that's how I payed with a debit card.

17. Dezembro 2003, 21:35:39
Linda J 
thank you

17. Dezembro 2003, 21:19:35
Linda J 
Assunto: Merry Christmas in Czech
Fencer can you tell me how to say Merry Christmas to my Czech opponents thanks

15. Dezembro 2003, 18:53:18
Linda J 
BBW If your sisters computer can't be fixed,webtv would be a cheap alternative.Easy to use,wireless keyboard and remote.She can play lying down if she wants.It is also small enough to be taken to the hospital.I took mine during my stay and wouldn't go without it.My webtv was a lifesaver during my doctor ordered bed rest.I love my webtv....

15. Dezembro 2003, 18:41:38
Linda J 
Yeah,good idea.Just curious thanks.Not that I would ask any LOL.errr well maybe for you on interview with Harley.j/k

15. Dezembro 2003, 18:27:22
Linda J 
LOL Interview with Bumble,Oh this is gonna be good.Harley,if they get questions they'd rather not answer,how does that work? Do they throw them out or leave them in unanswered?

22. Novembro 2003, 02:33:30
Linda J 
I have webtv bwild and thanks to BBW I saw it.Click on interview with CaoZ and then options and reload.Viola

21. Novembro 2003, 23:18:50
Linda J 
That did it BBW thanks.Good job as always harley and thanks CaoZ for participating

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