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18. Novembro 2003, 19:22:16
Assunto: Re:
Its due to this cleanup I resume playing here and shall resubscribe to my membership when it expires.

19. Julho 2003, 11:05:54
Assunto: Re: relativity :D
Thanks for the morning chuckle, enjoy your games while I enjoy my life:)

8. Julho 2003, 15:33:24
Assunto: Re: Limit to BrainPawns Registration
I still say limiting number of games on the go will do the trick, less games = less moves.

8. Julho 2003, 13:32:08
Assunto: Re: Limit to BrainPawns Registration
I see one obvious drawback. Say a member is in a game with a non-member at the time the non-members 3 months expire, this means the game is terminated. If I was the member playing the game I would feel I'm being denied the opportunity to complete a game based on a policy directed at non-members. I still say limitation on the number of games played as a non-member is the best incentive to become a paying member.

7. Julho 2003, 00:21:37
Ooops didnt work, just very happy:)

3. Julho 2003, 00:03:53
Assunto: Over the top
Exceeds the ransom, has to raise the bar...Blaze sit still!

2. Julho 2003, 00:24:14
Assunto: Re: Missing
"Blaze" had not been seen in a while now

says who???

29. Maio 2003, 18:24:23
Assunto: harley
Fair enough, I have deleted it and will not respond to attacks.

29. Maio 2003, 14:15:19
I know I didnt agree with Dmitri as to how many unpaid members are crying cheapskates, and thats irrevelent now, but the point he made is true concerning some and buckwheat is a prime example.

27. Maio 2003, 14:20:50
Assunto: Re: site... slow to dead
It slows sometimes yes, but overall I think it functions well. Maybe your just logging in at a peak time? It cant be cheap to run a site of this nature, but Fencer is saving for a new server, so come that time even peak periods will likely run smooth.

15. Maio 2003, 14:10:26
Assunto: Re: Following my posting of 14 May....
Good thing you brought it up then, it brought about a solution to your dilemma and should aid people in a similar situation as well.

You right about the payment page, it could be a little more straight forward and the only way fencer can know is our feedback. I imagine making it as easy as possible is so crutial, I wonder many people will simply give up at the first snafoo they hit.

14. Maio 2003, 21:10:36
Well, obviously basic items are revelent to income, most homeless people dont have internet let alone a BK membership so I cant see how cable TV fits in. When I say basic needs I'm talking about the average person on BK and lets not confuse basic needs with essential needs such as food.

You missed the reason I pointed out that its about choices, you said "anyone who has cable TV has no grounds for falsely claiming to not be able to afford a membership" and I'm pointing out if they choose to spend their money on say, cable, they may very well already be extended as far as they can justify....therefore CANNOT afford to subscribe, which you said is false.

14. Maio 2003, 19:38:09
Thanks Brian, before what I said gets misinterpreted, I'm not talking about people who COMPLAIN that they cant afford membership and cry the blues about limited moves after. I'm addressing the comment that people who are simply "falsely claiming" that they cant afford it should reprioritise to satisfy anyones requests. If they cant afford it because they decided they want cable TV then thats thier business and their decision, its about personal choices.

14. Maio 2003, 18:58:27
Assunto: Re: ok, fine, you cannot pay it all at once.
Dmitri, you say this "HOW many of the people qwho CLAIM to not be abl to afford a membership DO HAVE cable TELEVISION!?? " and "anyone who has cable TV has no grounds for falsely claiming to not be able to afford a membership"

Cable T.V. is something the ENTIRE family can enjoy, simutaniously no less. Why should they do without something the whole family can enjoy so they can have a game site membership? I think it takes a very self rightious attitude to even suggest to those on limited income should do the following if they cannot afford a membership... "1) not smoke

2) not drink alcohol or soda

3) not buy ANY candy or sweets

4) Not eat out, EVER.

5) not go to a single movie or even rent one from the video store."

Who are we as members to have the gall to tell anyone what their priorities should be when they dont have a membership? There are alot of people who scrape by on very little and many reasons why they cant afford a membership here. I think its appalling to see anyone take such a better than thou attitude by suggesting they do without a basic item like cable TV in order to purchase a membership to satisfy ANY of its members. The last person who should judge the financially troubled is someone who cant relate to them.

13. Maio 2003, 21:43:15
Oh I know what your saying and it makes perfect sense, but implementing such off and on restrictions could be a nightmare...then again I dont know, I have never run anything like this nor do i know much about it. I do feel however that any site that solicits or encourages the soliciting of new members should be prepared for the increased traffic that results. However they achieve that is best if it doesnt effect paying members, or as little as possible.

13. Maio 2003, 21:28:25
Assunto: Re: more of my thoughts
I agree with everything there BBW except the move limitation during peak hours. Any game site should be prepared to handle the high volumns of activity that come with encouraging new members to play here. Again limiting non-members moves serves to limit members who play them.

13. Maio 2003, 21:07:22
Assunto: Re: My Opinion
Dmitri, your correct when you say "This si a running debate that really has no good solution"...because its true, the more traffic we have the more it slows the server. As I stated before my only concern is I paid to be a member and by limiting non-members I play against adds up to the same as limiting me, I cant go on making moves when they cant, however limiting their games instead has no impact on paying members.

With regard to those who can not afford, I too have no kids but the LAST thing I'm going to do is say how anyone with kids can afford $2/mo. Thats a very broad statement and easy to say when not in those shoes. Another thing to consider is although it may work out to $2/mo it is still a minimum of $10 up front to join.

To address one more comment "The more moves that non members make, the slower the system rusn for paying members"...well many of these moves that non-members make are against us members, again providing us with entertainment without which I would not have paid for. I also like the fact that they make suggestions for improvements for the site as it benefits us all. This shouldnt be about the "haves" or the "have nots" rather it should be a place where we can all enjoy the games. The only difference should be paying members get more of them, and not relegating non-members to a second class status.

13. Maio 2003, 03:06:10
Brian, you suggested "Maybe limit brain rooks 100 games and brain pawns to 50 games just to relieve the stress on the server. " I cant speak for all members but personally I wouldnt have a problem with the 100 game limit, however increasing BrainPawns to 50 would lessen the incentive to become a paying member.

I wont get into the maths (not my strong suit..lol) but whether its 85 or 95% it just goes to show as members we rely on alot of non members for our entertainment here.

13. Maio 2003, 02:16:19
Assunto: Re: Members Only Board and limiting non-members moves
For sure I agree, if they limit moves for non-members then I too get limited when I play them. Limiting the number of games seems to be the better choice.

I also agree that even members should have some limitations in number of games played. Dmitri, your probably not far off with your 85% estimate and I still agree that having a good variety of opponents helps make this site what it is.

12. Maio 2003, 19:59:37
Assunto: Re: Members Only Board
60 would definatly be a good start. Personally I think there should be no daily move restriction and maybe decrease the total games playing at once to 10-15 at a time...just a thought. Anyway my reasoning is that any restrictions placed on non-members should not in any way impact paying members.

12. Maio 2003, 19:52:21
Assunto: Re: Members Only Board
I agree Brian, I was a paying member at IYT some time ago. Not long after Pat threw move restrictions for non paying members. The pace of my games with them suffered as a result, I felt this policy hurt the paying member as well. That is not what I paid for and subsequently let my membership lapse.

12. Maio 2003, 19:35:03
Assunto: Re: Members Only Board
Your right, $2/mo isnt much for those that have it. I guess what I was saying is there are alot of people in alot of different social classes economicly. Some may feel they live on too little as it is so cant justify another $2/mo to play online games when thats $2/mo less that can go toward the family getting by.

I also know people on here who dont join for other reasons but they too contribute in many other ways and in doing so helps make this site one I became a member.

As for the board...I doubt I'll use the new board much because I dont have anything to say that I'd rather non-members not see, but I dont have anything against it being there for others to use.

12. Maio 2003, 19:06:01
Assunto: Re: Members Only Board
I personally see nothing wrong with non-members making suggestions, it is their way of contributing to the site and many suggestions have been to my liking, so as a member I benefit.

At this point 6 of my 7 games are against non-members, again as a member the ability to play both members and non-members benefits me.

Another thing we should consider before getting self-rightious is the fact that some people simply can not afford to join, what may seem like a little to some may be alot to others. The ability to play against them, exchange idea's on the boards with them and benefit from their suggestions are just a few important factors in my decision to become a member.

I agree there should be some benefits for members only as incentive to join, but idea's like boards for members only serves to rob me of the chance to exchange idea's and thoughts with members and non-members alike. As a member I want my thoughts and contributions to the threads accessable to the whole community, not just paying members.

2. Maio 2003, 18:33:44
Assunto: Re: auto refresh
I think Dmitri is right, why not just leave it to us to hit refresh when we need it. Each time a page is refreshed it uses site bandwidth and with auto-refresh on, it means many people are using bandwidth even while away from the computer....lack of an auto-refresh would reduce this greatly.

Sharon, that definatly can and does slow a site down. The more bandwidth being used means more demand on the server and ultimatly can slow it down. It may not be responsible for putting a site offline, but can slow it down to the point where some cant access it, or very slowly at best.

2. Maio 2003, 16:11:29
Assunto: Re: What the heck happened today?
I agree the auto-refresh has to consume alot of bandwidth, many times while people are probably not at their comp, I know I used to be guilty of just that myself before things got slow on here, at that time I turned off the feature as well.

I guess all we can do is have patience, I'm sure Fencer is losing sleep trying to get this sorted and all we have to endure is a few less moves. Let hope he has luck with this.

9. Abril 2003, 16:11:33
Assunto: Fair enough
It was concerning to be attacked here and not able to respond. I think your solution to be fair.

31. Março 2003, 18:27:56
Assunto: Re: Time is wrong
There is no solution needed, its daylight saving time....we adjust to it, not fix it. Everything will be back to normal next week.

29. Março 2003, 14:11:47
Assunto: Re: Slow games
I agree with Dmitri, there are always comp problems that can pop up despite everything Fencer does. I find this site is fast 95% of the time and thats good enough for me. I also agree about not leaving game moves till the last minute if possible, one game within a game is plenty.

29. Março 2003, 02:24:26
Assunto: Re: not being able to play my games
rsm, usually its a good fast site here. I think they are just having a few problems like last night....something like this never lasts long, Fencer is fast at getting things going again.

28. Março 2003, 13:16:12
Assunto: Re: today's effects
The site was slow here too, looks like the problem is fixed. Fortunatly no time outs for me, as I only play the game at hand:)

24. Março 2003, 13:05:15
Assunto: Re: Announcement
Niki, this IS an attempt to get over it. Myself and a few others openly apologised and express a desire to return to civilty, which among ourselves we have...to me thats getting over it. Harley, I was hoping we would ALL make ammends and get this board to how it used to be. I was just hoping the holdout would join in with us and do just that, sorry if it was taken the wrong way. I'll stop on the subject now on this board, again sorry.

24. Março 2003, 12:50:31
Assunto: Re: Announcement
Re: Danos..still the insults, so I was wrong, oh well. The majority turn out civil and have class, thats what counts...have a great day all:)

24. Março 2003, 05:07:40
Assunto: Re: an attempt to cool things off, and get back to the issue
No prob CleverHunk, apology accepted as I hope mine was. Nighthawk, Dmitri and myself all posted similar regrets and apologies in a genuine attempt to get over it, make ammends and show a little class and decency after a heated exchange. I ask again, perhaps Danos will swallow a little pride and follow suit if getting over it is on his agenda as well? I leave it in your court.

23. Março 2003, 17:38:24
Assunto: Re: Resignations
Good luck with it all Patty!

23. Março 2003, 15:02:36
Assunto: Re:
Wrong board Harley, for that ya get 50 lash's with a wet noodle! lol

23. Março 2003, 14:26:21
Assunto: Re:
As for whether or not a person should resign, in a hopeless case between 2 serious opponents its probably a good idea. I agree with Dmitri however that between good friends ya do what you feel and even try the silly moves just to hack around, maybe even play with a bit of endgame for practise. Also agree GL is a polite way to begin, even if thats the last thing you mean as far as the eventual outcome of the game goes.

23. Março 2003, 14:21:42
Assunto: Re: it seemed
Maybe we can make JD the CEO of the BK board and put a stop to all this injustice. hehe

23. Março 2003, 13:18:34
Assunto: Re: Resignations
Saying GG is good sportsmanship, I do it all the time, not saying so shows a lack of class especially when your opponent has won. Nothing wrong in being decent and acknowledging your opponent played well.

23. Março 2003, 05:42:06
Assunto: Re: Fencer, great feature
Yes I too feel fortunate being able to remove those posts I made. Dmitri, it wasnt your fault alone, I share the blame. I like to think it says something about our character that we can actually admit that and put it aside. Wonder if anyone else feels that way?

22. Março 2003, 22:30:15
Assunto: Re: an attempt to cool things off, and get back to the issue
Apologies here too, as for Danos..well cant help but to call a spade a spade. Again sorry Dmitri.

22. Março 2003, 14:49:33
Assunto: LMAO, your just too lame
For anyone reading this later. Danos keeps posting the same 2 or 3 postings then deleting and reposting over and over to keep them at the top. Yeah I know, but he calls that a life (go figure). Wow, I wish I had an exciting life like you...but then I outgrew that sorta thrill when I was 5.

22. Março 2003, 14:40:53
Assunto: Re: c'mon dmitri ;-)
Cangrats Danos, you can copy and paste as well as repeat yourself over and over. Good thing your too thick to realise what an idiot you make of yourself.

22. Março 2003, 01:51:34
Assunto: Re: What a bunch of CRAP!!!!!
Too bad some ppl feel they need an advantage. Dont accept the invite, its not worth it. I would simply post my own game under both colours and hope others follow suit.

21. Março 2003, 13:54:26
Assunto: Our Troops
Hate to hear about that helicopter going down, lets hope this isnt a sign of things to come:( We want our troops back home and with their families when this is over. Horrible price some pay for our freedom but I couldnt feel more grateful.

21. Março 2003, 12:58:40
Assunto: Re: One Proud American
I definatly agree and sorry that I got caught up replying to their barbs on this board and wont again.

I'm Canadian too and really appreciate my freedom and quality of life even more when I see whats going on over in Iraq. Its sad to see their people going through that and hopefully life for all will be much better when the bombing campaign is over and Saddam is gone for good.

21. Março 2003, 01:54:11
Assunto: Re: 'last action' option
Guess changing the subject doesnt help, Dano's let it go...c'mon you can do it..try try try. BTW I dont view nor need a last action feature to know you live on these sites, Ive a REAL life to tend to...sorry to rub it in.

20. Março 2003, 20:18:10
Assunto: Re: Navigation.
I cant see where Blaze was rude. Earlier on people were complaining about posts here being non-Brain King material and she pointed out the general chat room. I see after she even supplied the link to get there, nothing antagonising was said and no rude language used...she even gave a smiley face:) No reason to attack based on that...lets live and let live and enjoy the games.

19. Março 2003, 05:24:34
Assunto: There's that smell again
Like his profile says "my bark cAn be noisy"...nothing BUT noise. This was such a peaceful place, one common element chages all. Keep guessing, hint: no hint.

19. Março 2003, 04:58:12
Assunto: Same Ol Song and Dance
...different venue, like a foul smell...lingers on...aimlessly, pointlessly. Yes Danoschimp, problem cant be you, must be the rest of the world.

19. Março 2003, 02:56:54
Assunto: Re: OMG!!! He's in here also!
Surely you didnt assume he found a real life?...and yes, the poison of IYT has washed up on the shores of BK...also making friends everywhere he goes, ahhh some things never change.

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