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22. Novembro 2004, 20:30:10
Joseph S 
good question...i guess i'm as competitive as the next guy and always hopeful that this wil be the last time it will burn up....but it never is it seems and the ratings get more and more inaccurate...tough to win a game twice we should get double points...lol...just kiddin'..i say dump the points..!!

22. Novembro 2004, 20:23:29
Joseph S 
i'm still a pawn by choice...twice i've had the chance to be raised to a castle or a horse and i turned them down.....and don't blame this crap on me...let's look at who's problem it is and why with all the money you all say your giving him isn;'t there some sort of backup or night watchman to see that this doesn't happen..??

22. Novembro 2004, 20:20:25
Joseph S 
i'd rather there were no ratings..!!!...get rid of them

22. Novembro 2004, 20:16:50
Joseph S 
the only thing i'm complaining about is that there is a ratings system here..!!...it's not very accurate if you ask me....last october when it crashed and we all lost an entire MONTHS worth of games we were told it would all be ok...send him our ratings as we remembered them and they'd be reinstated....well last month all the games i had resigned because i was ASS-ured it would be ok and my ratings would not reflect them as losses all got turned around and they ARE losses now...so am i to believe him again telling me the same thing...you rally round a liar i'm not..!!

22. Novembro 2004, 17:22:59
Joseph S 
it sure is tough to play games here when people get second chances in games...how can i be rated if the GREAT moves i made last evening and early this morning are GONE..!!..what am i being rated on...how well i do the second time around...???....what a joke

14. Novembro 2004, 18:57:47
Joseph S 
i see no reason to play higher rated players anymore if i'll get more points playing beginners that are unrated...i'll take an easy win for twice as many points anyday....

14. Novembro 2004, 18:40:09
Joseph S 
Assunto: Re: about points again
but i beat the higher rated players and got nothing like what somebody got against me and i wasn't even rated....you don't understand...in frogs i did win games against the higher rated players and only got anywhere from 15 to 18 points...i play a game of anti-frogs and lost and they get 38 points..!!....i didn't even have a rating in anti-frogs why did they get sooo many points but i play the better players at regular frogs and get a pittance of points when i win aginst good players...why did somebody get 38 points for winning against an unrated player but when i win against somebody rated # 7 or 8 i get not even half that many points....WHY..!!??

14. Novembro 2004, 14:02:34
Joseph S 
Assunto: about points again
i won a game with Diogenes..i got 17 points
i won a game with Hanis...i got 18 points
both of these players had over a 2000 rating at the frog game when i won...
anybody i win a game with playing frogs that's below 1500 in points i get 0 points...now why did somebody get 38 points when they won agame with me at anti-frog..???.. me an unrated player at anti-frog..38 points..!!!...i'm sorry but i just don't think the points are being dished out fairly here.....also...now that i'm talking points.....when the site fried in october of 2003 and we were all assured that our points and ratings would be reinstated if we sent a message about what our scores were....and to go ahead and resign games we previsiouly had won ..well when you readjusted the points last week you must have forgotten all that because i now have losses for the games i resigned that i wouldn't have resiged if i wasn't assured all was ok....

14. Novembro 2004, 00:59:39
Joseph S 
Assunto: question about the ratings here
i have a question about how the points are given for a rating....i've played unrated players at froglet and get maybe 4 or 5 points if i win ...i just lost a game of anti-frog and the other person got 38 points....how is this big of a difference in points possible...we've both played about 30 games of the respective games but i only get a few and they hit the jackpot

5. Julho 2004, 13:36:03
Joseph S 
Assunto: auto-login..??
Ever since the new changes i've had to type my name and password everytime i come to the site..i saw on the "tips" that it says i can change to auto-login on my edits page ...but it's not there to change anywhere....is that just something for members...??

7. Novembro 2003, 18:59:14
Joseph S 
does anybody know the cost of running a game site...

5. Novembro 2003, 17:33:38
Joseph S 
i don't have the time to do this right now i'll get it together this evening...has fencer actually made this re-instating the ratings statement somewhere .....i'd like to read it and be confident i'm not just giving these games away...

5. Novembro 2003, 17:18:31
Joseph S 
is anybody else getting alot of white screens here today....everytime i make a move or write here i have to reload the site....

5. Novembro 2003, 17:16:23
Joseph S 
hey....did you send him the nics of players you played and the outcome or can i make it a shorter message and just send the ratings..??

5. Novembro 2003, 17:13:25
Joseph S 
i'll believe it when it happens but i'll give it a go...thanks bud

5. Novembro 2003, 17:07:32
Joseph S 
i was just reading some of the other comments here and who says he'll correct the ratings..????.....i have most of mine written down....i could even tell you who i played to get there....i don't play alot of games here since the last time this happened..probably won't start any new ones either...hey...i don't have to i can just keep playing the same ones over and over...

5. Novembro 2003, 16:59:42
Joseph S 
i just don't see the sense in having a rating system at this site...at all......every few months it's crashing.....i don't know if this has anything to do with the reason but it always corresponds to when i win a few games and finally make it in the top 10 at a game....then i drop back down...twice now it's happened in the last 2 months...i'm even playing the same games that he backed up the last time it did this...they're just backed up farther to give them a better chance at winning.....i think it's pre-planned to manipulate the ratings..

5. Novembro 2003, 13:16:59
Joseph S 
is this going to be a bi-monthly thing now ...the site losing all the memory of games i mean....how about making monthly game leader boards...then maybe at the end of a certain amount of time the leaders in that span play each other for a champion...just trying to think of a new system here....the one in place doesn't seem to be working with all the gamesite alzhiemers that happens

4. Novembro 2003, 23:36:13
Joseph S 
Assunto: Re:
i'd just like to know why there is a rating system at all...!!??....apparently nobody takes much intrest in it....IYT has a % type rating and it seems to work there....if everybody is so casual about how the ratings can just wipe away 2 months of rating points why not the entire amount....go to something different....what a good time to do that....make it interesting again...maybe think up something all together new....

4. Novembro 2003, 23:18:34
Joseph S 
Assunto: Re: Hight Tide
hey Maxxina.....if you have the game we played ..i don't have it on my game sheet...i can't send it if it's my turn because it's not here to send...

4. Novembro 2003, 23:11:40
Joseph S 
why are 5 of the games on my sheet have 0 for time...

4. Novembro 2003, 23:07:56
Joseph S 
i seem to have games from last week but i also have games that were backed up the last time this happened...i have a tank game that is backed up farther than it was the last time this happened on a sunday and monday a few months ago...why is that game on my game sheet again...this is the 3rd try this guy has of winning this game..!!!

4. Novembro 2003, 22:49:24
Joseph S 
why is there ratings here...this would be a good time to go to a percentage type rating....it seems this is going to happen time and time again so why have a rating system like the one that's in place here...it's not accurate anymore....why not just get rid of something that's not working...that would solve alot of the arguments here

12. Agosto 2003, 13:35:18
Joseph S 
yippee...i can play..i won but at any time it could become a loss...or lost moves....

12. Agosto 2003, 13:32:21
Joseph S 
Assunto: Re: inconvenience indeed
i don't play dark games...if you wanna complain about them you'll have to do it yourself

12. Agosto 2003, 13:28:42
Joseph S 
the ratings aren't gonna be a very accurate thing anymore now are they....how about just dropping them...

12. Agosto 2003, 13:26:45
Joseph S 
how about we rename it to...joke-of-a-gamesite.com...lol

12. Agosto 2003, 13:25:17
Joseph S 
Assunto: Re:
i bet the guy i beat in the tank game will agree with you...and probably laughing as he makes a different move now

12. Agosto 2003, 13:18:32
Joseph S 
Assunto: inconvienence..???
apoligize for the inconvience..??....like the other player knowing my chess moves now...or my tank game that i made the sneaky move in that's backed up to ....funny how it's right where he can make a different move now to get around what i planned...a game site that can just snuff out a days moves and call it an 'inconvience".....and the games that timed out...why can they be reinstated but the ones i won are back on my gamesheet....your whole site is an inconvience....i'm sorry i started playing here....

12. Agosto 2003, 02:46:02
Joseph S 
i thought the problems couldn't get worse but i guess i was wrong about that...sure gonna be hard to pull off the same moves in games i won with them knowing how i'm gonna move my next few pieces....any chance of finding sundays moves somewhere....eddie's games may have timed out but mine were won by playing....is this site getting worse or is it just the twilight zone i'm stuck in whenever i get here...or try to get here i should say...lol

12. Agosto 2003, 02:10:13
Joseph S 
Assunto: my boards were backed up
i seem to have lost all of Sundays moves on all my boards...even games i won are now back on my game page....is this just something that happened to me or anybody else have the same thing...???

29. Maio 2003, 04:58:44
Joseph S 
i can see my questions fell on deft ears....they say say don't shoot the messenger but it seems like that's what happens......if you know the sites screwed up...why don't you fix it..???...instead it sounds like all you wanted to do was look at my win/loss record and try to read something into it....read what you want boys.....i won every game....and i lost every game...myself....you can play your little chess tourney and think $250 is ...oh my...what a grrreat amount of money....HaHaHa....why not spend the money on fixing the site..!!!!.....or would that be unusual behavior....seems like it would benifit more than 5000 people that way...

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