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24. juli 2010, 10:11:55
Ferris Bueller 
Fox is irresponsible & they play on people's fears.  However, this time I agree with Dan.  Pulling their license only opens the floodgates to censorship.

24. juli 2010, 10:39:41
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: There certainly is a lot of misleading from the right and a lot of unstable people out there.  But, I think censureship is a knee-jerk reaction that could have dire consequences.

24. juli 2010, 11:12:48
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday:   Believe me, I can understand the temptation to get some of those wackos off the air.  It hit very close to home with me when the Unitarian church in TN was shot up a couple of years back.  The perpetrator justified his actions by claiming it was his duty to kill liberals.  His home was full of propaganda from people like Limbaugh, Beck and other right wing idealogues.  I'm a member of this denomination in SC.  The minister in TN formerly was our minister.  I, therefore, have nothing but contempt for what these types represent and their rhetoric.  But, I've seen people on the left blogisphere who can be scary also.  I'm not sure how healthy all of this so called 24/7 news cycle really is, but I'll admit, I don't have many answers except to turn off the TV.

24. juli 2010, 12:09:48
Emne: Re:
Ferris Bueller: Maybe you need some UK style regulation. Sometimes here a channel over steps the mark. If the complaint to the regulators is upheld then the channel has to broadcast an apology.

24. juli 2010, 18:46:06
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
(V):   They'll know just where the line is, circumvent it, push the envelope, but not go over.  Besides, the current court system here would consider such regulation to be a violation of free speech.  But, I agree w/ u, there probably should be abridement to hate speech.

24. juli 2010, 22:06:43
Emne: Re:
Ferris Bueller: I don't consider free speech free, if it is used to spread hate and fear. The ideology behind free speech was on people being Ladies and Gentlemen and of people having honour.

Andrew Breitbart from what I've seen is neither a gentleman or honourable. Those that are.. ought to have redress available without lengthy court proceedings.

24. juli 2010, 23:34:46
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:

(V) & Tuesday:  Breightbart might can be sued for liable here, but I don't know if there is any precedent for that in the blogisphere.  We don't really have total freedom of speech in the US.  You can be fired from your livelihood based on what you say, etc.  Free speech should be responsible speech, but who decides what is responsible speech? 

Personally, I think telling your listeners that liberals are cock roaches who must be killed is like screaming fire in a theater.  Yes, the person who decides to act in this manner is ultimately the guilty party but the radical radio personality encouraged it.  Its a difficult issue though.  Could turn into a slippery slope where the gov't could take over freedom of speech.

25. juli 2010, 00:25:41
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:
Ferris Bueller: who sail that liberals are cockroaches and must be killed?

25. juli 2010, 23:57:11
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: who sail that liberals are cockroaches and must be killed?

Artful Dodger:  It seems to be a right wing talk radio thing to refer to liberals as "cockroaches" who are subhuman  It quickly follows that cockroaches are to be exterminated.  Micheal Savage comes to mind as someone who outright advocates death.  He once told a Gay man that he should "die of Aids".

There is also Glenn Beck's now famous tirade about killing Michael Moore or hiring someone to do it for him.

You may can cite samples of this kind of talk by liberal pundits.  That's not responsible either.  You might also laugh this kind of propaganda off as "sarcasm", but many people do not.

26. juli 2010, 01:05:44
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: who sail that liberals are cockroaches and must be killed?
Ferris Bueller: Micheal Savage is a bit radical and most conservatives take him with a grain of salt. for anyone suggest that Bachmann was suggesting taking up "guns" is laughable. I see such a ploy for what it is: desperation on the left because they know they are losing ground.

Why do you think you liberals are going to lose big time in November? People hate the policies of the left and they particularly hate the policies of Obama.

26. juli 2010, 01:14:52
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: who sail that liberals are cockroaches and must be killed?
Tuesday: This is rather big, far more than normal.

I like Michele and I like her message. I'm 100% with her. She's a smart lady and I agree that we conservatives (republicans, independents, and democrats) need to arm ourselves and get ready for a huge fight.

26. juli 2010, 01:20:56
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: who sail that liberals are cockroaches and must be killed?

26. juli 2010, 01:32:20
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: who sail that liberals are cockroaches and must be killed?
Tuesday: It doesn't matter that times have changed. You don't eliminate liberties and use that as an excuse.

26. juli 2010, 04:37:56
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: I agree that we conservatives...need to arm ourselves and get ready for a huge fight.
Artful Dodger:   Are you actually literally saying that there is a need for armed warfare against liberals?  That position is way overstating things isn't it?  Particularly if, as you say, conservatives will win in a landslide this November.

26. juli 2010, 05:14:21
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re: I agree that we conservatives...need to arm ourselves and get ready for a huge fight.
Ferris Bueller: I've already explained the use of "armed" to the both of you. Now you are both just being dishonest.

25. juli 2010, 00:29:41
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:Freedom of speech should not be abused or cause harm, spread fear, used to spread hate.
Tuesday: who gets to decide what causes harm (your comments earlier caused me emotional harm) and what does spreading fear look like? Who decides that? Conservatives? What makes something qualify as "hate?" How do you define it in objective terma?

25. juli 2010, 01:50:05
Papa Zoom 
Emne: Re:Freedom of speech should not be abused or cause harm, spread fear, used to spread hate.
Tuesday: Don't miss the larger point. You don't want the wrong people deciding for you what is and isn't acceptable speech.

25. juli 2010, 18:43:58
Emne: Re:
Tuesday~Ferris Bueller: We have free speech here.. as long as it is not used to lie, cause hatred and the like. Then it's either a libel case or court. You can say what you want.. but if you break the law (which is very liberal) expect to be held to account.

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