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24. juli 2010, 23:34:46
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:

(V) & Tuesday:  Breightbart might can be sued for liable here, but I don't know if there is any precedent for that in the blogisphere.  We don't really have total freedom of speech in the US.  You can be fired from your livelihood based on what you say, etc.  Free speech should be responsible speech, but who decides what is responsible speech? 

Personally, I think telling your listeners that liberals are cock roaches who must be killed is like screaming fire in a theater.  Yes, the person who decides to act in this manner is ultimately the guilty party but the radical radio personality encouraged it.  Its a difficult issue though.  Could turn into a slippery slope where the gov't could take over freedom of speech.

24. juli 2010, 18:46:06
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
(V):   They'll know just where the line is, circumvent it, push the envelope, but not go over.  Besides, the current court system here would consider such regulation to be a violation of free speech.  But, I agree w/ u, there probably should be abridement to hate speech.

24. juli 2010, 11:12:48
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday:   Believe me, I can understand the temptation to get some of those wackos off the air.  It hit very close to home with me when the Unitarian church in TN was shot up a couple of years back.  The perpetrator justified his actions by claiming it was his duty to kill liberals.  His home was full of propaganda from people like Limbaugh, Beck and other right wing idealogues.  I'm a member of this denomination in SC.  The minister in TN formerly was our minister.  I, therefore, have nothing but contempt for what these types represent and their rhetoric.  But, I've seen people on the left blogisphere who can be scary also.  I'm not sure how healthy all of this so called 24/7 news cycle really is, but I'll admit, I don't have many answers except to turn off the TV.

24. juli 2010, 10:39:41
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday: There certainly is a lot of misleading from the right and a lot of unstable people out there.  But, I think censureship is a knee-jerk reaction that could have dire consequences.

24. juli 2010, 10:11:55
Ferris Bueller 
Fox is irresponsible & they play on people's fears.  However, this time I agree with Dan.  Pulling their license only opens the floodgates to censorship.

24. juli 2010, 05:52:51
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: You're the blowhard here.
Artful Dodger:  Whatever turns u on.

24. juli 2010, 05:42:29
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: You're the blowhard here.
Artful Dodger:   To be called a blowhard by the far right is an honor.

23. juli 2010, 13:03:09
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: Sherrod situation
(V):  When you have no ethical standards, its very hard to take responsibility.

23. juli 2010, 09:42:51
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Sherrod situation
A right wing blowhard intentionally distorts the context of her statements.  And the NAACP & Admin. throw her under the bus with kneejerk swiftnest, giving credence to the lie.  NO ONE remotely checks the facts.  Everyone from O'Rielly to the Pres. line up with apologies when the lies are exposed, but no one really addresses the character assination.  Its time for someone to take the cronic liars to task.  There is someone missing from the parade of apologies - Brietbart.  Yess!!  She ought to sue him.

21. juli 2010, 06:45:18
Ferris Bueller 
"I'm offended by political jokes. Too often they get elected."
- Henny Youngman

20. juli 2010, 19:47:57
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:But on a politics board, who would you expect to be talking about? Homer Simpson?
Artful Dodger:  LOL

20. juli 2010, 18:28:32
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
Artful Dodger:   Perhaps you need to seek professional help to deal with your obsessions with the POTUS. 

18. juli 2010, 10:30:58
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: I don't doubt he said it.

Jim Dandy:  Neither do I.  Lyndon Johnson said a lot of crude and assinine things.  Tapes on him were worse than Richard Nixon at times.  He may have thought he won the black vote with the signing of the Civil Rights legislation, but he also realized that he would loose the Southern white vote for generations to come.  That sadly proved true of my home region.  All of the white racists flocked to the Republican Party in droves.  The GOP did not become the radical right party it is today by accident.  The Weasel is right though, it wasn't always that way.

Say what you want about Johnson being a racist.  It is likely true.  But, he did promote and sign a lot of Civil Rights legislation.  Even my Republican hero, Abraham Lincoln, made some comments that would be deemed as racists today.  He had some doubts about signing the Emancipation Proclamation.  But, the point is that he did it anyway cause it was the right thing to do.  Johnson was also aware of political consequences for signing Civil Rights legislation, but he did it anyway.

17. juli 2010, 07:59:20
Ferris Bueller 
Yep.  Before the 1960s and the Civil Rights movement, the Democratic Party, particularly in the South, was a very racist party.  Conservatives ruled the Dems in the South after Reconstruction.  The "yahoos" began swithing to the Republican Party in the mid to late 1960s largely because of Nixon's Southern strategy.  Between the Civil War and this time, there was no GOP in the South.  So, yes, Democrats were very racists and the KKK started and was perpetuated under their watch.

15. juli 2010, 02:31:35
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: pwith her position against abortion even in cases of rape and incest

I hope none of us who want to see women's rights to have an abortion abridged in these cases never have to experience rape or incest themselves.

Lets start by taking care of the babies that are already born.  I've seen the results of children who are wards of the state at age 16-17 because they were never adopted or had a caregiver apart from the state.  It isn't a pretty sight.

13. juli 2010, 18:02:31
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
(V):  Ironically, Barry Goldwater denounced what you call modern conservatism in his later year - especially on social issues.

10. juli 2010, 07:42:39
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
Tuesday:  Bob Inglis was my congressman for 12 years & pretty far to the right himself.  If he is critical of Beck & Co., there must be something to it.  Its not the 1st time he had done that.  He lost to a Tea Party clone candidate.

1. juli 2010, 07:26:38
Ferris Bueller 

Its nice to see somewhere where consitency abounds in this ever changing world.  It's been over a month since I have viewed this board.  Looks like I have missed very little.  Same obsessions from the far right, and if they are proven wrong it gets personal.

Catch you later.  LOL

1. april 2010, 06:12:52
Ferris Bueller 
"Obama is not a brown-skinned anti-war socialist who gives away free healthcare. You're thinking of Jesus." - John Fugelsang

31. mars 2010, 20:54:17
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Big Bowl
(V):   Good point.  Our "bowl" of terrorist is also quite big.  The "right" only chooses to focus only Muslim terrorists which is certainly a PART of things.  This obsession, though, is because they really don't want to acknowledge domestic terrorism that hits close to home for them.  Besides, others brought up profiling of black people in LA.  That subject opened the door to discuss domestic matters in the US.

31. mars 2010, 06:00:22
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:

Artful Dodger:   We were talking about profiling related to terrorism PERIOD!  And for some reason, some people want to dismiss such profiling in relation to domestic terrorism. 

Frankly, I'm not 100% sure how I feel about some profiling whether its on an airplane or the "ground".  Its a balancing act between the appearance of safety vs. human rights & dignity.  I still maintain though appearances can be deceaving.  I'd check everyone pretty carefully.

31. mars 2010, 05:31:47
Ferris Bueller 

Whether its off topic or not, its amazing to me how gov't minimalists rationalize that gov't employees are less terrorist victims than people killed on an airplane because it is done "internally".

30. mars 2010, 18:48:18
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
Vikings:  It seems to me profiling for terrorists is both an internal & external matter.

30. mars 2010, 10:49:13
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: "Christian" militia group leaders arrested in US.
Modifisert av Ferris Bueller (30. mars 2010, 11:18:17)
Authorities arrested leaders of a militia group in the midwest US yesterday.  They allegedly had all kinds of "brilliant" plans to shoot & blow up policemen, & then, "visit" their funerals to kill their family members.  They are white & call themselves Christian.  I'm sure if they were interviewed, they would cite Biblical justifications for their actions.  It would be foolish of me to suggest that Christianity is a violent religion based on this group.  But, there are "Christian Identity" groups that will resort to violence.  If profiling really worked well, we should be able to "weed out" these people also.  Let's totally suspend due process for them, strip search any civilian who might be a member of a militia, white, & dresses in fatigues.  OH!!  And be sure to take away their guns.  The NRA would just love that.

30. mars 2010, 04:47:38
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: I was talking specifically about Muslim terrorists.
Artful Dodger: How can anyone possibly tell who is a Muslim terrorist?  The Middle Eastern groups recruit from disenfranchized people all over the world.  They often get people of different races & ethnic backgrounds to do their dirty work these days. Profiling is not done out of "political correctness".  It is not done because it is less than effective.

29. mars 2010, 22:36:15
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: Profiling doesn't mean that every single Muslim would be subjected to special searches
Übergeek 바둑이:   Good posts!  If it happens to you, how many other non-asian were unfairly targeted for profiling?  One negative experience of incompetent profiling can signify that there are many more.  If profiling is so effective, lets just go the next step - put all middle eastern Muslims in internment camps or "ghettos" so we can have better "control" over them.

28. mars 2010, 19:24:53
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Profiling doesn't mean that every single Muslim would be subjected to special searches
Artful Dodger:   How would you decide which Muslims were Middle Easterners, or would you have to target all dark skinned Muslim?  (serious question, not rhetorical)

28. mars 2010, 10:24:17
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re:
Artful Dodger:   How do you tell Albanian Muslims from the "average" white guy?  How would you feel to be a member of such a profiled group?

27. mars 2010, 17:48:33
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: small businesses are penalised by the current health system for being small.
(V):  That's what I understand also.  More small businesses will be able to afford insurance for their workers under the new system.  Large business will pick up a lot of the tab.

26. mars 2010, 19:41:02
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: exempt from what?

Bwild:   Here is the "context" from the Obama's Counsel of Economic advisors regarding the perks to small business & the exemptions from cost.

26. mars 2010, 19:22:20
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Politicans ignore them when the polls are against them but point to them when they favor them.
Artful Dodger:   That's one statement that we can agree on.  They cite the polls when they show agreement w/ their position & demonize them when they don't.

23. mars 2010, 04:45:58
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: The Dems excluded the Republicans from crafting the Health Care bill.

Artful Dodger:  Thats not exactly true.  There were 200 Republican amendments that were included in the HC bill.  The Republicans think it will be politically expedient for all of them to vote "No" to make it look like they were not included in the process.  Maybe the public will see through this charade.

Tuesday:  the 34 Dems that voted against the bill are on the dole of the insurance companies just like almost all of the Republicans.

19. mars 2010, 01:01:22
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Textual criticism is a science and it's an exacting process.
Modifisert av Ferris Bueller (19. mars 2010, 03:53:29)
Artful Dodger:   Just as an aside note, I've noticed an interesting discrepancy.  You state that the majority scientist who study these text are on "your side".  You cite them as absolute proof of your argument.  Yet, you don't accept the findings of the vast majority of scientist who say that global warming is partially man-made. 

18. mars 2010, 21:21:07
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: Copy errors abound although the vast majority are inconsequential

Artful Dodger:   "Most deviations in the texts are grammatical or omissions."  How can you possibly be so sure of this assertion with over 5K copies done by hand?  In addition there was at least 75 yrs of oral before anything was written down.

Tuesday:  The books that went in the Bible were "set" in 4th Century at the Counsel of Nicea by a vote of about 15-14.  Hardly a consensus for something absolutely inspired by God.

Pedro:  The Bible is worth reading for general directions on how to live a spiritual life through profound story telling.  But, IMHO, it is not an accurate historical or scientific compilation.

18. mars 2010, 08:42:41
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: churches turned it (the Bible) into a religion.
Tuesday: When did the Catholic Church write its "own" Bible?  IMO, they took books that were written earlier, & the church made its own decisions about which ones were inspired by God.

18. mars 2010, 08:28:10
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Copy errors abound although the vast majority are inconsequential

Artful Dodger: Who made the decision about which copy errors were inconsequential & which ones were not?


17. mars 2010, 06:34:56
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: churches turned it (the Bible) into a religion.

(V):  In the 4th Century, the "church" decided what books went in the Bible to prove its agenda.  And, later, it was copied by scribes many times over because there was no printing press.  It only goes to reason that honest mistakes were made through this process.  In addition, some scribes likely had their own agenda.

In addition, many of the Bible stories are very similar to other legends of that time. So, I agree.  It should be considered a compilation of philosophical thought - not the final word on truth. 

15. mars 2010, 19:28:54
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: Apollo missions
Mousetrap:  That "theory" has been debunked many times over.

14. mars 2010, 23:31:52
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: 90% certain is laughable.
Artful Dodger:   Nonsense.  If you saw a tornado & were 90% it would hit your house, I hope you would take precautions.

14. mars 2010, 03:35:09
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: whatever it takes to prevent problems down the line fi they don't believe there is a problem now.
Tuesday:  I agree with you here.  Dan keeps harping on the fact that we can't be "100% sure"  That may be true, but the vast majority of scientist say that man made pollution is the cause of much global warming & causing the polar caps to melt.  We don't need 100% agreement to start slowing these environmental changes.  Cap & trade, which Conservatives & big industry are so afraid of, is one way to reduce this problem for our kids future.

13. mars 2010, 21:29:01
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: Personal stuff
Artful Dodger:  Certainly u & I have no personal feud.  But there is an undercurrent of that stuff going on.  IMHO it needs to be curbed some.

13. mars 2010, 21:19:24
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: Personal stuff
Artful Dodger:   Was not refering to that, Dan.  I was talking about personal feuds being carried over here.

13. mars 2010, 21:17:25
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: Student Loan Overhaul is attached to the health care bill?
Artful Dodger:  "Pointing the finger isn't productive."  Right!  So both parties should cease doing it.  Maybe new laws should be put in place to stop such things from being tacked on.

13. mars 2010, 21:13:23
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Personal stuff
In my opinion, its getting very tiresome on "both sides" here.  Let's keep that stuff to the flaming boards shall we.

13. mars 2010, 21:08:18
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: not trusting people w/ financial stake on global warming

Artful Dodger:  What about "scientist" who have a huge financial incentive to disprove man-made global warming on behalf of big oil cos & mfg. poluters?  Their "gravy train" would be gone without financial assistance also.

By the way, I love Cool-Aide.  Yummie.  LOL

13. mars 2010, 20:58:35
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: Student Loan Overhaul is attached to the health care bill?
Artful Dodger:  I don't agree w/ such tactics either.  But, the GOP has done the same type of thing many times.

9. mars 2010, 23:23:09
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: The real bigots are on the left.

Tuesday:   That kind of economics & morality go hand in hand.  Sure slavery was about economics, but it was economy based on racism.

My post was in response to Dan's assumption that all racism resulted from progressivism & the Dems.

9. mars 2010, 21:43:00
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: The real bigots are on the left.

Artful Dodger:   You state as the conclusion to this post that, "it's the liberal policies in America that are at fault for ALL the racial problems."

I will certainly grant that neither party can wash its hands of a racist past, & that Dirksen was a hero to the civil rights movement. But, here in the South, we had only 1 political party to speak of until after the Civil Rights Act passed.  Democrats were the only party in this region from Reconstruction to that time.  Senator Thurmond switched parties in '64 because of the Civil Rights Act.  Many of the Dems you mentioned would not be considered "liberals" cuz there was only 1 game in town.

LBJ, whose hands were not clean either, knew he would loose the Dem Party in the South by promoting & signing the Civil Rights Act.  Sure enough, Nixon was able to use a "Southern Strategy" & '68 & '72 to win elections & set up a strong Republican base there.  Many of the Conservative Southern Dems switched parties to the GOP aftewards.  The few that stayed, like Hollins, changed some their positions.  Others like George Wallace & Lester Maddox remained Dems but became loose cannons.  Today, now that all the Party switching has taking place, the Dem. Party, in particular the Progressive wing, is very weak in the Southern states.

But, I agree with you that both parties have a checkered past when it comes to race relations, but there are some compexities, particularly in the South.

8. mars 2010, 17:53:28
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: Growing low-oxygen zones in oceans worry scientists
Tuesday:   Good post from Mclatchy.  It basically states that global warming has been continuous due to depleted oxygen in the ocean related to global warming.  The article cites Oceanographers & studiers of marine biology.  I would trust them more to indicate that global warming has taken place since 1998 than the absolute claims by weathermen who appear on the O'Really Factor to do the bidding of big oil companies.  Just my humble opinion.

7. mars 2010, 22:16:32
Ferris Bueller 
Emne: Re: global warming "deniers"

Artful Dodger:  My local weather lady, who is quite nice on the eyes I might add, is also a meteorologist & knows the science quite well, also.  But, she does not presume to be an expert on global warming.  Niether, to the best of my knowledge, does she do work for big oil cos.  IMHO qualifications do matter.  Monetary interests does have an influence on opinion.  The fact that these 2 guys appeared on O'Reilly Factor does not make them experts.  My guess is that they were doing it for showmanship.  Or, to represent their moneyed interests.  Same for those people who appear on Keith Olberman (sp?)

As for for the absolute assertion that there has been no global warming since 1998, I'm not a scientist & I can't say for sure (& neither can you).  But, I can say that the vast majority of scientists don't hold that view, or the view that a lot of global warming is not man made.

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