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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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7. januari 2003, 02:06:08
Mom of 2 brats 
Might be silly but Fencer, have you ever thought of having 10 minute games? What I mean is....for those whose on-line friends that aren't on to play with at that moment. The people (members) that are on the site at that moment could post 10 minute games and have their exp. date as maybe 10 minutes or so. Then if someone was on-line that they wanted to play with, but not start a new game, could play for 10 minutes. You could maybe have the winner as the person who placed the most pieces and could only offer it to the "Members" as a plus for their membership. As smart as you are, you could put a timer on the game page and the person whose turn it was would have so many seconds to make a play. If they didn't then they forfeited their turn or something. The BKR's wouldn't have to count for these games since they would be set on a timer. It would be just for fun for the members who have to wait for someone to play against.

7. januari 2003, 02:18:02
Onderwerp: Re:
I think thats a great idea Mom, i often sit here for ages waiting for ppl 2 move. Only been on for 14 hours today lol :-)

7. januari 2003, 02:57:10
Mom of 2 brats 
Onderwerp: Re:
Oh wow! Thanks MadMonkey! I'm glad you liked the idea. I know there will be some kinks to work out but I think it would be a plus for the paying members. And I know what you mean about being on for so long! Isn't it just addictive! LOL :)

7. januari 2003, 03:05:09
Onderwerp: Re:
i think addictive is the wrong word, but i can't think of a better one LOL. Still it only 2.05am here in the UK, was getting daylight when i got of last night or morning - whatever LOL :-)))

7. januari 2003, 04:57:01
Onderwerp: Re:
the time limit would have to be a little longer like 30 or 45 minutes since some people have slow internet sevrices.

7. januari 2003, 05:16:47
Mom of 2 brats 
Onderwerp: Re:
I agree....but it would also need a timer on the moves so that someone could not hold the game up for too long in order to win a game. LOL As far as for how long per move.....I have no idea. LOL Any suggestions? :)

7. januari 2003, 05:24:26
Onderwerp: Re:
how about 3 min.

7. januari 2003, 05:35:30
Mom of 2 brats 
Onderwerp: Re:
I think that would be a fair amount of time.

7. januari 2003, 06:46:57
Onderwerp: Re: How bout this?
Poor Fencer, as if he doesn't have enough to do we are trying to add more to his work load. :-) Might as well put my two cents in, you players talking about quick games how about this. Have a link called "Fast Blast" What it would be on the main page a player can put his name up to the "Fast Blast" page and the available time he/she has to spend. Quote what game/s you want to play and/or how much time you have. Then whenever you want to get a game going back and forth for a while click on "Fast Blast" see what available people are up and choose someone. Play the game as normal, being you both are online at the same time just each take your turns. Should someone then have to leave they can go and the game will still be there to pick up later. A time limit is mute as your going back and forth anyway, plus say someone with kids had to stop for say five minutes but would be right back. But if you had a link where you could see the people willing to set out a some time to play you could see who they were and get something going. I'm just adding my ideas to the forum, there has already been some good ones.

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